Rat Race: A Trilogy of Trouble

By Dawn Griffiths


Introduction: A Word About Aurora


Hi. Welcome to the new "NIMH" series "Rat Race". Im Aurora — and Ill be your guide thru this Introduction. Like so many other authors have done, my creator has written herself into this series — and Im the result.

I cant tell you too much about myself right now. That would just spoil some pretty fine surprizes that Ms. Griffiths is saving for later.

But I can tell you, Im going to be a regular member of the cast — in fact, to make certain aspects and elements of my story more sensible, Ms. Griffiths had to do a retelling of certain key scenes from "NIMH". If youd like to see these, let me know — and Ill pass on your resquest. Eventually, youll get to see these scenes anyway, but lets get the seriess main story-line established first, okay?

This first set of episodes is under the working title of "A Triology of Trouble". And, believe me, the story is named as such for a very good reason. I dont want to give away too much, lets just say that sometimes, old troubles can come back to haunt you, which becomes really bad news for my good friend, the now Chief-Aministrator of the Rats New Valley colony — Justin Wilson.

Incidently, we dont have a title for this first part of the story, tho in the end, all the episodes which comprise "Triology" will probably be divided up differently. Feel free to send in your suggestions. In fact, we encourage you (my readers) to interact with the writing of this series. Help Ms. Griffiths to the stories clear and to the point and the details (story and illustrational) straight. Lets all work on making it the best series ever! If you have any suggestions, comments, etc., let me know at kbruch@earthlink.net.

Also, there will eventually be images uploaded for your viewing enjoyment, but Ms. Griffiths has to prepare them first. In the meantime, however, here is an image of myself.

Author’s Note: Believe it or not, this is not some of my best work, but I dont have any really recent images of my Aurora. This was done with Windows 3.1 PaintBrush — and now, I use Paint Shop Pro, the best paint program on the market now, I think. Plus, Ive been practicing a lot.



The Brisby house has been successful moved to the Lee of the Stone, with the combined efforts of both the Rats and Mrs. Brisby herself, utilizing both conventional means and magic.

Now, in spite of the many obsticles, the Brisby home is now safe — and little Timothy Brisby can recover from his illness in peaceful safety. And the rest of the Brisbys can enjoy the beginning of a beautiful, new spring.

But then — looks can be deceiving. Are things really and truly as idealic as they seem …?

[It is the night that the Rats moved MRS. BRISBY’s house. As far as she knows, all the loose ends have been tied up — and the crisis of the night is over. It is bed-time for the BRISBYs — and everyone is settled in for the night.]

[In the middle of the night, MRS. BRISBY’s paws begin to burn, making her toss and turn. When they stop, they start ... to itch — so bad, she has to clench her teeth to keep from scratching them raw.]

[Exhausted, she lays on her back, rubbing her paws on her comforter and staring at the ceiling, going into a staring trance.]

[Her eyes drift to the bedroom doorway.]

[There, she sees the figure of a rat — in fact, one of the Rats — standing there, staring at her piercingly while leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed and one ankle crossed over the other.]

[At first, it seems, she sees this Rat and his surroundings the way she might as if she had been looking at a negative photograph — then, she sees him normally as this strange effect slowly fades.]

[The Rat’s eyes glare at her accusingly; then blaze to a glow from blood-red to a white-gold.]

[It is JENNER!]

[With a loud, gasping cry of alarm, MRS. BRISBY sits bolt upright, staring towards the doorway.]

[Now, it seems, there is nobody there!]

[With an alarmed gasp, MRS. BRISBY jolts awake from the dream, sits up, and looks towards the empty doorway.]

[With her expression of great unease and misgiving, she stares dismally around the bedroom, looking towards each of her children in turn — but her children sleep on peacefully.]

[Looking uncertain, but terribly exhausted, MRS. BRISBY slowly lays back down, rolls over and and eventually manages to go back to sleep.]

[Morning comes.]

[MRS. BRISBY awakes slowly. She sits up slowly and stretches her arms, yawning.]

[She stands up quietly and puts on her cape, wincing in pain because of her paws, and then stares at her welted, blistered paws in shock, seeing the extent of the injury in the soft, morning light.]



(Ow-www! That thing really burned my paws bad. I guess Id better have Mr. Ages... No, I cant ask him — he went with the Rats. I guess Ill Just have Teresa bandage them when everyone else gets up.)

[She goes over to TIMOTHY, who is still asleep as is the rest of the children, and stands with her back to the window as the morning sunlight, coming thru the window, is so bright right then.]

[She smiles as she watches him.]


(His breath. Its so quiet and easy ... )

[She feels his forehead.]


(And no fever.)

[She sighs happily, looking around to the others children, who sleep peacefully in their beds.]


(We can stay here now, as long as we need to.)

[She starts daydreaming, now, about her next thoughts.]


(On some warm day later this spring, when Timothy is strong again, we can move to the summer-house by the brook. Another nice thing is, when we leave, I can close up the entrance, so that no one can find it. Undisturbed by the plow, it will be ready and waiting for us in the fall. Its ours forever. Thanks to the Rats. I just wish there was more I could have done for them.

They saved our home, but lost their own )

[Suddenly, a dark shadow falls over her from the window.]


[With a gasp of alarm, she whirls to the window — and the shadow disappears like smoke, with a motion-blurred flash of gray, red and black.]

[MRS. BRISBY cowers against TIMOTHY’s bed, eyes wide in terror, breathing hard.]


(What was that!? What did I see!? I I ... I was just dreaming last night, … wasnt I!? I ... just couldnt have seen what I thought! I must still be shook up from what happened. That must be it.)

[She remains pressed against TIMOTHY’s bed, trying to catch her breath, a forepaw pressed to her chest.]

[It is the next morning. An overhead view of the FITZGIBBON FARM reveals a NIMH facility truck in the FITZGIBBON’s driveway. A hose leads from the trucks open back door into the now-deserted Rosebush.]

[Pull in now on the BRISBY house in its new location. As we pull closer, we can hear TERESA’s and CYNTHIA’s laughter.]

[TIMOTHY can be seen thru the BRISBY houses window, pulling free of his blankets and stands up in bed, puts his paws to the glass and pushes.]


Momma, … Im tired of bed — I wanna get up!

[MRS. BRISBY and TERESA are sitting nearby, on a root.]

[TERESA has a ball of bandage gauze. She pulls a length out, snaps it off, then applies it to MRS. BRISBY’s burnt and blistered fore paws.]

[MARTIN is sitting near the window, playing with a stick.]

[CYNTHIA is near him, playing with her doll.]



Well, youre not getting up ...

[Suddenly, JEREMY can be heard, calling for MRS. BRISBY in the background.]


:{panting and puffing in background}:

Miss Briz! Oh, … Briz! Where are ya!?


Over here!

[JEREMY appears out of the grass-weeds with a huge bundle of string.]


:{laughing tiredly}:

Well, … I got the whole mess. Theres plenty more where this came from, too. I got connections!

[Then, he notices the different location of the mouse-house.]


Hey! Your house is moved!

[He puts wing over eyes in exaggerated disappointment.]


Oh, no! Whatm I gonna do with all this string?


Youll think of something ...

[MRS. BRISBY giggles gently with amusement as TERESA continues to bandage her paws.]

[JEREMY sighs in dismay, turning away.]



Ah, whats the use? Whats a guy like me going to do with a love nest anyway?

[He turns and starts to walk away, head low walking with a ponderous, heavy gait, towards the grass-weeds, the string trailing from his "grasp" in both "hands" behind him.]

[Then, after several seconds, from out of nowhere, something flies into the scene — and another crow swoops down and crashes into his back, sending both of them sprawling into the tall grass.]



[JEREMY and the second crow go right into the weeds by the impact. The weeds wave about from the disturbance.]


Excuse me, pardon me!


:{innocently; pointing}:

Look, Mommy! Another turkey!

[She comes out from behind a stone she is peeking out from behind of. Then toddles towards the weeds, slowing as she nears them, then stand there, puzzled. We hear the two crows in the weeds giggling together.]


Stay ... right ... there!

[He suddenly bursts out of the bushes so fast, he sends CYNTHIA running, first in a circle, then ducking for cover.]


Miss Briz! Miss Briz! Let me have the sparkly!

[Falls down on all fours — pleadingly — before MRS. BRISBY.]


Girls cant resist a sparkly! Oh, please! Please!



I gave it to Justin.



Justin!? Who the heck is Justin!?


The Leader of the Rats.


:{dismally mimicking her}:

"The leader of the Rats!" Whatll I say? Mrs. B! Whatll I do?


:{as if pondering}:

Well, ... just be ... be athletic!


:{as if relieved}:

Ah, thats right!

[He turns and runs towards weeds.]


Ill just be a little — a-a-ahh!

[He trips over CYNTHIA in the path, who — prior to his trip — curls into a protective ball of fur.]

[JEREMY goes flying into weeds, which tremble from the disturbance — and after a moment, there is the sound of male and female laughter.]

[CYNTHIA, peeking over her shoulder, crawls up to the line of weeds as the two crows inside start giggling again. She peers in, eyes widening, her jaw dropping.]

[We see now JEREMY sitting in his sting tangle with the lady-crow. She also has a string bundle. And both bundles have become irrevocably tangled — together ... ]

[And back with the BRISBYs]:


:{as her sister approaches their mother}:

Mother, did the Rats really go to Thorn Valley?


Yes, they did.


:{looking round towards them}:

Will we ever see them?






[She crawls up to her mother.]


:{amused, but touched}:


[She hugs Cynthia.]


When youre older.


:{voice o.s.}:



:{turning towards voice}:

Oh, … Auntie Shrew!



Oh, Auntie!



Oh, no!

[MRS. BRISBY giggles, drawing CYNTHIA closer lovingly.]

[Overhead, JEREMY and TIFFINY, holding a long length of string between them, fly off together into the early morning sky, laughing with delight to have met.]

[And back with the family, MRS. BRISBY gives her oldest son a pointer on politeness]:


Now none of that, Martin. You be polite to Auntie Shrew — or you wont have any lunch. Understand?


Yes, Mom. But — if she gets on my case again, Ill —


  • youll be still, Martin. Is that clear?


<Sigh> Yes, Mom.

[Again, the shrew can be heard, calling for MRS. BRISBY]:


Brisby! Brisby, where are you!? Where are you!?


Over here, Auntie!



What!? Whatre ya doing over there!?

[The shrew (CURLEW GALDONE) struggles out of the weeds, wrapped and bundled up heavily — and her contemptuous glare goes over each of them, making everyone rather uncomfortable.]


Well, … you see, we moved last night and —


Yes, I know. And it was those hairy monsters that did it. Just who told you to go to those wretched rats to begin with!?


Uh, well — the Great Owl did, but you told me to see the Owl, so in a way —


Well, … it was a very stupid thing for you to agree with and —



But — I had to save Timothy! You must admit, the Rats did help us! They moved our house, … so that Timothy isnt in danger from the plow anymore and can stay here safe — until hes better. They helped us —


Ill say they did! They almost killed us all last night — with their crazy stunt! Those savage, hairy barbarians! They were just plain lucky that they stayed out of my way —

[MARTIN suddenly cuts her off, getting in between her and his mother, brandishing a stick]:


You leave my mom alone or Ill —

[MRS. BRISBY starts to protest]:


Oh! Martin — I told you not to —

[But CURLEW beats her to the punch — and it turns into a shouting match]:


You little brat! You ought to be absolutely ashamed of yourself to talk to me like that, you impudent, little mon —


Ill talk to you any way I want to!

[He throws his stick — and this one is aimed at her, even tho she ducks, glaring back at him.]


And if I still think youre a blabbering ol bull-frog of a loud-mouth —

[MRS. BRISBY stands quickly, coming towards them]:


Thats enough — both of you!


You know what his problem is, Brisby!? You dont disipline him enough! Why, you ought to turn him right over your knee this very minute and —


<Gasp> Auntie!


Well, … you should! You never know what that bratll do next! And I still think your going to those rats was a foolish thing to do.

[She starts to turn away — as does MRS. BRISBY; but then, she adds something that brings MRS. BRISBY up short]:


Why, … do you know, theyre still lurking about? I saw one on my way here — and it was a big gray one, too. Coming from this direction, … so it mustve been lurking about. I dont need to tell you, I wasnt about to stick around!


So go!


Oh, … you see!? You see!? Brisby — ?


Mom — ?

[But MRS. BRISBY seems to be entranced — for some reason.]


<Humph> I can see Ill get no sense outta anyone here today.

[And she leaves.]


Mom? Are you alright?


Wha — ? Oh, yes. Martin


I know. No lunch right?


Right. Now, … what did I tell you —


I know. Im sorry. But she doesnt have to be so ungrateful and —


Yes, Martin. I know. Now, you get on inside. Until further noticed, youre grounded.


<Sigh> Yes, Mom.

[As MARTIN goes inside, TERESA and CYNTHIA play in what is their front yard, and TIMOTHY settles down for a nap, MRS. BRISBY stands there, hugging herself with uneasiness and looking around uncertainly — looking as if she is looking for something, but afraid that she will see it.]

Issue One: Intruder Alert!

[It is some three weeks later: The BRISBYs have made the move to their summer-house — in the place called Summer Village.]

[TERESA stands on a high rock, looking towards the farm house while her twin brother MARTIN and their little sister CYNTHIA plays below.]

[MRS. BRISBY comes out of her familys summer-house below some tree roots. She stands in their door-way, looking around, then looks towards the farm-house.]


Hey, Mom! Is Timmy feelin better yet?


Yes, he is — especially since we really can stay in the block in the winter as long as we need to; hes got all the rest he needed that Mr. Ages recommended before we moved; the farmer is convinced that its far too much work to bother the big stone our house is under and continue plowing around it; so we really are safe there, come winter. <Sigh> Oh, I am so glad the Moving Day problem is really, truly over.

And Timothy is doing so very well — and in spite of our move here to the summer house. The three weeks went by so very fast that I hardly even noticed it at all!

And now the warm weather is here, so we can be in Summer Village with all our friends, since the nights are perfect.

[She looks at her paws; they are no longer bandaged, but the still looks a mild red-pink.]


The burns are finally gone. Its good to have the bandages off. That red Stone.

I — Ive never seen anything do that — ever.

[She looks up towards TERESA.]


What are the humans doing now, Teresa?

[TERESA turns to her mother.]


Theyre ... still there.


The Rats. Theyve done so much for us ... and now, in spite of my warning to them — and their getting out of the rosebush in time, ... the men might still be a threat. And now, after three weeks of their being here, ... in their trailers, ... I really am concerned. Why should they stay so long? That is, ... unless ... ?

[As she speaks, TIMOTHY appears in the window, wrapped in a heavy bath robe, and listens to the discussion at hand]:


Unless, Mother?


They are a threat, Teresa. There is no telling what they may do — or what may happen — with them around!


You really think so?


It is dangerous, where men are concerned, not to consider it — as more than just a possibility, Martin. And the danger to us — and all other mice on the farm, not to mention the common Rats that still live in the barn. If the humans decided to, ... many lives ... could be in grave danger ...


What are you gonna do now, Mama?


... I think ... Ill go up to the farm-house ... and see what I can find out myself, why they are talking too long. I ... dont like the looks of this — not at all. <Sigh> Oh, if only we could live elsewhere! But the truth is, the Rats may yet again be in worst danger, ... if the men figure out whats happening. Thats why I —

[AURORA approaches.]


Good morning, Mrs. Brisby.

[Aurora: Mirina Sertis, Star Trek: TNG.]


Good morning, Miss Griffin.


Isnt it lovely here in Summer Village?


Yes, it is.


How did Timothy take to the move?


Well enough. Its been three weeks. Hes fine now.


Um-hmm, yes.



Aurora, can you please watch the children while Im gone?


Why, ... of course, Mrs. Brisby. Say, did you notice the humans seem to be taking extra long? I was coming back to get my things to go meet and accompany the last team of Rats to Thorn Valley when I noticed that they —

[But MRS. BRISBY is gone.]


(?) … Mrs. Brisby … ?


Mommy’s worried, Aurora.


About the humans.


Shes going to the farm-house then?


Yes. She went to see if she can find out anything.


Mama thinks the humans could be a threat.


<Sigh> Then, she has every reason to be worried, my dears — that is, ... where humans are concerned, because — yes. They can be trouble, a lot of trouble.

[Meanwhile, at the edge of the farmers front yard, MRS. BRISBY hides in the undergrowth, listening to the humans.]

[DR. SCHULTZ is talking with MR. FITZGIBBONS.]


... because Id hate to think those three we managed to gas as well as all that garbage in that hole where the rosebush was, was it, Mr. Fitzgibbons. Why, we have a ton of evidence pointing right to here — like the hardware shop incident.


Yes, … it was in the papers. Six or seven of what you think are possibly your Rats got in there, did some damage, got themselves electrocuted. Do you really think that they were yours?


We have good enough reason to believe so — after how these animals managed to escape my lab.


You know, I dont understand that. Youd think that youd have proper security,

what with taxpayers money and all —

[DR. SCHULTZ quickly, almost hastily, interrupting him]:


Plus, there is what youve told us about your rosebush and how they seem to be avoiding traps with an almost uncanny ease. All very peculiar.


That doesnt answer my question.


... Question?


<Sigh> Never mind; Ill probably never get a straight answer on the matter, ... tho with what I and — God knows — just how many other people pay in taxes, I really deserve an honest answer.


If I was at liberty to discuss the point, sir, I assure you —


Okay, okay, never mind that. I just want to know, so what now?


What now ... ?


Just how much more of my lawn do you Plan to tear up, Dr. Schultz?


Well, I really dont see that its the lawn that needs to be worried about. No. There just doesnt seem to be any further signs of rat activity on — or in — your lawn. Nor does there seem to be any sign on your entire farm. So now, what we are going to do now is to search the entire area. I imagine well start with that local game preserve in the mountains. Lets see — the Thorn Mountains National Forest, I believe. Well have to get a permit. That shouldnt take too long. Now lets take a break and we can —

[In her hiding place, MRS. BRISBY is about to bolt when the voice of an assistant makes her pause]:


Dr. Schultz, sir?




Sir, it seems that we have found a third rat.


Lets see it.


It wasnt in the hole with the other two, doctor.


Where is it then?


It wasnt dead, sir. It was alive — and dashing off into the woods.


Too bad. It wouldve helped to justify our search if we had a live specimen. Well still search tho’, Mr. Fitzgibbons. By the way, what it look like?


Sort of greyish, Id say. And I know youll think this is crazy, but I could have sworn, … it looked like it was wearing clothing — like some kind of a dark cloak.


Youre right; that is pretty crazy.

It must have just picked up a rag or something,

to carry back to its nest — you know, for bedding.


Well, I dont know. Anyway, we also found something else peculiar — about that escaped rat.


Oh? What is it?


It seems it was holding onto something — and lost it when it ran.


What was it? Lets see.

[The ASSISTANT hands DR. SCHULTZ a small square of paper — to which the doctor proceeds to examine with a magnifying glass.]


If I didnt know any better, Id say that that —


Well, … Ill be damned! If youre about to say what I think youre about to, you are right — that rat was carrying a map!


... A map? What — ?


One not made by human hands, I can tell you that! Now, we have a lead and right to the Thorn Mountains game preserve — because this map is of that area!

So, now we have to get a permit to —

[At this, MRS. BRISBY bolts from the scene, puzzled and uneasy — by this last exchange.]

[Back at the block-house, AURORA, TERESA and CYNTHIA sit together, talking; the Healer is holding CYNTHIA on her lap.]

[TIMOTHY is napping and can be seen thru the window.]

[His shirt hanging on a nearby branch, MARTIN is wading around in a nearby miniature pond.]

[MRS. BRISBY bolts in among them, waking TIMOTHY.]


Oh! Mother, whats the matter?


Its bad, ... isnt it, Mama?


Well, that goes without saying — right, Mrs. Brisby? Whatever has happened?



Aurora, I ... I must ask you ... to — to watch ... the children ... this afternoon.

I — I must ... get to ... Thorn Valley right away! Its an emergency!


Oh, no! The humans? What —


Theyre going to Thorn Valley to look for the Rats — they have to get something called a clearance first, but I dont think that will take them long. Its bad, I — I think it means the humans can go there now — in spite of their usual rules of not being permitted there. Oh! The Rats are in danger! I — I knew the humans would be trouble! I ... I just knew it!


Oh, our dear friends! Is there any time for me to and get Aunt Curlew? I can come with you —


No, Aurora. I ... Im sorry; there just isnt time. I must go — now!


Oh, boy, when can we go!?


Oh, boy! Today, today!


Oh, no, sweetheart. I said, when youre older.


Im not older now?


She meant much older, silly — not just a few weeks.


Aw, ... but I wanted to go see the Rats.


I sorry, its too dangerous. I cant bring any of you. I dont want any of you to be hurt —


Aw, Mom


Dont start, Martin, please! Just dont!


Aw, shucks!


Martin! Youre being such a pain!


Am not!


Are, too!


Am not!


Are, too!


Am —


Children, please — not now!


How will you get there?

[MRS. BRISBY bolts, calling over her shoulder]:


Crow! Be back by evening! Good-bye!



Good luck, Mrs. Brisby! Dont worry, Ill watch your babies!



Were not babies.

[AURORA just smiles at him.]


:{to himself}:

I ... hope shell be okay ...

[MRS. BRISBY is in a small tree, looking around.]


(Ahh! Theres Jeremy’s and Tiffiny’s nest, over there in that tree in the farm-house yard! I dont see Jeremy, ... but theres Tiff. Shell probably know where I can find Jeremy! I would sure hate to have to bother her for this errand. Shes probably on a nestful of eggs and doesnt want to have to leave them ... )

[MRS. BRISBY jumps down; it is a small tree, only a sapling the height of a small bush. Landing, she starts to scurry towards the farmhouse yard, but cautiously, not going too fast and keeping to cover, eyes and ears open for trouble.]

[In a nearby tree, a hawk sits watching her, darkened and almost hidden by the foliage of the more mature tree.]

[At its side is a small figure, smaller than the hawk, but bigger than a mouse — also hidden for the most part in shadow; unidentifiable.]

[Both figures are silhouetted against a patch of light coming thru the leaves behind them.]

[The small figure points towards MRS. BRISBY, appearing to be looking up at the hawk as it does so, as if instructing the bird; but it is too far away, too far to be heard by MRS. BRISBY — who does not seem to notice them anyway.]

[The hawk takes off.]

[MRS. BRISBY breaks cover to get to the farmhouse yard more quickly, so she is out in the open completely now.]

[As she scurries along, a shadow falls on her, rapidly growing bigger second by second; startled, she looks over her shoulder — and up.]

[Seeing the hawk, she squeals in terror, making a dash towards a tree, where she takes shelter in the roots. However, its a poor one, because the roots are mostly buried and small; there is not much cover for her.]

[MRS. BRISBY is forced to abandon the tree root shelter only mere seconds — ]

[ — just before the hawk strikes, its claws slashing into the tree-bark.]

[MRS. BRISBY finds fresh shelter under a slab of rock that has a space under it — between it and the ground — due to an inward curving underside. MRS. BRISBY quickly scrambles under there, shivering in fear.]

[The hawk dives at the rock, but the rock is too large to move. However, its dive does disturb the rock; in a sudden cloud of dust, the rock ceiling seems to collapse down on MRS. BRISBY, because of the hawk’s impact but it does not collapse all the way; that is, not yet.]

[MRS. BRISBY squeals in terror, shielding her head with her arms, trembling as she lies there on her belly.]

[Again and again, the hawk dives on the rock; on the third try, the stone ceiling caves down far enough (and hard enough) that it hits MRS. BRISBY on the head; she is knocked unconscious: everything goes black.]

[For MRS. BRISBY, all is blackness for a long time.]

[Then, she faintly hears a soft voice filter thru the darkness.]


Hey! Look, Aurora! Shes waking up!

[His voice gets louder]:


Hey! Hey, Mom! Cmon, Mom! Wake up!


Thats enough, Martin. Not too loud. She may have a headache. After all, she did get hit on the head.

[Slowly, MRS. BRISBY opens her eyes to see AURORA standing over her.]


Are you alright, Mrs. Brisby? That was quite a bump you took.



W-What ... What happen?


Aunt Curlew found you under a rock. Its night now, so when you didnt come back, I sent Aunt Curlew to find you. Dont worry; I didnt leave the children alone. She came over here for a little while before. She managed to scent-track you and carried you home. She was so worried about you, she hovered over you for hours. Finally, ... she fell asleep —





[TIMOTHY and CYNTHIA giggle.]


— then left a while ago. I convinced her you were fine — and that we would take good care of you until you finally woke up. So then, ... are you feeling better?


I — I guess so.

[She sits up slowly, looking dizzy; she is in her bed. She looks around.]

[AURORA stands over her at her right with TERESA. MARTIN and CYNTHIA are on her left. TIMOTHY is sitting on the foot of the bed.]


So, ... what happened, Mom? I guess you never got to Thorn Valley. We thought at first, maybe you were staying there overnight, but then we thought, you would have sent a message ... or something — and told us, huh?


<Sigh> I never found Jeremy.


The crow? Well, ... you found one bird, anyway and not the kind that any mouse

wants to ever have anything to do with — if it can be helped. That terrible hawk almost crushed you under that stone! It was about to pull you out from under it when Aunt Curlew came along. It was ... very strange. She said the hawk flew off the moment it saw her, like it was afraid to be seen. Even stranger than that, there appeared to be a rat with it; approaching it rather. It, too, fled when Aunt Curlew came. It was like it, too, ... was afraid. Afraid, Aunt Curlew said, of being seen ...


:{getting up}:

... Well, <ahem> whatever the reason, ... I — Im just glad ... that theyre gone.

Especially ... that hawk! A rat, ... you say? That is ... odd ...


Youre feeling quite well?


Of course! It appears you have had your paws full with the children all day, so now, its my turn. Now, … I dont suppose youve eaten?


Teresa and I made breakfast and lunch for everyone, then Aunt Curlew helped me with dinner, before she went out. We never finished, tho, because she came back

with you just as we were sitting down; everything was just put up for later.


That is fine, then. Im sure, we are all hungry. Aurora, would you care to help me get the dinner back out? As its night, the humans wont be a hazard; humans almost never work at night. So ... I guess, I can just wait until morning ... and try again —

[She breaks off sharply at the sound of scraping on the roof, her body rigid, her expression startled.]

[The scratching goes on for a few seconds — and stops.]

[A heavy, awkward tension fill the air as they all sit around and stare at each other in fear.]

[Hesitant, MRS. BRISBY calls out in an off-key voice]:


A-A-Auntie ... ? Is ... that you ... ?

[The reply is more (brief) scratching — and MRS. BRISBY pales.]



I — I dont think thats her, children. Sit still.

[She gets up and slowly makes her way to the top of the stairs.]

[The children watch apprehensively as their mother enters the tunnel to the surface.]

[Nervously, MRS. BRISBY crouches on the threshold of her familys home, sniffing the air and listening carefully, ready to retreat at a seconds notice.]

[There is the "snap" of a twig — and MRS. BRISBY feels her pulse quicken; her ears and tail are down as she timidly starts forward.]


(I ... I must be crazy, coming out here — but ... I must know what —... )

[She calls out again, nervous and off-key]:


H-H-Hello ... ?

[A large figure looms out of the undergrowth behind her, paws hooked into claws, poised over her — because it is dark, no identification can be made.]


Is anyone out h —

[The figure behind her seizes her roughly, an arm around her neck, a forepaw going over her mouth as she tries — in vain, perhaps — to cry out in terror.]


<Agh> <Ugh> <Umph>

[MRS. BRISBY struggles and tries to cry out, a muffled sound crossed with a little squeal as she gets her mouth free for a second, but for no more.]

Her captor tightened his grip — and the terrified mother heard the intruder hiss in her ear a raspy warning: "Don’t speak!"

Mrs. Brisby struggled to break free, but it was futile; this creature was much bigger than her … and he had the strength to match. And that voice — no, it couldn’t be — !

Tho’ she had been warned, Mrs. Brisby could not help but to think that there was something strange about this whole situation — and, managing to free her mouth, she whispered fearfully: "Wh-Who are you !?"

The intruder responded in that same rasping growl: "That is none of your business!" He paused, then went on: "Now then, … give me that Stone — or I shall snap your puny neck!"

[At this, MRS. BRISBY cries out loudly, kicking and struggling desperately.]

[AURORA appears in the threshold of the door as MRS. BRISBY squeals, kicking and struggling so hard that her mysterious captor has a hard time holding her still.]

[AURORA, seeing only silhouettes of what is going on.]


Mrs. Brisby!


Aurora — get inside! Protect the children!

[AURORA bolts back inside. When she gets to the top of the stairs]:


Children, hide — quickly now!

[The children, all sitting around the table get up and bolt for cover.]

[Meanwhile, MRS. BRISBY continues to struggle, finally getting her mouth loose]:


Leave me alone!

[But she still cannot get loose, in spite of all of her struggling — and her captor manages to hold her quite well with only one arm, in a choke-hold.]

[And with his free paw, the stranger whips out a dagger with an ornate curve blade which catches the last of the fading twilight — and flashes brightly for an instant, the nature of the object made obvious.]

[MRS. BRISBY’s attacker holds the knife blade-point down in front of her, so that the point is aimed at her heart and she sees it. Then, slowly and menacingly, he raises it, high over his own head — and MRS. BRISBY screams in terror.]

[Suddenly, from out of the tall grass nearby, a second figure appears with a flying leap — and attacks MRS. BRISBY’s captor head-on in a frontal attack, knocking the intruder backwards as this second creature leaps right into the intruders face.]

[MRS. BRISBY falls to the ground, landing hard on her rear with a soft grunt — and the intruders knife lands in the grass a short distance away.]

[At the same time, in black-silhoette view, MRS. BRISBY’s attacker falls over backwards with a snarl of surprise — with the new-comer clinging to his front. As the stranger lands, the second person is pitched forward and off of him — and there is the sound of cloth ripping as the second creature tries to hold on to the first by his clothing on their way down — and a large strip of cloth comes loose from the intruders clothes.]

[MRS. BRISBY bolts into the house, with the sounds of angry snarling behind her.]

And Mrs. Brisby heard the intruder’s enrage snarl after her: "I’ll get you, woman — you won’t get away from me next time!"

[MRS. BRISBY does not stop, but bolts right down into the depths of her little home, plunging down the darkness of the intrance tunnel and comes out at the top of the stairs — where she runs right into AURORA.]

[She cries out in alarm — and he gasps, also in alarm.]


Mrs. Brisby — its okay! Its just me! Cmon!


Oh — Aurora! Where are the others!?


Hiding! My friend, what is that thing out there!?

[Up until this point, the intruder could be heard, snarling — and attacking the entrance of the tunnel. But now, and very suddenly, in is quiet.]


Shhh! … Listin!

[There are noises — pants and gasps — coming from the blackness of the tunnel — and getting louder bythe second.]

[MRS. BRISBY recoils in horrified alarm]:


Oh, dear God — Aurora, hide!


Wh-what is it!?

[MRS. BRISBY gives AURORA a shoves as she repeats]:



[AURORA scampers down the stairs, but pauses when he reaches the bottem and looks back at MRS. BRISBY]

[ — who is staring into the darkness of the tunnel and backing away, wide-eyed in terror.]

[Suddenly, someone stumbles thru the doorway — and falls to the floor at MRS. BRISBY’s feet.]

[It is the Shrew. Panting and gasping, she lays there for a moment, stunned.]

[AURORA hurries back up the stairs and together, she and MRS. BRISBY help CURLEW up.]

[MARTIN emerges from under the stairs.]


Its okay, you guys! Its just Auntie! That thing’s gone away!

[The other children come out: TIMOTHY peeks out from under the table. TERESA peeks out from the pantry. And CYNTHIA peeks out from under the sofa.]

[MRS. BRISBY and AURORA help CURLEW to the sofa.]


Auntie, are you alright?

[CURLEW collapses onto the sofa, moaning and gasping and trembling.]


Oh! Oh! Th-That thing! The terrible thing! It — It nearly had me!

Thank goodness I came when I did — or it would have had you, too!

[She goes to grasp MRS. BRISBY’s wrist but passes out. As she does so, she drops a dark peice of cloth as she faints — the same that she accidently ripped from the intruders clothes when he fell — and inadvertantly threw her.]


Well, I suppose I can help start with dinner now, Mrs. Brisby, since the excitement is over. Okay then, children. Lets help your mother with supper.

[MRS. BRISBY stares down at the fallen cloth on the floor — then slowly, with a trembling paw, reaches down and picks up the crumple wad of black cloth.]

[Transfixed, MRS. BRISBY holds the (unshown) object in her paws — and stares at it for a long moment, then slowly looks up to stare into space — as she thinks]:


(No! Oh, … dear God, … please — no! It can’t be true! It just … can’t … be true!)

[AURORA comes up behind her, looking at her in concern.]


Mrs. Brisby? Are you okay? You look like youve seen a ghost


:{very faintly}:

Perhaps. In a manner ... of speaking


Excuse me, I didnt hear. What was that?


:{rather curtly}:

I — I —Its nothing. Im Im fine. Everything is fine.

[AURORA stares at her in puzzlement as MRS. BRISBY turns away — and hides something in her sewing basket, then moves to assist getting the rest of the dinner on.]

[AURORA moves slowly towards the sewing basket, looking over her shoulder to make sure that MRS. BRISBY is looking elsewhere (in fact, MRS. BRISBY is sitting at the table, staring into space, almost entranced, with an anxious look in her eyes) — ]

[ — and then, she sneaks a quick look into the sewing basket. And freezes. She reaches in with a hesitant paw — and lifts out the crumpled cloth, unfolding it and it seems to unfurl like a flower as she lifts one end — and a gold button appears on the corner she lifts, along with other details of its appearance.]


[AURORA’s eyes growing wide, mouth agape — and she almost drops it.]

[At this time, for the first time in the scene, the cloth is shown, when it has been obscured by shown as crumpled — or not shown at all. Now, its appearance is made clear: It is a black strip of cloth, with a strip of pinkish red on one edge, a raised purple boarder on the other, and a squarish gold button.]


:{breathed whisper; then thought}:

Oh — Oh, no! (It — Its starting! Oh, Justin! What have I done!?)

[Slowly re-crumpling the cloth and dropping it back into MRS. BRISBY’s sewing basket, AURORA turns to watch everyone else, looking as lost within herself as MRS. BRISBY.]

Issue Two: Enemies on the Move


Things are definately not as idealic has Mrs. Brisby thought. Tho’ her family is seemingly safe, once again NIMH threatens the Brisbys friends, the Rats. And, strangely enough, they decide to broaden their search, just when they were ready to leave the farm.

And who is the mysterious stranger? Why did this person seem to deliberately drop a map of Thorn Valley for NIMH to find? And why is he stalking Mrs. Brisby … ?

And what of Aurora? Does she know more than she is willing to tell?


For the next few weeks, Mrs. Brisby — or sometimes either of the older children kept track of the humans from NIMH, always from a safe distance, of course.

In this time, the mysterious intruder that had attack Mrs. Brisby continued to prowl the skies over the farm and seemed to be on a special lookout for Mrs. Brisby, for some strange reason.

Mrs. Brisby, for her part, realized that she had a very unusual enemy in the bird not to mention the strange intruder (Could it really be him !?) that had attack her days before.

Regardless to say, she managed to avoid further trouble from either of these, always watching the sky when out and about during the day and avoiding the night-time shadows, cautioning her children to be equally careful.

And, of course, Aurora helped all that she could, even tho’ there seemed to be something bothering her, something that she would not talk about. Whatever was the problem, Mrs. Brisby sensed, it was something of a sensitive issue with the girl something of an intense embarrassment for her. Every time Mrs. Brisby tried to get her to talk about it, the girl with withdraw from any further conversation. At last, Mrs. Brisby had to simply give up on the matter, for it was obvious that Aurora would not be pressured. Anyway, Mrs. Brisby did have other things to worry about; whatever was bothering Aurora would come out in its own good time.

And then, one afternoon, after Aurora had returned to the Thorn Valley colony …


[MRS. BRISBY is standing over TIMOTHY in his bed, her forepaw on his forehead. Smiling, she pulls back]:


Well, sweetheart, your fevers all gone. I suppose you can get up now, but dont play too hard — and stay inside today.


Great! Thanks, Mama!

[TIMOTHY gets up, puts on a clean shirt, and scampers over to a box a play-things, where he makes a choice and starts playing with his selection.]

[MRS. BRISBY goes out into the main room, where she picks up some mending, sits, and prepares to start on her work when]:

[TERESA enters, running into the room excitedly]:


Mother, loot at this!

[TERESA hands her mother an envolope, with the name "Brisby" on it.]

[MRS. BRISBY opens the envelope — and takes out a letter. Looking it over and seeing whose signature is at the bottem, she exclaims]:


Why, its from Justin! Why, Teresa — wherever did you get this from?


A little brown bird from Thorn Valley just got here — and he asked for you, then told me to give that to you. So, what does Chief Justin have to say, Mother?

[MRS. BRISBY turns her attention to the letter — and quickly scans it. Then]:


Im still not very good with reading, but I think he says that they reached Thorn Valley safely about six weeks ago — and he just wanted us to know that everything is just fine. He wouldve written sooner, but theyve all been so busy that he just couldve find the time until now and hes sorry he didnt write sooner. <Sigh> Oh, Teresa, they made it — safe and sound. And now, theyve got their camp established and can start building their new colony! Isnt that just won —

[Suddenly, trailed by CYNTHIA , MARTIN runs into the house, flushed and agitated]:


:{panting; out of breath}:

Mom! Mom! The humans! Those strangers told the farmer they got the clearance — to go into that restricted area the Rats went! You told me to tell you when or if —

[TIMOTHY comes to the bedroom door, curious to see what all the commotion is]:



<Gasp> Oh, no! Teresa — watch the others! And no one goes outside till Im home!

[MRS. BRISBY rushes to the door — and pauses, as if remembering something important and pulls a small dark blue cloth bundle out of her sewing basket. Then, she bolts out the door to the surface in a flurry — and starts to look around.]


(I hate it, but I have no other choice. I must find Jeremy. … Wait a minute whats that shiny thing in the grass here? OhOh, no, isnt this where that stranger dropped that kn <Gasp> Oh, … good Lord, … no!

How can this be — !?)

[Slowly, she looks down at the bundle in her grasp — and then hurries forward to the object in the grass. She unwraps her bundle — and puts the object she found into it, wrapping it back up (and all this is unshown). Then, she leaps to her feet — and scurries on.]


[And back inside, the four children stand around in numb astonishment. And then]:


<Sigh> Well, I guess this means a few days of Auntie Shrew, ‘cause Mother’s probably going to Thorn Valley now — and will be long getting back. I know Mother said to stay in the house, but we gotta find Auntie now. Cmon. Mother left me in charge, so she wouldnt want me to leave anyone alone. Lets all go.


Uh-uh, not me. Mama said I gotta stay in.


But, Timmy


Its okay. Ill be fine.


Youre sure? … Well, okay. I guess we can go then.


Ah, why cant we just let the shrew come by herself? I mean, if shes so concerned? You know she will anyway — Hey! Wait for me!

[TIMOTHY watches as his siblings leave the room — the girls first, with MARTIN hurrying to catch up.]

[The three older children reach the surface of their Summer Village home.]

[TERESA and CYNTHIA are first, holding hands, … with MARTIN bringing up the rear — the far rear, for he is not anywhere near his sisters when]:

[No sooner do the girls step outside than a large cloth bag envelopes them!]

[In response to his sisters screams of terror, MARTIN hurries up and out, shouting at an unshown intruder]:


Teresa! Cynthia! Hey — let em go! <Ahh-hhh-hhh!>

[His cry is the result of a large, grey-furred forepaw grabbing him, too, around the throat — and pulling him rouchly from the houses entrance.]

[At that moment, from a short distance away]:


Children! Oh-hhh! You beast! Let ‘em go!

[She tries to give chase, but the intruder (the same as before) is too large and fast and all she can make out is a large black shadow, rapidly vanishing into the undergrowth — baring a sack on its back, burgeoning with the older children!]

[As the shrew gives up in huffing-and-panting exhaustion, all stooped over, TIMOTHY runs out to her]:


Auntie! What happpened!? Martin! Teresa! Cynthia! Where are —

[Near tears, CURLEW gathers him to her; she starts to weep as she blurts]:


Theyre gone! <Sob> Their gone! Gone!

[Holding her in return, TIMOTHY suddenly looks over her shoulder — and points out]:


Auntie, … look!

[Both stare in horror as the mysterious hawk appears, taking off not far from them — with the intruder mounted on its back, still clutching the sack of the abducted BRISBY children! The intruder possesses transportation — a bird of prey! Fleeing the area, the bird, with its mysterious rider and cargo, flies right over MRS. BRISBY, walking along some distance away, but neither party seems to notice the other.]

[Meanwhile, CURLEW, getting over the surprise, looks around for]:


Timothy? Lets —Timothy!?

[Looking all around, she suddenly sees him — on the back of a little brown sparrow (probably the same from Thorn Valley) — and he is in pursuit of the fleeing intruder!]



[TIMOTHY glances back and down to her as he, too, is taken away, albeit his own accord.]


:{shouting back}:

Dont worry, Auntie! Ill be back! We all will!

[He speaks to the bird — as they go]:


Thanks for sticking around! I could never make it by myself.


Hey, no problem! I needed the break before I started home anyway.

[In dismayed shock, CURLEW watches TIMOTHY disappear on his winged mount, in pursuit of another bird-rider.]



Oh — Oh, Brisby

[Meanwhile, MRS. BRISBY is enroute to Thorn Valley herself — on the back of JEREMY the crow. In her lap, she carries her small cloth bundle, which seems bigger now, as if it was added to.]


I really appreciate your help, Jeremy. This is an emergency — and I dont think Id make it in time to make any difference, not with out your help.


No sweat, Miss B! Anything for you!


Are you sure Beatrice wont mind you gone all afternoon?


Naw, no problem there. Tiff’s visiting her momma today — shell be gone as long as I will. Hey, hows the air back there?

[MRS. BRISBY’s cape whips into her face for a moment as she says]:


I dont know what ever possessed you to think Id love this! I dont, I never have and I dont think that I ever will! I must be out of my mind, … doing this —

but I dont have the time to split ends!


Hey, its alright, there. Theres nothing to be so up-tight about.

I fly all around here every day. Theres nothing to it. All ya hafta do is hold on to your hat — whatever a hat is.

[They hit a patch of air turbulance that causes JEREMY to dip alarmingly — and an alarmed MRS. BRISBY looks like she is ready to loose her lunch and it seems all she can do to hold onto her bundle]:


(Well, thats easy for him to say! He doesnt have to worry about falling off of his back!)



[Meanwhile, in Thorn Valley, it a make-shift office inside a tent, Chief JUSTIN WILSON is busy, catching up on documenting his folks history — in NICODEMUS’s journal.]

[As he works, a female Rat enters. She is a pretty young creature in a full pink dress with long sleeves — and medium red hair, done up in a pony-tail of loo-loo curls. She has beautiful turquoise eyes. She seems rather shy, but full of friendly smiles — as she approaches JUSTIN, seating at his desk.]

[The girl Rat stroles over to JUSTIN slowly, with her paws clasped behind her back — around the handle of a picnic basket. She speak with a soft Irish brogue]:


Hi, Justin. Whatcha doin?

[JUSTIN answers without looking up]:


Adding to Nicodemus’s old journal. Someone has to record our history.

And this is the first real chance Ive gotten to do this. And Im so far behind!

[He pauses to yawn, wearily rubbing the palm of one paw over his tired eyes.]


Oh, Justin. Ill bet yeve got no rest since we got here. If it isnt helping with the building itself, its working at that thing.


:{returning to work}:

Uh-huh, yeah. And your point being ?

[ISABELLA seems taken aback by his disinterest. She tries again]:


Well, I mean, dont ye think its about time for a break? … Uh, Ive got a nice picnic lunch here

[JUSTIN pauses, but does not look up from his work]:


Well, thats very nice of you, but I really ought to try to get some of this done.


Are you sure, Justin? You look awfully tired and —

[JUSTIN looks up wearily now]:


Look, Bella, Im really kinda busy right now, okay? Why dont you go find Willis and do something nice together. You can share your lunch with him, right?

I just don’’ have the time right now.


:{put off}:

<Sigh> Yes, Justin

[Slowly, ISABELLA turns and walks out, disappointed.]

[JUSTIN returns to his work as ISABELLA leaves, bot watching her go. For a long moment, he keeps on with his writing.]

[At that moment, JUSTIN’s twin brother ARNOLD enters]:



[Irritated and impatient by now, JUSTIN slaps down his quill pen — and snaps]:


Dammit, Arnold! Youve got to be the fifteenth person in here today, bothering me about one thing — or another! How the hell am I supposed to get anything done —

at this rate!?


:{taken aback}:

Well, brother, you are our Chief now — and a lot of us have questions about our orders thru the day, … yknow?


Yeah. Look, Arn, Im sorry. Ive had a real tiring day — and I guess right now,

I really have more to do that needs to get done than I can really handle all at one time. Yknow, stuff that shouldve been done yesterday — or weeks ago.

Maybe Isabella was right about getting some rest



Um, well, Im afraid theres more pressing business at hand.


<Sigh> What?


Well, uh, we — we, um, have a — a bit of a problem here



What is the matter with you, Arn!? Cmon — out with it already!

[ARNOLD blurts out — and runs on hysterically]:


Our supply of seeds have been burned, all our fishing nets have been vandalized, most of the food that we brought with us until our crops grow has been stolen, our freshly Planted crops were torched this morning, and all the irragation canals have been dammed up! Don’t ask me what happened!

I just found out about all this minutes ago!

[JUSTIN leaps to his feet]:


What!? You mean to tell me that there’s someone out there, deliberately sabotaging all of our work!?


God, … I dont know! How should I!? What do I look like — a psychic!?


:{to himself}:

Then, what could be —


:{suddenly, still hysterical}:

Justin, the Plan’s a flop! Jenner was right —


:{suddenly and sharply}:

Jenner was not right! We obviously need to be a little more efficient around here,

it sounds like to me! Stop blaming ghosts and shadows!


Justin, were gonna starve! He was right! Maybe we oughta go back


To what!? We cant go back — and you know it!

[ARNOLD hushes at his brothers out-burst and just stands there uneasily — as JUSTIN regards him, slowly sitting back down, staring at ARNOLD as if he were crazy.]


:{slowly, in disgust}:

You want to quit. Is that it? Why, … quitting is how you try to solve every problem, isnt it!?

[With his raise in voice, the Chief bangs his desk with a fisted forepaw, causing everything on it to jump.]

[ARNOLD jumps, started. He replies at once from nervousness, sarcastic and cheeky]:


Well, what else would you suggest, … Chief!?

[For a brief, awkward moment, both stare at each other, shokced and unable to move right away.]

[It is JUSTIN who finally moves the first move]:


:{sounding drained}:

Alright. Alright, Ill call a meeting — and see what can be done it improve efficiency here. Because we just cant quit.


I dunno. I just dont believe its a question of inefficiency. Every signs points to purposeful destruction.


I just cant believe one of us would do anything like the things you’ve described.


Oh, yeah — well, you didnt see what I saw before I came to report it all. Youd believe it then. I just cant imagine who —


Neither can I. That is, unless (No, thats stupid. That can’t be right. Like I said, we cant go blaming ghosts and shadows for our own mistakes. I mean, ... I was just dreaming that night, wasn’t’I? I fell down and hit my head — and had a crazy hallucination, thats all Isn’t it ?)


Unless what ?


:{distractedly, then starting out with Arnold in tow}:

Huh? What? Oh, nothing. Cmon. Weve got things to do.

[Meanwhile, somewhere over a stretch of lonely forest]:


How much further, Jeremy?


Only a few more miles, Mrs. B.


How much longer?


Not much. Were almost there. Why, should I go faster?

[He makes to do so, jerking forward suddenly from the speed increase — and MRS. BRISBY is almost thrown from his back!]



<Yee-eeek!> No! You’re doing fine, Jeremy — really!

[She looks over her shoulder suddenly — just as she hears the call of a hawk!]


Why, thank you, Mrs. Briz


Jeremy! Theres a hawk behind us!


(!) What!?

[Cawing, the hawk dives at them, brandishing its claws as it dives!]

[JEREMY, too, dives — in the general direction of the woodland below.]

[The hawk speeds its decent, forcing the same of JEREMY.]

[MRS. BRISBY squeals in terror — the hawk’s talons are only inches from her back!]

[JEREMY makes it into the woods — and sets about trying to loose their pursuer.]

[The hawk is persistant, tho — and refuses to be shaken off, causing JEREMY to fly even more recklessly than usual and he flies right under a low hanging tree limb — which is too bad for MRS. BRISBY ]

[ — who is knocked right off of JEREMY’s back, while looking over her shoulder at the hawk, thus unprepared for the blow. She plunges down — and manages to catch hold of a twig, which she pulls herself up apon — and makes her way along the limb, up to the trunk, where she stands up to see if she can see where JEREMY went.]

[As for JEREMY, he looses the hawk — more by accident by design, when he crashes into a bush while flying low.]

[The hawk does not see him — and flies right by.]

[After a moment, JEREMY emerges, covered with leaves, with a vine caught around his body. Managing to shake it off, he flies back to where MRS. BRISBY anxiously awaits for his return.]



[Meanwhile, back in Thorn Valley, JUSTIN and ARNOLD return to JUSTIN’s office — and flop into the chairs around the desk, JUSTIN in his and ARNOLD into the guest chair, fanning himself his a folder — as heat waves dance thru the office.]


<Ugh> Its so damned hot today! And no water with the irragation system dried up. So, what did the council decide?


You oughta know. Werent you there, too?


No, the heat was too much. I spend most the morning in the pond, taking a swim.

At least, I was cool there. I did, uh, … have a little trouble — with a net.


<Chuckle> Oh, so it was you that caused that weird report this morning, … something about someone getting caught in a remaining net.



Oh, you heard about that? Yeah. That was me. I was up to my neck in pond water and moss with a net over my face. Boy, was I silly? So, what happened?


Well, you know them. They could barely decide at first. But then they —

[Suddenly, the youth WILLIS (ARTHUR’s apprentice) enters]:


Justin, … someone to see you!


I dont know, Willis. Were kinda busy right now and —


But, Justin — its Mrs. Brisby!


What? Why didnt you say so? Send her in!

[WILLIS hurries out of the office tent — and returns with MRS. BRISBY and ISABELLA in tow, who is conversing with MRS. BRISBY]:


and to think that you turned out to be no stranger to us at all after all!

Im sorry I so mistrusted you the day you came to us and I found you in our library.

Goodness — I was so rude, turning down all of your questions!


Its okay, Bella. We all make mistakes.


Well, thank you. Anyway, here we are. Ill see ya later. Willis — cmon!



[He remarks to Justin and Arnold}:


Heh. I promised to take her on a picnic. Seems she couldnt get the person she wanted, whoever that was. So, I promised to fill in. See ya!

[As WILLIS leaves, JUSTIN stiffens slightly at his words, but says nothing — as ARNOLD smiles]:


Still got it, dont ya? Still wooing the maidens without any effort? And boy, shes got it — bad. You oughta admit, shes got a thing for you.


So does every other young lady in the colony. Get off it, Arn. Its nothing. Itll pass.


Y’know, I seem to recall hearing you say —

[JUSTIN cuts him off — as he turns to MRS. BRISBY]:


Mrs. Brisby! Its good to see you again! So, what can I —

[From the moment that she entered JUSTIN’s office tent, MRS. BRISBY looks likes she has been holding something in — and cannot anymore; she blurts out]:


Oh, Justin!

[She runs up to him as he comes to her — and she grabs both of his paw in hers.]


I have some terrible news! It threatens the lives of everyone in your colony!


:{with a glance at Arnold}:

You mean theres danger to New Valley Colony? What — Whats happened?


:{aggitated almost to tears}:

Its NIMH! Once again, they think they know where you are! Theyre coming here! O-Oh — Oh, Justin, I — Im so sorry! Im so sorry for you all!

[JUSTIN and ARNOLD stare at her in shock, then glance at each other; then]:


Oh — Oh, my God! Are you sure? What happened? We all thought for sure that theyd think it was all a wild goose chase, thinking we were there — when they dug up the rosebush and found nothing!


Thats just it! They did find something!


They did? What? We were thorough! What could they have possibly found!?


Not what, Justin. Who rather, … I think


Who? But there was nobody there by that time! I dont understand.


Neither do I. Im just saying what I heard.


Wait a minute. This doesn’t even add up. First of all, the fact that we were all supposed to be out of there by that time. But this stranger — how did they associate a solitary rat with this place — especially when they were only interested in the farm!?


Thats what really doesnt make any sense. Justin, that strange rat the NIMH men saw. I heard one of them say it had a map — of Thorn Valley. It the one who saw this rat said it looked like he dropped the map on purpose!


B-But — But who — !?

[At that moment, outside, Aurora approaches — but she hesitates to enter, when she hears]:


I — I just dont know. But I did hear them say that the stranger had grey fur. And he was wearing some kind of a cloak. Yknow its strange, but I just remembered, theres been a strange — a rat, in fact, … I think — whos been harrassing me. But Ive never got a clear look at his face. I think he was looking for —(!) Oh, God, … no. Justin, you dont suppose —



No, of course not. That just cant be. We all know what happened — dont we? It — Its gotta be someone else.


:{nodding deperately}:

Yes! Yes, of course! Youre right! Thats so stupid, isnt it? How silly of me.


Yeah. What a proposterously unacceptable notion, … huh? I mean —


Yes! Yes, like you said — we all know what happened.

[Both sit unmoving for a long moment — quite unaware that someone is eavesdropping outside]:


(Theyre in denial, arent they? Both of them. So much evidence, staring them both in the face — but they just cant accept it, neither of them — cant they?

But Im in no position to judge, am I? This is all my fault! But how can I tell them! Theyd hate me — if they knew the truth! Oh!) <Choke>

[Overcome by some private grief, AURORA spins around a flees, paws over her eyes, fighting to keep from weeping.]

[MRS. BRISBY suddenly does start to weep]:


Oh — but NIMH! Oh, Justin! What will you all do!? Youll all be doomed!


Oh, hey! Hey! Dont cry. You got here in time to warn us. Thats whats important now.



Well, <sniff> I — I suppose


:{to Arnold}:

Right, Arnold? … Arnold? Arnold!

[For JUSTIN’s twin brother seems to be catatonic with horror.]


Jesus, Arnold! Not now!


What is it, Justin? What wrong?


:{going to Arnold}:

He doesnt handle stress well. He gets like this when theres trouble sometimes.

Arnold, cmon. Wake up. Snap out of it. Cmon, Arn, wake up!

[JUSTIN gently shakes his brother — until, little by little, ARNOLD seems to come around.]

[Coming out of it, ARNOLD is suddenly hysterical, almost shouting in terror]:


NIMH!? Coming here!? I knew it! I knew it! I told you so, Justin — didnt I!?

Dammit, … I told you so! I was right — and so was Jenner!


:{disgusted at this}:

Arnold, … for God’s sake, will you just —

[ARNOLD goes on — but as he does so, he seems to have trouble breathing, hyperventilating]:


Were doomed! Doomed! First, the Plan a dud! Now this!


Stop it! Arnold, relax! Youll give yourself another asthma attack and get sick again — and the last one nearly kiiled you! Get a hold of yourself!


:{struggling in Justin’s grasp in panicked distress}:

B-But NIMH is coming! NIMH is coming! <Gasp> Oh, God, save —

JUSTIN:{shaking him again}:

Hey! Will you relax already!?

[Trembling and gasping in his brothers grip, ARNOLD starts to cry in terror]:


I — I c-cant relax! W-Were all gonna die — and youre telling me to relax!


Arnold, … shut up!

[JUSTIN tries giving ARNOLD a light slap, trying to snap him out of it; but ARNOLD’s asthma is really acting up now as]:


Th-Th-The Plan! <Gasp> R-Re-Revise!

[Somehow, ARNOLD manages to break free from JUSTIN and collapses on the floor, sweating, trembling, gasping, and writhing about — as the other two look on in shock.]


Arnold — Quick, Mrs. Brisby! Get his medicine — from my desk draw!

[As he helps ARNOLD back up into his chair, MRS. BRISBY quickly and frantically goes thru’ JUSTIN’s desk — and finds an inhaler.]


Is this it!?


Yes — throw!

[MRS. BRISBY throws the inhaler to JUSTIN — and he uses it on ARNOLD.]

[In a few moments, ARNOLD catches his breath — and sprawls exhaustedly in his chair.]


Are you okay now, Arn?


Yeah — Im fine. Thanks.

[After a pause, MRS. BRISBY turns to JUSTIN — and]:


What will you do now … ?


I have no idea. It looks like we may have to move on — but theres no where else that we can go to. When we made the Plan, a lot of organization and Planning went into where we would go — we knew and had Thorn Valley prepared long before we came here. But now, … I just dont know. Especially now, … with a lot of our females either expecting badies — or already raising children.


Well, … you could hide out somewhere temporarily, … couldnt you?


Why, … yes. I suppose thats an answer. There are places in the valley that are concealed enough to make exellent temporary hiding places for the lot of us. And it shouldnt be too hard to temporarily dismantle what weve done so far, … to conceal our doings. Were just camped here with tents and anything substantial that weve made has been taken down — and, please, dont ask me why or how; its a long story. Anyway, youre right. We can hide — until theyre gone. In fact, we can hide in the caves, I think. Theyre not done being turned into real living space yet, … but we can hide there until further notice, until its save to come out and get back to normal lives. In the meantime, … can you go home — and listen for any more news?


:{racing out}:

Oh, yes! Ill go get on it at once!


Good luck, Mrs. Brisby! Now, Arnold, lets see what we can do to repair the Plan.

Issue Three: The Awful Truth


For Justin Wilson, the Chief Administrator of the new Thorn Valley colony New Valley, the unthinkable has happened.

There seems to be either an alarm level of ineptitude among his workers — or some unknown party is intentional sabotaging their efforts!

Could this have anything to do with the mysterious strange who keeps hounding the Brisbys?

If so, what does this strange rat expect to gain?


[Once outside, MRS. BRISBY looks around — and has come some distance away from JUSTIN’s office tent when she sees JEREMY, who, in turn, sees her, comes in for a landing — and crashes into the foliage of a tree, promptly falling to the ground and landing in a thick thorn bush. He extricates himself, groaning and moaning from the pain of thorn pricks — as MRS. BRISBY dashes up to him.]


Oh, my goodness, Jeremy! Are you okay!?


As soon <ouch> as I get <yeoch> these <oof> thorns <ow> out of me!


Oh, those look painful.


Not as much as your thorn-bundle, Mrs. B.


Thorn-bundle ?


:{pulling out Mrs. Brisby’s bundle}:

Yeah, this thing! Got stuck on the back of of my tie during the chase with that vulture! Been sticking me all the way back!

[MRS. BRISBY stares in horror at it, then snatches it from JEREMY … and says]:


Uh, … I have to stay for a little while longer, Jeremy. Can you come back again later?


Why, sure, Mrs. Briz, … but whats the —

[Before he can finish his sentence, MRS. BRISBY bolts back the way she came, back in the direction of JUSTIN’s office tent.]

[As she runs thru the area, concealed from her site amidst the shrouded bushes, a dark, shadowly, and sinister figure crouches, watching her go past with glowing yellow eyes that narrow into cruel slits as the stranger watches her. The shadow gets up — to slowly and secretly follows MRS. BRISBY at a discreet distance — and remains unnotice by MRS. BRISBY.]

[MRS. BRISBY reaches JUSTIN’s office — and ducks right in.]



Mrs. Brisby! Back so soon … ?


I never left. I didnt get a chance — because I just remembered. There was something else I have to tell you.


There was … ? What … ?


<Sigh> Justin, … I have something to show you. And I hope to God it doesnt mean what I think it does.

[JUSTIN watches with an expression of partially concealed dread — as MRS. BRISBY comes to his desk, sets down her bundle and slowly opens it — to reveal the shread of black cloth with its pinkish-red and purple lining and its gold button. And the mysterious intruders knife.]

[At the sight of these objects, JUSTIN leaps to his feet, staring down at the things on his desk. He is suddenly trembling — violently. He has turned so pale he is as white as a sheet — and looks ill with sudden fright.]


Oh — Oh, … my God. I — I think I recognize these. I know what they are.

Wh-where did you get these things?


Remember, … I told you I was being harrassed by the stranger I told you about?

He attacked me in my yard some weeks back. My neightbor drove him off. She made him drop the blade — and torn the cloth from his clothes. Justin, … Ive only seen something like that cloth on only one person before. Oh, … please, Justin, … tell me Im wrong!


:{sitting back down}:

I wish I could — I really do. But you arent. Weve been in denial about this whole thing, havent we? The both of us. But no, Im afraid its time that we faced the truth — and stop kidding ourselves — isnt it?


<Gasp> No … ! Oh, God! You — You mean, … it’s true … !?


Sit down, my friend. I have something I have to tell you, too. No one believed me when I first told them this. They convinced me I was hallucinating — and by God,

I wanted to believe that I had dreamed it all up. But in light of the evidence

how can we continue to deny what happened to me that night — right after your house was moved.


Wha What happened … ?


<Sigh> It was right after your house was moved, Mrs. Brisby. I — I dont know why I felt like I did at the time, but I felt like something was wrong. Wed just finished camoflaging your house while Mr. Ages was seeing you and the children to bed. We — We couldnt find a couple of the, … uh, … the bodies

We had Nicodemus, … but we couldnt find Sullivan — or


Oh, no …


Everyone thought that the bodies must have sunk in the mud — just like your house almost did. We looked for them, … but all we could find was Sullivan’s knife. We never found any hint of him at all — no where. But no one knows how Sullivan’s knife came out of his back.


Oh, … dear God …


Well, … as you can imagine, none of that sat too well with me. When everyone else stopped looking, … I continued. I took my search further afield than everyone else did, … which I knew was stupid. He was dead, right? Its not like a dead body can just get up and walk away, right? The body must have sunk, just like everyone thought, right? Thats what my rational mind said — but not my instincts. I guess you could say my hackles were up. Which is why I took my sword. By all rights, I shouldnt have needed it — but, dear God — I did!


Go on

[As JUSTIN describes what happened next, the scene fades into the following flashback]:

[JUSTIN, his sword in hand and apparently very tired from the nights exertions, has taken his search some distance from the main ground at the worksite, on the cloudy, stormy night of the BRISBY house move. He is now in a grassy area — and close to the rock MRS. BRISBY uses to hide from the hawk. As JUSTIN walks along slowly from weariness, his head down, he hears the snap of a twig getting stepped on — and looks up]:

[A figure about his size moves along the path up ahead of him, moving away from him.]

[Because it is so dark, JUSTIN squints, trying to make out what appears to be another rat.]

[At that moment, with a deafening crack of thunder, a brilliant claw of lightning lights up the area — just as the other rat turns for a backwards glance.]

[The brief light makes identification now possible and JUSTIN gasps in horror — as he recognizes the other rat.]

[It is … JENNER — he still lives!]


:{whispered hiss}:


[Glaring at JUSTIN, JENNER draws his recovered sword — and slowly advances — ]

[— as does JUSTIN.]

[They both end their advance on the slab of rock, slowly circling each other — and quite surprisingly, JENNER does not seem quite as injured as one might have thought — somehow.]


Where do you think youre going!? You’re not getting away that easy!

You’re finished now, … you traitor!


What makes you think I was trying to get away? It is you who shall not escape — this time!

[At this, JUSTIN charges viciously — and for the second time that night, their duel is re-hashed.]

[As the duelists exchange bone-jarring, limb-numbing blows, the stone slab they fight no wobbles — and tilts beneath their weight.]

[JUSTIN nearly falls, but manages to stay on his feet — ]

[— but JENNER looses his balance and falls. Landing, he rolls out of the way of JUSTIN’s down-swinging blade — and rolls right onto his feet. As he does so, he snatches up a rock — and flings it at JUSTIN with all the force that his hate can give.]

[The blow catches JUSTIN right in the forehead, knocking him down. As he lands, the already stunned hero hits the back of his head on the ground, knocking him semi-unconscious.]

[This part of the flashback ends and]:


and even tho I was mostly knocked out, I could just barely make out him —

standing over me again, a moment later, getting ready to do what Sullivan stopped him from doing before. I dont mind telling you, I was scared to death, … but I couldnt move — I was too dazed even to sit up, let alone get up! I could only lay there, begging him not to do it … (No! No! God, … please!) … and doing what I could to try to shield myself, even tho I knew it was futile. God, … I couldnt even look then! … Even tho no one believed

what I had to say when they found me, it was a major miracle that I didn’t die right then! Because … I’m sure I would have!


:{shaking her head}:

Oh — Oh, … dear God! What happened next!? How did you escape!?


Well, … it seems that someone was coming, … looking for me, I suppose.

Jenner ran off — and the next thing I knew, Arnold and Willis ran up to me.

I could barely understand a word they said, either to me or each other,

because my head was pounding and my ears were ringing — yknow, when I hit my head during my fall. Well, Willis took off — and Arnold held me. Took care of me. Hes always been so timid, I was the one who took care of him, before NIMH, before we came to the rosebush, then here — where we hoped to have such a contained, isolated existance that he wouldnt need my constant protection. He wouldve been eaten alive in the old days — if I hadnt been there to take care of him. And now, here he was, taking care of me!


So, Arnold and Willis drove Jenner off — and saved your life,

even tho they didnt didnt know it yet — and didnt even believe it when you told them?


Yeah. God knows, … I — I tried to tell Arnold, while we were waiting for help. But I was delirious. Im sure I didnt even make any sense. I guess I was easy to see why they thought it wasnt true. I was delirious from a bad head injury. I couldve been imagining anything — and sworn to God it was real. They convinced me I was dreaming — and I accepted it, because it made more sense and it was easier to accept that than to accept the fact that the guy who tried to kill me twice that night is still alive!


Oh, dear God, Justin … !


Yeah. And they still wouldnt believe me, even after I was healed and my head was clear enough to know real from fantasy — or so they made me doubt.


Healed … ? What do you mean? You cant mean you recovered that quickly from a head injury. I thought it was a bad one.


:{visuals shown with this dialogue block}:

Oh, … you dont know, do you? You remember, Aurora was Nicodemus’s apprentice, as well as his care-giver. He was her teacher. Said she had great gifts worthy of his training. Her first talent has made itself known. Shes a psychic healer! I came to fully — and found her kneeling over me, with her paws on my head — and they were glowing, glowing with a white-gold light! Took the pain and ringing away and made the bleeding stop! Ages checked me right after and said I was fine. His leg was also healed, by the way. Willis wanted him when he went for help, but Ages complained that he couldnt walk fast enough. Thats when Aurora said she could help and healed his leg — even his cast was desolved.

Willis brought her to me at once instead, but Ages and a lot of the other came, too — to see what was going on. And to think, of all of them, no one believe me. And, eventually, they had me so convinced that I was hallucinating that night, that I didnt believe me anymore either! But — its true! Jenner is still alive — and somewhere at large!


<Gasp> And hes been harrassing me! What do you think he wants!?


Honestly? Id say, … the Amulet! He couldnt have see you give it to me. He must think that you still have it!


Why, thats right! When he attacked me, he demanded the Stone — or else!



It figures. I shouldve known hed find a way to make it thru’. He seems to get the short end of things, then the next thing we know — Well, you know what Im getting at. That bastard must have a goddamned charmed life or something!



<Gasp> My children! Theyre home all alone! If he thinks I have the Stone —

and goes there to look for it — Oh, no! What if he finds them!?


This is really getting serious. Our Plan has failed. NIMH is planning an attack.

Your children may be in danger. And its all that treacherous bastards fault! Him — and he shouldnt even be alive! Look, Mrs. Brisby, if you think hes gonna be a threat to your children, I advise you get home and collect your children. Come back here with themb your home isnt safe — not with Jenner on the loose! You and your family can be better protected here, by all of us. So if —


Yes! Yes, I must —

[Suddenly, she sees a large shadow thru the tent wall — and whoever it is, it appears to be armed with a spear of some kind.]


<Gasp> Justin, look out — behind you!

[JUSTIN jumps clear as the figure lunges right thru the tent wall and the crudely widdled wooden spear goes right thru the back of JUSTIN’s chair — where he had been just seconds before!]

[As MRS. BRISBY dives for cover, the tent wall tears free — and falls on JUSTIN, so neither see their attacker. By the time JUSTIN gets out, the intruder is gone.]


Mrs. Brisby, … are you alright?


Yes, … I think so. Im fine. You?

[JUSTIN holds up the collapsed tent curtain — ]


Uh, … I — Ill get back to you on that.

[— and observes the damage done by the spear: a long, wicked gash — big enough to pass thru’. In fact, he is looking at MRS. BRISBY right thru that huge gash, looking ill-at-ease.]


<Gulp> Oh, sh —…


Oh, … well. I think the children, at least, are safe. We know where he is now.



Justin called out the guard at once. Tho’ he declined to say just who he thought it was, for some strange reason (where the guard was concerned), he made it clear that there was an intruder in New Valley Colony, who had to be captured at all costs. Unfortunately, the hunt for the intruder was unsuccessful; whoever it was was just too clever and cunning for Justin’s foot soldiers.

Luckily, anticipating that she might not get home for some days, Mrs. Brisby sent Jeremy back with a message for the children to get Auntie Shrew to watch them in their mother’s absense.

Jeremy, finding no one home at the Brisby house, returned to Thorn Valley, but he was unable to find the children’s mother — in fact, he was unable to find anyone; other problems made themselves priority for anyone that Jeremy might have otherwise found, for later that day, NIMH arrived — and it was a mad scramble to get everyone hidden before the humans saw anything.

The rats took as much food and water as they could and hid in the caves they work preparing to modify into living space of luxuriant as anything they had in the rosebush. They hid successfully for three days before the humans gave the whole hunt up as a wild goose chase. And Thorn Valley was left in peace once more.

Or maybe not as much peace as they themselves would have thought, for in the interim, other problems just got worse …



[JUSTIN, ARNOLD and MRS. BRISBY enter the office tent — and sit down, but before they can really get situated, the twins father JACKSON enters — and motions ARNOLD to come outside, where the two of them quietly talk. And back inside]:


Its good to be back on track, isnt it, Mrs. Brisby?


It certainly is. We really had a time, playing tag with the humans, didnt we? But for all the running, it was worth it to see them get discouraged — and finally leave.


To be sure. NIMH is out of our hair — and the Plan is back on track. Its been nice and quiet lately — enough to get all our tents back up and my wall repaired.

[He motions to the wall behind him — it has been pinned back into place and the gash on it sewn up.]

[MRS. BRISBY does not look convinced at this, tho’.]


It has been quiet, … hasnt it? Theres still the matter of … him. Justin, … I — Im worried.


<Sigh> Yes. I know. So am I. No one has to tell me that my tails on the line, so long as hes out there. I can just imagine what he’d probably like to do to me. <Shudder> Weve got to find out —

[Suddenly, ARNOLD bursts into the office]:


Justin, we gotta talk — now!


Cant it wait? Were kinda —


No, it cant!


Dammit, Arnold! Whats so damned inportant this time that it cant wait? Cant you see were busy?


Well, if youd give me a chance — its very important! I just received confirmation! Its sabotage, all right! And the cave digging equipment was just destroyed, too —

so we cant even mine our winter shelters! And its intensional — there can be do doubt! Someone wants us all to starve! And worse, come the winter weather! Why, ... we — well freeze!

[JUSTIN and MRS. BRISBY look at each other.]



I can bet we both know what each other is thinking right now, Justin.


:{at first, low and distant; then loud and angry}:

Yes. Yes, … you can. Because youre right. That son-of-a-bitch!

[ARNOLD and MRS. BRISBY jump in alarm at this sudden, uncharacteristic show of hostility.]


:{puzzled and alarmed}:

Huh? Whore you talking about?


Hes really pushing me to the limit — not that he doesnt already! Well, … he wont get away with anything this time — I swear it!


But who!? Who are you —


Im not crazy, Arn! I wasnt dreaming that night! He —

[Suddenly, TIMOTHY dashes in — ]


Mama! Mama!

[— and before his mother knows it, he leaps into her arms.]


Im so glad I found you! Ive been looking for days!



Timmy! How — What — Why — I thought I told you — Timothy, … what are you doing here!?


Mama, please! Something awfuls happened! The others — theyre gone! Auntie Shrew and I couldnt stop him —


Him!? Oh — Oh, no! Justin —


Who did this!?


It — it was a rat! A big grey rat! Bigger than you, Chief Justin! I didnt see who it was — but when I came out, he was leaving with a big sack on his back! And the sack was moving! Martin and the girls — they mustve been in it! The big rat — he got away on the back of a big hawk! I tried to catch him, but I couldnt. I lost him. So, I came here to find you, Mama — cause I knew this is where youd probably be!



Oh Oh, God! My children! My children! He’ll <Choke>


Oh, hey! Hey, Mrs. Brisby! Dont cry! Itll be alright! Well save them. Damn that bastard! I’m really gonna get ‘im this time!


Justin, wha —


Cmon, Arn! We gotta go get a search party together!

[With JUSTIN leading, they all rush out.]



[Meanwhile, unaware of the rising dilemma, WILLIS and ISABELLA sit together by a stream below an old oak.]

[They are stretched out on a thin blanket on the grass, besides a half-emptied picnic basket.]

[WILLIS, laying on his side with his head propped up on one paw, listens attentively as ISABELLA speaks, her mood and tone dismal]:


... and then, ... he just told me to go do something nice. Barely even looked at me.

<Sigh> Oh, Willis, ... when will he notice me?


Justin’s a leader now, Izzy.

[ISABELLA looks contemptuous at this, but WILLIS goes on, obliviously]:


Our leader. Hes got a lot of responsibilities now. He doesnt have time for romance.

[He pauses, watching her, then goes on, sitting up]:



I ... really do wish youd reconsider. He hasnt got time for you, ... but but I do.

And Im much closer to your age than he is. Why, he was already a grown-up when we were both born, back when Rose Colony was started. He really is too old for you. There are, I know, a number of the other young females who are much closer to his age that hed be more than likely to take up with. You arent the only available girl in the colony, yknow —


:{almost arrogantly; indignant}:

I am almost of age now ... and Ill bet that Im just as pretty as any of the other girls!

Besides, he almost took up with a girl his own age once — my own sister Beatrice. And that didnt work out. Maybe older girls arent for him! Yere just jealous cause hes so handsome n sexy n attractive n nice — even if he doesnt realize that hes all that ... and cause Im interested in him — instead of ye! He —... Oh, but why am I tellin ye this?


Bella, … I —


Ye dont understand, do ye?


Well, ... I — I just hate to see you ... tormenting yourself like this ... over someone youll never get to have. Why, everyone knows you dont stand a chance on getting him to —

[ISABELLA turns on him at this — ]

[ — making WILLIS jump in alarm and break off, taken aback by ISABELLA’s seeming hostility.]


Ooooo, how could ye!? Here ye know how I feel about him ... and how hard it is for me tget him ... and now ye go n say — And ... And how dye know I cin never have im? Has e told ye he wont have me? How do ye know!? How cin ye say I — I dont stand ah chance!?

[Angry and resentful, she turns from him; after a long, awkward pause]:


Please reconsider, Izzy. Justin has no time for you. But ... I ... I do. I ... I like you, Izzy. I — I always have. If ... If you ... youd ... only give me a chance, ... even half of one. Izzy, ... please. If ... youd only ... just have me, ... at least ... for a day, ... just a single day, ... I — I promise that I —


Willis, ... I ... I dont love ye. Yere ah good friend. I do like ye alright, ... but as a friend. I dont love ye. I ... I want Justin. I want him to love me — especially after what happened.


You mean, ... with what Jenner did — ?


Yes! Please — dont! Just dont say any more! I dont know why I confided in yah, ... why I even bothered! I shoulda jus kept it ... between me n Aurora!

Willis, please! I just want Justin. I want him to love me. Yere just not the same. It isnt ... right ... for me. Please. Not ye, ... not now ...

[For a long moment, there is silence as ISABELLA becomes oblivious to WILLIS’s presence, her head pouted, eyes closed; she seems to be struggling with emotions.]


... Izzy.

[He pauses, touching her shoulder.]


Look at me. Please?

[ISABELLA pulls away, shaking her head, her voice tearful]:


No, Will. No. Thats ... my final word, I —

[WILLIS pulls away, taken aback, looking crossed]:


Bella, ... for goodness sake, what do you want me to do!?

[ISABELLA turns to stare at him with angry, glistening eyes]:



[He looks at her questioningly as she goes on, crossed and cold]:


I want ye ... to go away. Go away — n just leave me alone!



[He catches her angry glance]:


I mean, Bella! No!

[ISABELLA stares, seemingly at nothing at all. When she speaks, it is as if in a trance]:


Im not mad at ye, Will. I know what yere thinking right now, ... that thats what yere worry about. I do like ye — as a friend. I ... I just dont love ye. <Sigh> I just wanna be alone, just for a little while. Please, Will.


... <Sigh> Alright, alright. I — Ill go away for a while — and explore or something. Ill come back inna little while. Uhm, ... I ... know its probably a total loss, … but, uhh, ... I, uhh, ... I hope — I hope you liked the picnic.


Uhm, thank ye. Yes, it was ... lovely. Ah, look, Will, I I think ... Im gonna start back now. Okay? So ... if Im gone when ye get back, dont worry — Ill clean up.


Uh, ... uh, sure ...

[Looking uncertain, he turns away, starting off, glancing back to see ISABELLA stand up and start, rather slowly, to fold up the blanket.]

[ISABELLA, for her part, looks forlorn, a longing expression on her tear-moist face.]

[Sighing, WILLIS starts off — as ISABELLA pauses to watch him, then starts back, picnic basket on one arm, blanket on the other, going slowly, oblivious to the beautiful scenery around her.]



[Meanwhile, WILLIS walks slowly along the wooded path with his paws behind him, clasped. His head is down and his expression is that of semi-thought, a mixed mood.]

[Suddenly, he hears the snap of a branch being stepped on, accompanied by the rustling of undergrowth.]

[Abruptly, he stops, staring ahead. Ears pricked, he sniffs the air in deep uncertainty. He proceeds slowly, thinking]:


(Its ... another rat. A male, by the smell. One of ours, ... I believe. How strange, I almost recognize that scent, but — I dont remember who. I wonder that hes doing way up here — and so far from the camp? Another picnicker maybe? Others smells, too. Mice, it smells like ... more than one. And young ones, too a little male ... and a couple of little mouse-maids, I think. I I wonder why the scents are all mixed up together, tho’? Our kind rarely have truck with mice, ... let alone children — and NIMH-altered rats like us dont have any inter-action with mice ... or any other kinda beast, … for that matter — not at all. That is, however, with the exception of the Brisby family, Miss Aurora, Gregory, and Mr. Ages. But the Brisbys didnt come with us — and the others are down in camp. So what —... ?)

[Creeping ahead quickly, but silently, he comes thru the thick undergrowth to the neighboring path, looking around.]

[Not far up this path, the undergrowth is still moving, but becoming still again, becoming motionless.]

[Nervously, WILLIS creeps forward silently in this direction, cautiously sniffing and listening. He notes that there are foot tracks on the ground.]


(Rat tracks. A lot of em; all the same. Whoever it is has been coming thru here a lot. And ... theres that mouse smell again. It smells like theyre all together. And not far from here, either.)

[Curious, but cautious, WILLIS follows the rat tracks and the scents, thinking]:


(Strange that there are no mouse tracks — just the rat. If the mice and the rat are so associated, if I judge by their scents, then where are their tracks? Youd think that they would leave tracks, too — that is, assuming that they came willingly. Maybe theyre injured ... and couldnt walk. But then, why didnt he bring them to us — if he is one of ours? I think he is — the smell ... certainly seems like ours. And if he wasnt, he still couldve let us know. But a non-NIMH rat doing this; now that, I just cant see. But that scent its one of us, Im sure.)

[He comes to a rotten log, half-buried in the dirt, with much undergrowth all around it and growing out of it, some of it trailers of moss.]


(The scent seems to indicate hes been staying in there — with those mice.

But why here ... and not in camp?)

[He proceeds, pausing in the entrance while his nose wrinkles.]


(Phwew! It smells like something died in h — !? Yikes!)

[He sees, a slight ways into the dark, the pathetic remains of some poor creature, all festooned with webs ... and there are also bones scattered everywhere as well as webs.]

[WILLIS tries to calm down his jangling nerves]:


(Uhm, ... not to good a house keeper. <Humph!> Ill bet that the owl takes better care of his tree house — than whoever it is living in this dump.)

[He proceeds cautiously into the log, still sniffing ... and comes across an opening in the right side of the rotting passage — and sees the red-gold flicker ... of firelight coming from inside.]



(Hello! A-Anybody ... h-home?)

[On guard and ready to run at the first sign of trouble, WILLIS proceeds to the door ... and sees the following: a small, crudely widdled wooden bed in one small corner; a table and chair of the same type; a woodbox of also the same type; an almost all-stone fireplace; and a water bottle — that is, a large clay jug of water. And hanging from a hook on the wall is a dead bird — with a crude, widdled spear thrusted thru its heart, its throat savagely ripped open.]

[WILLIS gasps in horror, paling, a paw at his own throat.]


(My God! Wh — Who in the world — ? We — We dont eat meat ... like other rats, common rats — not if we can help it, ... not if we can grow our own food like we do — and spare other creatures from having to be food. Who Who is it ... t-that lives here? Wh-Who is the world would — !? Whats that?)

[At that moment, he notices a pit in another corner with a raised edge — and also a crude wire grid over it. It is nailed down and has a crude door, wired closed, as well.]

[Frightened tho he is, WILLIS moves towards it.]


(I — I wonder, ... is ... t-this guy ... k-keeping livestock — or something? What if ... !? Those mouse smells! God, no! Oh, please, God — no! I — I know common rats ... sometimes ... eat —... But ... no. Oh, no. Not one of us. It cant be one of us! Please! He cant be eating ... !)

[Slowly, as if fearing what he might find, WILLIS looks into the pit ... and sees three mice. Children. It is MARTIN, TERESA, and CYNTHIA. MARTIN is pacing around while his sisters sit in a corner, huddled together in fear. CYNTHIA is crying soundlessly, her little face burried in her sisters lap, clasping onto the skirt with little fists, and TERESA is trying to comfort her, an arm around the younger girl.]


Dont worry, girls. Ill thinka sumthin before he gets back. I — Ill get us outta here. I wont let im hurt either of y —


But Martin, ... h-he —


Hello down there, children! Hey! Little ones, … why are you like this, in this cage? Who did this to you?

[CYNTHIA screams and cries loudly now, cowering — and WILLIS is taken aback, startled by her outburst.]


Mommy! Mommy — help us! Help us, Mommy! <Sob>


There, there, Cynnie, dont —

[MARTIN picks up a stick and starts swinging it in WILLIS’ direction]:


Go on, just try sumthin’! I aint scared o ya! You touch us — any o us — you gonna be big sorry! Now you get outta here!

[WILLIS smiles in amusement at MARTIN’s bravado.]


Hey, calmly there, little fella. I aint — uh, ... I mean, ... Im not gonna do anything to you.

[MARTIN stares at WILLIS, blinking in bewilderment, then he turns to his sisters.]


Look, girls, ... its not the same one.


Yes, thats right. I not ... the same one, whoever did this to you. Who are you little guys and — and what are you doing in ... this awful place?

[He looks around in disgust and fear.]

[MARTIN drops his stick.]


Im Martin. And them twore my sisters — Teresa and Cynthia. Are you ... one of the rats, sir — one of the good ones?


"Good ones"? Yes. Yes, ... I am.


From that NIMH place, ... right?


Uh, yeah. Yeah, thats right; were from NIMH.


Then youre one of the ones that helped our mom move our house.


Moving your house? Your mother, ... you say? Then you guys must be Mrs. Brisby’s kids. I thought there was suppose to be four of you. Two girls, I know — and two boys, I believe. That right?


Yes, sir.


Then wheres the other little boy? I hope whoever put you here didnt uh, do anything ... to — to him ...


Oh, no, sir! Timothy


Timmy got way.


Yeah. Our little brother was in our house when we were took.


The big rat couldnt get at him, because Timothy was inside at the time.


The big — ? Who — ?


Are you one of Captain Justin’s guards?


Chief, hes called Chief now. Chief Administrator, but we all just call him Chief — for short. No, Im just an assistant engineer. Apprentice-In-Training to Arthur.

You can call me Willis. Now then, whyre you here in this — this stink-hole?

Who did this to you? Whos ... the big rat?


We dont know who he is. We —


All we know is, a big rat took us from the garden ... and brought us here ... on some kinda bird, I think. We were flyin — werent we?

[He turns to his sisters.]


Didnt it feel like we were flyin — right?




He brought us here — all lumped together in a sack. Boy, if you wanna talk about uncomfortable, try getting around crowded together like that! Then he just dumped us into this pit cage and wired the door shut. Hes so big and ... and mean — but ... I wasnt scared!



[He glances at her, but does not reply.]


Were, too! Were, too — jus like us!


Well, I —... uh ...

[TERESA turns to WILLIS]:


We tried to get up to open the door, but the sides are way too steep and smooth that we couldnt get a grip.


Hm, no traction, huh?


Yeah. Will you open up the door — and gets us a rope, ... please?

[WILLIS locates a rope on the floor, tying one end to the wire bars and throwing the other end to the BRISBY children. Then he goes to work on the wire on the door.]


Thanks. Thanks a lot! I told ya wed get outta here, girls.


I suppose you can take us to your colony? Mother might be there —

since shes been coming here a lot lately. She was on her way here when we were taken. She might be here now!


Mommy! Mommy! I want my mommy!

[WILLIS is still at work on the wire.]


Why, sure. Dont you worry your little blond head there, little missy. Ill see to it that you all get to your "mommy". But now then, why were you taken by this rat anyway?


Cause o the Stone — the Stone!

[WILLIS pauses, startled, staring down at Cynthia — with foreboding alarm.]


Stone, ... you say?


He kept talking about a Stone. He said that he would keep us here — until he had it. He told us that Mother had it — and once she gives it to him, hed let us out. He left just a while ago, to go and find Mother ... and make her give it to him. He said we were his ... his hostages — and that the Stone, whatever it is, was the ransom ...

[At this, WILLIS is working frantically on the wire, terrified. Half to himself]:


Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I — I didnt know who it was before, but now — now, I do! I ... I gotta get you kids outta here! The Stone. Its the Amulet, it — its gotta be the Amulet! And the big rat is ... ! It must be! Who else would want it enough to — ? He mustve somehow survived — just as Justin said! Oh! Oh, God! Why!? Why didnt we listen to Justin? He was right — right all along! If only wed listened! But no — and now were not prepared! Oh, God! How can we deal with this!? I I gotta get you outta here!

[The three children glance at each other in confusion.]


Huh? You know who the big rat is, dont you? Well then, who is that guy, anyway?


Never mind! No time to explain now, just start climbin’! Quickly! Were in danger!

[The children move towards the rope.]

[WILLIS goes on, looking around in fear]:


Were all in terrible danger, kids! Big trouble if he gets back, terrible trouble and — and —


We tried to pretend we didnt understand, but then he got so mad and yelled at us for a long time, raving like some kinda loony ...


Yeah, ... like ... he was blamin us for somethin or other, like it was somehow our fault. Its just like Teresa said — the guy, he was actin real crazy, like a loony ... or sumthin’.


That, he is, if its who I think!


And then, he just went away.

[MARTIN adds, fearfully now]:


Thats not all — either. If Mom doesnt give him that Stone, ... h-he said ... he he was gonna ... t-take us — a-and — and he was g-gonna — w-was g-gonna —

W-Well, ... h-he made it ... pretty clear, ... h-hes not gonna ... l-let us outta here — a-alive ... if ... if —

[CYNTHIA squeals, bursting into renewed tears.]


<Gulp> Oh, God! Oh, my God!

[TERESA looks horrified.]


Martin! Dont say things like that!


Sorry. But I didnt actually say he was gonna — gonna — I mean, ... our friend gets the idea. Right?


I can imagine!


Besides, … Im not saying anything either of us dont already know. We all heard im say what hed like to do with us if he doesnt get this Stone and —

[Again, CYNTHIA squeals in horror, crying even harder — and TERESA seems to do what little she can for her — as they climb.]



Oh, Im gonna hit you, Martin! Stop it already!


Okay, okay! Im sorry!


Its okay, Cynthia! Everythings gonna be okay!

[CYNTHIA continues to whimper, but her crying ceases.]


:{to Willis}:

Sir, what is it with that Stone? Is it the one that Mother said she got us out of the mud with? She never told us — exactly — how she did it, ... but, well, how? How could a little Stone?


There! The wires off. Now lets —

[There is a noise in the tunnel — the web festooned skeleton falls clattering to the ground, the joints breaking apart, the bones skittering everywhere.]

[WILLIS freezes, going on softly]:


Oh ... Oh, no! Look, kids — hide in the shadows. Hes comin back!

[In the pit cage, the children all huddle together in a shadowed corner in a little group, trembling in fear, crying out in alarm.]


<Shh> Be quiet — and stay put. Ill see what I can do to get you out!

[Abruptly, WILLIS turns from the cage pit with its three cowering prisoners.]

[WILLIS looks around frantically.]

[Spotting the dead bird, he rushes up to it — and fighting back nausea and disgust, he wrenches the spear free from it — in a sudden mess of blood and feathers ... all over the place — and on him, making him yip]:


<Aie!> Oh, ... yuck!

[And in the cage-pit]:


Martin, wha —



[He drops his tone to a whisper]:


Well wait until both go — if they do. Then —

[CYNTHIA suddenly squeals shrilly]:



[Alarmed, the others respond at once (TERESA with a gasp of alarm) as they both grab her and put a paw each over her mouth, their paws overlapping in the process. They look up in fear, trembling, tho CYNTHIA looks indignant at the restraint.]

[Clutching the spear nervously, WILLIS looks over his shoulder, whispering]:


<Shhhh>, you kids! Please, be —

[His head turned, he does not see the other rat enter (and all we see of him is a forepaw, heavily cloaked in shadow) — not until the other rat seizes WILLIS’s spear — and in trying to rip it free of WILLIS’s grip, violently breaks the barb right off.]


Huh — !?

[The pressure on the spear and the sudden movement related to its breaking gets WILLIS’s attention and he turns to face the other rat, stumbling back in shocked fright, terrified. He backs away fearfully — ]



[ — as JENNER emerges from the shadows, glaring hatefully at WILLIS, his eyes narrowed and teeth bared — as he vehemently whips out his sword.]


(!) Jenner!

Issue Four: A Close Encounter With...


While attempting to decypher the clues relating to the past few weeks bizaare occurances, Chief Justin and Mrs. Brisby have come to a most alarming conclusion: the duel-to-the-death that occurred between him and the blood-thirsty traitor and assassin Jenner Genre is not finished! He lives — and he is Mrs. Brisby’s mysterious stranger — the one who tried to lead NIMH to the new colony, the saboteur and the kidnapper of her children!

Meanwhile, Willis has taken his leave of Isabella during their picnic to go investigate his strange sighting — and now finds himself looking down the business end of Jenner Genre’s sword!


[JENNER advances menacingly on WILLIS.]


:{retreating slowly}:

No! H-How can it be!? Y-You Y-Youre dead — I mean, everyone thought that you were —I — I mean, … h-how!? How can you still be alive after — ? No! It It cant be — It just cant be you!


:{shouting in rage}:

Traitor! You all would have left me to die in the mud!

[At the word "die", he smashes what is left of WILLIS’s spear with his sword.]

[WILLIS gasps in horror, continuing to back away. He has gone pale, his teeth bared in terror. He manages to stammer out fearfully]:


Justin was r-right! He ... He wasnt dreaming that — that night he — he fell! H-He warned us, tried t-to — to warn us ... a-about y-you! A-And we — w-we didnt listen! W-We ... all thought that he was ... was d-dreaming, crazy, …

delirious from his fall — a-anything! W-We ... all s-shoulda known ... that ... y-you wouldve —

[JENNER continues his advance with his sword held up in WILLIS’s direction, grimacing a grin of iron, an obscene expression of madness, rage, hate, and triumph as he finishes for WILLIS]:


That I would survive? Yes, I was to be King. And the whole lot of you let that meddling upstart Wilson kill me — or try to, ... then, … you all left me for dead!

I cannot imagine how it was ... that I managed to survived, ... but I did. Much to the future misfortune of all of you, ... especially Wilson! When I get my hands on him,

... he will beg for me to kill him outright, for I will make him suffer in his death!

Then I will be King — and everyone will see what a folly the Plan was; nay — is!

[Slowly, WILLIS continues his retreat — with the tip of JENNER’s sword before his face and he cannot take his eyes from it as he backs away, groping behind himself — possibly for a weapon.]


I-It ... Its ... you then, ... isnt it? Just like — like with Nicodemus, ... like ... how ... y-you ... killed him, ... you — y-youre th-the one, … th-the ... the o-one ... th- thats ... thats been —


— been sabotaging your foolish Plan — yes! Go on, say it ... for it is true. Yes, I have been vandalizing all of your efforts ... and when everyone sees what a farce

the whole stupid thing really is, theyll all gladly accept ... my guidance, to save them all — from their unfortunate folly!


Then its true! The Plan, it would be working, if not for — for you! Y-You — Youre the reason why the Plan’s not been working! The sabotage, the vandalism, the crop burnings, the ohh, my gosh, the humans! The map — the NIMH men had! A-And — the strange rat that left it for them — that was you! You didnt just loose that map — you left it for them, ... didnt you? You wanted them to find us, to come and ... and kill us all! It was you! It was you — all the time!


A perfect revenge it might have been, too, … since you all left me to die. But I am glad that you all managed to avoid them, since had you all died, ... I would have had nothing left to rule. However it may be, ... had that happened, I would have just come out of hiding ... and borrowed the Stone


That Stone only works thru Mrs. Brisby! We know! Other’s have tried — and no one else can make it work!



Oh, but I have my ways, my little friend! Yes. Oh, yes. That Stone shall do my bidding, that is, when it is mine. If I had it back at the old colony or if they were to come here to this place, … you see, … the NIMH men would not have a chance!

[WILLIS stares at him in horror, eyes widening with knowledge.]


Oh, no! Thats why you wanted it! Not just for the power, ... but to ... to —


To save my dear folk from their folly, … my little friend. And you are wrong about the Stone working solely for the mouse woman. You see, … I have developed a spell to enable me to wield it — just as well.


So ... thats it! You ... You wanna play God, some kinda savior! Supposingly save everyone from folly ... even tho we were all doing fine! Youre the one making danger and trouble for us! What for? Just so you could ... "save" us, ... then tell us that the danger that you made was somehow our own fault ... even tho we all knew we hadnt a choice, we had to get off the farm, especially with NIMH coming? And the Plan, ... it was working — not until you started to meddle with it — and — and then, you say that were engaged in some kinda folly, that you say you are gonna save us from? Who ... do you think you are, anyway, with this God syndrome behavior of yours? Who gave ... you the right, the right to judge and manipulate and deceive us like that!?



God, eh? If that is what you wish to call it, then the first one that I shall hurl down into damnation is your friend little Wilson! He will pay for his continual, insistent meddling — with his worthless life! Oh, … but yes — indeed, … my little friend!

I shall make him pay and dearly! <Laugh>


If If you think youre some kinda god, ... then — then ... youre also a devil!


What is the difference, eh? Both are but variations of the same principle ...

of moral contortionism!


... Huh?


Both types of entities are ultimately in the same business, you know; that of judgement, manipulation, and deceit — as you so put it, my young friend!


But I — I thought the one was supposed to protect you from the other!


Ha! Then why did the one make the other, assuming that you believe in such nonsense? Its a symbiotic partnership, ... dont you know? Both are after the same thing ... as partners. Control! Control and power — over anothers soul! Both simply execute their modus operandi ... from opposing ends.


You mean, ... the humans God and their Devil are in collaboration!?


Review to yourself the stories we all have heard, my friend, ... and you will see that nothing could be more likely! A fine lesson ... in the art of anipulation; but again, assuming such beings exist. Ha! Being well enough familiar with such tactics,

neither of them shall claim me as their "property"! Neither can touch you without your consent. And neither of them, if they exist, have my consent to my soul! Still, the stories that we read about it in that humans mansion did prove, after all, to be ...

very enlightening on such wonderful tactics, ... did they not, eh?

[WILLIS does not answer, but stares at him in fearful defiance.]


I have learned quite a lot on the matter. It is what has made me such a success in politics now. How else do you think I was able to sway the council to agree to help the mouse woman ... and to set up my little trap for old Nicodemus? The art of deception and manipulation, my little friend! They are skills that serve me so very well!


:{fearful, but defiant}:

Deceit and manipulation — ha! You would know a lot about all that kinda thing, ... wouldnt you!?


You dare speak that way to me!? Hold your tongue, you insolent little brat!

[WILLIS is silent now, cowering; JENNER goes on]:


Now, … enough of this! I have better things to do than discussing the foolish religious philosophies of humans — and with an enemy! … So then, what to do with you, eh? You see, ... you have seen my little secret. You have seen ... far too much.

Like ... where I currently stay, ... not to mention my little guests — who by now have undoubtably told you just why they are here.

[Gulping hard, WILLIS trembles, trying to back away.]


Yes, … you have seen — and heard ... far too much.


<Gulp> Please, ... please — wait! L-Lets —


So Wilson will just have to wait, ... along with the Amulet — that is, until after I take care of you, ... so my presence remains hidden, ... until I am ready to come out.

[He continues his advance, his sword now at WILLIS’s throat.]

[Horrified, WILLIS cowers back, gasping, continuing to retreat.]


N-Now, ... wait a a minute! L-Lets talk — Lets t-talk, uhh, th-this over.

P-Please, wait, w-we can be c-civilized a-about this! I — I c-could go t-t-take a m-message to Mrs. Brisby … a-about th-the St-Stone — and — and —


No, … that will not do. I have my own way and time for her to find out ... about her dear childrens ... presence — in my ... "care". And — I do not need for that meddling little upstart Wilson to be warned about me in advance, you see. He does not need to learn that he is correct ... about my survival any sooner ... than is adsolutely necessary. So

[He continues to advance.]


:{still retreating}:

No. No. Wait a — a minute ... P-Please, I — I — I —

[Suddenly, JENNER lunges at him, swinging.]


Oh, no!

[WILLIS ducks with a squeal of terror, trying to fend off the blow with what is left of his spear ... and JENNER slashes that it half with such force, the spear is torn from WILLIS’s paws, making WILLIS squeal again and cower — as the next blow is aimed at his head, making him leap back, trying to protect his head and neck with his arms, scrambling. He retreats into the corner, where JENNER pursues him.]

[JENNER continues his advance ... and lunges for another blow as WILLIS scrambles up on the pit cages mesh — and springboards off of it — as JENNER lunges to run him thru’.]

[JENNER’s momentum is so great, he cannot stop, skidding right into the raised edge of the pit cage as WILLIS leaps over his head, bolting for the exit.]

[In the pit, the three mouse-children cry out in alarm, cowering, first from WILLIS’s manuever, then from their captors glaring sneer that they stare up to meet before he, too, disappears, leaving them alone in the chamber.]

[When he is sure the two rats are gone, MARTIN turns to TERESA and CYNTHIA]:


Okay, cmon — theyre gone!


… Martin?


We gotta get outta here before they come back!

[He starts to climb the rope, with TERESA following and CYNTHIA on her back.]

[Meanwhile, WILLIS bolts on all fours up the tunnel entrance, onto the surface so abruptly and so fast, he disturbs the nearby long grass, making it rustle at his passage — as he leaps clear from the tunnel, landing on his feet. He bolts down a steep slope, which is so steep that he starts to skid on loose soil, one foot suddenly hits a rock — and he goes into a rolling tumble to the bottem, grunting all the way down as he bounces along the uneven surface.]

[Sword returned to it sheath, JENNER follows, also stirring up the grass, but managing to keep on his feet — as he pursues the terrified youth.]

[WILLIS runs and runs thru the woods — every time he looks back, JENNER is right behind him.]



Youll never escape me, you spying meddler! You must die!

[WILLIS, as he runs, whispers to himself]:


Oh, no — no!

[The chase goes on — halting abruptly on a cliff.]

[WILLIS sees that he is trapped — right over the Trout River. He turns to go another way — ]

[ — and there is JENNER, blocking WILLIS’s way, drawing his sword.]


:{a backward step puts his feet at the cliff-edge}:

O-o-oooh-h-h, ... n-n-no! N-N-Now, wait! W-Wait a minute! C-Cant w-we ... talk th-this o-o-over? L-L-Lets Lets be c-civilized! I ... I —uhh ... Pl-P-Please, l-lets ... t-talk ... t-t-this over


Silence! The time for talking, ... my little friend, ... is past!

[As he speaks, he slowly advances.]

[WILLIS cowers back, moaning in fear, looking pale and ill — as JENNER holds the tip of his sword at WILLIS’s chest.]


Now, you have a choice ... of how you can die. Either you stand your ground — and I run you thru’. Or ... you dive over the cliff — and into the river. I would recommend ... the river. <Chuckle> You have a better chance — to live.

That is, ... perhaps! <Laugh>

[WILLIS looks over his shoulder, down at the raging river.]


B-But, … I I — I c-cant —... P-Please!

[Pale with terror, WILLIS turns back to JENNER]:


I — I ... c-can’t —... I — I can’t ... s-swim!


I know, my little friend! That is what shall make your choice so interesting.

<Chuckle> Even if you could, ... what a challenge it would be — for anyone ... to survive — in that raging current! <Laugh>


Y-Y-You — Y-Youre ... Y-Youre m-mad — m-m-mad! Ab-A-Absolutely ... i-i-insane!


<Laugh> Perhaps.

[WILLIS gulps hard, trembling.]


Is it not great? But now, ...

[Becoming grim, JENNER resumes his advance.]


... this game must end!

[WILLIS falls to his knees, paw clasped beseechingly]:


:{near tears}:

N-N-No! No, … please! Dont — D-Dont make me d-drown — pl-pl-please! Pl-P-Please! I ... I — I b-b-beg y-you, … pl-p-please,

d-don’t drown me!



<Laugh> If you refuse to take that risk, youth, then I see I shall just have to slash off your head — and push what is left of you in, ... headless — and dead!

[JENNER closes the gap between them, lashes out and grabs WILLIS’s hair, forcing the boy to stretch his neck and hold up his head; JENNER raises his sword.]

[WILLIS squeals in terror, cowering, his paws at his throat, frozen in terror for a moment —]

[ — and abruptly leaps off the cliff, squealing in fright, pulling his hair free from JENNER’s grasp.]

[JENNER comes to the edge of the cliff to watch ... and sees that WILLIS has grabbed hold of a tree root extending out of the cliff, and is pulling himself up on it ... and he begins to climb along the cliff, up to a forest path, rapidly, and looking over his shoulder at JENNER, then scrambling madly.]

[JENNER snarls in rage — and begins to circle around to intercept WILLIS’s path.]

[Before WILLIS can escape, JENNER intercepts him — and charges.]

[Rapidly forced back, WILLIS backs away rapidly, leaping backwards — without looking —]

[ — right over another cliff — ]

[ — and this time, there is nothing for WILLIS to grab onto, even tho he tries to find purchase on the cliff face]:

[The cliff face bulges out as WILLIS plunges — and WILLIS makes to grab at it, just to discover that it is soft soil. His claws penetrate the surface as he falls, ripping the dirt, leaving deep grooves — and tearing out small chunks of the soil ... ]

[ ... as he plunges down into the Trout River, screaming, floudering in a sudden flurry of bubbles and foam.]


<Laugh> (Right into the Trout River. He shall be drowned now for sure ...

and I can keep my little secret safe until — !?) What!?

[JENNER sees WILLIS suddenly break the surface ... and seize a nearby piece of driftwood — which he utilizes as a raft.]


(Impossible! He has survived!? And he is escaping!)

[Snarling in rage, JENNER quickly makes his way closer to the river until he is on a natural bridge made from a log where he pulls a long piece of vine loose — and coils it on his shoulder like a rope.]

[He spies another piece of driftwood coming — and leaps on it.]



(He shall not escape from me!)

[Terrified, WILLIS rides his make-shift raft down the violently turbulent river, looking over his shoulder ... to see JENNER riding his own raft like a surfboard — and preparing to lasso WILLIS with the vine rope.]

[JENNER attempts to lasso WILLIS, once, twice, three times, the choppy water making it impossible.]

[On the fourth try, JENNER snags WILLIS around the neck — and WILLIS simply bites the vine thru’; it falls limp in JENNER’s grasp.]

[Looking over his shoulder again, WILLIS sees JENNER look startled — and quickly jump off his raft onto land at the first opportunity.]

[Looking ahead, WILLIS squeals, seeing why JENNER broke off]:

[He is coming to a waterfall — a very steep waterfall!]

[Screaming, WILLIS plunges over, landing below in the deep, deep pool in more flurries of bubbles and foam.]

[The momentum of his plunge sends WILLIS deep into the pool ... and he holds his breath, eyes closed, rocketing down into the blubbly, foamy darkness, still clinging to his driftwood raft.]

[Then, the boyant driftwood floats quickly back up to the surface with WILLIS still holding on, going up with the force and speed of a projectile.]

[WILLIS on his raft breaks the surface and he gasps the air loudly, gratefully ... as his driftwood rafts speed causes it to practically fly up out of the water — right up onto the the muddy shore, causing mud to splatter everywhere.]

[Exhausted, gasping, sputtering and couching, WILLIS climbs — dripping wet — up the muddy bank, getting all muddy himself — as he suddenly slips on the slick mud — and ends up sprawling on his stomach.]

[Gasping and coughing, he slowly turns to look where he came — ]

[ — and his breath catches as he sees JENNER, up on the rocks at the top of the waterfall, watching him hatefully, teeth bared and eyes narrowed at WILLIS ... and then, he vanishes.]

[With a cried gasp of fright, WILLIS bolts — into the nearby undergrowth.]


(I I gotta get outta here — hes gonna come after me! O-o-ohh-h-h! God help me! I I don’t wanna die!)



[Meanwhile, in another part of the valley, JUSTIN and ARNOLD, along with ISABELLA, MRS. BRISBY, TIMOTHY, the Healer AURORA and GREGORY rest in the shade of a tree.]

[They are all tired from their search.]


<Sigh> Its no use, Mama. I didnt see where the hawk landed. My bird friend just tracked him here for me, but thats it. We were so far away when the hawk landed.


Maybe they arent here anymore.

[MRS. BRISBY covers her eyes with one paw, her head down. She speaks very softly]:


Oh, God, ... oh, no ...

[JUSTIN reprimands ARNOLD for this blunder]:


Arnold, quiet!

[He adds significantly]:


The mother is upset enough. Remember?


They just cant be gone — they cant! Oh, we — we must find them! B-Before ... h-he ... does ... s-something t-to — to —...


Mama ...


Gosh, Mrs. Brisby, I — Im sorry, I - I, uh —...


... Its okay, Arnold — really. You didnt mean it.


Dont fret, Mrs. Brisby. Well find them.


I do hope so.


Gregory’s right, Mrs. Brisby. We will. And theyll be okay, too.


Oh, Healer, I —...


Shes right, Mama. Itll be okay.

[The all pause as MRS. BRISBY stares at TIMOTHY.]

[She is about to remark when ISABELLA speaks]:


I wish I hadnt sent Willis off. Maybe he pesters me a lot, but he couldve helped us find your children, Mrs. Brisby.


And I wish Id formed a larger search party. I guess if he was with em when we found em, I wanted to take care of him ... myself. But now —

[Before he can finish, WILLIS comes darting out of the undergrowth, bursting in amoung them so suddenly, everyone jumps, alarmed and startled, and the mice (except for AURORA) bolt into the bushes.]


Help! Oh, … Justin! Thank God I found you guys —

[He trips and falls, face first, into the shallow, muddy stream amoung them.]



[GREGORY, MRS. BRISBY and TIMOTHY look out of the bushes.]


Willis, what in the world — ?


Will, what happened to you?

[MRS. BRISBY and TIMOTHY come out of the bushes, rejoining the group.]


Never mind me! Oh — Oh, God! Isabella, am I glad to see you! I was looking everywhere for you! Thank goodness, … youre okay! Im so glad!


Of course, Im alright! I told ye I was startin back and —


At least, you made it back without him getting you!


Huh? Who?

WILLIS:{to Justin}:

Justin, ... you you were right!




You were right all along —


:{with a remnant of denial}:

<Gulp> A-About what?


— about Jenner!

[Everyone reacts to this news, startled, the women crying out.]


Jenner! Are you sure?


I oughta know! Why, I — I just barely got away in one piece from that — that homicidal lunatic — just now! That guy is out for blood — big time! He tried to kill me! And — And h-hes right behind me —

[He points back frantically the way he came, looking in that direction]:


  • that is, … he was. He mustve given up the chase when I lost im. <Whew> That was really close back there!

[As WILLIS talks, JUSTIN opens a satchel beside him — and extracts a map which he unrolls and lays out on the ground.]

[As WILLIS finishes talking, JUSTIN motions for him to come forward.]

[JUSTIN and WILLIS kneel on the ground over the map, with it between them, studying it intently.]

[Everyone else gathers around.]


It’s time we got to the bottem of this. Okay, Willis. Point. Where. Where did you see him? Where did this happen?

[WILLIS studies the map for a second, one paw poised with a finger up.]


Right ...

[He points out a spot to JUSTIN]:


... here!

[JUSTIN scowls grimly, brow furrowing. They can all see that he looks angry — but also terribly frightened, his face showing his worry and fear as well as his anger; he swallows hard — even as he scowls angrily.]


Youre sure?


I saw his hideout.


Youre sure it was his?




And you saw him?






:{almost angry}:

Of course, I am! What kinda questions that!? I just said — that guy ... almost killed me — and you wanna know if Im positive? Hoo-ooo!



Okay, Willis. Cut the amateur dramatics. I just want to know, ... are you really positive?


Chief, I already said —



Yes or no, Willis?


Well, I would definately say —


Just say it then — give me a yes or no.


Okay! Yes, I am! I was really in his hideout; I really saw him.

[He shudders at the memory.]


He really found me in there — and — and ... he nearly took my head off!





That he nearly took my head off ... ?


No, not that, you dingaling! Whats good is ... we have finally got a lead

on that dirty, treacherous bastard! Im glad weve finally got a lead on him.

[He turns to ARNOLD]:



Go tell Brutus to get the guards together — now! Were gonna go get that traitor!

Have Brutus raid that place at once! I want him taken! I dont care what it takes to do it.


Yes, sir!

[ARNOLD starts off, but]:


Save some of him for me! That damned killers gonna pay!

[AURORA stares at him, shocked, but sympathetic.]


And in spades! Ill see to that! Ive an old score to settle!

[He pauses; then adds sadly, in a soft voice]:


Poor Nicodemus ...

[Everyone mutters sadly in agreement.]


Well, Arnold? Get going!


Yes, sir.

[Again, ARNOLD starts off; MRS. BRISBY turns to WILLIS]:


Willis, … my children are missing.

[WILLIS perks up at her words, looking like he is about to speak.]


WeWe think Jenner might have them somewhere. By any chance, … did you happen to see them in his lair?


Well, ya know, as a matter a fact, I did and —… Hey!

[Unexpectantly, MRS. BRISBY starts to bolt in the direction WILLIS came from.]


Mama — !?


Where are you going!?


I have to save my children

[JUSTIN grabs her by the paw, stopping her so fast, she spins to him, writhing in his grasp.]


Wha — ! Justin, … let me go!


:{as he grasps her upper arms}:

Whoa — hold on there! Just what do you think you’re doing? You can’t rescue your children all by yourself!


But my children —


What if you ran into him? What do you think would happen? You’d be dead before you knew what hit you!


But —


No "buts" about it, Mrs. Brisby. I don’t want to see you get hurt.

[As she struggles to break from from his grasp (but half-heartedly; it is only a token effort), JUSTIN walks MRS. BRISBY over to WILLIS — and gently urges her into his arms]:


Here, Willis. Take care of her — and dont let her run off, … while I figure out what we should do.

[WILLIS takes MRS. BRISBY and holds her, trying to comfort her — but while she accepts WILLIS’s comfort, she looks anything but, … as her pleading gaze seems to pierce her friend’s heart, as JUSTIN’s returned gaze seems to indicate, as he looks apon her with sympathy, feeling sorry for her and her childrens plight.]

[Suddenly, JUSTIN takes up his quarter-staff and bolts.]



[At her cry, ARNOLD stops short and turns back]:


Justin? Hey! Wherere you goin’!?

[JUSTIN pauses at the edge of the clear to call back]:



Im gonna go get that scoundrel right now! The hell with a formal raid! Im off! You guys can do what you want, get the guards — anything! I dont care! Im going!

[With that, he whirls away and bolts.]


Justin! Justin, ... come back!

[He turns to the others]:


Oh, … I cant believe what a stubborn idiot he can be sometimes! If only hed follow his own advice —


Arnold, he cant go alone! That death-dealer — hes sworn to — I mean, h-hell —


I know! If Jenner catches him —


Right — he’ll have hell to pay!


<Gasp> Oh, no! No!

[WILLIS runs after him.]


No, Justin! No! Not alone!

[ARNOLD, ISABELLA, AURORA, MRS. BRISBY, and TIMOTHY run after him, too.]

[They are all crying out to him at once]:




Hey — come back here!


Come back!


Please, come back!


Chief, come back — please!


Justin, no — he’ll kill you!


"But the angry, young Chief barely heard his concerned friends anxious warnings and pleas as he bolts off in a blind rage — to meet whatever fate awaited him in the woods ... "


[Everyone pauses as JUSTIN disappears thru the undergrowth.]


Cmon! We gotta stop em both — before they kill each other!

[He bolts.]


Wait for us!

[He, too, bolts — and ISABELLA follows, calling back to the mice]:



[GREGORY and AURORA bolt after them with MRS. BRISBY following, holding TIMOTHY to her.]



[At that moment, JUSTIN is making his way down a slope when another quarter-staff shoots out of the paths undergrowth, locking one of its two spear-pointed ends on a root, tripping him.]

[With a cry of alarm, he falls down in the path and is sent sliding on his stomach across a patch of grass-barren ground on a cliff, right over the valleys Trout River.]

[His eyes instinctively closed, dirt gets into his mouth and nose, his nose getting skinned raw and bloody.]

[He rolls onto his feet just as one of the spear-like tips of the other quarter-staff thrusts down in a vicious lunge where he had landed.]

[He leaps back and raises his quarter-staff — to confront JENNER.]


So, … Wilson! We meet again!

JUSTIN:{bared teeth}:

And for the last time, too, Genre!


I think we can both count on that!


I know Im gonna see to that!


As shall I!


You bet you will! But not the way you think!

[For nearly a minute, the two fight, trying to club each other, blocking each others blows.]

[A lull developes in the battle and they face off again, both panting heavily, circling each other.]


:{hissing growl; panting}:

When I proclaimed my return, ... I was not jesting! You once said ... that I ... was finished. But ... it is you ... who is ... finished ...

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation, circling each other]:


You ... needed help ... that ... first time ... we fought. You ... cannot ... even fight ... your own battles.

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation, circling each other]:


Yes, ... you needed help. You needed ... that slob McPherson ... to save ... your worthless hide when I would have finished you then — when I would have smashed open your miserable head — from behind, up there, on that rock!

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation, circling each other]:


So now, ... you shall die, ... you little coward! And ... youll die all alone —

like the minor little chicken-hearted yellow-belly that you are!

[JUSTIN takes these insults with a scowling sneer, still panting himself.]


:{with bared teeth; panting}:

Enough! Enough with your sharp-tongued insults, you dirty double-crosser! I Im ... fightin you ... now, ... arent I — and again, too!

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation]:


That counts ... for ... something, ... I think. One man — or rat — with courage ...

makes ... a majority ... in himself, Genre ...

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation]:


Dont think ... Ive got none. Thats ... the worst mistake ... that you could make, ... but I think ... you already have!

[They resume fighting, then pause to continue conversation]:


Youre gonna pay — pay for Nicodemus, for what ... you did to him, you you filthy son-of-a-bitch!

[Snarling at this, JENNER lunges at him.]

[Gasping in alarm, JUSTIN side-steps the lunge — and brings his quarter-staff smashing down on JENNER’s — both breaking it in two and ripping it from JENNER’s grasp.]

[JUSTIN gets in several swings.]

[JENNER ducks every time, making JUSTIN miss.]

[JENNER retreats to the edge of the grassless area opposite the cliff edge.]

[JUSTIN, his back to the cliff, gives a powerful lunge forward, brandishing his quarter-staff like a club.]

[However, before JUSTIN can reach him, JENNER gets to a clump of heather that is concealing a crack between two Stones — and extracts his sword!]

[Thus armed, he lunges to meet JUSTIN’s charge, swinging — ]

[ — and slashes JUSTIN’s quarter-staff in half, tearing it from his grip as well and shattering it.]

[Crying out in alarm, JUSTIN leaps back, panicked, and backs away, frightened.]

[JENNER advances on him, slowly, menacingly, swinging his sword as he closes in on JUSTIN, one, twice, three times: slowly forcing JUSTIN back — towards the cliff edge.]

[JUSTIN nervously trips over a tree root that is protruding from the ground, he rolls, and lands on his back on the very edge of the cliff, his head over the edge of the cliff, his shoulders on the very edge.]

[Before he can get up again, JENNER leaps — and pins him down, sandwiching JUSTIN between himself and the cliff-edge.]

[Squealing in fright, JUSTIN struggles about helplessly, trying desperately to break free, but JENNER is much too large and heavy — and has too good a grip on him]:

[Grasping the front of JUSTIN’s tunic in one fist, JENNER holds the blade of his sword across JUSTIN’s bare, undefended throat — as JUSTIN tries to push the sword away, only succeeding in getting the palms of his paws cut on the blade, making him cry out in pain.]

[Then, some soil from the very edge of the ledge JUSTIN lays on comes loose, sifting down to the river far below — and JUSTIN feels the crumbling.]

[JUSTIN freezes, crying out hoarsely, in terror, trembling in fear, clutching desperately at the crumbling soil and loose grass in his bleeding paws, close to his body.]


:{low, breathy hiss}:

Little fool! You could have stopped me then. I could see it. Even armed with my sword, I knew I was at a disadvantage. But no. You went and panicked. You gave me the advantage. The way I have always wanted it —


:{blurting out angrily}:

You! Always you! You back-stabbing, greedy, son-of-a —



Silence, you meddling wretch! I did not say you could speak yet.

[JUSTIN is silent now, glaring up at him, eyes full of angry defiance — and terror.]


Yes, ... Wilson. "Chief" Wilson. I will rule here. As King. What a shame that you will not live to see all that I shall accomplish — upon your death,

... but as you have insisted on your continually defying me, you have left me no choice — but ... to destroy you.

[He strokes the blade of his sword over JUSTIN’s throat, slowly.]


It is a pity that you shall not live to see my glory.

[Teeth bared, JUSTIN winces and trembles, even as he struggles to remain stoic and defiant.]


The glory ... of my Empire. <Chuckle>

[He moves his swords blade back and fourth, slowly, across JUSTIN’s throat, as if slashing JUSTIN’s throat open.]

[JUSTIN gasps, trembling in terror, persperation on his brow.]


The Empire. Ahh, ... yes. The Empire. My rule!


:{blurting again}:

Your "rule"!? Youre not metally fit enough ... to even rule yourself, ... let alone a whole colony, you — you —


Silence! Dare to speak again, without my permission, and I shall rip your tongue out — right thru your throat!

[JUSTIN cries out, gasping, and freezes.]


... Of course, ... you are about to die — in any case. So, it scarcely matters if you babble like an idiot now — or not.

[JUSTIN continues to lay there, paralyzed with terror, panting.]


In fact, ... have you any last request ... before I kill you?

[As he speaks, his eyes narrow dangerously, glowing triumphantly.]

[Terrified, his heart pounding in his ears, JUSTIN glances over his shoulder, down at the roaring river far below. Shuddering, he trembles, breathing hard in horror, painfully aware of the blade at his throat.]


:{silently weeping as he whispers}:

Y-Yes! P-Please! Please, ... sp-s-spare spare m-me, … p-please! I I — I d-dont want to — to d-die!


Enough of this! If that is your idea of last words, then it is time, now, to put an end to this ... and to you, … you meddling, little wretch!


:{almost whining; terrified}:

N-No! P-Please! Have mercy! Dont! Dont! Dont do this — to me! Please — dont! Dont kill me, ... please —


:{angry growl; grimly}:

I grow tired of this rediculous, little game, you little wretch! I have far better things to do, now, ... than to be bothered with the likes of you! For now, it is time, Wilson, time for you ... to finally perish! This must ... and will ... come to its appointed end!

[He pauses, menacingly, chuckling.]



O-O-Oh-h-h, p-p-please! Please! N-No!

[He shudders helplessly, trembling, tears forming in his eyes and rolling down his pale cheeks.]


And now, ... you die!

[JUSTIN struggles desperately at this, screaming in protest]:


No! No! Oh, God — please! Please, no!

[JENNER begins to draw the blade across JUSTIN’s throat.]


No! No — please! <Owwwwww-wwwwwwwwww!>

[The blade produces a fine, thin cut, which bleeds — as JUSTIN manages to push the blade away — just as]:

[ARNOLD arrives, followed closely by WILLIS and ARTHUR, then ISABELLA and MRS. BRISBY, tightly holding TIMOTHY, followed lastly by GREGORY and AURORA.]

[They are all stopped short, staring in horror.]

[ISABELLA is about to scream, but ARTHUR grabs her and WILLIS puts a paw over her mouth, both hushing her — ]

[ — as ARNOLD, however, silently bolts forward, sneering, teeth bared.]

[Screaming helplessly, JUSTIN struggles, holding JENNER back (or trying to) with all of his strength — as JENNER’s sword just barely starts to penetrate his throat]:


No! Oh, God — No! Please! No! No!

[The blade penetrates into JUSTIN’s throat in urnest now; fighting with all his strength to hold the blade away from his wounded throat, JUSTIN screams out in hopeless, helpless terror — and agony at his wound, ... this time real — and starting to really bleed]:



[ARNOLD (right behind JENNER) suddenly shouts out]:



[With a flying leap, ARNOLD lands on JENNER’s back — ]


No, ... you don’t!

[ — braces his feet against the villains hips and seizes his shoulders.]


You let him go!

[As he speaks, ARNOLD thrusts his feet against JENNER’s hips and gripping JENNER’s shoulders, jerks backwards suddenly, using all his weight to cause JENNER to loose his balance.]

[JENNER drops his sword and falls over backwards with a snarl, landing on ARNOLD. He flips over quickly and bites ARNOLD’s neck, right where the shoulder starts ... and holds on fiercely, trying to maul ARNOLD, tearing his neck and turning it raw and bloody.]

[ARNOLD cries out in pain and kicks JENNER off, squirming, and manages to roll away. His neck and shoulder are bleeding and his tunic is ripped at the neckline.]

[JENNER leaps to his feet and lunges at JUSTIN as he (JUSTIN) stands up, seizing him; he tries to shove JUSTIN towards the cliff, his paws around JUSTIN’s neck and throttling him as he pushes JUSTIN towards the cliff, choking him.]

[JUSTIN struggles desperately, his feet right on the cliffs edge ... and starting to slip as he strains forward against JENNER’s efforts.]

[The two struggle, grappling violently.]

[ARNOLD, looking both angry and frightened, wide-eyed, brow furrowed, and teeth barred, charges JENNER, lunging at him suddenly, running him right over the edge of the cliff. The nature of the move causes ARNOLD to bounce off of JENNER — literally — as he suddenly looses his balance and plops backward, flipping on to his belly —]

[ — just as JENNER is catapulted backward.]

[JENNER looses his balance again and, shrieking in alarm, goes over the cliff ... and takes JUSTIN along — as everyone stares in astonishment. In fact, both are literally flipped over the edge — and JUSTIN just manages to get hold of the cliffs edge, which threatens to crumble further.]

[JUSTIN squeals in terror, clinging desperately to the edge of the cliff. His feet scramble madly at the cliff itself (causing it to crumble even more) as he peers over his shoulder — down at the raging river; his ears flatten, teeth bared ... as his efforts inadvertantly dislodge bits of the cliff-face, which fall into the river below. He is holding onto the very edge of the cliff ledge — and that is getting pretty crumbly, too — threatening to break apart totally at any second!]


Oh, no! Help! Help!

[ARNOLD, just as shocked as everyone else, looks severely chagrined at his brothers predicament.]


(!) Uh, ... oops!

[There is a loud, but distant "Splash!" from far below (JENNER hitting the river) as ARNOLD rushes to help JUSTIN up from his desperate perch.]


:{helping Justin up}:

Uh, … I — I guess I goofed, ... huh?



Y-You You d-dont get ... a-any complaints from me. You saved — Y-You ... saved my —... <Uh-hhh-hhhh!>

[Moaning and shuddering uncontrollably, he suddenly collapses in ARNOLD’s arms, falling to his knees and shuddering violently.]

[ARNOLD holds his brother for a brief moment.]

[JUSTIN trembles with delayed shock and horror of his near-death, clinging desperately to ARNOLD, eyes pressed shut.]


Uh, ... Healer ... ?

[AURORA comes forward — and lays a paw on JUSTIN’s brow for a moment]:


He is fine ... or he will be. Hold him, Arnold. It is ... only delayed shock.

Delayed, for before he had not the time to feel it, but now, he does. Hold him.

[After a few moments, JUSTIN’s trembling stops and he opens his eyes. He slowly rises, still unsettled, but recovering.]

[The twins go to the edge and look down — and see JENNER’s body, a large, dark mass, excreting blood from landing on a cluster of sharp rocks far below, floating a short ways downstream, only to wash up onto the bank.]

[The twins look at each other as the others gather around them — and they see that everyone else is just as shaken as they are.]


I-Is it Is it ... over?

JUSTIN:{panting exhaustedly}:

It — It must be. He ... really is done for this time. Finished.


Sorry we werent here sooner, brother.


... Hm?


We got lost, trying to follow you.


Thats okay.


Funny thing is, its ... a good thing you guys were fighting. All that noise led us right here — altho the lull nearly made us miss you — when we didnt hear anything.

Good thing we got here when we did, tho’. Why, … he nearly finished you.

[JUSTIN listens to him for a moment, then pauses before he answers]:



He — He nearly did. I ... I guess ... I shouldntve gone and run off like that, but I ... I was just so damned mad, I — I wanted to take care of the problem — myself. I — I just wanted to kill him!

[He pauses, shuddering]:


A-And that — that bastard ... a-almost killed me ... this time.

[He glances down at JENNER’s body, far below, down stream.]


But ... not now. Not again. Ever.


You okay?


Yeah. Yeah, ... I — Im fine. Now.


Youre hurt; youre pawsre all bloody.


Its not that bad, ... not really. But what about you? He bit you pretty bad, didnt he?

[ARNOLD touches the bleeding wound on the side of his neck.]


Maybe you should let Aurora look at that. Thats really a bad bite.


Naw, ... Im okay. Its not that bad, really not that bad. Is it?


I should say so. It certainly is. You really should let Aurora tend it. Healer?

[AURORA comes forward.]


Here, Arnold, let me see.

Best for me to check it; it might get infected otherwise —

out here in the forest, without proper attention.


Thanks, Healer.


Yeah. Well, anyway, thanks for the help, Arn. That ... was close.

[He rubs at his neck, which bares a very small cut.]


Too close. I — I ... really owe you one. You saved my life. Thanks.

[He winces, looking at ARNOLD, who is being healed by AURORA.]


Ill take care of you in a moment, Chief.


Mine isnt too bad, ... not as bad as Arnold’s is, ... but thanks. <Sigh> Cmon, everyone. Lets get outta here.


Im almost done.


What about him down there?



Leave im. Just leave im there. Hell rot in good time if left there, huh? Do the local Plants a good turn anyway — if his rot doesnt poison them instead!

[AURORA winces as his cold tone, then glances at him sympathetically. Finishing with ARNOLD, she goes to JUSTIN and starts to heal his cut paws; he holds his cut palms up to her and she holds her paws over them; healing them.]


Let im rot ... and get full of maggots! Good enough for him!


Want his sword? Its really a beauty. Itd be a real shame to waste it, … just leave it lying here ... rusting.


Leave it. Let the goddamned thing rust. Thats the sword that cut those ropes ... and Nicodemus died because of it — and him. He might just as well have just struck Nicodemus down with it — outright. And he ... almost killed me with it — in outright battle — any number of times. No. Leave it here. I dont want to ever see it again ... or look at it — now. <Sigh> Well then, ... cmon now, everybody.

Weve got a lot of work to do — restoring the Plan! If we work real hard now, ... we can still make it work and —



<Gasp> Wait! Justin, ... my children! What about my children? Theyre —

[At the mention of the children, WILLIS brightens.]


Hey — youre right! Theyre still missing! We gotta find those kids.

Willis, ... you were at his hideout. Did you happen to see any —

[Suddenly, there is a chorus of voices in the distance.]



Oh, yeah! Thats right! Maam, I found your kids! You were right! Jenner had them trapped there ... as his prisoners. I I think he meant to hold them hostage —

as ransom for the Amulet. Anyway, ... I turned them loose. They must have just followed their ears here. Who couldnt?

[But MRS. BRISBY is not listening to him, for While WILLIS talks, she darts to the edge of the clearing with TIMOTHY behind her.]

[MRS. BRISBY is near tears of relief.]

[She and TIMOTHY call out to them, their calls overlapping]:


Oh, my dears! My dear ones, over here!


Hey! Hey, you guys, here — here we are!

[Even as they call, MARTIN, TERESA, and CYNTHIA leap out of the bushes and into MRS. BRISBY’s waiting arms. She and TIMOTHY embrace them and they return the hug. They are all stuck together in one big group embrace.]


Willis, ... you found the children! Why didnt you say so?


Well, ... it wasnt exactly like I got the chance before, huh?

[The clearing is filled with tears and laughter of joy and relief and excited talk from the mother and from her children in a happy gibberish as they embrace, wiggling and giggling while the others watch, pleased, amused, astonished, and smiling.]



[As everyone leaves the area, moods jovial and flying high, ... far below, JENNER begins to crawl away, soaking wet, slowly (as if in pain) dragging himself away from the river, panting almost wretchedly.]

[He pauses, wincingly, to look back up at the ledge where his enemies are, with an angry, pained growl, eyes glowing crimson with rage]:

JENNER:{pained whisper}:

This is not over yet, ... Wilson! … Not ... by far!

[He resumes crawling away.]

Issue Five: A Surprise Attack!


Willis barely escapes from the out-law traitor Jenner, managing to get to safety — and report the alarming news to Justin, confirming that the young Chief was not delusional after a head injury after their climactic first fight.

The youths report resulted in an enraged Chief Justin recklessly bolting into the nearby woods to confront his great enemy — and make the murderous Jenner pay for the untimely death of Nicodemus. His recklessness almost costs Justin his life. But now, … it is over.

Or is it … ?

[It is later on now, in the evening.]

[JUSTIN is in his office tent, at his desk.]

[ARNOLD stands before him, talking]:


... and on that note, we should be finally able to move into the new cave spaces by the end of the week ... or the week after next at the very latest, since weve been sending work teams up here from our old colony ... and theyve been enlarging the original caves that our explorers found — even before we left the farm.


Fine. Good, then. And now that were back on track, food wont be a problem either, since by that same token, weve been moving supplies up here as well. Well eat well this winter, wont we? And have some great crops to Plant in the spring. Its gonna be a good, fine harvest come next fall, ... hey?


:{smiling; nods}:

Yep. Oh, by the way, our guests have been secured for the night, with a nice, private tent in the residential corner of the camp. The missus said theyd spend a few days to visit and rest a little. I asked them if they wanted to live here with us, like you told me to, that you invited them to; but Mrs. Brisby said they didnt want to intrude, that their home is on the farm and we went thru so much — yknow, to make sure it could stay their home. But they are comfortable right now ...


<Sigh> Well, we did go thru a lot of trouble in moving their house —


Did we ever!


and they know it ... Besides, as Mrs. Brisby said, its still their home and now its safe from the tractor. It isnt right and we dont have the right to force them to stay — especially if they dont want to.


I dunno bout that. I got the impression the kids would love to. Its their mama whos the hold-out. But I think that in time, even shed like to live close to us.


Who knows? Maybe someday, they will decide to live with us.



Yeah, ... maybe. I ... guess so. Youre right — as usual. Just like you say, if they wanna come back, thats their right ... and their business — just as much as not, eh?


Right. Now, why dont you get outta here and take care of our guests, whether they need anything or not — so I can get something done. Yknow, ever since we reached the valley, Ive not been able to log a single decent journal entry? Go on. Get outta here awhile, will ya?



Alright, alright, O Mighty Exalted One!

[JUSTIN gives him a mock-dirty look, then smiles wryly.]


Oh, ha-ha, … thats really funny.


I shoulda known, eh? Especially since earlier today! You must have a heap to catch up on!


<Sigh> Um-hmm, yeah.

[ARNOLD turns to exits.]


<Chuckle> Wise-guy...

[ARNOLD bumps into ISABELLA as he exits and she enters.]





Oh — scuse me!


Hello, Izzy. I mean, Isabella. To what do I have the honor — of this intrusion?

[ISABELLA has her paws on her hips; good-naturedly]:


Really, Justin. Ever since you won your office, you have grown considerably more ill-mannered. Power for anybody ... does really go right to the head, doesnt it? You know what they say about absolute power. Corrupts absolutely, huh? But I still love you all the more in spite of it.


<Sigh> Uh-huh, very funny, Izz. Im not corrupted; Im behind in my work ... and these interruptions dont help. Now, may we dispense with the jokes — and get down to brass tax so I can get back to work?

[ISABELLA looks dismayed at JUSTIN’s response and attitude.]


So whats up anyway?



Youve got ... another interruption, Im afraid, ... as youve got company outside — and ... he says he wants to see you — right now.

[She turns away before JUSTIN can answer]:


... so Ill have him in to see you.


Now, wait a minute. Does he have an appointment? I just cant have everyone barging in here whenever they please — you know that. You know, I have way too much ...

[She exits before he finishes and he lets his words trail off]:


... to do ...

[JUSTIN watches her go with an expression of puzzlement and hurt.]

[With a sigh, he shrugs and turns back to his work.]

[JUSTIN does not see that when ISABELLA gets outside, someone seizes her from behind, pulling her away, a paw over her mouth as she struggles.]

[Meanwhile, JUSTIN returns to the work on his desk.]

[He opens an envolope, takes out the contents, and puts this material at the upper-left hand part of his desk, taking the top page, which is half filled, reads it, pauses to think, eyes on the tent ceiling, chin in one paw.]

[He picks up a quill, dips it in ink, and starts to write.]

[As he does, a dark shadow suddenly appears — and falls over him, blocking off his light (from an oil lamp across the room) as he works.]

[With a mild start, he looks up.]

[And sees another rat, standing before him, in some kind of a hooded robe that covers everything — the too-big of a hood completely covers the strangers face and the too-long sleeves seem to cover the strangers (apparently) folded forepaws. Nothing is left visable.]

[JUSTIN stares in astonished puzzlement of this, taken aback.]


Oh! Excuse me. I ... I didnt hear you come in. Yknow, you really should have made an appointment — or something — to see me. Im sure everyone knows I have so much to do. Really, … more than I can really handle. So, uh, ... now then, ... how can I help you?

[After a very brief pause, the stranger speaks softly]:


You can help me best ...

[Horrified, JUSTIN tenses, recognizing the voice]:



Oh, Godno! It — It can’t be — !

[Suddenly, the stranger (JENNER) whips off the hood, looking insane with rage, face scarred from his fall.]

[JUSTIN lets out a cried gasp of horror.]

[JENNER finishes, shouting in rage]:


... by dying!

[JUSTIN cries out in alarmed terror as JENNER throws off his robe — and as he does so, it swirls in JUSTIN’s face, briefly blinding him in the black cloth.]

[Now JENNER’s wounds are more apparent without the robe; the bandages around his mid-section are new — with a fresh spot of blood showing red on his right and two lesser spots on his left side, his left sleeve torn and a bloody bandage around that arm, a bloody bandage around his lower right leg, a bandaged brow — all evidence of his fall into the Trout River.]

[There is a lightning flash of metal as JENNER whips out his sword and brings it crashing down onto JUSTIN’s desk, slashing the air-borne robe thru’, too.]

[There is a loud "Rip!" from the slashed robe — and it flies down on either side of the desk in two heaps.]

[JENNER’s sword becomes slightly imbedded. The paper JUSTIN was writing splits in two and both pieces both flutter to the groung on either side of the desk, two wounded, bicuspid butterflies — so does the quill, being a feather; it goes much further, but slower. The ink-well is knocked to the floor and its contents is overturned, the ink-well itself breaking.]

[As the sword strikes down, JUSTIN cries out in horrified alarm ... and tries to stand up — ]

[ — but JENNER tears his sword free of the desk top — and before JUSTIN can stand up completely, JENNER puts the tip of his sword at JUSTIN’s throat, forcing him to sit back down, terrified, grasping the arms of his chair in a white-knuckled grip, trembling.]



For I think that it is you who needs that help, Wilson, … as you really do have more to do than you can handle — now!

[Lowering his voice to a growl, he goes on]:


And as for an appointment, I do happen to have one, you little wretch and it is quite long overdue!

[He raises his voice slightly; hissing loudly]:


An appointment, indeed, to give you ... your death!

[Shaking his head, pleadingly, JUSTIN is about to speak, his mouth opening to protest.]

[Seeing that JUSTIN is about to speak, JENNER snarls at him savagely]:


Shut up!

[JUSTIN flinches, crying out in terror and pain — ]

[ — as JENNER jabs his sword at JUSTIN’s throat; he goes on, his voice dropping to a growl]:


A single false move — or even a word — from you, you little meddler, ... and ... you ... die! That is, … quite a bit sooner than I have Planned for you —




— since we have some unfinished business ... first.

[JUSTIN shrinks back in terror and shock in his chair, trembling and breathing hard in fear; teeth bared, brow furrowed, gulping hard — as his trembling slowly worsens.]


That ... is better, ... Wilson. Much better.

[Sneering, JENNER pauses, glaring hatefully at his frightened enemy, his eyes narrowing dangerously.]


Now then, my little friend, I have been told ... and by several different sources so far, while in disguise, of course, and they all confirm it ... that you have the Amulet. Undoubtably, hidden somewhere ... close ...

[JUSTIN can barely answer, trembling so violently as he is, persperation forming on his brow, under his fur. He tries to speak; faulteringly]:


H-How — ? Wh-Who — ?


Where is that Stone!? Tell me ...

[JUSTIN responses at once, defiantly, but terrified]:


I — Ill never tell you — never!


... before I thrust this blade right thru your miserable throat!

[Gulping hard, JUSTIN freezes in horror as JENNER finishes his threat; then]:



... N- No. No, ... n-never!

JENNER:{slow growl}:

You tell me right now, … you little wretch, ... or ... you ... shall ... die!

JUSTIN:{bared teeth}:

N-N-Never! I — Ill n-never tell you w-where it is — never! Y-You can go ... and rot ... in H-Hell ... before I — I do! So, g-go a-ahead, … I I know y-youre gonna d-do it anyway! G-Get it over with ... b-because I — Ill n-never tell you ... a — a thing! N-N-Never!

[For a long moment, they glare at each other, totally motionless: JENNER narrows his eyes, seeming about to carry out his threat, for all intents and purposes — as JUSTIN glares at him in defiance and terror, gulping.]

[Involuntarily, however, JUSTIN’s gaze wanders to the corner — where an object lies hidden under a white dust cover on a pedestal.]

[JENNER carefully studies JUSTIN’s expression ... and follows his gaze. Seeing the covered object, he grins with malicious triumph.]

[He turns his gaze back to JUSTIN, contemptuously menacing.]


So! That is your little game, eh?

[JUSTIN stares at him in dismayed alarm.]

[Sneering, JENNER suddenly calls over his shoulder]:


Willard! Warwick!

[Before JUSTIN can react, TEMPLETON WILLARD and RATTEN WARWICK dart in.]

[TEMPLETON is a white rat, with a drole, sour-looking face that is prematurely lined and withered, giving him a look of premature age. He is wearing a sleeveless wine-red tunic ... and has dark grey gauntleted forepaws with black tops.]

[RATTEN is a greyish-tan rat, with a violet tunic with long sleeves. He bares Nazi swastika bands on both of his upper arms and has an eye-patch over his left eye, to which a nasty-looking scar is visible ... and wears a monocle on his right eye. He is shorter than TEMPLETON.]

[Both are armed with short swords that are almost like large daggers.]

[The pair run up to either side of JUSTIN, TEMPLETON on his left and RATTEN on his right grab his arms; to restrain him, the pair twist his arms back up behind the high back of the chair, making JUSTIN cry out, sharply, in pain.]

[Sheathing his sword, JENNER turns to investigate the mysterious object in the corner.]

[He crosses the office to it and whips off the white dust-cloth. It is NICODEMUS’s jewel box.]

[JENNER raises the lid — and inside is]:

[The Amulet. It glows softly, illuminating the tent with with its soft and radiant crimson glow.]

[JENNER involuntarily gasps at the sight of it, in awe, astonishment, and pleasure, his eyes wide, mouth agape, slowly raising a paw to slowly reach for it and caress it, almost seemingly hypnotized, his carass almost sensuous.]

[JUSTIN watches, transfixed and frozen in horror and dread, angered by his helplessness. He tries to break loose from the two Hench Rats, whimpering in pain as he struggles, but he fails to break free from JENNER’s two minions, becoming still again.]

[JENNER slowly lifts the Amulet from its chest.]

[He turns back to the others, holding the Amulet, cupped in his paw, slowly approaching them, looking as if he is in another world, one of total ecstasy as he continues to stare at the Amulet in his palm.]

[Cowering in dread, JUSTIN stares at him in horror — and anger.]

[The two Hench Rats have neutral, poker-face expressions — with just the faintest hint of triumph.]

[JENNER stops a short ways from JUSTIN’s desk.]

[He continues to admire the Amulet’s gleaming, glowing scarlet surface.]

[When he finally speaks again, it is softly and slowly]:


Ah, ... yes. Things are beginning to get nice. Nice ... again. ... For me!

[He looks up sharply at JUSTIN, sneering hard, hatefully ... and he advances towards JUSTIN, menacingly, stopping right at the desk.]

[JUSTIN involuntarily cowers even more, trembling; his breath quickens involuntarily, as does his pulse, staring up at him in dread.]


And as for you, ... meddler!

[Teeth bared, brow furrowed, JUSTIN recoils as if from a blow.]


Now, ... I ... am in charged here!

[He holds up the Amulet, triumphantly, in one fist.]


And now, ... you ... shall ... die!

[He reaches for his sheathed sword.]

[JUSTIN is terrified at this at first, trembling hard, staring at JENNER in horror, breathing hard; then he is angry, resuming his struggling.]

[TEMPLETON and RATTEN must really hold on to him now to restrain him.]

[JUSTIN shouts defiantly at JENNER as he struggles]:


No-oooo! No, ... you can’t, ... you — you mustn’t! Put it back, put it down! Now!


:{drawing his sword}:

<Chuckle> You are in no position to be giving me orders, Wilson. Do not tell me what I cannot ... or ... must not do, you meddling, little wretch. Do not tell me to do anything. Do not forget who is the Master here now, ... you worthless little worm! But now, ... our business is finally complete — and so, ... now ... I shall have ... my revenge!

[As he speaks, he menaces JUSTIN with his sword, shaking the blade in JUSTIN’s face. Then, he raises his sword, aiming for JUSTIN’s chest.]


And now, ... you die! Prepare for your meddling heart to cease its wretched beating, Wilson!

[At first, JUSTIN is frozen with horror, watching the blade draw back — very slowly, as JENNER stretches the moment out (for suspense).]


Oh, … God! Oh, no — please! No-ooooo!

[He resumes struggling — fiercely.]


:{to the Hench Rats}:

No-ooo! Goddamn you, ... you let me go!

[With an-almost-final burst of strength, JUSTIN breaks loose from TEMPLETON’s and RATTEN’s grip, snarling in pain, lunging across the desk.]

[JENNER is about to strike him down, but JUSTIN rams into him, making him drop his sword and stagger back.]

[JUSTIN lashes out, seizing the Amulet, still partly consumed in JENNER’s fist, grabbing JENNER’s wrist of the same paw with his free paw.]

[JENNER, in alarm, cuffs JUSTIN on the head with his fist.]

[JUSTIN, teeth bared and eyes pressed shut, ignores this and hangs on, as TEMPLETON and RATTEN lunge for him with their short swords drawn.]


Look out, Templeton, hes —


Ratten, ... help me get ‘im!

[Confused, RATTEN is slow on the uptake; but TEMPLETON’s lead motivates him to action.]

[They grab at JUSTIN’s arms with their free paws.]

[TEMPLETON raises his blade to strike, aiming for JUSTIN’s back — as JUSTIN struggles to get up, rolling onto his back.]

[RATTEN prepares to stab at him, preparing to slice open JUSTIN’s stomach — as he rolls onto his back.]

[Terrified, then angry, JUSTIN kicks them off.]


<Gasp> No!

[One blow gets TEMPLETON in the crotch, painfully doubling him over, the other blow gets RATTEN in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and sending him staggering back, gasping, losing his monocle in the process. Both are severly stunned at the moment.]

[Both drop their blades and staggering back.]


You fools! Get —

[Snarling and screaming unintelligibly at each other, JENNER and JUSTIN continue to grapple for the Amulet, scratching and biting at each others paws and arms, cuffing each other, still struggling for the Amulet, teeth bared in determination and the effort.]

[Finally, tho’, JUSTIN manages to tear the Amulet from JENNER’s grasp and viciously cuffs JENNER hard and squarely in the snout with one fist, stunning him badly.]

[JENNER staggers back, away from JUSTIN, grasping his bloodied nose.]

[TEMPLETON and RATTEN recover — as does JENNER, less stunned as he is — and grab their short swords.]

[JENNER recovers his weapon as well.]

[JUSTIN, clutching the Amulet, grabs a new quarter-staff (lighter in color, with metal-tipped ends, to indicate that it is a different weapon), and charges at TEMPLETON and RATTEN as they attempt to block off his escape.]

[He knocks TEMPLETON clear — and sends RATTEN ducking out of the way as he bolts out of the tent office.]

[TEMPLETON cries out from where he lands]:


Benjamin — get im, ere e comes!

[Outside, another rat (cream-grey in appearance, wearing a blue tunic without sleeves, with a short collar, a studded belt and light green leather wrist bans) appears, armed with a big iron cudgel.]

[JUSTIN cries out, ducking as BENJAMIN attempts to club him and a glancing blow to his shoulder causes him stagger and nearly fall, then knocks BENJAMIN in the head with his quarter-staff, knocking him down, then bolts, still holding the Amulet tightly.]

[JUSTIN flees, with the Amulet in one paw and his quarter-staff in the other.]

[TEMPLETON and RATTEN come thru the door. RATTEN hurries on to pursue JUSTIN, but TEMPLETON pauses to help BENJAMIN.]

[JENNER, in a blind rage, charges out so fast, he knocks TEMPLETON out of his way and forces RATTEN to leap to one side to avoid getting trampled.]

[Not stopping, he yells back to his men, snarling as he charges]:


Get him, men! He has the Stone!

[The three Hench Rats recover and split up.]


Don’t let him escape! Kill him!

[At this, JUSTIN keeps running, his bravado gone, now terrified and running scared, panting hard thru bared teeth as he runs, leaping over rough terrain.]

[Even as JUSTIN does so, a great, swooping shape — the hawk SHADOW-WING — appears and dives for JUSTIN, black claws extended, razor-sharp talons gleaming evilly, snatching for him.]

[JUSTIN dives out of the way, falls down and rolls onto his feet.]

[Suddenly, BRUTUS GIDEONS leaps out from behind a stone outcropping, blocking off JUSTIN’s escape, swinging his terrible, jagged electro-spear, which violently spits out a vicious electrical charge as it slashes the air, narrowly missing JUSTIN, the charge leaping and swirling around JUSTIN — as the young Chief attempts to leap clear, stumbling away from him, ducking — horrified and alarmed, but angry at this latest betrayal.]


Brutus! What the hell !? Not you, too!?

[BRUTUS forces JUSTIN to fight and JUSTIN does so temporarily — his escape delayed in the process.]

[JENNER’s battle cry, a loud, blood-curdling snarl, almost a roar, makes JUSTIN break away — and try to run again.]

[As he does so, he suddenly finds himself surrounded by JENNER, TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, RATTEN, and BRUTUS; all of them circling around him like a pack of wolves closing in for the kill.]

[SHADOW-WING lands on a nearby ledge to observe the fight, looking ready to attack at a seconds notice.]

[Heart pounding and out of breath, JUSTIN gasps heavily in angry, shocked terror, staring wide-eyed around at them, gripping his staff in a white-knuckled grip. Grunting in effort, he swings at them every time one advances, forcing them back; but his swings seem little more than desperate attempts to hold the pack of them away, rather than calculated attacks.]

[They laugh evilly in triumph, toying with their terrified victim, taunting him cruelly, mocking him in his terrified helplessness (both with their words and actions, mockingly and openly hostile — as they occasionally swing a weapon at him, threateningly, the taunts overlap), swinging and jabbing their weapons at him — even as they continue to tease him]:


Come now, little Chief! See if you can get by us!


[Brutus: Micheal Dorn, Star Trek: TNG.]



Cmon, Wilson, try ta get thru’, jus try it!


Yeah, Wilson! Cmon, ... see if you can! Cmon!


<Laugh> Come on, Wilson! Ill let you thru’!

[SHADOW-WING adds his taunts, too, screeching loudly and flapping his wings.]

[Suddenly, JENNER charges JUSTIN, while the others keep a tight circle around them.]

[Armed with a quarter-staff, JUSTIN fights JENNER, who is unfairly armed with his sword. JUSTIN grasps his quarter-staff with both paws, the Amulet hanging on his arm by the loop of its chain.]

[The fight rages for several seconds, back and fourth — as JENNER’s thugs continue to laugh and mock JUSTIN with their cruel taunts.]

[All JUSTIN can manage to do with his quarter-staff is to fend off blows — on an angle, since a direct defense would result in a broken staff — and dodge the blows he cannot fend off.]

[Several times, JUSTIN tries to run, but JENNER’s men force him back, making him resume fighting to avoid being killed, forcing him back each time with their respective individual weapons: TEMPLETON and RATTEN with their short swords, BENJAMIN with his cudgel, and BRUTUS with his spear. Furthermore, every time JUSTIN tries to rush one of JENNER’s minions, he nearly leaves himself open to attack — from behind, nearly taking a blow each time and having to fight to fend it off. And then]:


Do nothing, men, just keep him here! Stay back — and leave him to me!

[JUSTIN is forced back to face JENNER again.]


I will deal with this wretched little meddler myself!

[TEMPLETON raises his sword encouragingly]:


Dont worry, Yer Honor — hes all yours. But iffen yer need elp —

[JENNER presses the fight more viciously on JUSTIN.]


I dont need anyones help, curse it! Stay out of this!

[JENNER charges viciously, striking a blow that knocks JUSTIN off his feet.]

[JENNER viciously continues to engage his rival ]


Oh, no n-no!

[ — who is now spawled out on the ground, blocking his standing enemys continual attempts to take his life. He struggles to his feet and leaps away, but stumbling and tripping.]

[Terrified and exhausted, worn out past his endurance, JUSTIN stumbles and he accidently drops the Amulet — as JENNER reaches for it.]

[The Amulet falls down a seemingly bottemless hole — the opening of which is too small, even for a thin mouse child to get down, let alone a full-grown rat.]


[As the Amulet disappears down the hole, JUSTIN cries out in horror, loosing his grip on his quarter-staff as he makes a fumbled effort to grab at it.]


<Gasp> Oh, no!

[But it is JENNER who reacts most strongly and loudly. Horrified, he drops his sword and attempts to dive for it, screaming his own protest over the event, but misses, landing on his stomach as he screams in horrified rage, his cry overlapping JUSTIN’s]:



[Pausing, stunned for a moment, JENNER rises slowly.]

[JUSTIN and JENNER both stare at the hole in silent, mouth-gaping shock, as do the four Hench Rats and the hawk, who stare at the hole, too, then at the two rivals.]

[Both JUSTIN and JENNER are trembling from exertion.]

[JUSTIN, as well, trembles with fear.]

[JENNER trembles, too; but with seething, insane rage, slowly looking up at JUSTIN, with his eyes blazing like wild-fire, glowing red, slowly baring his teeth at his rival.]

[JUSTIN returns the glare; but it is a dread-filled stare of fear.]

[After a long, awkward silence, TEMPLETON hesitantly speaks]:


... Sir ... ?

[But JENNER is oblivious to TEMPLETON; suddenly he snarls in rage at JUSTIN]:


You fool!

[With his teeth bared, he picks up his sword and begins a slow, menacing advance on JUSTIN, wide eyes mad with insane, crimson-blazing rage as he raves in raging anger]:


You goddamned little idiot! What have you done!?

[Alarmed by JENNER’s sharp, screaming tone and enraged advance, JUSTIN is terrified, trembling, backing away slowly from JENNER’s menacing advance.]


:{defiant, but afraid}:

W-Well, ... now y-you — y-youll n-never reek the havoc you ... you had Planned — with it! N-N-Never!

[Snarling again, JENNER attacks with renewed rage, again forcing JUSTIN to fight — for his very life once more.]

[Hard pressed and totally exhausted, JUSTIN weakens, unable to fight anymore.]

[JENNER easily shatters JUSTIN’s new quarter-staff in half, once again ripping it from his grasp.]

[JUSTIN, breathing so hard that his breath comes out as loud, hoarse, agonized gasps — as he backs away from JENNER, stumbles and falls to his knees, crying out in helpless terror.]

[With his Hench Rats closing the ranks on all sides of JUSTIN (and SHADOW-WING nearby, ready to attack), JENNER advances menacingly on JUSTIN again, his sword flashing, evilly and menacingly, in the fading light as he and his minions close in on JUSTIN.]

[Looking around at them all in terror, JUSTIN suddenly, desperately, attempts to bolt — but again JENNER bolts to block his path, blocking off JUSTIN’s one and only opportunity to escape. He seizes JUSTIN by the front of his tunic, his sword raised to strike — as JUSTIN cries out, struggling desperately, twisting loose from his captors grip.]

[Cringing in terror, JUSTIN loses his balance and lands on his rear, helplessly moving away from JENNER on his rear, moving backwards with his paws and feet, panting — with JENNER and his minions still advancing on him — and closing ranks.]

[Suddenly, his back is against the inner curve of a natural wall of rock. Panting painfully, he flattens against the rock, pressed to it; shuddering and staring at JENNER in shocked horror, crying out in terror as he tries to shield himself helplessly with one arm, one paw out-stretched pleadingly.]


<Gasp> Oh — Oh, n-no! <Pant> No! No! <Pant> Oh, n-no — please! <Pant> Oh — Oh, God — please!

[JENNER looms over JUSTIN menacingly. As JUSTIN tries to pull away from him, JENNER lashes out and seizes JUSTIN’s wrist to stay JUSTIN’s retreat.]


And now, you are going to pay for your medding ... and for losing my Amulet! Now, you are going to die!

[He slowly raises his sword like a meat cleaver, aiming at JUSTIN’s stomach.]


I am going to split open your gut and spill your rotten innards!

[JUSTIN cowers in horror, shaking his head desperately, panting hoarsely, helplessly grasping at JENNER’s fist around his wrist, trying to loosen JENNER’s grip.]



N-No! <Pant> <Pant> Dont! <Wheeze> P-Please! D-Dont! Please, dont! Dont! Don’t do this to me!

[JUSTIN manages to twist his wrist free, cowering in terror against the rock, shaking his head, desperately.]

[JENNER looms over him like a black storm cloud about to erupt. He raises his sword high to strike, holding the hilt in both paws ... and with a grunting snarl, slashes down with it — at JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN cries out in terror ... and leaps to one side, trying to bolt — ]

[ — as JENNER hits the stone surface of the natural wall, sparks leap up from the surface, a loud "Clang!" reverburating in the air.]



<A-ah-ah-hhh-hhh> No! No! Oh Oh, God no!

[ — and wrestle him down, holding him down on a flat rock, making him kneel with BRUTUS’s help, and bend over on the small rock.]


N-No! No-ooooo! Let me go! Oh, please, ... let me go!

[BRUTUS holds JUSTIN’s forepaws together behind his back — and he pulls up on JUSTIN’s arms with both paws, holding them together, a knee in the middle of JUSTIN’s back, pushing down at the center of JUSTIN’s upper back — as he twists JUSTIN’s arms painfully — making JUSTIN cry out in agony]:


<Owwwww-wwwwww> P-Please — dont! Dont hurt me — please, dont — oh, God! Please! Please — dont!

[TEMPLETON grabs JUSTIN’s hair in his paws taking care to keep his paws clear of the back of JUSTIN’s neck.]

[JUSTIN is forced to kneel there with his head down on the rock, as if it were an executioner’s block, with the right side of his face pressed down on it, so he is facing his foe, exposing the undefended back and left side of his neck, making him squeal in terror.]


Ere, My King! Weve got im! Weve got im good — now ye cin lop is ead — right clear off, M’Lord!

[JUSTIN screams at this, terrified, struggling even more desperately]:


No! No! Oh — Oh, God — no! No! No! P-Please, dont kill me — please! Dont do it! Please! Please, dont!

JENNER:{with savage satisfaction}:

Yes-sss! And so, ... I shall! Now, you will die, you miserable, meddling, cowardly, little wretch! Now, ... you ... shall ... die!


Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, God! No! Oh, please! Please! No!

[JENNER looms over him with his sword raised up in both fourpaws — preparing to bring the blade down on the undefended back of JUSTIN’s neck — and behead him!]

[JUSTIN bursts into tears, squealing in despair, eyes pressed shut]:


Please! Pl-Please — have mercy! Let me go! L-Let me live! I — Ill do anything! Anything you want, please! P-Please! A-Anything ... y-you — you say! Anything! Oh, … please! P-Pl-P-Pleas-se —... <Sob> <Sob> <Sob>

[His plea is broken off as he breaks down, sobbing helplessly, shuddering, his eyes pressed closed.]

[JENNER pauses — for such a long moment, JUSTIN looks back up at him.]

[JUSTIN watches him in horror in his peripheral vision, panting with exhausted terror, heart pounding and echoing in his ears, trembling, tears streaming down his palid cheeks, futilely and helplessly straining against BRUTUS’s grip.]

[JENNER’s sword seems to be reflecting light in the form of streaks that run up and down the length of the blade, which seems to flash once, twice, three times.]

[Trembling in terror, JUSTIN finds he cannot tear his horrified gaze from it as perspiration runs down his brow.]

[The terrible moment seems to drag on — seemingly forever, … punctuated (for JUSTIN) with the sound of his pounding heart echoing in his head and his ragged breathing.]

[Suddenly, JENNER lowers his sword.]

JENNER:{low growl}:

... Let go of him, men.

[JENNER’s Hench Rats stare at him, bewildered, then look at each other.]


Now. Go on, ... let him up.

[RATTEN and BENJAMIN exchange looks with each other — and SHADOW-WING, all of them puzzled.]

[BRUTUS and TEMPLETON protest simutaneously at this astonishing order]:


My Lord!?


Yer Honor!?

[JENNER glares at them, teeth bared in anger.]


I ... said ... now!

[Alarmed at this, BRUTUS and TEMPLETON let JUSTIN go. They back away from JUSTIN — and especially from JENNER.]

[JUSTIN gasps in relief as his twisted arms are released — and that BRUTUS’s knee is out of his back. He is also relieved that he has been spared, almost incredulous.]

[For a brief moment, JUSTIN crouches over the rock, petrified, head still down, as if afraid to move, paws pressed against the rock. He does move, slowly. He looks up at JENNER, trembling, defeated and afraid, ears flattened to his head.]

[JENNER glares down at him, then points at him with his sword.]

[JUSTIN cries out, flinching away at the threat of the gesture. He helplessly shields himself with one arm, terrified, eyes pressed shut as he cowers, falling back away from the rock to cower on the ground, partly supported by his other arm.]


:{menacingly pointing at him with his sword}:

Alright, … Wilson! You know your place now supposingly! And your place — quite obviously — is not here, ... so get out! And ... be grateful that I just so happen to be in a merciful mood. Otherwise, ... you would be laying there in two seperate pieces — one of which I would mount on the wall of my new throne room ... as a trophy and the rest of which would provide dinner for my mount — who may decide to have you anyway, if you dont move!

[SHADOW-WING hisses with disappointment, glaring at JUSTIN with greedy hunger, flapping his wings angrily.]

[JUSTIN is stunned, too stunned to move, too full of dumb incredulousness.]

[This infuriates JENNER]:


Damn you! Just dont sit there — move! Get the Hell out!

[Again, with his sword still drawn, he advances on JUSTIN manacingly.]


Or I really will kill you — and let my hawk pick your bones!

[SHADOW-WING squawks and flaps his wings in excitement.]

[JUSTIN gasps in horror, still on his rear, once more backing off with paws and feet, trembling, his ears flattening on his head, his eyes wide with terror at this threat, mouth agape, his chin trembling as he backs away, his body almost flattened to the ground.]

[JENNER advances and his men follow suit behind him.]

[As they advance, JUSTIN’s retreat grows more and more hurried.]

[With rising anxiety, he cries out faulteringly, perspiration on his brow]:


Alright, a-alright! I ... I — Alright! I ... I — Ill g-go!

[JENNER continues his advance, faster, forcing JUSTIN to move faster.]


Y-You ... Y-Y-You — Y-You w-wi-w-win! Y-You ... w-w-win! I — I-Ill g-g-g-go!

[Still advancing, JENNER slowly raises his sword again.]


Pl-Pl-Please! Please, … I — Ill g-go! I ... I — I g-give up! I — I —

[JUSTIN continues his retreat, pressed flat against the ground now, wide-eyed with horror, almost paralyzed.]


I ... I ... Ill g-g-go! I-I-Im g-going, I-I-Im — please — I — I-Im —

[JENNER snarls, charging at him, and slashes down at JUSTIN with his sword.]

[With a cry of alarmed terror, writhing to one side, JUSTIN dodges the blow.]

[JENNER’s sword goes into the ground where JUSTIN was as — ]

[ — horrified, JUSTIN screams, floudering against the ground, writhing and scrambling desperately, crying out in terror.]

[JENNER draws his sword back and up, slashes down again, but he misses — as JUSTIN writhes out of the way: first once, then twice, before — ]

[JUSTIN manages to scramble to his feet and bolt on all fours, terrified.]

[JENNER shouts after him, waving his sword]:


And dont you dare stop! Just keep on running! Run! Run, you meddling, little coward! If I ever see you again, I shall kill you! I swear it! I will kill you if I ever see you again — and you can count on that!

[JENNER, still seething with rage and panting from his efforts, watches as JUSTIN vanishes from sight in the gathering dusk.]

[JUSTIN pauses in the undergrowth, panting and trembling, cowering in the bushes on his paws and knees, head down in exhaustion, out of his enemies sight, indescribably relieved to be alive; thought]:


(H-He let me go! He let me live! I — I can’t believe it! I — I just can’t believe it! I’m alive, ... I’m still alive!)

[He glances back where he came, then turns away, bolting again thru the thick undergrowth, hidden by the undergrowth and undercover of darkness.]

[Meanwhile, JENNER’s Hench Rats watch JENNER in puzzled astonishment.]


You — Youre letting him go, Lord!?

[JENNER’s reply is snapping and distainful]:


What? Ha! Do not be a fool!

[He regards TEMPLETON evenly, with a combination of disgust and scheming.]


Of course not! He is no longer a consequential affront to us or our Plans, as he is thoroughly beaten and knows it. No, comrades. We are going to follow him! He will no doubt seek out friends — who might attempt to oppose us! And when he does find a pocket of resistance to stand against us, we shall be there, my friends ... and we shall find them! I shall kill them all, all at once! Including him!

[Chucking sinisterly, he turns to the others to address them all, starting with TEMPLETON.]


Gather a raid squad together, Willard, and have them report to me — at once!

[He turns to BRUTUS]:


Gideons, you are in charged of the captured colony until the raid squad and I return. You have full command of the guards, especially since you are their present Captain — and they are more loyal to us than to Wilson — since weve given them all their "choices" — life or death. If anyone gets out of line ... kill them! Take any means whatsoever, my minion, but keep everyone in line ... and in their places! The loss of a few more dis-loyal guards is well worth keeping the rest faithful and dedicated — to me.


Yes, My Lord.

[JENNER turns back to the others as BRUTUS exits]:


:{to Shadow-wing}:

Shadow-wing, be off with you — track Wilson and his little friends — and then report to me their whereabouts!

[He turns back to the others]:


The rest of you are with me. Wilson and his friends will soon be dead! Whoever they are, however many they may be, they shall all soon die!

[He laughs savagely, triumphantly.]

[With that, the all set off to enact their purposes.]


Issue Six: The Fugitives


Jenner is back again — this time with allies, a pack just as vicious and blood-thirsty as himself. With this new force at his back, Jenner has succeeded in over-throwing Chief Justin — and almost murders Justin in a one-on-one duel-to-the-death, which results in the loss of the Amulet.

He could have killed Justin then, so no one among his men can understand why Jenner has suddenly ordered that Justin be spared — and set free.

But Jenner has a strategy of his own — and when Justin attempts to gather allies of his own, he is playing right into Jenner’s hands!

[Meanwhile, a dark shadow prowls quickly thru the residential section of the camp, slipping thru the shadows, apparently looking around futively while on the move, as if afraid of being sighted.]

[Finding the BRISBYs tent, the shadowy figure ducks into it quickly.]

[It is JUSTIN. He comes thru the tent door into the light of the tent and quickly turns back to it, pulling the flaps shut abruptly, as if afraid of being sighted, turns to the family of mice behind him, his face contorted with exhausted fear.]

[TIMOTHY and CYNTHIA are sitting on their mothers lap, with MARTIN at his mothers feet, and TERESA near the door, preparing drinks from a tray of refreshments.]

[Staggering in exhaustion and panting, JUSTIN bumps into TERESA clumsily, and almost knocks her down, causing her to drop the tray and the drinks — which splash onto the tent floor. He reaches out to grab her, steadying her from falling.]




Mama, look! Its Chief Justin.

[CYNTHIA smiles at him; a silly smile]:


Hi, Justin!

[Except for innocent CYNTHIA, everyone else is puzzled by JUSTIN’s appearance, for he is out of breath and filthy from his fight (his tunic ripped in places), and breathing very hard, so hard that at first he cannot speak, so the others talk to him. They can also see from his wide-eyed expression, he is utterly terrified, trembling from exhaustion and fright.]


Oh, Chief! Hello!

[She stands, letting her little ones down.]



Whatre you doing here?


Yes, my friend, what can we do for you? What on earth happened to you? Are you hurt? Are you alright? What happened?



Yeah, whyre ya such a mess?

[He gets up, approaching JUSTIN.]


It looks like youve been gone over by a wildcat!



In a ... a — matter — of speaking ...

[JUSTIN’s answer is almost drowned out as TERESA cuffs MARTIN on the arm as MARTIN up to him, MARTIN’s retort almost cutting across JUSTIN’s agreement.]




Ow — hey!


— be polite! Hes our host!


Now, children! Please.

[She comes up behind MARTIN, placing a paw on her oldest sons shoulder.]


Justin? Justin, ... what is it? Whats wrong? Has Has something —

[JUSTIN seems to be catching his breath. He pants as he answers]:


Yes! Look, I I — I gotta — we gotta get out of here! Couldnt reach anyone else! Tryin to save as many from him — as possible — b-but I ... I c-c-couldnt reach a-anyone else and ... and —


"Him"? Justin, what—

[JUSTIN trembles violently as he goes on — almost incoherently]:


We got to get the hell out of here! Now! I — I dont know how, bu — but — b-but i-it ... it — its — h-h-hes — h-hes b-back — h-h-he — h — I — I — I d-d-dont know how, … b-but I ... I — he tried t-to — to, w-we gotta ... gotta get out! W-We We gotta get out, … before h-h —


"He"? "He" — who?


Please, settle down, Justin, try to catch your breath. Youre not making a whole lot of sense, what between your breathing and how fast youre talking. Now, ... whats wrong? Who ... is "he"?

[JUSTIN is still panting as he answers, shuddering violently, frightened]:



[Everyone gasps in horror.]


Justin — no! How can that be!? He fell in the river ... and drowned! And ... we all saw it happen! Chief, … how in the the world can he be —


Its true, its true, I tell ya! Hes back! Back — again!


But — But how —?


I dont know! All I know is its true! And — hes after me — again! He — He turned the guards against me — my own guards! My — My own men! H-He ... almost k-killed me, … tr-tried to c-cut off my — my head and and —

[With a loud "Rip!", JENNER’s sword abruptly slashes the tent wall thru’, narrowly missing JUSTIN and terrorizing TERESA, stopping just short of her bare throat.]



[The blade would have hit TERESA, but JUSTIN manages to push her aside ... and the sword misses her as she falls down.]



[She collapses in MARTIN’s arms and he drags her away from the wall.]

[JUSTIN lunges against JENNER thru the tent wall, pulling the whole thing up from it pegs and the BRISBYs find themselves in the open as the tent collapses, pulling away from the mouse family suddenly.]

[Tangled together in the torn tent, JUSTIN and JENNER fall down into a writhing, struggling, grappling heap.]

[As JUSTIN struggles to subdue JENNER by sitting on him and trying to restrain JENNER’s arms, he shouts to MRS. BRISBY]:


Run! Get away, all of you! Run! Mrs. Brisby, get your children out of here!

[Thru tears forming in the tent cloth, JENNER gets his paws around JUSTIN’s throat, starting to strangle him.]


<Gag> G-Get your children o-out! <Aack>

[He raises one fisted forepaw and, with a grunt, cuffs JENNER thru the tent material, hard on JENNER’s head, with a downward blow from one fist, stunning him, then bolts after the five mice.]

[MARTIN runs, pulling TERESA along as their mother clutches TIMOTHY to her, running after them, pulling CYNTHIA.]

[CYNTHIA trips. Before her mother can go back for her — ]

[JUSTIN scoops her up just as MRS. BRISBY turns to get CYNTHIA, in which she collides with him, getting knocked down.]

[JUSTIN grabs MRS. BRISBY’s free paw and pulls her along as she falls down.]

[JENNER gets free of the tangled tent by slashing thru it.]

[TIMOTHY sees this and cries out]:


Watch out —

[JENNER bolts after JUSTIN and the BRISBYs — and he leaps, landing on JUSTIN from behind and baring him to the ground.]

[CYNTHIA is thrown from JUSTIN’s grasp — ]



[ — and lands in a clump of heather.]

[More frightened than hurt, she wails loudly.]

[Her mother retrieves her (still crying loudly), still holding TIMOTHY, and flees after MARTIN and TERESA]

[ — as JUSTIN and JENNER go down.]

[MRS. BRISBY calls to JUSTIN over her shoulder]:


<Gasp> Justin!

[For a moment, she looks like she might go back to help JUSTIN, putting the little ones down — but the older children discourage her from such foolishness as TERESA scoops up TIMOTHY — and MARTIN seizes CYNTHIA’s paw — and shoves his mother along]:


Come on, Mom!

[Meanwhile, the two rivals grapple, struggling against each other.]

[JENNER has JUSTIN pinned on the ground on his back and is trying to get his paws around JUSTIN’s throat again.]

[His teeth bared in effort, JUSTIN holds JENNER’s wrists away, then shouts after the mouse family]:


Run! Run! Get away!

[For a brief moment, JENNER has JUSTIN by the throat again, choking him even harder this time, making him gag as he writhes.]

[JENNER has JUSTIN at his mercy in this way for at least 15 seconds.]

[Unexpectedly, JUSTIN succeeds in breaking JENNER’s grip and manages to throw him off.]

[JENNER screams in pain as he lands too hard and the wrong way on a sharp, jagged rock, jutting out of the ground — and there is the horrible sound of bone cracking as JENNER’s left forearm is broken.]

[Broken bone pertrudes from flesh, blood flowing.]

[JENNER is obviously in too much pain and shock to get up; he simply lies there ... and screams and screams and screams; a tortured, snarling shriek — as the blood gushes from his fractured arm which he tries to hold with his good arm.]

[JUSTIN scrambles to his feet, (a paw going to and instinctively rubbing) at his throat as he regains his feet.]

[For a brief moment, JUSTIN just stands there, staring in horror and taking in the extent of his enemys wounded armed, torn and broken and bloody; then he backs away, slowly.]

[Finally quieting down, JENNER lays there, eyes closed, grasping at his broken arm, gasping in agony]:


D-Damn you, ... Wilson! <Gasp> I ... I will ... g-get you ... <Gasp> ... for — for ... for this. <Gasp> I ... I — I shall ... get you, ... <Gasp> ... c-curse you, ... you — you little wretch. <Gasp> I — I ... shall have ... your head!

[JUSTIN cannot answer; he just crouches there in shocked horror, staring helplessly, at a complete loss at what to do next.]

[JENNER manages to struggle up into a partial sitting position, supported by his uninjured arm; he glares at JUSTIN, transfixing his rival with eyes that glow red with hateful rage]:


You are dead, ... Wilson! You are dead! I shall kill you for this! You … just see ... if I don’t, … you little wretch

[Horrified and appalled , JUSTIN cowers away from him, crying out and backing away — ]

[ — as JENNER breaks off, in his pain, gasping hoarsely as he collapses.]

[Suddenly, there are sounds of other rats — Hench Rats — approaching.]

[JUSTIN looks towards the sounds in alarm; then turns away and bolts, disappearing into the undergrouth of the base of the nearest slope — ]

[ — just before JENNER’s raid squad, led by TEMPLETON, arrives.]


Here is the squad, Yer Honor, and


Sire, youre hurt! Ill go call for the med-assist at once!

[JENNER winces and grimaces in pain, holding his left arm, of which looks twisted, as if the broken bone is at two different angle with itself.]


:{angry; in pain}:

Good! And ... make sure — that those fugitives — are found — or else!



[As JUSTIN flees into the undergrowth, someone grabs him low on his body, seizing his belt and pulling back hard, making him stumble — and start to cry out —]

[ — as a different voice cuts his unmade cry off and a small forepaw starts to go over his mouth, even tho he tries to hold it back]:


<Shhh>, Justin! Please, ... be quiet! It’s alright! Listen — it’s just me!

[For a long second, JUSTIN kneels before her in the bushes, staring at her and panting as the children slowly come forward out of the deeper shadows of the bushes to join their mother and friend.]


Me and the children! Were okay.

[For a long moment, JUSTIN can only stare at them, trembling. His trembling slowly ceases however, as he looks at them, listening to MRS. BRISBY’s soothing words. Then]:


Oh, th-thank God — its you! Cmon! Lets — Lets go!

[Reunited, the "fugitives" make their way deeper and deeper into the woods. Presently, they stop their head-long flight out of the Rats camp and rest in a glen, up on one of the valleys many slopes.]



Author's note: Image quality degraded due to use of Window's 3.1 Paintbrush

[JUSTIN collapses on a rock, trembling in exhaustion, his face in his paws.]

[MRS. BRISBY and her children sit on a mouse-sized log, across from him.]

[Everyone pants in exhaustion.]



Oh ... Oh, Justin, ... all this ... must seem ... just ... just awful ... for you. And ... And ... after ... you thought ... he ... he was — was finally —

[Also panting, looking up abruptly, JUSTIN cuts her off, angrily]:


Yes, it is!

[Everyone stares at him in astonishment, shocked at his tone.]


What kind of a question —...

[Embarrassed, JUSTIN catches his tone; softer]:


I mean ... I ... Im sorry, Mrs. Brisby. I ... I didnt mean to yell. It — Its just that ... Im ... so tired ... And — And I ... I was ... a-almost — almost —... He almost ... k-killed — <Gulp>

[There is a pause]:



Its okay, Justin, really. I understand. Youre under a lot of pressure after all. After youve fought him — what? — three times, has it been?


Four — but whos keepin track anyway?


Four. And we thought that ... we were finally rid of him ... this last time?


... Yes.


And now ... this. It is ... all so — so awful ...


Thank you for understanding, ... my friend ...


But where are we now, Justin?


Yes. Where do we go?


What do we do now?


If only we could get back to the farm, wed be fine. You could stay with us, Justin. Until you knew what you were going to do. Then, maybe, … we could take the Amulet and —

[She suddenly breaks off, her eyes growing round with alarm.]


<Gasp> Justin! The Amulet! Did you get the Amulet?

[JUSTIN pauses before answering her, staring at her helplessly]:


... No.


But — B-But ... what happens when he —


He wont. He tried to get it, ... but I stopped him.


Oh, good! Then we can just use the Stone and —



[MRS. BRISBY stares at him, taken aback with confusion and bewilderment]:


... Excuse me?


We cant.


... Cant?




What do you mean, ... "We can’t"?


We just ... cant.


But why ever not!? We have the Stone and —


No, ... we dont ...


We — We dont ... ?


... Thats right ...


... Justin, where is the Stone? You say you stopped him from getting it, but now you say we dont have it? If he doesnt have it and we dont, ... then who does?


No one ...


No one? What do you mean? Someone must have it —


Nob On one does. I — I lost it.


(!?) ... You — You lost it!?


Yes. I lost it.


... I just cant believe — You lost it!?


He lost it, Mom.


<Sigh> You lost it.


Yes. I had it. I was trying to keep it from Jenner. I was so tired, … I — I stumbled ... and lost my grip. It ... fell down a hole. It was a deep hole. And the mouth was narrow — too narrow for a mouse, even ... a thin one ... or a mouse child. Even one as small and thin as your younger son, Mrs. Brisby. And he looks just as small and thin as they come — without being just a little baby ... and unable to even do such a thing.


Oh. Well, ... if only we could get to the farm, like I said, … you —


But ... its so far! I could, I suppose after all, I have journeyed that path before, with the rest of my folk. I know I could do it — maybe you, too, but — but ... what about your children? Its so far away. Maybe it wouldnt be all that hard — for you and me, ... but ... I wouldnt expect your children to walk so far, especially the little ones!


Wont Jeremy be back tomorrow, Mother?


Jeremy? Who — Whos Jeremy?


A friend of mine. Hes a crow.


A Bird? You mean, ... he could ...


Yes. Jeremy could fly us — at least, the children. I could stay with you for safe company. I wouldnt leave you alone — out here in the woods, because of preditors, of course — tho if something happened, I dont think Id be much use ... and my neighbor could watch the children — until we get there ... And perhaps, Jeremy could even come back for us — once the children are safe at home. Then, well be safe from Jenner, too.

[JUSTIN stares at her in dismay for a moment; then]:


You — You ... make it sound ... like ... I ... I intend ... to abandon everybody, ... everything, ... because of — of him, Mrs. Brisby! You sound ... like you think ... that I — I just gave up!


(!) Oh — Oh, no, Justin! Of course not! I ... Im so sorry! I ... I didnt mean to sound ... like that! It — Its just that — that —...

[She trails off, staring at the ground in thought.]

[JUSTIN mutters in a very low voice; under his breath]:


Maybe I ought to. I dont stand a chance. Hed kill me now, for sure — if I tried to go back, … especially now. I — I wouldnt last a minute ... and I I know it ...

[MRS. BRISBY looks up at him, startled out of her trance.]


Pardon me? I wasnt paying attention. Did you say something? I didnt hear —

[JUSTIN sighs, shaking his head.]




Oh. Oh, well, if only Jeremy was here, he could take us to the farm. Then we all could rest ... and figure out what to do tomorrow morning, Justin, ... about Jenner, I mean.


But, Mother, ... Jeremy wont be back until tomorrow morning.


Does ... that mean ... were stranded out here, Mom? Do we got to sit here ... in the cold n dark — all night?



Gee, Martin, ... I thought you werent afraid of the dark.


Im not.



Then why the concern?


Teresa ...


It ... Its not for me! I ... Im, uh, just worried about you guys!




Besides, sitting around in the dark is boring!


Well, Martin, at least itd only be for the night.

[He looks up at MRS. BRISBY.]


Right, Mama?

[MRS. BRISBY looks at him, but does not answer.]


... Mama?

[She glances at each of the children in turn, then finally looks up at JUSTIN, questioningly.]

[JUSTIN looks back, speechlessly.]

[For a few minutes, they sit there, staring at each other in dismay in the dark, CYNTHIA (sitting between her mother and sister) starts to whimper and TIMOTHY shudders with cold.]


I — I scared, M-Mommy!

[TERESA puts an arm around her and holds her close.]

[CYNTHIA cowers against TERESA, whimpering.]

[MRS. BRISBY tries to comfort them both]:


Oh, there there, my little ones. Well be okay.

[For a moment, no one moves; then]:


Mom, we didnt get to have any dinner. Im hungry.


Youre always hungry.

[MARTIN retorts sullenly and softly]:


I am not.


You are to.


Teresa! Mom —


Both of you, ... please. I know this whole situation has you both — all of you — agitated, but bickering, even if its only teasing, isnt helping us.


Im sorry, Mother.


Sorry, Mom.


Thats okay. Lets just all try to keep our spirits up.


Mama? ... I ... Im ... c-cold ...



Oh, dear! Oh, no! You cant get a chill — why, you just got over your pneumonia! I just cant let you get sick — please, not again!

[As she speaks, she takes off her cape and she bundles TIMOTHY in it, holding him on her lap.]


You poor dear! And after all the trouble we all went thru — and we just got you better! I just cant have you get sick again! Oh, we cant we just cant lose you — not now!

[They all start to shiver with fear and cold.]


Ill make a fire. We can figure out what to do in the morning. Right now, lets just get warm. And we can keep resting. That will do us some good anyway. Then Ill browse for some food. Maybe some nuts and berries. Maybe I can find us a stream ... and we can have water to drink with whatever I find.


I can help.


Thanks, but I want you to stay with your mother.


But —


Look, kiddo. Theres enough to worry about without us getting seperated. I wont go far, but I cant be responsible for you, sonny. Okay? I mean, theres just too much happening now without one of you kids getting lost or hurt — out there in the woods! Okay, kid?


Aw, nuts!


Thank you, Justin ...

[JUSTIN starts a fire, but it is a small one which gutters and threatens to die when a breeze comes by. Eventually it does, in spite of JUSTIN’s efforts.]


Well never have a fire like this. Well, maybe its just as well. Someone ... might see it ...

[TIMOTHY shivers at the next breeze.]



Justin, ... this chill. Timothy will be ill again. He — Hell catch a cold ... and — and —...

TIMOTHY:{shivering with cold}:

I — Im ... f-fine, ... Mama. R-Really.

[MRS. BRISBY lowers her head in despair.]

[MARTIN smoothers a feeble, little cough.]

[TERESA sighs dismally.]

[TIMOTHY’s shivers worsen.]


Oh, ... we must get you warm somehow!


M-M-Mama, ... r-r-really, ... I-Im ... I — I-Im — <Ah-Ah-Achoo>

[MRS. BRISBY looks alarmed.]



[MRS. BRISBY’s eyes fill with tears.]


<Ah — Ah — Achoo>


Timothy ...

[She stares at JUSTIN — and he can see that she is on the verge of weeping.]


<Choke> Oh — Oh, Justin ...

[JUSTIN dismayingly watches the BRISBYs, watches the cold and frightened children hundle together, scooting closer and closer to their mother, who embraces them all for warmth — and they return the hug. The group embrace is for comfort as well.]

[JUSTIN looks extrememly ill-at-ease and uncomfortable.]


I guess ... Ill go browse for food now.

[Sighing grimly, JUSTIN stands up]:



(What do I do? That poor little thing is so sensitive to cold — and just got over being very sick. If I dont find these guys shelter soon, he could get sick again — and die. But were fugitives — with nowhere to go, because Jenner is after me. I had to lead him to this poor family and now, we all have to hide. If — If it wasnt for me, ... everything would be fine. Its all my fault.)



Hey, wait! I got an idea! Were bein dumb! We dont have to be sitting out here in the cold all night! I ... I know just where we could spend the night and be warm. Not far from here, either.

[He gets up as does everyone else.]


Cmon, everyone!

[Silent and puzzled, they follow and he leads them along; JUSTIN next, then MRS. BRISBY, holding TIMOTHY, then TERESA and CYNTHIA.]

[MARTIN leads them to JENNER’s hideout.]

[TERESA and CYNTHIA stop short, horrified.]

[CYNTHIA lets out a frightened squeal.]


:{to Cynthia}:

Hey, be quite! Whats with you?


You know well enough!


Teresa, whats —


Martin, no! Seriously not!

[The girls cling to each other, wide-eyed in fear.]

[JUSTIN, MRS. BRISBY, and TIMOTHY exchange puzzled, wary looks.]


<Sniff> Wha — What ... is it, ... girls?


Whats wrong?


What now?

[Whimpering, CYNTHIA cringes behind TERESA.]

[TERESA holds CYNTHIA to her back with both paws in return.]


Thats — Thats where ... w-we were — were held by — by the bad rat, ... Chief Wilson!

[Again, JUSTIN, MRS. BRISBY, and TIMOTHY all exchange glances.]


Mother, ... I — I am not going in there!


N me, neither!

[Still holding TIMOTHY, MRS. BRISBY goes to her daughters. She starts to speak, but MARTIN cuts her off]:



Well, yguys wanna spend all night in the open woods, in the cold — n whatever might be out here!? He obviously snot in there if thats what youre afraid of! Its not like its haunted — or something. Wed really do better to just go on in — and check it out, at least. Isnt that ... right? Chief? Mom? What about Timmy, Mom? What about you, Tim?

[TIMOTHY sneezes again, continuing to shiver miserably in his mothers arms.]

[JUSTIN pauses, looking at MRS. BRISBY.]




The girls are frightened. But I think Martin may have a point. I dont like the idea myself, but given the choice between that and being outside at night, ... what with the exposure to this terrible cold — and Timothy getting a chill.


I think I agree. Its not just the cold. As youve pointed out, well be less vulnerable to preditors in there.


Yes, I agree. theres that, too, isnt there? Well? Teresa? Cynthia?


I — I dont want to go.


I — Im scared. Mommy, no —


Well, what does Tim


Martin, please ...


But —


... <Sigh> Timothy, ... what do you think?


I ... I ... th-th-think ... <achoo> ... I ... f-feel ... <a-ac-achoo> ... itll ... b-b-be o-okay, ... Mama ...

[MRS. BRISBY stares at him with concerned, then looks to her daughters — pleadingly.]



[TERESA and CYNTHIA look at each other, back towards their mother and younger brother.]


<Sigh> Alright. Ill do it for Timothy. But Im still not very sure of this. Maybe if Cynthia... Cynny? Do you —...


... Im still scared, ... but ... okay.

[Both girls give MARTIN a dirty look, but he just looks back at them with calm defiance.]


Timothy says its fine. And if he says so ...

[She turns to JUSTIN]:


Well, ... I can trust him, his feelings.

[Still adressing JUSTIN, she looks towards the other children.]


I —... We believe ... no, we know we all can. I think we can do it.

[She stoops and picks up CYNTHIA.]


Cmon, then ...

Issue Seven: The Raid!


The only friends Justin succeeds in evacuating from the now enemy-occupied camp are the Brisbys.

Now, Justin and the Brisbys are safe, but on the run — and seeking lodgings for the night when Timothy starts showing sighs of sensitivity to the night chill.

When Martin suggests Jenner’s now abandoned hide-out for the night, he is met with the opposition of his uneasy sisters, who associate terror with Jenner’s horrid lair. But Timothy, who is usually right, seems all for it.

But is the place really safe for the six fugitives?

[They start in. MARTIN leads the way, with JUSTIN behind him. Next is MRS. BRISBY, carrying CYNTHIA, with TERESA and TIMOTHY bringing up the rear, walking along together, holding paws.]

[Just as they are about to reach the main entrance, a fire starts in the fire-pit in the chamber beyond.]

[Everyone freezes.]

[Suddenly, the dead quail flies thru the opening, almost hitting MARTIN, who leaps back in alarm, gasping.]


:{as Cynthia cries out}:

Oh, I knew it, I knew it! Mother

[JUSTIN’s voice cracks with strained terror]:


A trap! Run! Run!

[They turn around to flee, but then]:


Justin? That you, son?

[He appears in the tunnel.]


Wait, dont run! Stop!



[They all come to a stop, turning.]



I hope I didnt scare you too badly when I threw that disgusting bird carcuss out, but you can scarcely blame us for us not wanting that detestable thing in here while were here, can you?


... "Us"? Dad, whats going on here? I —... !?

[He breaks off suddenly at the sight of ARNOLD, coming out to stand behind their father.]

[JUSTIN is shocked and puzzled.]


Arnold? God, am I glad to see you! B-But what ... ?


:{joining them}:

Never mind, brother. Were just glad to see you alive. Wed thought by now youd been ... Well, never mind that now. You guys look awful.

[He gestures towards the main chamber]:


Join the party ...

[JACKSON and ARNOLD lead them into the hideouts main chamber.]



Huh? Whatre you —...

[He breaks off, staring around in astonished bewilderment at his gathered family and friends, observing at once that they are all dirty, clothing ripped, just like himself and the BRISBYs; all are completely disheveled, like they, too, have been thru the same kind of ordeal.]

[ARTHUR, WILLIS, and COLBERT (ISABELLA’s father) are talking together, in low voices as they enter. They look up at the entrance of JUSTIN’s party.]

[Listening to them, AURORA sits with GREGORY and MR. AGES, who are also talking together.]

[MRS. BRISBY goes right to AURORA, the two females exchange brief words, and then AURORA tends to TIMOTHY to sooth his chill, holding him on her lap.]

[His mother puts her cape back on and MARTIN leads her and his siblings to look at the pit-cage, where they are joined by TIMOTHY, AURORA, GREGORY, and MR. AGES.]

[ISABELLA is sitting with her mother VELMA and her twin brother BRIAN. When she sees JUSTIN, she leaps up and runs to him.]


Justin! Oh, my God, … Justin!

[She embraces him powerfully and passionately, so much that he stumbles backwards in the doorway and nearly falls down.]


I — I thought you mightve been killed by now! I was so afraid for you! I — I thought that — that scoundrel killed you! I was so worried! Oh, … thank God, ... youre safe!

[Closing her eyes, she leans against him gently, with a sigh.]

[Not responding to her embrace, JUSTIN stares down at the top of ISABELLA’s red-haired head; he appears somewhat uncomfortable — by her attention (tho he does put one paw on her shoulder).]

[He looks to his father.]


Dad, what ... whats going on here?

[He looks around and sees his family. There is JUDITH, holding her new-born baby daughter LILIAN. There are the twins (his little brother ROGER and little sister SAMANTHA). And his own twin brother ARNOLD.]


:{grimly and wearily}:

Well, ... Im not really sure, son, ... but ... I think that you and our friends here —

[He indicates the BRISBYs, who join the group.]


— have been thru the same thing as us.

[He indicates the rest of the group.]

[JUSTIN reacts with indignant distress]:


How!? Why didnt you fight!?

[With something like relief as an undercurrent of his indignant distress, JUSTIN breaks free from ISABELLA’s embrace, stepping towards his father.]


You had better access to the guards than we did —

[As he speaks, AGES, AURORA, and GREGORY come up to them.]



Did we, ... my dear friend ... ?


But — B-But ... But then —...

[He breaks off, blinking; then looks dismayed.]


Oh. Never mind, ... I know why ...


Right. With the guards turned against you by that dirty bastard —


Dear, ... therere children here.


Right, sorry — how could any of us really fight? Seems that both our government and our defense forces were rotten to the core with potential traitors, … all just looking for the development of the right environment to prosper. We were out-numbered, more traitor guards than loyal ones — who were also forced to fight, I hear — on pain of death if they didnt. We had no choice — but to run. Otherwise, Jenner wouldve had us all killed on sight. Ill bet, son, you were wondering where all of the guard were when you and our young friends here —

[He gestures to the BRISBYs again.]


— were driven off.

[JUSTIN nods, shocked and stunned.]


Actually, at the time, I was so occupied I didnt have time to wonder ... or even think, ... not very much, anyway. But come to think of it, youre right. Why they couldnt hear it, I — I ... didnt know. That is, ... I ... I couldnt imagine. We were trying to escape — and I was fighting. Yknow, for these little guys; to clear our path.

[He gestures to the BRISBYs as well.]


We — We must have made — ohhh, a lot of racket, an awful commotion. You would have thought that someone wouldve heard. Ill bet plenty did — but just either couldnt or wouldnt help, for whatever the reason. But that reason, ... why, it was because either they — the guards — were with him or not. I ... I wonder how many of them that ... he killed ... for resisting ... before he ferreted out the ones he could use? Oh, my God, ... how many of us are dead tonight!?


:{after a pause; nodding grimly}:

Well then, my boy, there you have it. Jenner mustve got to our Guard Captain, ... before he went to find — and catch you. Brutus was there when you ran, ... right?

[After a brief pause, JUSTIN answers in a low, drained, toneless voice.]


... Yes.


Youre right then, Chief. He went after the guards first, converting as many as possible — to his cause. Most of them he did. He must have offered them something they couldnt turn down. And the rest were forced to go along with him. Threatened with their lives ... if they refused, ... just like youve suggested. That is how that — that — er, uh —

[He pauses, glancing around at the youngsters present.]


— that treacherous scoundrel operates these days, ... isnt it?


... Yes.


Ill bet he did that before even considering going after you. He mustve wanted to make sure he and his boys had you irreconcilably trapped and culled apart from any possible aid whatsoever. Then he could, uh, take his time about, ... er, uh, ... "taking care" of you.


Of course. He wanted to make sure, make sure youd get no help, that youd get no aid in fighting them off at all. Youd be out-numbered and helpless. And then —

[He stops and makes a harsh, slashing gesture, as if with a sword.]

[Gulping involuntarily, JUSTIN flinches away suddenly, abruptly, as if from a sword blow, shuddering, his face ashen, sickly pale with a pallor of fear.]


Well, you know that much ... yourself ...

[AURORA and GREGORY come up.]


Some of us had trouble escaping, Justin. Some got out without much or any trouble. Some of us managed to slip away completely unseen. Its a good thing I have this second-sight ... or whatever it is. We all wouldve never found each other — if I hadnt picked up all those impressions of what happened to others and where they were ... and go find them. In fact, I was just about to go out to find you and the Brisbys ... when I sensed that you were already on your way here in this direction. Which is why I chose lead everyone here — after I rounded everyone up — all a bit at a time, tho’. Everyone here managed to escaped ... into the woods; there was no other place to go. Every one was wandering about. I started sensing out everyone ... and just about that same time, I realized where you six were — and that you were on your way here, so I lead everyone else here, too. Anyway, at least, since we got here first, weve been expecting you ...

[As she speaks, there is (for the comic version) a misty and dreamlike visual recount in thin air of AURORA’s statement. Examples of her statement are ISABELLA’s flight from near-capture by JENNER himself, her parents and brothers and the WILSONs’ clean getaway in spite of a chase, AURORA and GREGORY, hiding together and ARTHUR, WILLIS, and MR. AGES in their own, seperate hiding places, then of AURORA, sensing out and finding other desperate fugitives.]

[COLBERT and VELMA approach AURORA.]


But what about our Beatrice?


Yes. Do you get any "sense" of our older daughter yet, Healer?


I — I am sorry; no.




<Sigh> I am truly sorry. All I can say is that ... she still lives. There is that much, ... at least. She is still alive.


Oh, ... thank goodness. But, Colbert


I know.

[He leads her off and they talk quietly together.]

[AURORA and JUSTIN watch them, then AURORA looks at JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN stares at her for a long moment in shock, then he looks dazed with despair.]

[When he speaks, it is in a small voice full of resignation and defeat]:


It — Its happened. Its ... finally happened. Hes finally bested me. After all this time, ... since we became rivals back in the rosebush ... and so long even before we ever left it, ... when it was only posturing and testing and sarcastic remarks with little, hidden meanings and insults only we knew — and understood, between us. And now, ... he ... hes finally beaten me.

[He looks ashamed, he nose low, eyes closed, a single tear on one cheek.]


I — Ive ... failed. Ive failed ... to protect everyone — no, anyone ... at all — from him. I ... Ive failed everyone. First, ... I failed ... to protect Nicodemus from him ... and — and Nicodemus died for it! And now, ... I ... Ive failed you all. I ... I have lost. It — Its over. All over. H-Hes ... won. He — He ... really has won. Ive failed. Its over. I ... might as well ... really ... give up, ... maybe to him — as well.

[He despairing sits down on a root bench and buries his head in his paws as his words get softer and softer, until he is finally whispering.]

[MR. AGES looks at a loss for words.]

[MRS. BRISBY and AURORA exchange glances, then go up to him.]

[As if he were a child, MRS. BRISBY scolds him, shaking a finger at him]:


Nonsense! Justin, you havent failed us — and you must not give up now, my friend! Not now. Please, ... dont give up now.


I agree, Chief, you —

[JUSTIN looks up at them both, embarrassed; he speaks, his voice cracking with angry shame and dismaying despair, his sudden out-burst startling the two mouse-maidens back; tears form in his eyes, run down his cheeks]:


No! You dont understand! I — I begged him, I — I actually begged him — him — th-that ... that murderous bastard ... f-for mercy! I ... I even s-said ... that Id do anything he said, anything he wanted. H-He ... He thinks ... I — Im a ... a coward. And, God, I — I do feel like ... like such a c-coward! And ... And then ... telling him, hed won yet — while crying like some kind of a baby! God, I ... I ... was s-so scared! Im so ashamed. H-He — He was ... gonna k-kill me — and I — I shouldve taken it without a word. I shouldnt have given him the satisfaction ... of seeing me grovel ... like that. Im ... suppose to be ... brave, ... But ... I — Im not. Im not. Hes right. I — I am a coward ... I — I I was scared and — and he — he ... s-scares me, ... scares me — so much. H-He always has. I — Ive just always hid that — from him, from everyone, sometimes — even myself and — and ... never ... admitted ... that ... I — Im afraid, afraid of him ... and I ... I always have been. It was like I was afraid that everyone would find out — especially him. I guess I thought it would be ... worse for me — that hed see to it that it would be, ... if ... he knew ... how scared I — I am of him, if things ever turned ugly between us — openly ... like they have now. H-He ... sc-scares m-me ... s-so much. And yet, if it was Dragon ... or another big preditor, ... it wouldnt be ... so bad. Theyre big and dangerous, b-but at least, ... theyre fast, ... not ... c-cruel — usually — at least, not very. And its not personal with them, not personal at all; if youre got by a big preditor, ... its — its over — almost at once. B-But ... with him, with h-him — it — its ... so brutal. And ... And this! I ... I — I j-just ... c-cant handle t-this! I — I ... c-cant handle this. I cant —... I — I cant —


But ... what about that first time, when you fought him in the farmer’s garden? Why, … you didnt seem at all frightened then. No one ... would have guessed that you were so afraid then — or now!


Oh, ... that. It was hard, yeah. It was all I could do to hold my own, ... but it all happened so fast, … I just didnt have time ... to feel scared. It was like like getting hit — by lightning. It was just like like "boom" ... a-and there it was, ... a — a sudden fight — j-just exploding like that, ... in my face. All I — I could do was just ... w-what I had to do, … what had to be done. But now, ... i-its ... s-so different — when you can see it — the end — coming ... slowly ... from afar — like that. I ... I guess its, ... well, its like ... seeing the lightning — about to hit you. I — I thought ... I ... I was finished. I ... I was so scared, ... I — I mean, really scared. And ... I — I still am.

[He breaks off, struggling not to weep, his head in his paws.]


Oh, my poor friend, you mustnt think that way about yourself. You should give yourself credit — where the credit is due. You deserve it.

[JUSTIN glances at her glumly, then hides his faces in his paws.]

[After a moment, he looks up and goes on faulteringly]:


No. No, I dont. He ... H-He ... scares me ... so m-much. I just cant face him ... again, ... not ever again. If it ever came to that, ... I couldnt.

[AURORA comes closer, touching his arm.]



Oh, Justin, hes a dangerous, cruel, violent person.


Oh, dear Chief, listen to her. You are no coward.


Thats true, friend. That —



Then, ... how do you account ... for my "performance" — out there? Huh! My so-called "performance", ... such as it is ... or was ...


... Justin, ... he wouldve killed you, my friend.


Yeah, I — I know that. Oh, God — do I know that!

[JUSTIN turns to MR. AGES]:


You ... You tried to warn me about him, b-but I didnt listen. I — I cant ... even listen good. Not ... even when ... you warned me. You warned me, … but I ignored the warning. Even tho I knew the danger, I ignored it, like it would go away if I just pretended that there was nothing wrong, like we ... him and I — were still friends — a-and n-not even try to do anything about him — not until now, ... when its too late — and I ... I dont have any nerve left — anyway. I ... I just dont have the heart or stomach for any more. Your warning — it was wasted on me ... and now, ... I — Im ... paying ... for it, ... paying for it ... in spades. We all are — because ... I just dont have the g-guts anymore. I — I never did, ... not really ...


Justin, thats an unfair assuption. You are being too hard, much too hard on yourself. You had every right to be afraid; yes, you most certainly did. He wouldve killed you, yknow. Why, he was going to anyway, I believe, ... right?


Yes. And — And I — I couldnt fight any longer. He wore me out. I ... I ... was exhausted — a-and ... they — his men — pinned me down ... on the ground. He was about to take that sword of his — and chop of my — m-my—... <Gulp>

[He breaks off, with a paw at his throat, staring at the floor for a moment.]

[Then, with both paws clenched into fists, he bares his gritted teeth with helpless, impotent rage — as he suddenly blurts out in angry shame — and with the tears flowing fresh on his cheeks]:


And I shouldve just kept my mouth shut — and ... and t-took my — my d-d-death ... like a — a man!

[He pauses at this as if puzzled, then ammends]:


Or ... whatever. I — I shoulda ... just let him ... kill me.


Justin, ... listen to Mr. Ages. Youre being too hard on youself.


Aurora and Mr. Ages are right, Chief. Youre being much too hard on yourself.


My Chief, no one wants to die. Certainly not badly.


But — B-But Im supposed to be a leader! Your leader! W-What kinda leader am I? Im no kinda leader! Im a coward! I — I couldnt even stand up to him, I — I ... couldnt even face him — not even with ... with a fraction of pride at the end. I ... I shouldnt ... be sitting here ... now, ...talking to you guys. By all rights, ... I ... I should be dead right now. I — Im only alive a-and with you now, ... because I — I didnt have the guts to let be ... wh-what was to be, ... because I ... I was — no, am — such a coward and —


Oh, Justin, please. Please, stop insulting yourself. Your fear was understandable. Were not going to punish you for it. Please, dont punish yourself. None of us here think the worst of you for it.


Justin, my dear friend, it is alright ... to admit that you are afraid. We are all frightened sometimes. Even the best of us.


Shes right, Justin. Why, even the very bravest of us slip — once in a while. Everyone breaks now and then. Even me — and I myself am not particularly brave anyway to begin with. I can admit that. I do!


As can I. Remember that I heard him and Sullivan planning to assassinate Nicodemus. Remember? He caught ... and nearly killed me ... and ... I, too, begged him to spare my life. Me! I know, Chief, you must think me very brave, for a mouse. Could you ever believe that I could be afraid, had I not told you? Ive come a long way since then.


Thats ... all ... very kind. Of both of you, ... but I — I cant have an excuse, ... not me, not your leader, the one that everyone else looks up to. No, as a leader, Im suppose to be invulnerable as far as the rest of the community is concerned. I cant have the luxury of fear — about anything. Even if you think I am, even if you think Im brave, I — Im not as brave as I could be, I think. So I just dont deserve your praise, not me, not —


You do deserve it, my friend. You —


No, Healer. You — You just dont understand. If I deserve anything, it should have been ... my d-death ... for my — my cowardice.


No, Justin. I understand perfectly. You dont deverse to die — whether for fear — or not! It is our praise ... that you deserve! Really it is! Oh, Justin, my Chief friend, ... you should be honored!


No, Healer, ... not really. I — I know, ... youre just trying to make me feel better. But I just dont deserve even that luxery. Theres no denying it, no getting around it. I ... Im a coward, a dishonorable coward.


:{sighing, almost exasperated}:

Oh, Justin! My poor, dear friend, consider this: we have all seen you fight him — at one time or another. I believe I speak for all of us — here and absent — when I say, whenever I see you fight him, I see no cowardice in you. If you had not told us all of this, we none of us would ever have known at all! My friend, you are a fine, brave and caring person. Dont ever forget that. It is alright ... if you were afraid. You can admit to it. There is no shame ... nor dishonor to you ... in being frightened — or admitting it. As cruel as Jenner is, I should be surprised if you werent afraid, ... even just a little bit ...


<Sigh> I ... really appreciate all that youre saying, but it doesnt change that fact that I — I just cabt face him. And I wish I knew why, when nothing else bothers me like that. Why am I so scared of him?

[As he speaks, AURORA puts a comforting paw on his — and seems to go into a trance at his question.]


Oh, … Justin, … my Chief. He — Hes done something to you!


Huh? Wha —How do you know?


I — I just do. I I think I have a new power. It seems that I can now feel what is wrong with someone deep down, in the deepest, unknown parts of that persons mind.


But what do you mean, hes done something to me? What? How?


Well, my Chief, … its seems that youve beenhexed.


H-Hexed!? You — You mean like a curse!?


Im afraid so. Exactly. You see, when Nicodemus was developing magical abilities, so was Jenner — but his interest was in Black Magic; curses and hexes. As an experiement, Jenner placed a hex on you that makee you frightened, almost to the point of paranoia, of whatever Jenner pleased — in this case, himself — and, to a lesser extent, his men as well, so that when the time came for him to make his move in the old colony, you would have no back-bone or guts to defy him. At first, Jenner doubted that it worked, because the effect built itself up so slowly — and in fact, has just begun to blossom in recent days, accounting for your seeming sudden lack of courage before him.


Well, … theres something you can do about it, … isnt there? Healer?


I — Im afraid not. Im sorry, my friend, but I cannot help it. There seems to be no counter-spell to his curse, not that I can sense. Worse, it seems that the spell is so intregrated with your psyche that to destroy it — that is what it would take, because its too powerful to just remove — would destroy your mind in the process, turning you into little more than a vegetable. Besides, my powers are not yet great enough to treat mental disorders. And this hex — I may never be able to cure you of it, because my powers are only slowly developing — and the hex also continues to grow in strength. I will do all I can to help you overcome this affliction, but I believe that its development will always be ahead of me — and will not only become increasing permanent, it will continue to worsen in time. Your fear of Jenner will continue to be an ever-growing hindrance to your ability to cope with him, making it increasing difficult for you to face him — each and every time you should meet. Eventually, you may not even be able to function normally in his presence — at all, eventually making you vulnerable to great harm if you should fall into his hands — and youll be completely unable to do anything about it, … for your fear will one day incapacitate you before him — just when it is most critical! In the meantime, there is really nothing else she can do to treat such a problem as a deep-seated mind injury like this. … Which is why we face our current crisis. Oh, … my God! What What have I done!? <Sob> <Sob> <Sob>


Eh? Healer? Are you alright? Why are you crying?


B-Because I am ashamed


Of what?


I have done a great wrong, … my Chief. Against you. Against everyone.


I beg your pardon?


No, Justin. It It is I that should be begging your pardon! But, … I just dont see how you can forgive me after what Ive done


I — I … dont understand. My pardon? What youve done?


I — I cannot bare to have this lie between us any longer — but it light of the current crisis, I could no longer be silent!


I dont get it. A lie?


It is as bad as a lie, … because I did not tell you sooner! It is a lie of omission! Oh, … God! Im so ashamed!


But — But what have —


I — I should have told you sooner. Right away, in fact. But, … I feared that you would be angry with me. I feared that you would hate me — and never be my friend again! And I felt that I had so much to loose! You all are the only family I have, that Ive ever known! Remember when I first joined the colony, back in the rosebush? When Nicodemus took me in, I was not only unconscious, but I had no memory — nothing before that time. He was like my father — and all of you are the rest of my family. But I just couldnt see how you could forgive this. No, I — I should not have been so fearful. If there is any coward here, … it it was me.


Oh, Healer, you arent —


No, Justin. Its true. You have an excuse. I dont.


You felt like you would loose all by telling. Thats as much like a curse as my problem. And if it isnt, I dont know what is. … But what is it that so pains you, that you felt you couldnt tell me before now?


You still dont realize, dont you? Im not surprised. I suppose you think I would never do such a thing, … so you cannot imagine it. But Im not the saint you take me for. Justin, … yours wasnt the only healing I did that night.


Of course not. There was me and Mr. Ages’s broken leg and Isabella, what that bastard did to her — all the signs of abuse you healed for her, and — and — Wait a minute. Who else? Oh — Oh, … my God. You dont mean that you saved —


:{crying again}:

It — Its true! I — I healed him, too! But I couldnt couldnt help it! I was inexplicably drawn to Jenner’s body, after Mrs. Brisby’s house was moved. I suppose that you can say that I didn’t know any better at the time, … because I didnt even understand what was happening to me. I didnt know why, but I felt compelled to touch him, to touch that dead body that was your enemy. Yes, he was dead before I touched him. And thats when I felt it — his soul, still lingering in his body, refusing to die! Like … he knew … I was about to be a healer — and waiting for me. That was when it happened. That was when I understood that it was something that I could not resist. To deny it, doing a healing when I am needed, is like killing myself. I can no more refuse to heal than I can cease to breathe! But how can that make up for all of this? I meant well, yes. But, it went all wrong!


I dont know, sweet friend. It sounds like how it was for me when I almost drowned myself in the mud last month, trying to save my children, isnt it? You really could do nothing else, even if it led to harming yourself?


Or others! Ive caused you so much trouble because I did, because I did just let him die — like I shouldve! I — I wouldnt blame you if you never forgave me for Jenner — living to torment you! I wouldnt blame you if you banished me! I should have left then! I dont deserve to be here! I shouldnt have done it — and I should have told you right away, instead of being such a coward! <Sob> <Sob> <Sob>


:{taking her in his arms and hugging her}:

Oh, … dont cry, my friend. Look, … I want you to stop crying. You are a healer, after all. You meant well, I know. Youre a good person, Aurora. And youre forgiven. Im not going to hold it against you. Besides, you do deserve to be here. You belong with us. Please, … dont ever forget that.


:{returning his embrace}:

Th-Thank you, my Chief (I hate still keeping secrets from them, my good friends. And here, with Justin having just forgiven me from my with-holding what he thinks is the whole truth. I am still holding back, but how can I tell him —…? No, I I cannot tell him, … any of them, … the rest. None of them would want to hear about that — not at a time like this. Not now, … not tonight. Maybe someday, … some other day.)

[Suddenly, there is loud noise outside, the sound of many rats approaching up at the surface — and calling out to each other in triumph!]

[Everyone freezes, terrified, all exchanging worried, concerned glances.]



[JUSTIN leaps back to his feet in alarm as everyone starts, horrified.]

[Outside, there is suddenly the sound of JENNER’s voice, shouting orders]:


Alright, Willard! You know what to do! No one in there is to come out ... alive! Attack!

[Down in the hideout, everyone cries out in horrified alarm.]


Oh — Oh, ... d-dear God! H-Hes c-come — come to finish us off!

[JUSTIN looks around desperately ... and sees a stand of homemade spears in the corner.]


Quick! Anyone who can — grab a spear! We gotta fight em off!

[JUSTIN and all the adult males seize up spears and go into the tunnel to fight off the invasion as others seek any way out.]


Someone — hide the kids! Everyone else, start looking for a back way out, ... if there is one!


:{to the childrens protests}:

Quickly, Mrs. Brisby! Help me hide the childen! There in the pit! We can cover it with those blankets. Come now, children, dont be afraid, its the safest place for now!

[The two mouse-maids round up all the children and even JUDITH’s baby LILIAN (sending her down with TERESA) and hide them in the pit cage, helping them slide down the rope WILLIS tried to the bars earlier), then cover it with blankets.]

[Meanwhile, there is such limited fighting room that JENNER’s men cannot carry out their task, but then, there is also so many that JUSTIN’s folk have all they can do to guard the tunnel ... especially since JENNER’s men are armed with longbows and crossbows. While some of them used spears and short-swords, others are firing a barrage of arrows and bolts. Luckily, JUSTIN’s folk have managed to escape any serious injuries, sustaining only minor wounds. This is because it is rather dark in deeper down the tunnel (and, of course, night has fallen, too) and JENNER’s men cannot see well to aim. AURORA heals her folks wounds quickly — and each of her patients return quickly to the battle at hand.]

[Meanwhile, others have found that the only possible ways out — natural air shafts big enough for an adult male rat — blocked off ... and the invasion is coming down thru them, forcing those who can — adult female rats — to fight, since it is the females who search the back.]

[Breaking off from the battle for the healing of a minor head wound, JUSTIN comes up to AURORA — just in time as MRS. BRISBY reports]:



Justin, ... we — were completely beseiged! The only ways out — blocked! Theres fighting back there, too! Theres just no way to get around it! Were trapped in here! There isnt any other way to get out of here either — they know were looking for a back way out!

[As AURORA ministers to him, JUSTIN stares at MRS. BRISBY in horrified dismay.]

[And outside, TEMPLETON comes up to JENNER, whose wounded left arm (from his most recent duel with JUSTIN) is splinted and in a sling]:


Sire, … we cannot break in. The tunnels are too small for any good fighting ... and it is too dark in there for us to see with the tunnel entrances at our backs. We block what small light there is ... and as they face the entances, they have the advantage of what little light dere is. Yer Honor, we cannot do it.


:{scowling; dangerously}:

If that is some kind of a recommendation on your part, ... I will not accept it! I shall not hear of it, do you hear? There is simply no "cannot" about this, Mr. Willard! I shall have those fugitives ... and their meddlesome little "leader"! I shall have his head — and I will not take "no" for an answer — this time!


Yes, sir, … Yer Honor. Then, ... shall I send fer reinforcements, Sire?


No, that would take far too long. They might find an escape route by then. No, I have a better way. We will torch them out —


But ... we dont have any torches! We didnt bring the necessary equipment with us on this raid to make fire, My Lord, and we —


:{quiet growl}:

... Mr. Willard, ...

[At JENNER’s tone, TEMPLETON breaks off, staring at his master — fearfully.]


... that is what is called a "bluff", my friend. They do not know that! We have the upper hand!

[He turns to the hideout entrace, calling]:


Retreat, men! There is another way!

Issue Eight: Justin's Peril


Justin and the Brisbys discover that they are not the only ones who escaped after all — the hideout is full with Justin’s family and many others, all close friends.

About ready to give up, Justin and the others soon discover how their great enemy has survived: Aurora, as it turns out, is a healer — who has made a terrible mistake!

But they have no time for comfort or forgiveness, for the next thing any of them knows, Jenner and his minions have come to raid the place — and most probably to execute them all!

[As his men retreat, JENNER calls down the tunnel, his voice amplified thru a bullhorn]:


Attention, Wilson! You and your friends shall surrender to me — unconditionally, at once ... or else ... we shall put this place to the torch! I generously grant you roughly five minutes ... to prepare yourselves and to comply with me or you shall all be roasted alive! You all will die in there!

[Below, many of JUSTIN’s friends and family cry out in horror.]

[Glancing around at his companions, then looking entranced with shock and horror, JUSTIN backs away from the entrance.]



Ohhh! D-Dear God! O-Oh—Oh, no!

[He moans in distressed]:


Oh, ... if only w-we had the Stone! I-If only ... I — I hadnt ... dropped it ... d-down that hole, ... Mrs. Brisby could have taken it and ... and —

[ARNOLD glares at him in open-mouthed shock and angry horror]:


You what!?

[He stares towards the "exit" intently, frightened.]

[JUSTIN looks deeply ashamed as well as terrified.]


I ... I lost it, ... I — I lost the Amulet! And it ... i-it couldve —...


It couldve saved us! Justin, how could you — how!? Wh-Wh-What — What happened!? How did it happen!? I dont understand how it —


I ... I was trying to keep it from him — while we fought. I lost my grip on it — and it fell down a small hole where no one could possibly reach it.


But what can we do without it!? Were —


Well, ... at least, he cant use it


Well, a lot of good that does us! If he cant use it, well, neither can we! Justin, you — you — !



Not so loud! Hell hear — all o em!


Oh, bury it, Papa, … so what!? They — They already know were down here! Its not like were still hiding! They know were here; we’re trapped!

[As ARNOLD and JACKSON speak, JUSTIN looks around the chamber at all his friends and family. Everyone there — everyone of whome the lives are his responsibility — are either looking towards the "exit" — or staring at him.]


(I ... I cant. I ... just cant let ... my friends ... and family ... be ... No, I — I just cant let that — that bastard kill — I just cant, I — Im responsible ... for everyone here. And yet, look at what ... I ... Ive ... let happen ... to them ... No! No, I ... I mustnt let it happen, I —...)

[Suddenly, he exclaims aloud]:


I must go! Its me! Me that he wants! H-He ... Hes trying to get me to come out ... by threatening all of us! I cant let him come in here and ... and —... I — I ... dont want to go. H-He — Hell k-kill me.

[He seems to go into a trance of terror, but starts forward slowly.]


But ... I - I must ... If — If I dont, hell k-kill ... everyone here and —

[JACKSON blocks him off, a paw at JUSTIN’s chest.]


Just a minute there, my boy, where dya think youre goin to!?

[JUSTIN answers in protest, in nearly a stupidfied trance]:


I ... I ... must go to him. If — If I dont —

[Disbelievingly, JACKSON and MR. AGES scold JUSTIN]:


Whatre ya saying!? Go out there — and youre dead!


Jack is right, Justin! Hell kill you on sight! You know that!


He wants you dead! You cant go out there! You crazy!?


But … if I don’t, … he’ll kill us all!


H-He will anyway! He wants ... us all ... d-d-dead! H-Hes gonna set the place on fire — and burn us all alive ...



But wait! If thats the case, if he can do that, then why doesnt he? Maybe it cant really be done. Maybe its just a bluff. Maybe he isnt really serious


But ... But maybe he is!


I think that hes bluffing, Justin. If he were really serious about burning this place down, then wed be fighting fire right now —


But ... can we afford to find out ... the hard way?

[ARNOLD moans in terror, shuddering]:


Then what, whatre we gonna do now!? H-Howre we — we g-gonna get outta this one!? Whatll we do!? Oh — Oh, my God! Were all gonna die —

[Not seeming to hear his brother, JUSTIN shakes his head.]


No, listen. I tell you, ... its really me he wants. Hes trying to force me out — by threatening all of us. If I go out to him — but willingly, maybe I can save the rest of you! He wants just me ...




Son, please, listen to us


No, Dad, ... please — you listen. If it wasnt for me, none of the rest of you would be in this ... this ... mess! This whole damned thing was a set-up! A trap! He let me go just to get at the rest of you! I led them right to all of you! I must go, I got you all in this, right? He wants me — and hell kill everyone here to get me! Like I said, if it wasnt for me


No, Chief! You should say ... that if it wasnt for him


Mr. Ages, dont you understand!? This is my fault


No, it isnt, son. Dont say things like that.


JUSTIN, please, dont do this; dont go out there.


And whatll happen if I dont!? Besides, we cant get by them! Ive got to go! Dont you understand!? I must go! If I dont, he — hell come down here ... and — and everyone of you will be —... No! Hell kill everyone — all of you! I may be crazy! I know you must all think I am — but I must go … and negotiate for the rest of you. If I can save all of you by — <gulp> — d-dying ... myself, ...

[Grimly, he starts out]:


... then, I ... I must!

[ISABELLA dashes up to him from behind and grabs his arm in both paws.]


Justin no!

[She stops him briefly; he turns to face her.]


He’ll kill ye!

[JUSTIN breaks her grip, shaking loose.]



Please, Bella. I — I know that ...




Dont try to stop me. Any of you. Please. Ive got to do this. Maybe I can save all of you. If Im the only one of us thats ... lost ... before this is over and you all escape, then — Oh, well, ... I ... Ive got to try anyway! Please, for the sake of you all, ... let me try.

[As JUSTIN finishes his entreaty, again JENNER calls down from the surface]:


Your five minutes are up, Wilson! Come out! Before I come down there ... and kill all of you myself!

[JUSTIN starts, looking back towards the "exit" (that is anything but), gulping in fright.]

[Terrified, but resolute, he leaves the chamber, going up the tunnel before his friends can protest further.]

[Anxious with dread and concern for JUSTIN, AURORA, GREGORY, MR.AGES, MRS. BRISBY, ARNOLD, ARTHUR and WILLIS follow him.]

[ISABELLA starts forward as well, hesitates, then starts forward again, very slowly.]

[COLBERT stops her gently and she turns to him to protest, sees his expression, then relents, silently.]

[Meanwhile, as for the others, going up the tunnel]:


:{murmuring to herself}:

Oh — Oh, my goodness. Justin, my friend, my dear friend, what do you think youre doing?


:{to Mrs. Brisby}:

I believe he was more upset about his fears than we had thought, Mrs. Brisby. His self-esteem is so very low right now, ... so low that he might, ... um, ...


You mean ... hes trying to ... to redeem himself ... to himself?


Even at the cost of his very life?


But — But ... that seems ... almost like suicide. He knows that Jenner intends to kill him. And ... And yet ...


... hes doing it anyway. He needs to prove himself to himself. Of course, it is for us, too.


Oh, the poor, dear boy ...

[Just inside the entrance, they all stop as JUSTIN turns to them]:


Please. Wait here. Dont expose yourselves. Theres likely to be a pack of them — of course, ... how else could he threaten so large a group as ours? Even more of them than weve already seen — all liable to be armed. This ... is a dangerous situation and I dont want to see anyone get hurt — like, maybe, in a cross-fire — if they decide ... to — to attack me. Stay hidden; this could get ugly.

[Before any of them can speak to him, he turns away and emerges outside.]

[As JUSTIN surfaces, JENNER shouts commandingly, pointing at him]:


Archers — ready, aim —

[Suddenly, all of JENNER’s archers (including TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, and RATTEN) aim at JUSTIN; crossbows and longbows drawn.]

[TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, and RATTEN all appear to be relishing the moment along with JENNER, all with narrowed eyes and teeth bared in evil grins.]

[The rest of the group, a group 16 rats (20 altogether with JENNER, TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, and RATTEN included), possess grim, no-nonsense expressions, as if just doing their jobs — and taking the task too seriously.]

[Shocked, in horror, JUSTIN recoils sharply from the sudden movements of the archers, his back against the natural archway of the entrance, crying out sharply, in terror.]

[Arms held high over his head, surrenderingly, eyes wide with terrified shock, chest heaving in terror, he calls out at once]:


No — wait! D-Dont shoot me — please! Dont shoot me! I — I give up — pl-pl-please, I — I give up! I — I surrender! Pl-P-Please!

[There is a pause as JENNER breaks off his command, holding up a paw towards his men, flat-palmed]:


Archers, hold.

[His archers hold their bows ready.]


So, Wilson. You surrender, eh? It is ... high time. <Chuckle> You must have finally realized that you could not win, that you can never defeat me, nor can you escape me!

[JUSTIN stares at JENNER, gulping fearfully.]


Now then, it is time for you and your little friends to be desposed of — once and for all, in accordence with your unconditional surrender to me ... and now that your ... are up here — as a kind of hostage, … I am sure I shall have no more trouble from your little band, now, ... eh?

[He turns to his men]:


Mr. Willard! Take some of the squad down there — and bring those fugitives up here for verdict of their present dispositions and their immediate executions!

[Behind JUSTIN, his friends gasp in horror, crying out, talking together unintelligably.]


No! Oh, no — dont! Dont do this! You cant —

[He tries to block of JENNER’s men as they advance — and his own friends cry out and cower back into the darkness of the tunnel, still crying out to each other, still unintelligably.]


Get out of our ways, yer little wretch!

[He aims his crossbow at JUSTIN’s chest]:


Get to one side … right now — er else!

[Gasping in alarm, JUSTIN cowers, but stands his ground.]


No, you cant do this — I wont let you!

[TEMPLETON is about to fire — ]


:{pressing his eyes shut}:

Oh — Oh, … my God! No — please!

[ — even as JUSTIN cries out; but]:


Hold, Willard! You and the men — get back! I shall deal with him — myself!

[JENNER takes the crossbow from TEMPLETON — and takes aim at JUSTIN.]


Cant wait to perish, eh, Wilson? Very well. So then, now we have come — to the parting of the ways. Prepare ... to ... die!



[JUSTIN tries to dodge, lunging towards JENNER and slaps the crossbow to one side, making the bolt go wild as JENNER fires — and the bolt disappears into the trees.]

[For a brief moment, the two struggle with JENNER managing to get ahold of JUSTIN by the throat with his one good paw and JUSTIN trying to break his grip (as JENNER drops the crossbow, his minion TEMPLETON recovers his weapon and reloads it) before JENNER (as JUSTIN manages to break free) succeeds in knocking his foe back against his former hideouts doorway, crying out to his men]:


Archers, prepare to fire on him —

[JENNER’s men (including TEMPLETON) begin to take aim.]

[JUSTIN cowers against the hideouts entrance, trying to sheild himself with his arms as]:



Oh, no! No! Wait — please! Stop! Jenner, please! I — I m-must speak ... with you! Now please! I ... I have something to say!

[There is another pause, JUSTIN can see that JENNER is silently debating whether or not to order his archers to fire now, slowly stroking his short, thin beard.]


Pl-Please! P-Please, ... I ... I gotta talk to you! Please, ... y-you — you g-gotta listen to — to me!

[JUSTIN stands his ground, trembling, tho still stoic. Persperation runs down his brow and he is barely breathing, arms still held up — heart pounding loudly in his ears … and echoing. His shallow breath catches in his throat ... and he holds it.]

[The moment lasts a very long time as he thinks]:


(Oh, God! Is — Is this it? Is he gonna have me shot right here, right now? Is Is ... this ... the — the end? No, ... no, please, ... no! D-Dont — Dont let them — )

[He breaks off this line of thought; then]:


(No! I must be brave! I ... must have courage! I wont weaken before that — that bastard again. I — I wont! I ... I wont let him — or my friends — see me ... be scared! N-No, ... n-not again — e-even ... if he —) <Gulp>

[JENNER glances at his archers, seeing that they are all eager to fire.]

[JUSTIN notices this, too, shuddering helplessly.]

[After a long moment, JENNER decides]:


Hold your fire, men!

[JENNER’s henchrats lower their bows, all looking angry and disappointed; but all ready to resume and fire at a seconds notice.]

[JUSTIN lets out his breath now in partial relief — ]


Alright, Wilson! What is it you want?

[ — but catches it again, anxious at JENNER’s contemptuous tone, slowly lowering his arms, full of dread, still pressed against the natural archway.]

[His friends gather in the tunnels entrance, looking anxious and subdued, but remaining just inside the entrance.]

[JUSTIN half-turns to them as they stare at him imploringly.]

[He hesitates, frightened and trembling; he speaks softly to them]:


... My friends, ... I ... I ... Im ... s-sc-sca



Well, Wilson!? I am waiting! And ... do not try to stall for time!

[JUSTIN breaks off, staring back at him in terror, then again at his friends, helpless and afraid]:


I have made up my mind: you are going to die and nothing shall change that, you wretch! Not even your cowardly, craven, yellow-bellied begging!

[JUSTIN, still looking at his friends, flinches at this obvious insult, angry and embarrassed, glaring at his enemy out of the corner of his eye.]

[His friends look sympathetic when he glances back at them, as if to check their reactions.]

[He bravely turns to face JENNER.]


Look. I ... I know you let me go on purpose for a reason other than kindness. I know all this was some kinda set-up, a trap. You wanted me ... to lead you to others you knew would defy you, too — right?



Clever thinking, Wilson, yes, very clever thinking on your part, ... but a lot of good it will do any of you now. You are all under arrest — in the name of my superior authority!

[JUSTIN pauses, looking suspicious]:


You were bluffing, ... werent you? You couldntve burned this place down if you wanted to? Right? Ill bet you werent serious, ... huh? The Healer didnt believe you meant it.


<Chuckle> That would be a fair assessment of the situation on her part, but I would wager that you were not about to run the risk of finding out the hard way, ... now were you?

[Dismayed, JUSTIN stares at him, eyes briefly closed]:


... No.

[Eyes open, he casts his eyes down, defeatingly]:


I wasnt.


Well, there you are, then ...


Youre not here just to arrest us all. Right?


Correct. You are all dangerous rebels ... and must be accordingly —

[JUSTIN blurts out with controlled anger; fearfully]:


No! No! You cant do that! I wont let you!

[At this, JENNER angrily advances at him]:


<Snarl> You dare —!?

[JUSTIN backs off in alarm, stumbling against the doorway; he blurts out]:


I ... I ... challenge you ... t-to single combat — for the lives of my friends here! (Oh-hhh, ... m-my God! W-What am I saying!?)

[JENNER breaks off, staring at JUSTIN in astonishment.]


<Laugh> Are you jesting!? Do you really think you can defeat me!? We have fought before — and I have always won! Have you not realized by now that I am the superior fighter!? I taught you everything you know about sword-play! There’s no trick you could accomplish that could defeat me — none that I wouldn’t see coming!



Oh, yeah? What about the time in the garden? As I recall, you lost.


<Hmph> You think that dumb luck on your park makes you a better fighter? Yes, … you won, alright — but thats because you had help! That fat slob McPherson


I meant, before Sullivan hit you. As I recall, you were wide open! You made it easy; so easy, that opening screamed "attack"! I got you — and good! And what about the other times? Yknow, maybe you’ve been the one with the dumb luck all this time! Maybe … you’re the one that isn’t as good as you think!


:{angrily ignoring this to state pointedly}:

And what kind of so-called fighter would that make you, then — since everything you know you learned from me? The only time I loose is when you have help — which is the only reason you still live after our fights! There shall be no help for you in a singular challenge, my little friend! If you are about to die — and you will — then that is how it shall be; no one will be allowed ... to save your wretched neck — this time!


<Gulp> I — I know that ...


So then, you must also know that you will most likely die if you face me again in battle — and without any assistance! So why —


:{interrupting desperately}:

I know you came here to capture us all — and probably worse! Now, I demand that you give me the chance to honorably win the freedom ... and lives ... of everyone here!


You are more of a fool than I thought! I will kill you easily enough ... and you know it! And believe me, Wilson, I can do it, too, ... even wounded ... as I am! <Laugh> You do not present any kind of a challenge to me! I shall finish you — and take great enjoyment and satisfaction while I am at it! And when I finish with you, your wretched head shall adorn the wall ... of my new Throne Room!



So you say. Look, I ... Ive challenged you. Do you accept ... or not?


Well, ... of course, I accept. You are hardly worth my time or effort; but, yes, I accept. I am not the coward that you are!


Oh, yeah? If I have a problem with guts where you’re concerned, buddy, … then its no thanks to you!


<Hmph> I have no idea what youre talking about.


Like Hell, you don’t! Listin, pal, … I know all about your little trick! I know what you did to me!


Oh. <Chuckle> You mean my little prank. Well, my friend, it seems to me that you can dish out the jokes, … but you can’t take as good as you get!


(!) Why, you ( @#$%! )


<Laugh> In any case, someone, ... arm him for our little ... <Chuckle> ... "contest". You there, Mr. Willard. Oblige ... the little fool.

[Grasping his swords sheath, TEMPLETON offers JUSTIN his sword, pommel first, grudgingly, sneering at him suspiciously and distastefully. He speaks only loud enough for JUSTIN to hear]:


:{low hiss}:

As unlikely as it is, even if yer win, yer lose. Well all cut the lotta yer ta shreds, startin with yer ... and at is, should yer appen ta win! Yerll be only th ery first we slice thin, ywretch. Ery onna usll strike yer down enmass, ... right where yer stand ... ‘n well literally shred yer guts! Yer gonna die, yer wretch ... ‘n bad, too — whether yer win er not! Either way, ... well kill yer good!

[Gulping, JUSTIN glares at him, offended, angry and frightened; with TEMPLETON grasping the scabbard, JUSTIN slowly, hesitently and fearfully, draws the weapon out.]

[As JUSTIN takes TEMPLETON’s sword, JENNER draws his own, holding it in his good paw.]


<Chuckle> Then, let this contest begin!

[Trembling and full of dread, JUSTIN gulps and takes one slow, shuddering step forward — ]


:{nervous thought}:

(H-Hes wounded. He said so h-himself. And everyone can see it, too. I — Ive got ... an advantage. Theres n-nothing ... t-to be a-afraid of.)

[ — but MRS. BRISBY steps forward to grasp his wrist, stopping him; he looks almost relieved]:


Justin, wait! Do you really think that you ought to do this? All of us already know just how brave, how couragous you are, my dear friend! You just proved it!

[AURORA steps up to him on his other side, grasping his arm]:


Chief, please, dont — you dont have to do this! We think well enough of you already — all of us do! You dont have to prove anything to us. Well find another way to solve this predicament.

[JUSTIN gently pulls his wrists free of their grips, eyes closed in despair.]


:{dismally; quietly}:

Please, Mrs. Brisby, Miss Griffin. Even if it doesnt look like it, I ... I know what Im doing.

[He opens his eyes to stare in JENNER’s direction for emphasis]:


And whatll happen to all of you ... if I dont? I ... I have no choice. Besides, what can I do now? Im out here — and I ... Im in his archers sights. Ill get shot for sure if I try to ... to escape now. If I run, Ill be cut down ... and then, the rest of you get killed. Besides, it might not even matter now — since that might just happen — anyway.

[Followed by ARTHUR, WILLIS, GREGORY and MR. AGES, ARNOLD comes forward. He puts a paw on JUSTIN’s shoulder.]


Please, brother. Be careful.


I will. But ... I — I cant promise anything. Not for myself anyway. But I will save the rest of you. Anyway, ... Ill try to, ... I —


Wilsonnow! Or I shall dispense with your little challenge and come over there and gut you ... from groin to throat — right now!

[Starting forward, he lifts his sword as he speaks]:


And then I shall kill the lot of you!

[AURORA gasps, embracing GREGORY in fear.]

[MR. AGES, ARNOLD, ARTHUR, WILLIS, and MRS. BRISBY look horrified.]

[ARNOLD puts a paw on MRS. BRISBY’s shoulder as she holds onto MR. AGES’s arm — and he is turn puts a paw over hers.]

[JUSTIN cries out in protest at JENNER’s words as his friends react in terror.]


<Gasp> No!

[JENNER pauses at JUSTIN’s potest, staring at him; then, with a slow and twisted grin]:


<Chuckle> Then, are you ready, Wilson?

[JUSTIN moans softly in fear with a surrendinging shrug; he starts forward — as does JENNER: Grimly, they face off.]


Y-Yes, … as much as ever, ... I — I guess.


Then, ... defend yourself!

[He lunges at JUSTIN.]

[With a cry of terror, JUSTIN raises his sword and blocks the blow, cringing away as he does so and nearly stumbling from the force of the blow.]

[As the fight begins, everyone stands around them in a circle, watching.]

[The fight rages back and forth, seeming surprisingly equal in spite of JENNER’s wound. JENNER’s greater size, strength, and (especially) endurance (compared to JUSTIN), compensates completely for his wounded arm, pressing JUSTIN hard and mercilessly, making it totally necessary for JUSTIN to grasp his sword with both paws most of the time, having to put all of his strength into every block as sparks fly and the two blades practically ring (loudly) off of each other.]

[The out-come of this fight is anyones guess.]

[It does not last much longer, tho’, certainly nowhere near as long as their other fights — as JENNER executes a disarming trick on JUSTIN, a blow with his sword with a twisting motion that tears JUSTIN’s sword from his grip, sending it flying from JUSTIN’s paw. The weapon spins in an arc thru the air, landing impaled blade first in the ground some distance away, quivering from the impack of its landing.]


:{mockingly — and starting to advance}:

Well, … what do you know? I am the better fighter after all, just as I said!

[JUSTIN staggers back in terror — as JENNER closes in on him.]


<Gasp> No — please! No!

[JENNER pins him to a tree with his swords tip at JUSTIN’s chest.]


D-Dont! Dont — p-please!

[JUSTIN tries to dodge, but two of JENNER’s men (one on either side of JUSTIN) grab his arms — and restrain him against the tree. He screams in terror, straining against the trunk.]


Justin! Oh, no!

[He is about to dash forward to help his brother, but TEMPLETON leaps forward, aiming his crossbow at ARNOLD.]

[JUSTIN, JENNER — and the henchrats retraining JUSTIN watch]:

[ARNOLD backs down in fear, retreating slowly as TEMPLETON advances.]


Oh, no, ydont!


H-Hey, take it easy with that thing!


Yer eard th King! Yer friend, e aint gitten no elp dis time, me matey! Ym let im fight is own battles ere, see?


Okay, okay — take it easy! J-Just ... w-watch it!

[Sneering nastily at them, the Hench Rat covers JUSTIN’s friends for nearly the rest of the scene.]

[Meanwhile, JUSTIN finds himself seriously compromised, restrained as he is — as JENNER returns his attention to him.]


Well, I trust that your friend shall not pursue in his rudeness now, ... eh? But ... as for you —


:{near tears}:

Oh — Oh, please! No! Dont do this to me — please, dont! Oh — Oh, God! Please, … h-have mercy! Have mercy ... o-on me! P-P-Please!

[As JUSTIN cries out for mercy, JENNER takes the opportunity to gloat nastily]:


<Chuckle> Little fool! I told you that you could not win! And you knew it well! And now, my little friend, you are going to —


No! Oh, n-no! N-Now, w-w-wait a — a minute h-here! P-P-Please! Wait! Wait!


I have you now. There is no escape for you! So, ... prepare to die!


Oh, no! No! Please, dont! D-D-Dont!


Ohhh, yes! Yes! You loose, ... Wilson!


No! N-No! H-Have mercy on me — please!


Now then, ... I am going to run you thru — and tear your heart right out of your chest!

[He pulls back, preparing to drive his sword into JUSTIN — right thru the young Chiefs chest.]



Oh, no! No — wait! Please! Pl-Please! Oh — Oh, God!


Then, I shall finish your friends ... and be rid of the lot of you!

[JUSTIN freezes at the mention of his companions, fearful.]


No! You mustnt, you cant, you —

[He breaks off, making an effort to calm down and regain his composure.]


Please, ... I — I have something to say.

[JENNER pauses, still aiming at JUSTIN.]


... Very well then. Out with it!

[For a moment, JUSTIN cannot speak as he stares in horror at the sword-blade that is about to be impaled into his heaving chest — and split his heart; then]:


I — I ask for a last request. It ... is my right, ... at least — to that. Y-You know I ... I have that right. Thats one of the rules in a situation ... like this — and you ... you know it! Please.

[JENNER pauses, looking disgusted.]

[JUSTIN’s friends look extremely sympathetic for their Chief.]

[For a long moment, no one moves — especially JUSTIN, painfully aware as he is of JENNER’s sword, aimed at his heart.]

Issue Nine: Justin's Sacrifice


When Justin is flushed out of the hide-out by the threat of the eradication of his band, he attempts to negotiate for the lives of his companions, of whome Jenner planned to let Justin lead him to — so he could kill them all.

Justin’s efforts go awry, however, when it becomes obvious that Jenner will not be entreated into showing mercy — and he finds himself having to challenge his arch-enemy to singular combat instead. He looses — and is about to be put to death, … when he successfully pleads for a last request.

Can he turn his last request into a plea for the lives of his companions?

[JENNER lowers his sword.]


Very well. What do you want?


Well, ... a-actually, ... it ... its not for me.

[JUSTIN glances at his friends — ]


Well, really, ... its ... for them. You ... Youre so set on taking everyone, but I just dont want to see anyone get hurt here, in spite of ... what you mean to do ... to me ... and — and —... Uh...

[ — and then towards JENNER’s men, as if he is embarrassed.]


Um, ... ahem ... Look, ... uh ... can we ... ah ... speak in private?

[JENNER pauses again, chews his lower lip, then lets out an exasperated breath, hissing thru his teeth, sheathing his sword slowly.]

[He nods at his men ... and they slowly release JUSTIN — and retreat.]

[Looking faint, JUSTIN braces himself against the tree for support; he closes his eyes — and sighs in relief.]

[Slowly, JENNER backs away, into the middle of the clearing, gesturing JUSTIN to come forward as he does.]


Granted. Approach me and state your business. And do not be tempted to try anything ...

[He threateningly grasps at the hilt of his sheathed dagger.]


... or I shall cut out your throat and kill you where you stand!

[He starts to draw the dagger as — ]

[ — they meet in the middle of the clearing between the hideout entrance and all the surrounding undergrowth, in an open space between both sides. At once, both are engage in some sort of a discussion.]

[Members of both sides forming a fractered circle around them.]

[The 7 friends watch anxiously, even tho the two leaders are so removed from the rest of both groups that neither catch the content of the following discussion]:


:{intimidated by Jenner’s dagger}:

P-Put th-that a-away. Th-There ... isnt any need f-for that now.

[Grudgingly, JENNER resheaths the partially drawn dagger — the same that MRS. BRISBY recovered earlier, glaring at JUSTIN, eyes narrowing slowly as he speaks. As his paw remaining on his weapons hilt, he growls in a voice so low only JUSTIN can hear]:



You cannot imagine, Wilson, how much I want to just put this blade into your wretched throat — right under your chin! I really wonder why I just dont do so ... since you stand right here before me, in my power and at my mercy, ... with no possible escape? Tell me, why do I not just kill you now, eh? As you well know, ... I would simply love to ...

[There is a pause.]

[His paw still on the hilt of his dagger, JENNER tightens and loosens his grip on the weapons handle several times, obviously inching to do as he threatens, glaring at JUSTIN.]

[Intimidated by JENNER’s apparent eagerness to do just as he threatens, JUSTIN trembles, gulping in fear and fighting the urge to back away or bolt, fidgeting uncomfortably, his brow damp with persperation, looking ill with fear.]


But ... I am curious to know, Wilson, ... just what is it ... that you want?

[With a short pause, JUSTIN pauses to take a deep, shuddering breath before he manages to begin]:


I — Im giving myself up, now, ... of my own free will. Arrest me. Do what you will with me, but please, just let everyone else go — as a last request — to me. As I said, I get a last request ... by the rules of conduct in a situation like this ... and thats what I want. I — Ill go with you and — and you do what you want with me. Just let my friends and family go — please. Give me what I want — and I — Ill give you what you want ... willingly.


Well, Wilson, that is what I am intending anyway, so you are not really making a deal with me. You are simply agreeing with what I had in mind to begin with, as I did intend to have you. My initial threat did work, did it not? You do realize, tho’, that I could have flushed you all out — and easily enough in any case. It is just more satisfying — this way. As for sparing all of you, I did intend to arrest you all.


What would happen to everyone here ... i-if you did?


What do you expect? You are all traitors — to my authority! As you must realize, I am well within my rights on that detail ... alone ... to have the whole lot of you done away with — this very instant! Your little band must die now —

[JUSTIN cries out, interrupting]:


Oh, no — please! No!


Yes! For as I was about to say before, Wilson, you must all be taken into proper custody ... and then, be accordingly desposed of!


No! You cant do that! I — I demand that you at least —

[JENNER, angered by this, storms at JUSTIN, making him cower in alarm]:


Do not dare to tell me what I cannot do, you miserable, interfering meddler! You are in no position to demand or dictate ... anything ... of me! I have ordered your unconditional surrender ... and, as you both see and realize, I have the manpower here to enforce it! And yet, ... here you seem to think that you can strike some sort of a deal with me, … but in the end, … it is I that shall ultimately decide whether your band lives ... or dies! And you know that I can do so ... if I so choose! I am the power of life or death — over everyone ... that I oversee! All who live do so — by my whim alone! I am the only life here ... and the only way to life! I can have you all slaughtered in an instant! And you can safely wager ... that I probably will! You will all be done away with —


:{interrupting in fright}:

No! No, please! Listen! Ill go with you — okay!? I give up! I give myself up! Please, let everyone here go — and I — Ill go, ... Ill go with you! Ill go — peacefully! Please! If — If only you — youll spare everyone and —


Not good enough! They are your friends! They are on your side — not mine! Besides, what would I do with them otherwise? Where would I put them? Your friends have no place in my Empire! They are all rebels against me; they must be —


Look, if I make them leave Thorn Valley, in addition to my going with you, then will you spare everyone else here? Please! Let everyone else go! Do it. Please! Theyll leave Thorn Valley — permanently. Please. Just do it ...


So then, ... you say that your friends would leave Thorn Valley?








If you so ordered them to ... ?


Yes, they would! They will — please!


:{suspiciously; slowly}:

And what if I do not believe you? I have not one reason to trust you —


Please! Please, I promise! I swear — on my life! Ill get them all ... to leave Thorn Valley ... for good ... and and never come back! Just dont — please, dont kill them! Some of them — are just children! One ... is just a babynewborn, ... a — a little girl! Please, I — I beg you, ... dont kill them! Ill make them go ... and Ill go with you, if — if only ... youll ... just have some compassion, ... especially for the females ... and their children ...


Hmmmmm. Well, ... I just don’t know ... about that.


Please! Do what you will with me, but please, I — I beg you, spare the lives ... of my friends and family! Pl-Please! Especially ... the children. T-They have ... nothing to do with our fight. They shouldnt have to suffer, too. Please. Let them go. Theyll leave Thorn Valley — and never meddle with you, ever again. Please. I — I pledge my life — for the safety of my family and friends. Take me — and let them go — please! If it will keep you from committing a massacre, I — Ill sacrifice myself to you ... in — in whatever way you demand of me.

[There is a long pause; then]:


<Sigh> Very well ... One one condition. I have a special plan in mind that your arrest will serve to me. You see, ... you shall assist me, in solidifying my rule —



<Gasp> I — I will not! Its bad enough that you want to murder me! But if you think that Ill help you enslave the rest of my folk before I die, then youve got another thing coming, pal! I —


Remember, Wilson, ... the children, as you say. <Chuckle>


:{in defeat}:

... <Sigh> ... What ... do you want me to do?


As I was saying, you will assist me in solidifying ... my rule — by agreeing to become ... an example, ... to the rest of the colony.



An ... An example? ... Y-You — You ... mean ... y-youre g-gonna —... ?


Yes, Wilson, ... I do mean ... just that! I have intended to do so — for a long time now, … for I most certainly am going to do ... just that. Not that you have much choice; I shall do with you just as I want, whether you agree to it ... or not!


... B-But I ... I thought you wanted wanted to just arrest me, maybe imprison me — and force me to help you —... I — I dont want to, ... but I got the impression just now —... I — I thought you were going to spare me — if I helped you!


Oh, you shall help me all right! Just as I told you earlier, there is but one way you can help me! <Chuckle> Poor fool. Why, what do you think I want you for? <Laugh> After all this time, after all the trouble you have been for me, did you really think ... that it could be ... any other way? I did not track the lot of you down for nothing, you know. What else would I do with you? What do you think I have been trying to do to you — all this time? <Chuckle> What else did you expect, Wilson — for me to spare you indefinitely? <Laugh>


... No ... I ... was hoping otherwise, ... but ... I knew, I—...


You asked what I want you to do, Wilson. I want you to die! <Chuckle> Be grateful, my friend, ... that I happen to be in a generous mood — enough to forgo taking your friends along with you, even tho my purpose ... for sparing you before is defeated, as I could have disposed of you many times over by now, ... had I not considered taking you all prisoner ... of such importance. Surely, ... you realize that that is the only way that I would, or ever could, be persuaded in sparing your little friends? <Chuckle> After all, either way, ... well <chuckle>, you must know that it cannot be any other way between us — not for you. You know what they say, Wilson: "Take it — or leave it." Except that, I do not believe ... you will much like ... the alternative, ... such as it is — or would be — for all of you, now. Eh? That is, if you leave it. <Chuckle> Realize this much, Wilson: one way or other, ... you ... are finished. So, whether your friends live or not, ... you are thru’! Well then, my little friend, ... what shall it be?


... <Gulp> Okay. I ... I guess I dont have much choice, do I?


No, I would say, you definately do not!


... <Sigh> Alright. But I want this in writing — for the sakes of everyone here! I want that we should draft a contract for both sides — a copy for you ... and them. I — I just want to make sure that we dont have any, ... uh, ... "misunderstanding" here.


Hah! A wise attittude, I see! You trust me no more than I trust you!



What makes you think ... that I ever would? At least, ever since youve made your true self known, ... you dont exactly have a good track record with me.


<Chuckle> Be so as it may, eh, Wilson? You realize, then, ... that I could still very well come back — and do away with your verminous little pack of interloping rebels! That is, ... after I have finished with you! <Chuckle> I would very much prefer to do just that — and even before my men and I go, by the way!


No, please! Please, you have me! I — I surrender already! Just leave everyone alone — please! Think ... of them! The children that some of us have in there — please! Innocents — that have nothing to do whatsoever ... with our conflict! Please! Leave them alone!

[He pauses, staring at JENNER — with pleading desperation.]


A truce?


Yes! Please! Let there be a truce between our parties!


Very well. A truce between both parties then. In writing. With you as my prize. Everyone else goes free — and as long as I never see any of them here, ever again! You are aware then that they are banished out-casts and will die — if they ever try to come back, regardless of age or gender? They shall be killed — on sight. Remember that when you tell them.


Yes, I know. I understand that. Thats what Im trying to keep from happening. This is our battle, our conflict. Yours and mine — and no one else needs to be dragged into this cursed mess between us! Theyll leave. I swear it for their sakes. Just ... give them until morning, ... so they can get some sleep first. Its dark — and too dangerous ... to be out in the woods now anyway.



[JENNER turns to the nearest henchrat, who seems to have a pack of supplies.]


You, there! Come here!

[At this, the henchrat comes forward.]

[Using the henchrat as a table, both JENNER and JUSTIN handle a paper (that they got from the henchrats supply pack) between them, writing out the contract on the spot — and signing it.]

[ISABELLA comes out slowly. She gasps in alarm when she sees JUSTIN — standing so close to JENNER ... and her paws fly to her mouth, her eyes wide in horror.]



<Gasp> Justin! Oh, my GodJustin! H-Hes ... trying, ... hes really trying ... t-to negotiate for us ... !?


What do you think, Izzy, that all the talk inside was about? You knew the Chief was determined to face him and — try to talk this out!


But — But Justin... Hes —


:{softly; to Isabella}:

Yes, Isabella. Justin ... is trying to negotiate for our lives, ... but ... we cant hear what theyre saying ...

[ISABELLA clasps her forepaws together.]



Justin! Oh Oh, ... my poor Justin! Doesnt he know ... that Jenner ... might — that he might —


Yes. He ... certainly knows the risks, ... but there is not much he can do about that. We can only hope that he can persuade Jenner into sparing our lives. I believe from what we can see, that it is a very ... unenviable and thankless task ... on Justin’s part ... and it may very well be considered nothing less than a major miracle if he can really save us, for Jenner came here to kill every last one of us ... if he could — even children. And I dont think trying to escape would do us any good at this point; were out-numbered and out-gunned at the moment — trying to escape would result in our being massacred. Justin’s efforts are our only hope. Hell have to all but bend over backwards to accomodate Jenner’s demands — and also ... to convince him to do ... otherwise. And — nothing may be able to persuade him of that. Just saving us will be all Justin can do.


But — but ... wh-whats ... to stop that ... that evil, ruthless, back-stabber ... from — f-from — Oh-hh-hhh!


That is, unfortunately, what I meant.


Oh, ... my God! Oh, no! Whats going to happen now? W-Whats going t-to — to — Oh-hhh-hhhh!

[She faulters as if she is trying to find more words and failing to, breaking off in confused distress.]


I do not know, my friend, but we can only pray ... that they reach ... some sort of a civil ... and peaceful agreement ... of some kind. At least for our sakes. He just might be able to do it, ... but ... we can only pray ... for him.


... But — B-But ... what happens now!?



Well find out soon enough. I think theyre done.



Yes. Theyre done alright.


Justin’s coming back.

[ISABELLA looks partly relived, but puzzled.]

[JUSTIN starts back towards them. He looks, paradoxically, relieved and anxious. As if a great weight now rests on his shoulders and not on them.]


But — whats the matter with him? Why does he look ... so peculiar?

[AURORA shakes her head uneasily.]


:{muttering dismally}:

... I ... I have ... a bad feeling about this.

[JUSTIN rejoins them.]


Well, Justin, what happened!? Whatd you two say!? What —

[JUSTIN raises a paw to quiet him. He smiles faintly, a sad smile.]



According to the terms ... of the agreement between me... and him, there ... is a truce now, ... between our groups. Youre all free to go now ... as long as you dont meddle ... in Jenner’s affairs. And ... as long as you leave Thorn Valley ... now — and never try ... to return to New Valley Colony or even to Thorn Valley. You have no later than morning to get out, since there will be patrols who will be on orders — to kill anyone they find from our group still here ...


:{taken aback}:

... You mean ... were — we’re banished?


:{very softly}:

Im afraid so. It was all I could get for all of you. But you wouldnt be happy here anymore anyway. Not that ... he ... now controls things here now. You would ... all be stuck here, ... living under the occupation of tyranny ...

[He pauses, as if at a loss for words, then goes on, suddenly tiredly]:


Also, ... I — I must ... go ... with him.

[Everyone looks at each other anxiously, puzzled and confused.]


I — Ive agreed ... Ive pledged ... my very life ... for all of you, ... my family ... and friends ...

[Everyone is shocked. As JENNER approaches JUSTIN, slowly, from behind, as if to claim a prize, MR. AGES breaks the sudden, stunned silence]:


... Wha — Whatre you talking about, my boy?


Dont you know? You dont, do you? But, I think, you can guess. I told you all that I would save you, but that I — I couldnt garantee my situation, since he wants me. Ive got to go with him now. You ... You know how it is, ... dont you?


Go? With ... him? Justin, ... what —

[JUSTIN is suddenly fighting back tears; he speaks, frightened, but brave]:


:{faulters; blurts out the last}:

It — Its true ... What else ... did any of you expect? According ... to a written contract ... weve made, ... I — I —<Gulp> I must ... must now — ... <choke> I ... I ... must now ... die!

[Everyone is too shocked by this to respond at once — except ARNOLD]:



[JUSTIN visibly struggles to maintain emotional equalibrium.]

[He hands ARNOLD as envolope, trying to compose himself. As he speaks, his voice cracks as he chokes on his own struggling emotions]:


Now ... heres your copy ... of the contract, Arnold. Take it — Take it ... to Dad. He ... is in charged now ... of our small group, as ... Acting-Chief ...

[ISABELLA starts towards him, slowly, starting to cry.]


Oh, no. No! Justin

[She is about to embrace him.]

[JUSTIN stops her gently, with a paw on her shoulder, appears uneasy at her attention and glad to have reason to hold her away.]


:{gently; softly to her}:

Now, Bella, ... dont cry. Youll be fine.

[He addresses them all collectively]:


Youll all ... be fine, just ... fine ...

[ISABELLA goes on weeping. WILLIS tries to comfort her.]


Bella, please, calm down. Itll be okay!

[ARNOLD glances at ISABELLA and WILLIS, then looks at JUSTIN]:


Now, Justin, … wait a minute, … you ... you cant just throw your life away — like this — and certainly not ... not to ... to h-him and —


I — Im not ... just throwing my life away, Arnold. You know Im not. I — Im doing this for all of you. Please, dont make this any harder than it already is ... Please, dont. Just ... dont.


But —


:{ignoring him}:

As for me, ... it — its over. All over.

[He glances over his shoulder at JENNER resentfully]:


Jenner’s got ... what he wants now. Me.



Justin, … you must be mad!


Thats right! Chief, … you cant be serious! You —

[JUSTIN looks at him, answering with quiet resolve.]


I am.

[ISABELLA cries even harder at this.]

[MRS. BRISBY, AURORA, GREGORY, MR. AGES, ARTHUR, WILLIS, and ARNOLD all suddenly burst out talking, protesting to this change of events.]


Quiet, now quiet down, all of you. Be quiet!

[They do quiet down for him]:


Look, this way, only one of us dies. Me. The rest of you ... get to go free. You guys, you get to live — as long as you all get outta Thorn Valley, right away — and never come back! Please, dont make this any harder than it is, you guys. I mean, hes gonna kill me either way — this way, you guys live and go free. If I dont do this, ... therell be a real slaughter, a terrible massacre. Everyone ... would die. Males, females, children, ... even babies, like my poor littlest sister. So, ... I ... I must do this, ... especially since I — Im going to be ... k-killed — e-either way this goes. I ... I c-cant escape — and everyone here will die, too, if I dont do this, ... so ... Ive no other choice.

[They all stare at him forlornly, including ISABELLA, who is still teary-eyed. For a long moment, no one speaks; they just stare at him as if in disbelief.]


Please, ... understand. It — Its not like my my death will be meaningless.

[JUSTIN reads the incredulousness in their eyes; he tries to convince them]:


It — Its really ... all for the best, everyone! Really, it is.

[JUSTIN watches ISABELLA weep for a moment, then glances at JENNER]:


I suppose ... it would be too much to ask for more?


That ... depends — on what you want now.


Isabella’s sister Beatrice. Will you ... send her to her family here? Please? Before everyone has to leave? It would mean a lot — yknow, ... if they could stay together ... that is, if — if only y-you would —


:{suddenly angry — and very hostile}:

You have a lot of nerve, Wilson! As if I did not have enough traitors and rebels running loose in these hills! And after I have made such generous allowances for the rest of them, ... now you dare to ask for more — and especially something like that!? You dare to ask ... that I turn another rebel loose up here!? You do know that I ought to have you all put to death — this instant! I must be mad to even consider letting your friends go, ... you wretch! And now, you dare to ask me something like that! You can just forget it that one stays with me! And if you value what is left of your miserable life —


Alright! Forget I mentioned it — never mind!

[He turns to ISABELLA]:


Well, ... I tried, Isabella. You saw. I really did.

[Then to the others]:


But, at least, youll all be well.

[As JUSTIN finishes, JENNER grabs him by an arm, giving JUSTIN a rough pull with his working, unhurt arm, turning JUSTIN to face him.]


Fine — youve had your last words! Now, come!

[Startled and instinctively resisting at first, JUSTIN turns to stare at him with forlorn, despairing fear.]

[ISABELLA pales in anger, her face still wet with tears. She rushes forward to embrace JUSTIN, getting beween him and JENNER, trying to sheild JUSTIN from JENNER, pushing JENNER back.]


No, no, no, you can’t take him, you can’t have him! I won’t let you take him, I won’t let you, I won’t! You can’t have him, you —

[Growling, JENNER grabs her by a shoulder and shoves her away, making her stumble and fall.]



Back off, you insolent, little wench!

[As ARNOLD and ARTHUR catch her before she hits the ground, she cries out]:




You don’t know who you are dealing with, do you!?

[In ARNOLD’s and ARTHUR’s arms, ISABELLA stares up at him, cowering in fear at his threatening attitude.]

[With a curt nod from JENNER, a henchrat comes up behind JUSTIN — and starts to tie JUSTIN’s forepaws behind his back.]

[JUSTIN stares despairingly down at the ground.]

[His friends stare in shock and disbelief.]

[JENNER visably confronts JUSTIN before them all.]

[JUSTIN looks blankly, despairingly, at him.]


As of this very moment, Wilson, you are under arrest by the newly founded Empire of the Genre Dynasty! I hereby arrest you ... under my authority — as the true and rightful leader … of the Rats of NIMH!

[At the word "arrest", JUSTIN closes his eyes, head in a despairing pout.]

[JENNER advances menacingly on him.]

[Looking up at him in alarm, JUSTIN cringes from him, backing away.]

[JENNER grasps the front of JUSTIN’s tunic, halting his retreat — with jerking abruptness, making him <Gasp>.]


I charge you with the defiance and betrayal of a superior authority — mine! The point here is made: resistance of the Empire ... and my rule — specifically, my authority — is high treason!

[JUSTIN’s friends are very shocked by JENNER’s choice of words, angry and horrified.]


That alone deserves capital punishment!

[JUSTIN’s friends are even more shocked to hear this — and JUSTIN is paralyzed with horror, staring at the ground.]


Therefore, here and now, before witnesses and on my superior authority, I hereby sentence you to be immediately executed, for your wretched offences against me are punishable by death!

[Still gripping the front of JUSTIN’s tunic, JENNER shakes him slightly.]

[ISABELLA starts to cry again as WILLIS tries to comfort her.]

[JUSTIN’s reaction to JENNER’s pronoucements is of increasing horror and despair — and an increasing effort as well to keep from crying, too, gasping out a small cry of fear as JENNER shakes him.]

[JENNER goes on slowly, his voice a low growl, hissingly thru his teeth]:


And so, ... at dawn tomorrow, ... before the entire assembly of Empire Colonys collective population and as an example to any other potential dissidents, ... I ... shall ... see ... you ... hang!

[On the word "hang", with his good paw, he releases the front of JUSTIN’s tunic — and seizes JUSTIN by the throat with his good paw, to make the point, clutching JUSTIN’s throat tightly.]

[JUSTIN cries out, eyes closed, losing his balance as he collapses to his knees, with JENNER’s paw still clutching his throat, arching himself backwards in an effort to pull away from him.]

[His friends all see that he is fighting to hide his terror, … which finally breaks as he gasps out in agonized terror, eyes pressed shut]:


Ahhhhh! Please! No — please! Oh, please, don’t

[JENNER cuts him off.]

[At his nexts words, JUSTIN stares at him in horror, eyes growing wide and huge, mouth gaping, suddenly freezing in raw, cold terror.]


You shall hang, Wilson, you shall hang by your wretched throat — until you are dead! I have so decreed it: you are now under sentence of death! You are going to die ... and this time, there is no escape for you! I shall finally be rid of you — once and for all!

[For most of this piece of dialogue, JUSTIN is frozen with horror, but on the word "die", he seems to find his voice and cries out in terror — as JENNER continues, dialogue overlapping; his cries are nothing short of squeals of terror as he fights to keep from bursting into tears]:


Oh, no! No! No! No! Oh, God, don’t —

[Suddenly, ARNOLD pushes past JUSTIN angrily, cutting the overlapping dialogue short, almost knocking his brother down, at the same time, pushing JENNER away from JUSTIN — and seizes JENNER’s injured arm.]


Now just one damned minute here, you!

[JENNER winces from ARNOLD’s grasp unconfortably, sneering at him.]


Just who the hell do you think you —

[Teeth bared in pain and rage, JENNER rears his good arm back for a cuffing blow at ARNOLD, giving him no time to finish.]

[ARNOLD has no time to duck or even cower, but his eyes do go wide in alarm as he sees the blow coming even as he speaks — as JENNER cuffs him hard and viciously in the face, cutting off his words.]



[JENNER shouts at him in a rage as he strikes]:


Silence, you insolent fool! You dare to confront me!?

[ARNOLD, his mouth bloody, falls down backwards.]

[MRS. BRISBY, AURORA, GREGORY, and ARTHUR rush to help him, the mouse and the rat breaking his fall while the two mouse-maids come forward to help them — by attempting to revive ARNOLD, who is so stunned at first that he cannot sit up even as his friends try to help him.]

[ISABELLA goes on weeping brokenly, with WILLIS trying to comfort her.]

[As ARNOLD comes to, he rubs his mouth, staring dumbly at the blood on his palm, then at JENNER.]

[The others — MRS. BRISBY, AURORA, GREGORY, and ARTHUR — crouch around him.]

[They also stare fearfully at JENNER.]

[AURORA looks angry as well as fearful, but she stays quiet.]

[Advancing slowly on ARNOLD, JENNER goes on, pointing at him threateningly]:


One more word out of you — and you shall join him!

[Propped up against the hideout doorway, ARNOLD cries out in terror, cringing at this, shaking his head, a paw going to his throat in horror, his other paw held up as if to shield himself.]

[JUSTIN, still on his knees, observes the abuse of his brother with indignation and incredulousness — which seems to give him some courage and defiant boldness.]


Leave him alone, Genre. Youve already got me and —

[Eyes flashing with near-mindless rage, JENNER turns on JUSTIN savagely, drawing his one good paw back, snarling.]

[JUSTIN breaks off in alarm, cowering as he see the blow coming, then begins to cry out in horror]:


O-Oh, n —

[JENNER punches him brutally in the face with a fisted forepaw, knocking JUSTIN down as well, cutting off JUSTIN’s cry, which is replaced with a grunt]:



[His mouth bloodied as well, JUSTIN cowers, sprawled on the ground before his captor — ]

[ — as JENNER looms over him menacingly, raging]:


:{snarling in rage}:

You, too, shall be silent, ... you little wretch — or, as I’ve said before, … I shall rip out your tongue! Right thru’ your throat!

[JENNER’s threatening action and words causes JUSTIN to cry out]:


<Gasp> Oh, no! Please! Don’t hurt me, plea — !

[Enraged by JUSTIN’s seeming defiance of his warning, JENNER snarls]:


Be silent! Here I have warned you — and still you dare to defy me!

[He whips out his dagger, holding it blade down and]:


Another word out of you and, I swear, I will kill you — right where you lay!

[Advancing in rage, he raises his dagger high in the air over his head, aiming it down in JUSTIN’s direction; hissing]:


I promise you, Wilson, dare to deny me again — and I swear that you shall not even live to hang tomorrow! I shall cut out your living heart — right here and now!

[JUSTIN cries out in terror, cowering, staring up at him, frozen and trembling as the blade of JENNER’s dagger flashes evilly in the failing light. JUSTIN fearfully stares at the blade, paralyzed and terrified, holding his breath, seeing that it is aimed right at his heaving chest; he hears his pounding heart-beat, echoing loudly, in his ears. Ears flattening against his head, his eyes grow wide with terrified horror, his teeth bared. His head back hard against the ground, he gulps hard, shuddering violently.]

[Everyone else watches as if frozen as well, JENNER’s men with triumphant satisfaction and fasination ... ]

[ ... and JUSTIN’s friends with pity, sympathy, and horror.]

[For a very long moment, no one dares to move; everyone seems to be holding their breaths.]

[Then JENNER slowly puts his dagger away, staring down at JUSTIN coldly, eyes narrowed.]

[JUSTIN is relieved that JENNER has replaced his knife, but still cowers helplessly as — ]

[JENNER leans down and seizes JUSTIN by the collar, yanking him to his feet.]


Now then, … on your feet, wretch!

[JUSTIN gasps at the rough man-handling from his enemy.]


This time, … there is no escape ...

[JENNER drags him away, shoving him along ahead of himself, seizing hold his prisoner by the back of his collar, causing him to stumble along, gasping in fear — as everyone watches in shocked horror.]


... for now you are going to die!

[Pausing, JENNER stops, holding JUSTIN by the back of the prisoners collar.]

[JUSTIN stands there, immobilized with terror and helplessness; he trembles, eyes pressed shut, hanging his head in despair. His shudders come out as whimpered moans.]

[JENNER turns to JUSTIN’s friends]:


And as for the rest of you, ... all of you have until morning to get out, as agreed. I shall send a scouting party up here first thing tomorrow — and you had all better be gone, ... because anyone who is found will be arrested ... and brought down to camp to be executed, if not desposed of on the spot!

[With that, he starts off again, with his helpless prisoner.]

[JUSTIN casts one last look at them; one of hopeless despair and helpless terror as he is lead away — to die.]

[JENNER’s henchrats follow, with TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, and RATTEN bringing up the rear, who train their cross-bows on JUSTIN’s friends.]


Ere, now, dont be atryin anything unseemly — or well let ya ave it!

[The raid-party disappear thru the undergrowth.]

[AURORA tends to ARNOLD’s bloody nose and split lip with her healing magic as the raid party departs.]

[Except for ISABELLA’s renewed, steady weeping, there is an awkward silence.]

[ISABELLA’s sobbing causes MRS. BRISBY’s eyes to well up.]

[AURORA finishes with ARNOLD, then looks off in the direction the raid-party departed in.]

[She, too, is teary-eyed.]


:{nearly weeping for Justin}:

Oh ... Oh, that poor boy! He didnt have to — Oh, ... what has he gotten himself into!? Redeeming his self-worth ... at the cost ... of his very life! Oh, no one should have to pay such a price, ... even if he did it — to save all of our lives as well!

[ARNOLD suddenly leaps to his feet; he is nearly hysterical.]


W-Whatre we gonna do!? Oh, my God — poor Justin! What the hell are we gonna do, I —


:{from behind; coming out}:

Shut up, Arnold. You talk too much.

[Looking offended, ARNOLD hushes.]


Right. Now, all of you, get inside.

[At first, everyone just stands, looking at him, as in incredulous.]


Justin’s made me Chief-Protem, dammit! Thats an order.

[ISABELLA continues to sob loudly.]


:{annoyed by her weeping}:

<Ugh> Will somebody please help her?

[WILLIS takes ISABELLA in his arms.]

[JACKSON leads everyone back inside.]

Issue Ten: A Long Night's Planning


As his last request, Justin finally negociates successfully for the lives of his companions — but the price is his life. If his friends leave Thorn Valley as out-casts and never return, they will be spared.

But to get Jenner to agree to this, Justin had to sacrifice himself and agree to return to camp with Jenner and his minions. It is decreed that in the morning, he is sentenced to die by hanging — as an example as to the cruel punishment that awaits any others who dare to defy Jenner.

Is there anything that can be done for him or is Justin Wilson’s number finally up …?

[As they all go back in, WILLIS walks alongside ISABELLA, an arm around her shoulders, her head on his shoulder. She seems to have quieted down a bit.]

[As they enter, everyone else crowds around and so many questions fly, it is all once again unintellegible.]

[MRS. BRISBY kneels to embrace her children collectively, silently weeping]:


Mama, youre crying.

[The other 3 children notice what TIMOTHY states]:




Whats wrong, Mom?


Mother, what happened?

[Everyone quiets down to listen as COLBERT steps up to JACKSON at this — and seems to confront him]:


So what happened, Jack? Are we safe now?


Jack, wheres your son? Wheres Justin?


Yes, where is our Chief, Jack?

[ISABELLA bursts into tears openly now.]



[At this, ISABELLA blurts out loudly]:



He — He — Oh, Mother! That villain — took my Justin — took him away! Mother! Father! H-He — H-He — Jenner — h-hes going to — to k-k-kill ... Justin! Hang him — tomorrow morning! <Sob> <Sob>

[As her words, everyone looks at each other, horrified, many crying out in horror or commenting grimly to each other.]

[VELMA embraces ISABELLA as she collapses, weeping in her mothers arms.]

[BRIAN hugs his sister.]


Oh ... Oh, sis.

[ISABELLA sobs, hugging him back with her mother.]


Oh — Oh, Brian!


Oh, ... dear God! Colbert


know, Velma. Jack, is there —


Daddy! Is ... it true? Is ... Is my big brother really —


Yes, Roger, Im afraid so ...

[SAMANTHA starts to cry.]



Our brother!


Smithie, dont cry —

[SAMANTHA’s outburst gets baby LILIAN going.]


Arnold, please help Roger take care of your sisters. If Samantha keeps that up, the baby will never get to sleep.


Lilian, too? Im not good with babies, Mama, and —


Please. Now, Jack


I know, Judith. Weve gotta do sometime — and were going to!

[He turns to the complete assembly]:


I saw the whole thing, the whole messy business. Ill tell you what we should do ... and even if it screws up this deal Justin made with Jenner. As far as Im concerned, our poor Chief might as well have just made a deal with the Devil himself, becase I dont believe that Jenner will honor that so-called deal anyway — hell come after all of us the moment that Justin is dead. Dont think he wont! Youre right about that, Arnold. He wants us all dead, all of us — and if we dont do something, Justin will be only the first of us to die! Were all in danger. Each — and every last one of us. Even the kids ...

[He glances around at everyone, especially the children — and his gaze rests longest on his own baby daughter.]

[Every mother present protectively pulls her frightened children to herself.]


But — what do we do?


:{to her}:

You mean, what can we do?


:{firmly; resolutely}:

Were gonna make a plan. Were gonna stop that tyrant — and rescue Justin, ... that is what were gonna do! And we can figure out the rest, like avoiding recapture and getting rid of that ... Goddamned ... son-of-a-bitch ... after Justin is safely back with us — where he belongs.

[The others exchange nervious glances, muttering, a rapid fire of talk]:


Stop im? How? That — That —


Jack wants us to challenge ... him!?


And do what? Kill him? Drive him out?


Then what? What happens then?



Were gonna get killed, if we meddle with him.


:{to him}:

B-But ... we must help Justin!

[She is near tears again.]


I agree.


As do I. Its dangerous, … but — poor Justin! What —

[ARNOLD speaks, overlapping the nervious conversation.]


Papa? How? For God’s sake — tell us!

[Everyone bursts out talking and now they are unitelligible, because of the overlapping.]


Everyone, please — be quiet!

[The gibberish talking goes on; JACKSON shouts]:


Will you guys shut up already!?

[Everyone quiets down]:


Cant tell ya whats gonna be done and so on ... not with all this ... this babbling. You ask how, Arnold? Well, Ill tell you how: That sick devil has a couple hostages — one of which is my other eldest son and your brother, ... your twin brother, Arnold. His prisoner. So then, we must take one, too ... and pray that our boldness is worth it, for everyones sakes, as well as Justin’s, ... not to mention Beatrice.


What if Jenner doesnt have anyone worth our bargaining with ... for Justin? Then what? You know how much he wants Justin dead ...


Yes. You know hes sworn to ... to "get" Justin ... at any cost. He may not have anyone serving him that he thinks is worth trading ... for Justin’s life, you know. He might just as soon kill every last one of own his men — and by his own hand — rather than trade Justin to us! He could just as soon put the whole camp to death — everyone we know!



Then — well go after Jenner — himself! Two sides can play at his slimy, rotten, foul little game. If he can play dirty, ... so can we! He may be sworn to kill Justin at any cost, but he may think twice if he thinks that the price of eliminating Justin may cost him his own life as well ...


Well, ... I dont know ...

[JACKSON pauses, taking in the varying expressions of the group]:


This isnt just for Justin. We gotta do this — for us as well. And were doing this for everyone else as well, — everyone else whos still stuck in camp — trapped there, ... under the occupation ... of a murderous, blood-thirsty tyrant!

[Everyone looks preturbed and hestitant.]


Now, then, we are gonna make a plan. Now the first order of business, of course, is who is to look after the children — while were out rescuing Justin?


Ya mean we gotta stay here?




Yeah — who says? We can help, too!


Yeah, let us at em!


Well give em what for — hurtin our big bro and —




But, Arnold






Enough! Like you kids would enjoy this? Believe me, you kids dont want any of this no matter how much you care. This is dangerous business, not a kids game!


Yes, Daddy ...


But —





[She just looks at him; it is enough, he gets the idea]:


<Sigh> Alright, alright ...


Dont worry, Martin. Youll get a turn some day.


<Sigh> Yeah. Some day. When?


I can watch them, Jack. I believe you and Judith will want to go after your son.


Good. Then thats settled. But, … no women. Judith and the rest of the females can —



Jack. Justin is my son, too. I am going with you. And I wont take "no" for an answer!


Okay, okay. Then its settled. All you kids go to "Auntie" Velma

[VELMA giggles at this.]


— and stay with her. You in on this mess, Colbert?


You bet your tail! As you mentioned, that bastard has one of my daughters ... and Im gonna get er back!



Her back? Heh. What about her front and sides?


<Groan> Willis! This isnt really the time.


<Chuckle> Well, ...

[JACKSON shakes his head, then ignores them.]


Okay. Good. Now then, it isnt required ... and anyone who is afraid and doesnt want to, doesnt have to come. No onell say anything, if anyone doesnt feel they can handle it. Besides, ... its really better to figure it out now — rather than having someone freak out and panic at a bad time and not be able to react in a tight when time is of the essence and the situation is critical, ... but ... I must say that any one of you who is able to ... really should participate — if at all possible. Sitting here in this hole, being afraid, ... that is not gonna save Justin’s life and —


:{at once}:

Then count me in! Id do anything for Justin — even if he doesnt appreciate — or even know yet — how I feel!




Mother, please — I must do this!


Now, princess, your sister is already a prisoner of his. I dont want that you should end up



Jack! Jack, please! Let me go with you! Let me come, too! You need all the help you can get! Justin needs all our help! Please, I must help, I —


No women.



But — But ... Judith’s going!


Because I am Justin’s mother, dear. I have a right to this mission. I have to go!


Well, so do I on both of those points! I love him! Someday, hell be my —


Isabella, ... no.


Why? Why? Tell me, why cant I go, too?


I cant be responsible if you get hurt ... or worse, certainly, I cant abide any female casualties.


But I can take care of myself — just like Judith! Please!


Its not my decision. Youre not completely of age yet. Even if you were —

[At this, ISABELLA turns to her parents]:


Mother! Father! Please! Let me go with them!


Honey, weve already discussed this.


No! Please! Please! Tell Jack I can go! Please! Its not fair!


Its for your own good, dear. We ... know that ... Jenner, ... uhhh, ... well, ... "likes" you. Do you want him to ... to catch you — and "like" you — even more? Like I said, ... he already has Beatrice. I dont want him to get you, too. And I know youd want it even less, ... right?

[ISABELLA is about to protest more, then breaks off with a gulping, shuddering sob, looking totally miserable and frightened, shuddering, paws over her mouth, her eyes closed.]




Hey, Ill go. I like Justin. Hes a great guy.


Son, ... no.


Mom ...


Youre not of age either, son. No, somebodys son is already in peril. Your mother and I — we wont risk you, too. As I told your twin sister, your older sister is already in trouble. Im not about to risk any more of my children in this matter.

[As he speaks to BRIAN, he gestures towards ISABELLA; she looks offended.]


<Sob> I — I ... am not a child! I —


But — But Isabella is right! Justin needs all the help he —

[COLBERT answers him, directing a part of his response towards ISABELLA]:


Beatrice is enough for that villian to have, dont ya think, ... Bella? You want he should get you, too? As for you, Brian, like Jack said, ... one son in peril is enough for me! I just dont want to loose either of you as well.


Dad! Mr. Wilson! Please! I can fight! You need me! He needs me! He needs as much help ... as any of us can give him! Its gonna take as much power as we can put into this effort! And And ... if we fail him, ... he — he dies! Dont you understand!? Hell —


Brian ...


Mom, Dad, ... please. For Justin — and Beatrice. And ... for Bella. Please, if she cant go, then let me stand in her place. I ... Im her twin. She can be there — thru me.

[As he says this, BRIAN looks to ISABELLA, then reacts for her paw and she takes his.]


Alright ...


Colbert ...

[Her husband just looks at her]:


<Sigh> Alright. But youll be careful. Both my men will come back to me! And my daughter, too! Youll all come back!


Well, if hes goin’, so am I. Speaking of twins, Im Justin’s twin. I gotta go, too. ... Dad?


Id ... rather you were safe, but ... I ... we really do need the help. Okay, my boy. Youre in. Just dont you go all jelly-fish on us and panic if things get hot — its liable to be quite a squeeze tomorrow. We dont need to be rescuing you both cause you panicked or something — get yourself caught — and, as that bastard said, you join JUSTIN tomorrow.

[ARNOLD looks intimidated, gulping hard; he looks uncertain for the rest of the meeting.]


Excuse me, Jack, but thats the second time that youve implied the rescue is for tomorrow.


Yes, Healer. Whats your point? Morning is as late as we have. Its tomorrow for Justin — or its never ... because the execution is scheduled for daybreak. If we dont save him then, … then well never get another chance — and neither will he.


Yes. I understand that. Thats not what I meant.


Then what are you getting at?


Why tomorrow? Why not tonight? Itll be much safer if we can get to Justin and get him out of there tonight. Tomorrow, ... everyone will be up — including Jenner’s guards, not to mention Jenner himself. Itll be more dangerous if we have to rescue Justin during his execution than if we break him out of camp tonight while everuone is asleep. Why cant we? We can —


No, Healer. We cannot. No one is going near that camp tonight — and my reason is this: theres a very good chance that Jenner is going to have all of his forces on some kind of red-alert tonight. I believe that that makes any attempt to rescue Justin tonight ... all the more hazardous ... than if we did it tomorrow. I say that we do it at the last possible second — when Jenner least expects it. Id say that Jenner will probably expect a rescue attempt — as early as possible. If there is no apparent rescue attempt the later the morning gets, ... I believe hell expect that there wont be one. Theyll all be off their guard, all over-confident and complacent in their agenda, he and his lackeys. Besides, its too dark. Wed need light to get Justin free — if we tried to rescue him tonight. And all wed have to use is torch light. Wed give ourselves away before we could do a thing. Then, Justin really wouldnt be the only one to die tomorrow. Were trying to stop this barbarism, Healer, not add to it! Rushing in foolishly and getting ourselves killed is not going to help Justin, ... especially since hes in this on our account.

[JACKSON turns to the others]:


Okay now, … who else is in?


Count me in.


Uh, ... um, yeah. Okay. Me, too.

[JACKSON nods at both.]


I know you said "no women", but I see some are going anyway. Justin is my friend ... and hes become very dear to me as one. I want to come, too.

[MRS. BRISBY’s children are all shocked and appalled at this. They all cry out in protest, their voices and words all mingling together and making no sense as a result; but TERESA’s voice carries loudest]:


<Gasp> Mother


Its okay, my dears; Ill be okay.


And I. You may need a healer. We all understand that this is a dangerous situation — and someone could get hurt. I shall come, too. Youll need me there tomorrow.


Aurora! I dont know that I like that and —


Gregory, my powers will be needed tomorrow. I know it. There is going to be much trouble — and many will be hurt, ... tho I pray that the need for my abilities shall be no greater than ... basic need. Oh, ... may no use for me tommorrow be greater than ... a minor wound.


Mrs. Brisby, Ms. Griffin, ... I just dont know.


Jack, ... we are coming with you.


<Ahem> Okay, okay. Fine.


Okay — but Im goin’, too. Dont think I expect you to go into something like this without me to be there for you and —


What the heck. You may need a doctor, too, if you need a healer. That poor feather-headll need all the help he can get tomorrow.


So, ... I take it, this is my team then? So, who do I got here then? Judith, Arnold, Colbert, Brian, Arthur, Willis, Mrs. Brisby, Aurora, Gregory, ... and Mr. Ages. ... Is that right? ... Everyone sure now? I know some of us obviously mean to go — one way or another, but anyone one goes had better be sure, … because once were there and we start, … theres no turning back. Itll be the point of no return.

[Everyone nods, mutters rippling thru the group.]


Okay, then. I, of course, am going. Now on to the plan. I already have a notion ... of we can do ...

[He pauses to think, then says]:


First, because there will be that morning patrol here in the morning to arrest or kill any lag-behinds, everyone not going on the rescue must get out — preferrably a little before dawn, ... I should think. All those not going can wait for the rescuers at small cave at the entrance of the valley, okay? As for the rescue itself, ... here it is in a nutshell: we get close to the action as possible, wait to the very last possible second we can, ... so theyre off guard, and then we attack, taking a hostage ... or better yet, several. We demand that Justin be set free ... and at once. Aurora and Mrs. Brisby can assist me, ... probably as our spokes-women. Im pretty sure you two ladies probably wont be much for fighting, even if you were so enclined. Especially because of the diffirence in size — you two mice and all the enemy rats. And you two, Mr. Ages and Gregory — I might suggest you stick to providing medical care to whoever needs it. I mean, you two bein mice as well as our two ladies here. Now then, as for escape —



Yeah — tell us how we avoid getting all pinned down and chopped up alive, Jack! Yknow, ... were really askin for it! This — This stunts gonna get us all killed —



Willis! I thought you wanted to go. Now, ... if you dont mind ...



Jack? I ... I believe that I may have a suggestion on escape ...


Mrs. Brisby?


My friend Jeremy the crow is suppose to check on the children and I and see when we want to go home tomorrow morning. I can get him to help us. Its a good thing hes checking on us tomorrow, at daybreak, in fact. Well have plenty of time to plan his help.


Hm. And ... hell do this — this crow?


Yes. Hes my friend. I can get him to fly us out of the danger zone — once Justin is safe.


And he can manage all of us, including Justin?


Heavens, no. A load like that? Not all at once. His mate Tiffiny can help us, tho’. We can find some way to signal them —


Easy. A flare.



Ill tell Jeremy to watch for your signal flare and be ready with Tiffiny to fly us out as many as they can at one time. We mice can go all at once since were so light and small, but you rats will have to be flown out one at a time, by the two crows — at once.


And you say this crow is coming in the morning? Another reason, Healer, I dare say, for us to wait until daybreak. If thats the earliest time to contact what is to be our source of escape, then well have to wait. Of course, if we could do it at night, we probably wouldnt need them. Anyway, I assume this bird will be by as soon as it starts getting light?


Oh, yes. Jeremy is, ah, ... an "early bird", if youll pardon the pun. But he does like to be up early ... and he said hed check on us as soon as he was up.


Good. Thats fine. We can hold our own in the meantime, even if things break loose and —


Excuse me for saying so, Jack, but Im not sure I like that. True, the crows — even just one of them — can take Mrs. Brisby, Mr. Ages, Gregory and me right out of there, while the other crow can handle, maybe, one of you rats, like one of the smaller ones, two will have to handle the larger ones, but you rats will have to fight. Of that, I believe, there will be no doubt. As the crows rescue each of you in turn, those who remain will have to fight — that much harder ... because there shall be that many less of you to take on the guards — whose numbers, by the way, wont be going down like our numbers will during the escape as each of us is rescued — and if anything, they would probably be going up as reinforcements are called out. Plus, it will be increasing difficult for the birds, once Jenner’s minions know to watch the sky.


... Hm, ... I dare say, ... yes.


I mean, how long can whos left hold out if he is the only one left — against all of Jenner’s entire guard?


The — entire guard. Good God. I — I ... hadnt thought of that.


What Im saying is, ... what happens when theres only one left ... and that one surely has no help, not until the crows return again — see? That one would be outnumbered and overpowered, probably die as a result, unless caught, then, undoubtingly, to suffer a much worse fate. Do you see? It would be a shame to save Justin’s life — but lose someone else in the escape. I do wish so that there was another way we could save him ... without such grave risks to the rest of you. Do you see my concern? I am sure that Justin himself would hate to think that our saving his life had cost someone else theirs. That is why he surrendered to Jenner in the first place — to save the rest of us. It wasnt just to redeem what he thought was his lost honor, you know. He said ... his death wouldnt be meaningless, ... but I am sure that hed say exchanging someone elses life for his own would not make that loss anymore meaningful. In fact, Im sure that he would find the whole thing unacceptable!


Yes, well, ... we can cross that bridge when we get there. First thing is ... to get to Justin out of there, ... stop that bastard from hanging him. Then we can concentrate on escape. We can worry about the rest of it later after we —


You know, what Aurora just brought up, that may not be too much of a worry.




How so, Healer?


Well, normally Im not to kind to suggest something like this, but maybe, ... just maybe, ... our efforts might encourage everybody else tomorrow — those who are not on Jenner’s side, ... but are being forced to be his subjects — and the guards who are forced to be privy to this evil who are not on Jenner’s side ... that is, if they had any kind of choice —


Why, of course, Mrs. Brisby! Jack, ... thats it! We can start a riot! And drive Jenner and his minions right out of Thorn Valley — and all at once! Maybe we do not necessarily need to worry about a complete escape! Why, if Jenner can be driven off that easily — !


Exactly, Healer! Our efforts could encourage the whole colony to do something about this oppression!


Yes. Jenner wont stick around long if the whole colony turns on and attack him enmass, just like he and his lackeys attacked Justin. Hell be out-numbered and over-powered. Okay. Good, thats fine. Well incite a riot if necessary — if they dont do so on their own — first; our actions may be an incentive. And if worse comes to worse, well try to make a break for it ... with the help of the two crows. Well then, I guess that just about covers everything.

[As he speaks, COLBERT is looking towards the chambers entrance ... and sees the hint of movement. Slowly, he makes his way towards the entrance.]

[JACKSON pauses, nodding as if satisfied]:


Now then, ... everyone should go and get some slee —

[At that moment, COLBERT launches himself out into the passageway. Following this is the sounds of struggle and growling snarls.]


Goddamnit! We gotta spy out there!

[JACKSON bolts out into the passageway. At once, the growling snarls turn into several short, sharp, random squeals, then are muffled as]:


Ere now, you shut up now, y hear!?

[In the chamber, everyone looks about at each other — and there is much quiet comment and muttering]:


Goodness! A spy!?


Oh, spirits! He must have heard everything we said! Why, if Jenner learns of our plans to rescue the Chief, we may not get he chance!


Not even to save ourselves!


I dont think so, ladies look.

[At that moment, the others return — with the spy. JACKSON and COLBERT have him between them, dragging him in by the arms.]

[The spy makes a dreadful fuss, struggling and yelling angrily.]


Yer all mark me words well, yer dirty, litter rebels! The King — ell git eery last one o yer fer dis! Yerll all be dead, yer rebel scum!


"Scum" — yourself, you Imperial lackey! Get in there — and shut up!

[He pushes the spy down into the pit-cell.]


Yerll never git way wit dis, yer rebel filth! ‘Is Majesty’ll ave all yer guts fer garters, … yer jus wait n see! Yer —


:{as the spy continues to rave}:

Gag im! We dont need him making all that racket! Who knows if theres a patrol nearby! By now, the whole poking woods must know where we are!

[COLBERT jumps down into the pit and pins the spy down; he tries to gag him — ]


:{to the spy}:

Ere now, you shut yer yap. Weve eard all we need from you.

[ — but the spy just tears off the gag; he tries to bite COLBERT.]


<Yeowwcchhh> Why, you — ! Hey, ... up there, ... anyone got a rope?


No. Ages, go down there and give that nosey-poker a sedative.



[The herbalist does so — and the spy is soon fast asleep.]

[MR. AGES and COLBERT climb back up out of the pit-cell.]


Okay, all. Shows over. Now off to bed. Everyone get some sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a real bugger. We get up first thing at dawn — and we get out of here so we arent here when Jenner sends men up here to see if were gone. Those in on the rescue will come with me ... and we will stake our positions accordingly close to where itll be. Well have to get up early so we have time to scout around before Justin’s scheduled execution, cause we wont have time — not to sit around here waiting for a scout to return — we might be found out. As for Velma and the children, theyll go off into deeper hiding in the woods. Are there any questions? No? Good.

[As the meeting breaks up, MRS. BRISBY sees AURORA is preturbed.]


Healer? Is ... something wrong?


I ... just cant seem to loose the feeling ... that were forgetting ... something. I dont remember what it is right now, but ... it really is imporant. I wish I could remember ...

[As MRS. BRISBY speaks, the visual fades to a shot of the hawk SHADOW-WING, perched on on the limb of a high tree high over the rats camp, a senital; an indication of what they forgot.]


:{voice over}:

If its important, … Im sure that itll come back to you.

Issue Eleven: The Suffering of A Hero


The deal that Justin found himself forced to make on his folk’s behalf does not cut any ice with his father Jackson.

Jackson does not believe for an instant that the deal with Jenner will be honored by him and that they are all still very much in danger, no matter what they do or where they go. Furthermore, Jackson has no intention of letting his son die. In addition, there are other prisoners in camp under Jenner’s sway — such as Isabella McBeringer’s older sister Beatrice.

It takes much of the night, but Jackson organizes the basics of a rescue. Can they save Justin’s life — without being killed themselves as well?

[JENNER and his minions make their way back to camp with JUSTIN as their helpless prisoner, still bound. As they approach the camp, JENNER speaks to TEMPLETON, something that the rest of them cannot make out — because JENNER speaks only loud enough for TEMPLETON to hear. It is a long comment, to which TEMPLETON nods at the end of and salutes his master smartly.]

[As the arrest party returns to camp with their prisoner in tow, they stop and TEMPLETON climbs up on a natural platform of stone — and announces loudly]:


Attention, subjects of the Empire of Lord Genre! At daybreak tomorrow, our esteemed Lord and King shall oversee the execution of his arch-rival, ... your former "Chief" Wilson! Attendance is mandatory! Females and youngsters are also aquired to be there! Any failure to attend this extermination will be construed as treason — and will be punishable by death, alongside the condemned! Some of you laborors shall begin building the gallows — at once. Report to me for work assignments. Now, the rest of you, return to your labors — until you are all commanded otherwise! That is all!

[JUSTIN is horrified at this annoucement — and enraged on the behalves of everyone in camp.]


:{angrily; to Jenner}:

Hey — now wait a minute! Thats insane! You just cant order everyone to have to watch me ... die ... like that — especially the women and children! Why do they have to be exposed to such horror!?

[JENNER cuffs him cruelly, almost knocking him down. He seizes JUSTIN by the front of his tunic as he replies with nasty viciousness]:


Silence, you wretch! This is my kingdom — and I shall order of them what I wish! If you dare to defy me again, I will have you executed — right here and now — by beheading — or gutting; you take your pick — if you keep it up! Now then, you little meddler, you hold that insolent tongue of yours — or I shall see to it that it is the first thing that you lose!

[Eyes flattening, JUSTIN cowers, mute with fear, but looking bravely defiant with anger and indignation.]

[There are cries of protest among the crowd. Several of them try to rebel — and set out to free JUSTIN, … but JENNER’s cruel guards slaughter the rebels — ruthlessly. The horror of their deaths restore order to the remaining laborors, frightened back into line — even as JUSTIN cries out to them — as several fall dead from arrow-bolts, spear-thrusts — and even worse]:


Oh, God, no — dont! You

[He tries to bolt towards his fallen comrades, ... but JENNER holds him back by the collar.]

[As TEMPLETON starts giving out assignments to the gathering laborors, JENNER (still clutching the back of JUSTIN’s collar and practically dragging him along cruelly) leads him to the tent that is to be his cell for the night.]

[Both are still accompanied by JENNER’s guards.]

[The guards continue to aim their crossbows, longbows, and spears at JUSTIN.]

[JENNER turns to his prisoner]:


This tent shall be your prison cell tonight, Wilson. It will be under very heavy guard ... all night long. As there is no way that you can escape, you therefore might as well not even bother with the attempt — because if you do, you will instantly be recaptured ... and then ... you shall not live to hang, ... come morningtide — as in the event of your attempted escape, my men would see to that.

[The guards growl in agreement, brandishing weapons.]

[JUSTIN glances around at them nervously at the guards as they growl at him, brandishing their weapons.]


And then, I would be very disappointed. <Chuckle> But at least, it wouldnt be a total loss, now would it — since you are dead — either way.

[The Hench Rats and guards who are present laugh evilly with JENNER and his sarcastic comment.]


And so, my young friend, ... I advise you, ... do not be tempted ... to try ... anything! <Laugh>

[JUSTIN stares back at him in despair, dismayed by JENNER’s sarcasm, gulping.]


So then, you might as well just try to get some sleep; you ... will ... need it. <Chuckle> For the time you will have left to live ... tomorrow. <Laugh> Of course, ... it scarcely matters now, you know. After all, you die tomorrow whether you sleep tonight ... or not! Ha! You may even try — going without! Maybe youll be so exhausted by morning, youll be too numb to feel a thing, eh? <Laugh>

[JENNER suddenly pushes him into the tent.]

[JUSTIN stumbles thru the door, trips and falls down hard, grunting.]

[JENNER leaves, accompanied by his private staff.]

[At first, JUSTIN just lays there, stunned, staring over his shoulder at the tent door in dismay. With some difficulty, he struggles to his feet, standing slowly, looking around the tent.]

[It is a dirty cell, unfurnished and unlit, with only the bare, hard, packed dirt ground to sleep on.]

[He slowly moves towards the tent door and attempts to peek out by the way of a crack formed by the tent flaps, pushing one flap aside with his nose, nervious and tentative — ]

[ — only to be immediately confronted by several guards right outside as one whips the tent door open suddenly.]

[JUSTIN starts in alarm, jumping back in fear.]

[GUARD 1]:

And what dya think yer doin’, prisoner?

[GUARD 2]:

Yeah, ya think yer goin sumwhere, huh?

[GUARD 3]:

Oh, hell be agoin sumwhere aright, but not till mornin — and not sumwhere anyoned like ta be a-goin’, either, eh? Hehe!

[GUARD 1]:

Never mind that now, matey. So where yer think yer goin’, hm?

[JUSTIN is taken aback, stammering out nerviously]:


Well, ah, I ... I, uh, that is, um, well, eh, no — nowhere, it — its just that I ... I, a-ahh, I j-just want to, uh, I was curious, I — I ... just wanted to see if ... if, uh, um —

[The guards cut off his faultering explanation]:

[GUARD 4]:

— if the King spoke truly about yer bein guarded, eh? Well, then, ya might swell save up yer curiousity, prisoner.

[GUARD 1]:

Ya cin trust ‘Is Majesty bout yer bein guarded, prisoner. Tis true — as ya cin see. And its this way on all sides o ya. You cant scape from here. Ya cin see fer yerself.

[GUARD 2]:

An if ya did scape n we couldnt get yer back, why, ... then yer greement with the Lord-and-King ould be invalid — n voided.

[GUARD 3]:

N then, friend, well, wed ave ter go after yer friends ...

[GUARD 1]:

... fer whome yer had surrendered yerself fer ta begin with, yknow —

[GUARD 3]:{sarcastically}:

— and then would that be just too bad!

[Again, the guards all cruelly laugh at this sarcasm.]

[GUARD 2]:

So ya see ya might as well jus let it be too bad, ... but jus fer yer.

[GUARD 1]:

And now, then, wretch, yer still our prisoner — so, fer now, yerd better git yer ass back on in dat dere tent n afore we kick it back in dere fer yer! Eh, mates?

[The all laugh.]

[Tho intimidated, JUSTIN stares at them indignantly.]

[For a moment, deep in thought, he looks down and to one side, as if thinking — and suddenly, he looks like he has just made a very major decision.]


Look, I — I wanna see your ... uh, ... "king". I —

[GUARD 1]:

What fer?


Theres something I want to say to him.

[GUARD 2]:

Well, yer naw thave ny visitors. Yer kin say it tus.


"Visitors"? Certainly your "king" ... is more than that —

[GUARD 3]:

Look, prisoner, well relay yer message n


No, ... wait a minute. Look, ... uh, ... consider it as something like ... like a — a last request maybe — or last words.

[They all sneer at him with incredulous disgust — and JUSTIN goes on desperately]:


Dont I have any rights?

[GUARD 1]:

What? Hah — not many! ... Ah, what th eck! Sumone, go in git His Honor. Let the liddle fool make is las peace wi th King, tho liddle good itll do im.


Thank you.

[GUARD 1]:

In th mean time, yer git back in yer cell — now!


Okay, okay. You dont have to be so pushy!

[GUARD 1]:

<Humph!> Ill show yer whas "pushy" is if yer dont move!

[Dismally, JUSTIN retreats back into the tent, slowly pacing about fretfully.]

[In a few minutes, JENNER (dressed in a fresh outfit) slowly enters, looking at JUSTIN, impartial, cold, and distant as he literally looks down on his prisoner.]


So, Wilson, ... what do you want?

[At first, JUSTIN does not answer. Then, slowly, he sinks to one knee, head bowed, eyes closed, as if finally submitting. He swallows hard, then looks back up slowly, starting to speak very softly, trembling]:


Look, … I ... I dont wanna die — please! And — And not like that, … please, ... not like that! Please. Please, not badly. I ... Ill do ... anything! Anything you want, ... a-anything you say! I ... Ill even join your Empire — please! I ... Ill swear my allegence to you — publicly! Anything! Please! Please, whatever it takes — Ill be yours to command! That is what this is all really about, isnt it — my — my resisting your will? Isnt it? So, … okay! Ill kneel to your will. Just ... let me live — please! Please, … grant me this reprieve! Spare my life and I Ill ... do anything you want, ... anything you say! I — I swear it — please! Please, have mercy on me ... and I swear, ... I ... Ill serve you — faithfully. I ... I promise! Please!



... So, ... you have called me here simply to waste my time with your pitiful begging? And now, ... this! So, ... you fancy yourself a hench-rat, ... eh?


Yes. Please, give me this mercy! I — Ill serve you faithfully, uphold your rule! Whatever you want, I — Ill do it —


Hah! Were you truly one of my minions, I would have killed you long ago! You are a weakling — and a coward! You cannot even face your death without this pathetic begging! No, I would not call you a henchrat, ... little wretch. I would not even call you a lowly slave! No, you are such a pathetic, sniveling wretch and a complete coward that you cannot even face your own death, ... not even without dishonoring yourself by this groveling — and offering to betray your own people — to which, were you really one of my men ... and you commited the same treason against me, would give me all the justification I need — to take your miserable life! Besides, assuming that I were to grant your reprieve, to what assurance would I have that you would not betray me and take your first opportunity to slip away from me? None — none whatsoever! There would be no way I could trust you to keep your word. Perhaps you gave you word that you would die — but now, you are trying to get out of even that. No, I could not trust that you would truly stay to do my bidding — not for an instant! And this, your offering to ally with me after offering to die, is every indication that you cannot be trusted! Youre only trying to get out of this, … arent you?


Please, sir! I swear! You have my word! Ill do anything, anything you want, anything you say! Just dont — please — dont kill me! I — Ill do ... anything. Please, ... Ill be your unquestioning servent, … if you just ... let me live!


Out of the question, Wilson! You came here to die and that is the absolute end of it! You shall die come the dawn —

[As JUSTIN resumes his pleas — ]


No, please! Ill —

[JENNER seemingly ignores him]:


— and that is final! You will die tomorrow! You are too great a figure, too large an influence — to these pathetic "cattle"!


Oh — Oh, please, I —


The longer that I allow you to live, the greater a disruption that your cursed presense presents to my authority and my rule! At least, in death, your disruptive presense will serve my purposes!


No! No! I ... I wont resist you again! Please! I — I swear —


:{with great menace}:

And I shall tell you something else, you meddling wretch: if I was not wounded as I am now, I would rend out your very throat myself! With my bare paws! And — right this very moment, too! And nothing would stop me this time!

[As if to do as he threatens, he slowly advances towards JUSTIN as he speaks, his good paw curling into such a position, his claws bared — ]

[ — and JUSTIN cowers in terror]:


Oh, — Oh, God — please, no!

[JENNER halts his advance suddenly at this and — ]


:{with sarcastic lightness}:

Oh, … do not not worry about me doing that now. You can see very well enough that I am in no condition to be wringing anyones neck — not even yours, … no thanks to you, I might add. No, that is for the gallows to do — come the morrow!


No, please! Oh, God — have mercy on me, sir! Ill do anything —


No, I cannot have you around, I cannot let you live! You are too much of a pesty little nuisance to me!


Please! I wont be —


Therefore, you must die! And so, you shall! You certainly shall not remain a nuisance for very long! And nothing that you can or may say will change my mind!


Please! Ill do it! I — Ill be your slave! Please, … let me — let me live! I — Ill be yours to command! I ... Ill help you with your rule —


:{finally acknowledging him}:

Ohh, you shall help my rule alright, Wilson! <Laugh> Come the morning, ... you shall help plenty! When the masses come to witness ... the horror of your death agony! You will die!

[JUSTIN moans in fear, shaking his head desperately]:


No! Oh, God! No! No! Please! Oh, no!


Oh, but yes, my friend! For as we agreed, you indeed will help my rule — by being made an example of — in death!

[With that, JENNER turns away from his prisoner and leaves the tent abruptly.]

[On his knees, JUSTIN tries to follow]:


Please! No, no! Now, wait a minute!

[He struggles to his feet and goes as far as the tent door — ]


:{calling out}:

Please! Wait! What does it take —

[ — but it is no use; JENNER is gone.]


:{now to himself}:

— to make you see, I ... I mean it — ?

[For a long moment, JUSTIN just stands there, staring at the tent door in complete and hopeless dismay, then slowly turns away.]


(Of course, I didnt mean it. Join him? Thatll be the day. I think ... I — Id really ... rather die first. But — I dont wanna die. What I was hoping for was ... in exchange for my supposed survitude, hed spare me ... and then, I could somehow sneak back to the others, get everyone away, maybe take them back to the Fitzgibbons’s farm ... until we figure out what to do — and — and all. Just ... as he suspects.)

[He looks at the hard-packed dirt floor despairingly, then kicks at it vaguely. A cloud of dust rises up.]


(Hard as a rock. And no bed. ... So, ... Im suppose to sleep on the ground? Huh. Figures. I doubt Ill get much sleep tonight anyway. H-How ... can I sleep ... when I — I know that ... in the morning, I ... I ... Im gonna be ... be ... b-be ... h-h-h — unnhhh ... )

[Wearily, despairingly, JUSTIN collapses to the floor. He tries to sleep. But cannot. Instead, he lays on the hard, cold, uncomfortable, dirty ground, ... tossing and turning.]


(Oh, well. At least, I can rest. God, I — Im so tired ... )

[He lays there for several moments (perhaps for around 10 or 15 minutes), staring into space with a look of despairing horror on his face. A tear rolls down one cheek. He closes his eyes ... and another tear comes, from both eyes now. He tries to relax, but cannot.]

[But at that moment, he hears hammering. Loud hammering.]

[Startled, he sits up in the dark, then stands slowly.]

[He creeps to the tent flap, careful not to make any noise and attract the guards. Carefully, he again noses the tent flap aside just enough to peek out.]

[He goes pale in horror, sinking to his knees — as he sees]:

[Some of JENNER’s henchrats are building the scaffold work of a gallows!]

[JENNER is supervising the construction, along with several of his men; amoung them is TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, RATTEN, and BRUTUS.]

[The foreman comes up to JENNER — and it is obvious that the guy is scared to death of him, even while trying to make his point]:


M-My Lord, ... the rope is far too short.


Of course, it is short, foreman! I have arranged it so!


But, Your Honor, ... it ought to be longer — that is, ... if its to break the prisoners neck cleanly and quickly, M-My Lord



In his case, I want it to be too short. The correct length is far too long.


I — I beg to differ, My Lord, but ... if that rope was truly too long, itd would cause his head ... to be, uhh, ripped right off when the trap door goes, uhh, because his fall would gain momentum — and the force of that momentum ... uh, would ... snap his head right off, ... but if it was the correct —


If it was correct in length, he would die instantly of a broken neck — yes, I know — however, that would be a far too easy a way for him to die ... instantly. Even having his head ripped right off, tho interesting to see if somewhat messy, ... even that would be too easy. I want that meddler to suffer! He is to receive no mercy! So, I have made sure that he will be strangled to death — and a very long, painful end it will be for him, as well. He will be choked! That is why I have chosen this form of execution to carry out his death; that is, opposed to something quite fast — like beheading, for example. It would be ... interesting to watch, that, but it would be over ... far too quickly. Now then, foreman, you will cease to haggle this point with me — and you shall do your job — now! I am Lord and King in this place ... and what I say is Law! That is, unless you desire ... to sample your workers efforts personally, mister — after the prisoner is dead! And — that can be arranged faster than you would like!

[He gestures towards the building of the scaffold.]

[The foreman pales in horror.]


Oh, no, sir — oh, please! I — Ill get right on it, My Lord, ... sir! Your will ... shall be done! At once, ... My Lord!



Excellent. Then ... see to it that you do!


Y-Yes, sir ...

[The foreman backs away, pauses, then turns away and returns to his duty.]

[JUSTIN pulls away from the tent flap, staring in a trance of horror.]

[He imagines he can already feel the noose, tight, slowly, very slowly getting tighter, tighter, tighter, strangling him, choking him to death!]

[He reels in terror, nearly collapsing, scrambling away from the tent door, half stumbling as he tries and manages to stand up.]


(No! Oh, no! No! Please!)

[Overcomed with despair and terror, JUSTIN sinks back down to his knees, starting to cry.]


(God, please! Please — no!)

[At that moment, JENNER turns from the construction and to TEMPLETON and RATTEN.]


Willard! Warwick! You both are with me! <Chuckle> There is going to a little "pre-hanging party" — and I invite you both to come!

[Grinning in ghoulish anticipation, TEMPLETON and RATTEN join him as he turns from the construction site.]

[Back in his tent, JUSTIN’s heart pounds as he pants hard in terror, the tears rolling down his face, whispering in a tremulous voice, shaking his head desperately in the dark, his eyes closed tight as he weeps and whispers]:


Please! God, no! <Sob> Help me! Please, … help me! I — I d-dont — I ... I d-dont — want to ... to die! <Sob> Please! Please — I dont want to die! I don’t want to die!

[Trembling violently, he looks around. There is not much in the way of light to see, but the tent flap is parted just enough for a little moonlight to get in.]

[There are also several peices of rock scattered all about. JUSTIN manages to get one in his paws — and slowly wears the rope off of his wrist. The rope comes off. He rubs the circulation back into his paws.]

[For a moment, he kneels there, a paw at his throat]:


(I ... I dont want to d-die! If I dont try to get away, they theyll kill me in the m-morning! I — I dont want to spoil my truce ... with him, ... on my folks behalf that is, if he honors it. If I try to escape, he and his cronies will kill my people. But maybe, ... if I — I can escape ... and I can get to everybody first ... before Jenner and his men do — and maybe ... we can all get away. I ... I gotta try. All that I can do now — is try! I gotta try!)

[Slowly, he crawls towards the back of the tent, pausing; then he kneels down at the back wall, gripping at the botten hem of the tent wall with one paw.]

[Trembling, he swallows hard, persperation on his brow.]

[Slowly, he lifts the edge of the tent, looking out.]

[As he lightly bites his lip while contemplating the situation, all that is visible to him is a natural wall of stone — and no guards.]


(I guess they figure — I cant get out thru that. Thats why ... this place isnt guarded. Like, who can go thru a solid wall? But, ... maybe I can get out thru here. At least, its a way out of this tent. I — Ill figure out where to go after Im outside.)

[Slowly and silently, he creeps thru on all fours, pausing in a crouch. Then, he stands slowly, standing between the tent and the wall.]

[He moves towards one end of the tent — and sees that not far off is the closest slope leading to the woods.]

[He slowly drops back on all fours, staring towards the wooded slope.]


(If — I can just make it back into the woods, ... Ill have a chance. A half of one anyway ... and ... thats better than none, isnt it? I — Ill have to make a break for it — and hope I — I dont get seen. I better keep my head down; itll make me harder to see. I can do that on all fours ... and go faster, too. Oh, God — help me!)

[He takes a deep breath, holds it; then makes a dash on all fours.]

[At once, the prison-tent guards spot him — and they give chase.]

[Before he can react, JUSTIN is knocked down and pinned on his back, with two of the guards holding him down by his arms — while the rest cover him.]

[He screams in terror — ]


No! Dont do this to me! Please! No!

[ — for the guards (all of them are armed with spears) are all about to impale him to the ground, their spears against various areas of JUSTIN’s vital anatomy; his throat, chest, stomach, and groin — all of which are a dozen spears altogether are aimed at these areas; three spear-points per body area.]


I give up! Please! I give up! Dont do this to me! Please! Dont do this —

[GUARD 1]:

Too late fer that, yer little liar! Yer said yerd die fer yer chums ... ‘n here yer are, tryin ta git way. So, yer sacrifice fer yer chums caint o n dat portant! Yer lyin piece o rebel filth — yer ter die; but now, thingsre gonna really go ard fer yer! We told yer whatcha appen, if yer try t scape. So den, … now we gonna kill yer!


[Even as he speaks, the guard pulls his spear up and back, preparing to impale JUSTIN with it — right in his heart.]



No! No, please! Have mercy! I give up, I give up!

[JUSTIN screams in terror, writhing desperately, but futilely]:


No, God, please — no! Someone, please help me!

[The other guards are about to follow suit of the first, ... slowly drawing their spears up — and back.]



Oh, no! No! No! No! Please — dont!

[Writhing and straining to break free, JUSTIN screams again; this time, it is a wail of surrendering, terrified doom; his tearing eyes pressed shut tight as he screams]:



[Even as he vents this scream of doomed, terrified despair]:


Halt, men — desist!

[At once, the guards hold off from spearing JUSTIN to the ground, tho they remain standing over him ... with their spears still aimed down at the various parts of his body.]

[JUSTIN stares in horror at all the spears points poised over him, his teeth bared.]

[JENNER approaches menacingly, accompanied by TEMPLETON and RATTEN.]

[Wide-eyed with terror and panting hard, JUSTIN looks up pleadingly, trembling.]


:{breathy whisper}:

Please — Im sorry! I’m sorry!

[JENNER ignores this — and viciously orders]:


Take him back inside! Now!

[Fang-like teeth bared in a sneer of rage, eyes glowing gold-crimson with his anger, JENNER continues — and tho speaking to his men, glares down at JUSTIN]:


His punishment is mine to give! I shall deal with him myself!

[JUSTIN cowers as the two guards holding him down yank him to his feet.]

[They drag him back to the tent, pushing him thru the flap.]

[JUSTIN staggers, but remains standing ... as JENNER enters the tent, followed by his minions, forcing JUSTIN to retreat, backing away from them, shrinking back from them in terror, heart pounding.]



I — I guess ... I — I dont get any l-last meal now, huh? No dinner. Right?


Dinner!? I ought to make you starve to death ... for that little stunt! As if I were going to feed you! As if you think I am about to waste food on you! You who are going to die anyway; it does not even matter whether you eat now — or not! You do not even deserve to be allowed to eat, ... not even a last meal — no! You should be made to starve! No, … be sure of it, Wilson — things shall go even harder for you now!

[He advances menacingly as he speaks — ]


:{softly; almost crying}:

Oh — Oh, … God! Oh, God! <Gulp>

[ — and JUSTIN shrinks away from him.]


But I have something far worse in mind for you now. Oh, yes. Something ... far worse. <Growl> And you wanted a reprieve, eh? Oh, yes. I see now. Yes, I see it all. Just as I thought! You wanted me to postpone your execution ... so you could just slip away, ... correct? It was just the excuse that you needed to weasel out of this! No, I see — it was just as I thought you intended — and without even your goddamned reprieve! You wretched little deceiver — you had no intention at all, did you, of following thru as a henchrat!

[JENNER’s two minions gaffaw derisively.]


Heh heh! Him — a henchrat!?


<Huh> Thatll be the day, eh?



Yeh! Hah! Itll be the day I call him a colleague.


Dont make me laugh!

[JUSTIN stares back at the three of them in fearful dismay.]


<Gulp> W-What can I — I say? C-Can you really blame me? I — I —


Oh, yes, you wretch, I think I can certainly find the blame — blame that you shall certainly pay for — now! With your life!



Oh — Oh, God — pl-please! D-Dont kill me! Please, … don’t kill me!

[He backs away slowly. Eyes closed, paws clasped as if in prayer — as he cries out softly in a nearly inaudible sob, falling to his knees]:


:{nearly inaudible whisper}:

O-Ooh-hhh — Oh, G-God! H-H-Help — h-h-help m-me, … oh, p-please, somebody, … h-help me!


:{hissing smoothly}:

Sooo, you are looking for someone to help you, eh?

[He laughs cruelly, a vicious and triumphant sound. He lashes out — and cuffs JUSTIN viciously, knocking him down and snarling as the splatting sound of the blow accompanies his words]:


You deceiving, little betrayer!

[JUSTIN is practically sent flying, hitting the ground hard with a grunt — his face bruised red under his face fur.]


We will give you ... your "help"!

[Scrambling in terror, JUSTIN pushes himself back into a corner, trembling, his heart pounding even harder, whimpering, staring up at them in horror from where he sits. He tries to cower back into the corner even further, even tho he cannot go any further.]

[JENNER starts forward and his Hench Rats following suite]:


We had a truce! You came here to die so that your companions might be spared — and now, here you are, trying to escape, going against our agreement! In spite of all the allowances I have made — for you and your little friends! I should go and kill your friends — kill them all — right now!

[At this, JUSTIN cries out in angry horror]:


No! Y-You — You wouldnt! L-Leave them alone! Please! Please!

[At this, JENNER pauses, glaring at JUSTIN as if he is pondering]:


No, ... of course not. I shall let your friends go on this one, you insignificant, little wretch, ... because it is you who are about to die!

[As he advances, teeth bared]:


For now, you shall pay for your treachery — to our truce.

[JENNER’s eyes seem to glow blood-red with rage]:


Then tomorrow, ... you pay for everything else — and meet your death!

[JUSTIN cries out in terror]:


No! Oh, no — please! Oh ... Oh, God — no! Please!

[His captors keep moving towards him.]


W-Wha ... What’re you gonna d-d-do ... to — to m-me!?

[His captors halt their advance, unable to pursue JUSTIN further, for now their prisoner is completely cornered.]



I shall let you figure that out, wretch! And I believe you can figure it out on your own! You shall pay, my wretched, meddling little friend, ... for all the trouble that you have caused me, all of your interference and meddling, all of it — you are going to pay ... for it all — with your blood!

[He draws his dagger, he advances menacingly, continuing]:


Now, you are going to wish that I had let my soldiers kill you just now! No — now you will wish that I had killed you that night in the farmers garden! You shall beg for your death outright now — and on your wretched knees! But no, … you shall suffer greatly first — and then, you shall die!

[As he advances, he raises the dagger to strike!]

[JUSTIN cowers in horror, shrinking back. With a scream of terror, he springs up and tries to dodge past his captors — to the tent door, bolting past TEMPLETON and RATTEN, who have moved slightly ahead of JENNER, a little ways off on either side. The two Hench Rats try to grab at him, but he slips thru their paws.]

[He is just past JENNER, when the tyrant leaps back and darts in front of him to block off JUSTIN’s escape, holding the dagger up, giving it a flip so that it is blade-end up (since it is on his right with his good arm and, since his left arm is wounded so that he cannot grab it with his left, he has only one arm at present to work with).]

[JUSTIN stops short abruptly, his throat almost impaled on the blade, crying out in terror; slowly backing away now — as JENNER forces him back menacingly, as his two minions close in before JUSTIN, flanking JENNER on either side; the three of them seem to create an impenetrable wall before JUSTIN — forcing him back, against the tent wall, into the corner, his back pressed against the corner support beam.]



O-Oh, no! N-No! No — p-please!


:{low growl}:

I ought to kill you right now, …



N-No — p-please! Please — dont!

[Again, JENNER gives the dagger a flip so that the blade is point down.]


Oh, God! No! Oh, no! Please!


but for now, I think I will just give you something to take with you — right to your grave; let us see how good you look — with a good maiming!


No! Oh Oh, God, please — no! Please, … dont hurt me, dont hurt —

[Abruptly, JENNER lunges at JUSTIN, attempting to stab him.]

[JUSTIN jerks to one side, squealing in alarm as the dagger slashes apart the tent wall, managing to dodge his way past JENNER and his men and bolts again — ]

[ — and again, JENNER blocks him, slashing with his dagger.]

[JUSTIN manages to grab JENNER’s wrist, trying to hold the dagger back as the tip of the blade swings — within a hairs breadth of his throat.]

[As they struggle for the weapon, behind JUSTIN, the two Hench Rats close in; JENNER addresses them]:


Take him — now!

[JENNER’s two Hench Rats come up behind JUSTIN ... and jump on him.]

[Frightened, JUSTIN squeals, writhing, trying to scratch and bite them.]

[RATTEN socks him in the chin, stunning him — but he manages to get in a good blow himself, making RATTEN grunt.]

[In response, TEMPLETON punches him in the stomach several times.]

[JUSTIN tries to fight him as well, but TEMPLETON continues punching at him, stunning him — as RATTEN holds him.]

[TEMPLETON’s attack makes JUSTIN grunt gutterally, in pain, doubling over now, with wind knocked out of him.]

[They wrestle him to the ground.]


<Gasp> No! <Gasp> Please! No!

[He continues to struggle — and TEMPLETON hits him, several times, in the face, with a fist, until JUSTIN has a black eye and a split lip, his nose bleeding.]

[Stunned and wounded, JUSTIN ceases to struggle — but only for a few seconds.]

[TEMPLETON takes out 4 stakes and a wooden malet ... and with RATTEN’s help to hold JUSTIN down while he works, he nails these four stakes into the ground ... and takes a coil of rope, binding JUSTIN to the ground, binding both his wrists and ankles, to these stakes, so that JUSTIN is bounded to the ground spread-eagle style.]

[All the while, JUSTIN struggles and screams; but to no avail. He is helpless and hopelessly over-powered — ]

[ — as TEMPLETON straddles JUSTIN.]

[Still holding the dagger by the handle, JENNER tosses it into the air with a flip ... and catches it by the blade. He hands TEMPLETON the dagger, slapping it into the Hench Rat’s paw — much the way a nurse hands a surgeon an instrument.]

[TEMPLETON holds it up so it catches moonlight from outside the tent — and sends it shining ... right into JUSTIN’s eyes.]

[JUSTIN is frozen to the spot, staring at it in horror, moaning]:


No! God, please, no!

[RATTEN suddenly seizes JUSTIN’s chin, forcing his head back.]


[JUSTIN screams, crying desperately. He struggles about helplessly, but it is no use. Helplessly, he cries]:


No! Oh, no! Don’t! Please! Please, … don’t! Don’t c-cut m-my — Ohhh, … God! No!

[RATTEN turns JUSTIN’s head to one side, so that the left side of his neck is exposed. TEMPLETON slowly lowers the blade to JUSTIN’s throat.]


[Sobbing, he looks to JENNER, desperately whispering]:


Have mercy — please! Please! Spare me! I — Ill do ... anything you — you want, … anything you say, … anything, ... please! Oh ... Oh, God — please — dont let — dont let him ... cu-cu-cut my ... my ... my —<Sob> Please, dont!

[As JUSTIN pleads and cries, TEMPLETON maneuvers the blade about so that it is past the fur of JUSTIN’s throat, against his skin now.]

[JUSTIN shudders in terror at the feel of the daggers razor-sharp blade, cold and hard, at the side and front of his exposed throat. He pants, terrified]:


Oh, no! No! Oh, please — please! No! D-Don’t! Don’t cut — please! Oh, God, please, don’t cut my —

[Then, the sharp, blinding agony shoots into his throat as TEMPLETON draws the blade across the side of JUSTIN’s throat, nicking open his jugular, tho not seriously.]

[JUSTIN screams in agony — ]



[ — as TEMPLETON pulls away.]

[Outside, his cry can be heard thru’out the whole camp!]


[Meanwhile, under-cover of the night’s darkness, a lone figure in a long, dark hooded cloak makes it’s way slowly thru’ the camp, carefully managing to avoid guard patrols — as it makes it’s way towards the sound of JUSTIN’s screams in the distance.]



[Suddenly, JENNER is on him. JUSTIN gasps in revulsion as JENNER bends down over him ... and drinks the blood that is squirting from JUSTIN’s wounded, cut throat, sucking at the wound, grunting with delight in his blood-thirsty appetite.]

[JUSTIN shudders under him, his captors weight cruelly crushing him into the dirt — ]

[ — while JENNER drinks his victems life-blood, pushing down on JUSTIN’s chest, making it hard for JUSTIN to breathe, gasping to breath, growing faint and weak.]


Please! Please, ... stop! M-My chest! Can’t breath — !

[But JENNER continues drinking, even chewing slightly at the wound.]

[JUSTIN gasps in pain, his chest heaving laboriously under JENNER’s weight.]

[Then, presently, JENNER finally stops.]

[He pulls back from JUSTIN, licking his bloodied lips in satisfaction.]

[JUSTIN lays there, panting — as his wound slowly continues to bleed.]


:{almost sensuously}:

It is such a shame ... that I must have you destroyed at daybreak. You have such ... a sweet body, ... do you know that? Tho I may despise you, ... I have always ... admired — your body, … your — assets. Tho you die at sunrise, … I shall sample ... you goods — while there is still time. I have always wondered, my little friend, ... do you taste ... as good ... as you look ... ?

[As JENNER assaults his prisoner in a way that is totally unthinkable, much less documentable, the WarLord’s minions watch in amusement, chuckling obscenely and poking each other — as JUSTIN’s pitiful cries can be heard in the background.]

[When their Lord is done, the two Hench Rats take turns pounding on their captives stomach and chest — and JENNER takes his turn, managing to do a fair amount of beating ... with only one working arm.]



This is your payback for breaking my arm, you little piece of muck-eating maggot-dung! I will make your guts bleed before I am done! You will curse very the day ... that you were even born!

[JUSTIN grunts and cries out in pain.]

[Presently, they unbind him, turning him over on his stomach — and he is too limp with pain and exhaustion to resist — only to rebind him on his stomach.]

[With JUSTIN tied on his stomach, JENNER starts to mount him.]



[Spurred on by the sound of the captive Chief’s suffering in the distance, the cloaked figure runs towards it now — with a complete and total disregard for common sense.]

[The cloak figure gasps in horrified sympathy at the sound of JUSTIN screaming in agony — with a voice that is familiar and hurries on.]

[Suddenly, the hawk Shadow-Wing appears in the figures path, with wings spread, about to lunge to the attack — and the figure cries out and skids to a stop, falling down backwards in the process. Whoever it is flouders against the ground at first before managing to stand back up — and bolt the opposide way.]

[But there is no escape — as another figure appears to block off the intruders escape: BRUTUS.]

[The cloaked figure stumbles backwards, away from him, crying out in fright — just as the persons hood falls back and away, revealing the intruders identity: ISABELLA!]

[As BRUTUS levels his electro-spear in her direction and slowly advances towards her — ]

[ — she stares at him in fear, cowering away.]

[The sound of SHADOW-WING behind her makes her stop, regard him in alarm, then turn back to BRUTUS to stare at him in dismay.]

[BRUTUS grins maliciously at her — and signals]:

[A group of guards come out of the "woodwork" to surround ISABELLA and she stares around at them in despair — as they close in.]



[Once again, JENNER’s lackies get their kicks, watching their master indecently assault JUSTIN again — in an even worse way.]

[JUSTIN can be heard, screaming and grunting in pain — as JENNER grunts with pleasure.]


Stop! Stop! Youre hurting me!

[JENNER laughs viciously, panting with lust; in answer, he snarls joyfully]:


That is the whole idea, wretch!

[JUSTIN screams, sobbing in pain and humiliation.]


Owwww! Please, … stop hurting me!

[JENNER grunts with delight of his enemys suffering and his own "joy" — as he completes the activity.]

[JUSTIN gasps as JENNER pulled back, both panting.]


Please … Please … Please …

[The beating resumes; on his back now, mostly agonizing kidney punches ... and the blows on his upper back knock the wind out of him, stunning his lungs, making him gasp painfully for breath — breath that will not come at times, so that he is trying to draw breath, but failing to, straining painfully, with his mouth and eyes wide from the pain.]

[Then, for JUSTIN, there is a pause as he is afraid again — for he does not dare move to turn his head and look, but he cannot see what they are doing.]

[There is a pause in the torture — as JUSTIN hears a dagger being drawn from its scabbard (only head-&-shoulder shots again here). Then JUSTIN gasps as he feels the unthinkable, involving the unseen dagger.]

[Horrified, he writhes on the hard ground, screaming in agonized horror, helplessly sobbing as he screams in protest]:


Please! Whyre you doing this to me!? P-Please, stop it — s-stop it! Youre hurting me! Why!? Whyre you doing this to me!? If I gotta die tomorrow, w-why ... why are you ... hurting me — like th-this!? Please!

[Helplessly, he lays there, trembling, the tears pouring down his pale face as he sobs hoarsely in terror and agony.]


Because ... you deserve it! You deserve all and every bit of pain that I can inflict on your wretched carcuss ... before you die ...

[Staring in a trance of agonized horror, JUSTIN whispers tremblingly]:



Pl-Please, dont! Dont do it — please! Dont do th-that to me!


Yes. <Laugh> You know what I am going to do to you now. You know very well that I am going to do it — to you! Now, you shall find out ... the real meaning ... of pain!


<Sob> N-No, p-please! Not that! <Sob> <Sob> No more! No more! Please! Oh — Ohh, God, please! Please! H-Have mercy, spare —

[He gets no further — but instead lets out a pitiful cry of agony that is a deafening shriek — which disolves into angonized and exhausted panting and sobbing.]

[They unbind him and resume beating him even more — all over now, kicking and punching him, not even bothering to rebind him.]

[As the beating continues, blood flows from JUSTIN’s wounds, turning the dirt floor into a thick red paste.]

[Untied now, he weakly tries to shield himself with his arms; cowering in terror and screaming in pain, begging for them to stop]:


P-Please! <Agh> Please, d-dont! <Ugh> Stop it — please! P-Pl —

[Excessive stomach punches makes him vomit up blood.]

[Finally, tho’, its over.]

[They leave him lying in the dirt with his many numerous wounds and his fur filthy, his clothes even more ripped up, now, nothing but rags the color of which is almost unidentifiable, filthy from the bloody dirt.]

[JUSTIN turns over slightly, panting hoarsely, weak and in agony. He sees that he is bleeding badly from an unmentionable place, making him moan with pain and alarm; he hoarsely whispers]:


Please! Youre not just going ... to let me bleed here ... all night, ... are you? I — I — Please. Ill bleed t-to —... I — Ill ... d-d-die.



So? What does it matter? You are to hang at dawn anyway. So then, you are afraid you will bleed to death tonight, ... eh? Think yourself lucky if you do! Because if you do not, you face an even worse death come the morning! Sleep well, then, my little friend! I know that I shall — for the first time in weeks. Pleasent dreams, Wilson!

[TEMPLETON and RATTEN join him in a cruel laugh at this spiteful sarcasm.]


[There is a pause and JUSTIN closes his eyes, letting his head hang in despair.]

[They leave him lying there — in the dirt and the dark.]

[He rolls over onto his back, his thoughts blackened by despair]:



(At this rate, ... if I had a knife, ... I — think Id ... kill myself ... before he can ... have me ... hanged ... tomorrow. If only I ... I could, ... I would. But, oh, God — I — I d-dont want to — t-to d-d-die! <Sob> Oh, G-God! God, ... p-please, ... please, help me ... ! This wound in my tail. God, please, … just let me die — before they come back for me — please! Just let me die in my sleep ... )

[Overcomed by pain and exhaustion, JUSTIN faints.]

Issue Twelve: The Execution


Imprisoned in a barren tent for a cell in what is now his emeny’s camp, Justin spends a most despairing night.

Terrible enough to deal with is his knowledge of his scheduled death come daybreak; in addition, he is made to suffer all night long, when he is tortured, beaten, and inappropreately assaulted (in this last case, by Jenner) — sufferings that are all made worse by his attempt to escape, after observing the construction of the gallows where he is doomed to die come morning.

Is despair, Justin attempts to prepare himself for the end

[Come morning, JUSTIN is woken ... by TEMPLETON, who kicks him awake]:


So, yer still alive, eh? Too bad fer yer! ‘Is Majesty shoulda put that knife ... up yer tale even arder! Wasnt bad enough, eh — and you thought yerd die las night! Yerd only be so lucky if yer had, eh? Ah, well! Cmon then, prisoner! Get up, yer! ‘S breakfast time! Cmon, yer lump! Get up!


:{almost stupidly}:

You mean, ... I I get ... a last meal ... after all?

[JUSTIN sits up very slowly, trembling with weakness.]


I I th-thought ... he said ... I — I wasnt to be fed.

[TEMPLETON laughs cruelly]:


A last meal!? Hah! Naw — yer dont get no food! ‘Is Majesty made at quite clear — clear as glass. No. You get no breakfast; you are the breakfast! Well, your blood is, anyway!

[He draws out his dagger, approaching JUSTIN with a fancy, gold goblet.]

[Alarmed, JUSTIN struggles weakly to his feet.]



Oh, no! Not again! Not again — please!

[He tries to back away, but stumbles in weakness and pain, falling down again.]


Yer outta luck, Wilson! Lord Genre likes yer blood. And he wants more ... fer his own breakfast — before yer hang! I dare say after yer die, he might even find a way to preserve — n store up yer blood — eh? Plenty o breakfasts there, I do reckon — huh? Lunches n dinners, too. Not really a staple diet, eh? But Ill betcha itll mix well — with wine! Hah! Bloody Maries, heh? Or, I should say ... Bloody Wilsons? Sreally is too bad for yer then, ... eh?

[He seizes JUSTIN’s collar, yanking him to his feet, raising the dagger to do its terrible work.]



[JUSTIN screams in enraged terror, trying to back away]:


Isnt it enough that I must die!? Must he torture me like this, ... too!? Please! Why must I suffer like this!?

[He manages to briefly break TEMPLETON’s grasp, backing away slowly.]


Oh, yer know well enough! Just as Lord Genre said! Yer deserve yer suffering! Yer deserve all the pain at we cin give yer — as a prelude to n a part o yer death!


No! No, you —

[TEMPLETON seizes him, roughly.]


Shut up n hold still, yer lidder wretch!

[JUSTIN cries out, trying to shake loose.]


Its th Lord’s orders — and is orders er ter be carried out — er else! Es made at quite clear — n Im not ter be der one ter raise is wrath! Its either yer blood — or mine!

[TEMPLETON strikes him with the pommel of his dagger, knocking JUSTIN down, his mouth all bloody from a split lip.]


N Id much rather it be yers!

[He tries to mount JUSTIN, but JUSTIN tries to fight; TEMPLETON beats his face several times with the dagger pommel, slapping him with his free paw.]


Knock it off, yer wretch — or Ill beat yer to a bloody pulp!

[TEMPLETON pins him down, setting the cup and dagger down and out of JUSTIN’s reach — as JUSTIN tries to grab for the blade.]

[They grapple; finally, tho’, TEMPLETON gets hold of both of JUSTIN’s wrists — and holds them together, pinning JUSTIN’s paws against his stomach.]

[Then he takes up his dagger.]

JUSTIN:{staring in horror at the blade}:

No! No! Please — no! Dont! I — Ill do anything you — you want, … please! Pl-Please, dont hurt me anymore! P-Please, … d-dont! D-Dont do this, … dont do this —


Shut up. It isnt like Im gonna kill yer, ... not tha I — and a lot o th others, by the way — wouldnt like ta. <Chuckle> Nah. Yer death comes later. <Laugh> But unfortunately for yer, … not much later! Ha!

[Staring at the ceiling in terror, JUSTIN bares his teeth, his throat exposed. He lays there, his held paws tightly clenched into fists, persperation running off of his brow.]

[TEMPLETON brandishes the dagger, lowering the blade to JUSTIN’s exposed throat — and draws it over the semi-healed cut on the side of his throat.]

[JUSTIN cries out in pain.]

[TEMPLETON drains JUSTIN’s blood into the cup, then stands.]


Oh, yeah. By th way, if yer hopin that yer little friendsll show up right outta th clear blue ter save yer wretched neck from dat noose, ... dont old yer breath — th little patrol ‘Is Majesty sent out dis morning jus got back ... and all yer liddle buddies re all long gone. Der all miles away by now, jus like yer said yer see ter it — so den, dont count on anyone breakin yer outta ere! <Chuckle> Yer all alone. And yer gonna die — all alone! <Laugh>

[With that, TEMPLETON turns and leaves the tent.]

[Propped up on one elbow to listen to him, JUSTIN sinks back down and lays there on the floor — weeping in despair, grasping at his wounded throat.]

[Slowly, he sits up, trembling in pain and despair.]

[Already, he can hear the henchrats right outside the tent, preparing for his execution.]

[He tries to stand, ... but he is so weak from his pain, despair, and blood-lose that he falls to his knees with a grunt — managing to keep himself from falling on his face by catching himself with his forepaws.]

[There, on his knees, he clasps his paws together in an attitude of prayer]:


:{moaned whisper}:

Pl-P-Please! Oh, pl-p-please, … dear God, ... h-help me! Help m-me! Please! Oh Oh, God, … please! <Sob>

[Collapsing, he breaks down, weeping pitifully into his paws.]



[It is now morning, cold-looking and overcast.]

[JACKSON’s rescue effort lies in wait, hiding, overlooking where the gallows has been built, along with a royal box on a hollow platform-like foundation — and a sectioned off area for an audience.]

[They are weaponless, save for MR. AGES (who has a pair a dart-guns) and AURORA (who has a bolo on her right hip and a dagger on her left, fixed to her belt).]

[Everyone is in little groups, talking quietly.]

[BRIAN, looking especially ill at ease, talks with ARNOLD]:


:{to Arnold}:

Too bad we werent able to get ahold of some weapons, eh, Arn? This is dangerous business to go about unarmed, ... huh?


What do ya expect on such short notice. None o us were about to get ahold of any kinda arms ... before that scum chased us outta camp, yknow.


Uh-huh. By the way, Arn, have you seen Isabella this morning?


No. Why?


Well, when the last shift of the night watch woke us up this morning, I couldnt find my sister, ... well, ... anywhere.


Maybe she had to go ... take care of herself. Yknow? Uh, female things — that sorta thing, ... right? I mean, I dont think theres anything ... to worry about back there.


... You sure?


Brian, I dont think youve really anything to be overly concerned with. Id guess shes probably off somewhere, ... moping around and stuff, ... yknow, from worry for Justin n all.


Maybe. Anyway, all I found was a letter from her, saying that she was gonna go find the tallest tree she could and climb it.


Eh? How come?


Said if we werent gonna let her come with us, she wanted to find a good vantage point to watch camp and see whats happening — maybe even take a report back to the hideout.


Thats good.


In the middle o th night?


Hey, she probably wasnt serious. Just sayin stuff; yknow, blow a bit of steam off while were waitin out th night. I wonder, tho’, how she got by the night watch?


You know Bella. Shes always had her ... ways. Been something o an escape artist at that, eh — could always seem to get to wherever she was goin’. Yknow — how shes always been, huh?


Maybe. Willis was on night-watch, right? Ill bet he fell asleep.


You could be right.


What dya think? None o usre used to being up all night — not for a long time anyhow. So, Willis fell asleep — n Bella slipped out to climb a tree. You would think she would have waited for morning — heh — before she went "tree spelunking".


But last night, ... I woke up for a few minutes and saw her awake — and leavin the room. I asked her what she was up to and she told me ... "ladies business", like this is heck of a place to try n find a wash-room.


See? I told you you had nothing to worry about. She just wanted some privacy. And anyway, ... whatve Velma n Colbert to say about it?


Not much. I dont think theyre worried. Guess they think Bella can talk care of herself.


See, youre making a big deal of nothing.


... Arnold, ... she never came back to bed.

[ARNOLD looks at him in astonished puzzlement.]

[BRIAN glances at COLBERT.]


Please, … dont say anything to Mom n Dad — theyre worried enough about Bella; ... yknow, because of what Jenner did to her once — n what he might do if given the chance ... again.

[JACKSON turns to his team. They all look grim and nervous.]

[MR. AGES is speaking to the group about his dart guns]:


I only had time to make two.


Well, it looks like well be roughing it until we can snatch something from the guards. Who knows? The good ones might even give us something ... if they can.


That is, ... if the bad ones — Jenner’s thugs — dont kill them for trying.


Im not much of a fighter, so Ill need one of these dart guns. Ill find some high ledge ... and pick off the guards when the raid begins. Does anyone else need one as well?

[There is a pause ... as the group quietly discusses the matter.]


None of us think we need one, except —


— me. Im not much of a fighter either.


Fine. You can come along and assist me. As Jack said, we mice wont be much good for fighting.

[He gives GREGORY the other dart-gun.]


Theyre not much, ... but we can sedate a few from a distance ... if necessary. Dont fire, tho’, unless you see its absolutely necessary, like if someones in trouble ... and shooting is the only way to help. I didnt have time to make many darts — and it takes too much time to reload, especially in an emergency.


Alright, lets review it once more ...


:{seemingly bored}:

Again? This must be the dozenth time since last night! Any more n Ill be able to recite it in my slee —


:{almost with satisfaction}:

Willis, ... will you shut up already!


Well, dont take it out on me; youre the one whos bla —



Willis, Arnold, shh! For pitys sake, be quiet!


I know, youre scared, Arnold — we all are.


Well, he started it, Mama.


I did not. You —


Jack’s right. Just knock it off, both o ya ... Apt to give us away, bickerinlike that.


<Ahem> Okay, everyone. Now remember, no one does anything until I make my move. And youll all know when, cause itll be a bomb-shell — tho it might take me a while to get set, because of the risks Ill need to take in getting to my position. Now then, ... we —

[Suddenly, BRIAN starts]:


Ah, oh ...



[ARNOLD looks towards where BRIAN is looking]:



<Gulp> It — Its — starting ...



[At that moment, in his tent-cell on his back, JUSTIN sits up, slowly and painfully, staring in helpless despair towards the tent door.]

[He can see the silhouettes of henchrats moving around outside.]

[Sitting on the hard-packed earth floor, he pulls his legs close to his body, so that he can rest his arms on his knees and his head on his arms.]

[He stares into space in a trance of horror and despair, trembling.]

[Ears flat, tears pour slowly down his cheeks — as he thinks]:


(Heaven, … help me. Please. Only Only a miracle ... can get me out of this this mess ... now. I — I just dont ... see a-any way outta this. Pl-Please, God, ... oh, ... please, ... I I d-dont wanna d-die.)

[He buries his face in his arms — and despairingly sobs quietly for a few minutes.]

[He is that way when BENJAMIN and BRUTUS enter.]

[His face pale and tear-streaked, JUSTIN looks up at them in dismay.]

[Outside, thru the briefly opened tent door (just before it falls closed again), JUSTIN can see the area is still under heavy guard.]

[BENJAMIN is armed with his short sword.]

[BRUTUS has a small coil of rope around one shoulder ... and a long chain with a wrist-loop on one end — and a neck-shackle at the other.]


Alright, prisoner! On your feet! This is it!

[JUSTIN begins to weep helplessly.]



Oh-hhhh, ... n-no-o! N-No-o! Pl-P-Please!

[He cowers away as they come near him.]


You heard me, prisoner! Stand up! Now!

[As he speaks, BRUTUS grabs JUSTIN by the throat, yanking him up.]

[Crying out and choking from the cruel man-handling, JUSTIN struggles. He manages to break free and tries to bolt, but before he can reach the tent entrance, BENJAMIN blocks him off, his short sword drawn and at JUSTIN’S throat.]





[JUSTIN is instantly still, paws up, panting in terror.]


Another false move, Wilson, ... and Ill split yer gizzard!

[BRUTUS grabs JUSTIN’s wrists and holds them together.]


I dont know wha yer thought yer were doin’, yer wretch! Iffen yerd actually got outside jus now, the guardsdve stopped yer! In fact, yerd be lucky if they adnt killed yer — or unlucky, ... as the case may be, ... considered whats bout tappen tyer!

[BENJAMIN resheaths his weapon.]


Okay, Brutus, gimme th rope. We cin tie im up now.

[Firmly holding JUSTIN’s wrists together with one paw, BRUTUS hands BENJAMIN the rope — as JUSTIN struggles weakly]:



N-No! No, … pl-please! Please — let me go! I — Ill do ... anything — please!


Be silent. You are not getting out of this one — not this time!

[JUSTIN moans in terror, hunched over, sobbing. He struggles weakly, futilely, his knees weakening with terror, threatening to collapse at any second, as BRUTUS continues to hold JUSTIN’s wrists together.]

[BENJAMIN takes the rope from BRUTUS and ties JUSTIN’s wrists together behind his back (pulling the ropes extra tight, making JUSTIN cry out in pain), using a small dagger to cut away the extra rope, leaving it on the ground.]

[Then, BENJAMIN fixes the neck shackle of the chain around JUSTIN’s neck, handing the chain to BRUTUS.]

[BRUTUS slips his wrist thru the wrist-loop and yanks brutally on the chain, at the shackle, forcing JUSTIN to stand up-right as]:

[TEMPLETON appears in the doorway, sneering at JUSTIN. He is armed — with a cross-bow. He aims his crossbow at JUSTIN’s chest as he enters.]

[Terrified, JUSTIN stares at him in despair, eyes pleading. Seeing the cross-bow aimed at his chest, he pales in horror, eyes and mouth wide, trembling.]


:{slowly advancing}:

Okay, Wilson. Lets go. An no more of yer futile fightin — or Ill beat yer so bad, yerll die ... even before we get yer out dere n into dat noose — t is, if I jus dont shoot ya — first!

[JUSTIN stares at him in terrified despair, shaking his head pleadingly.]


Well, cmon, yer wretch. Dis is it. Yer time ... is up!

[BENJAMIN exits the tent with BRUTUS following him, holding on to the leash-like chain that holds JUSTIN.]

[Whimpering in terror, JUSTIN tries to hold back, straining at the chain, on the verge of crying as he whimpers, tears sliding down his pale face — as he manages to back into a corner.]

[BRUTUS yanks on the chain and pulls JUSTIN out of the corner.]

[Behind JUSTIN, TEMPLETON brutally propels him towards the tent door with a cruel shove.]


Cmon, ywretch! Get a move on! Move it!



N-No! Ohh, dear God, please! Please, no!

[With that, BRUTUS exits the tent, too, pulling JUSTIN along, as TEMPLETON covers JUSTIN’s back with his cross-bow.]



[A group is starting to gather in the section marked off for an audience, with guards directing the group and keeping order.]

[At first, there is soft, subdued talking, getting slowly louder with the increase in the groups size.]

[And the rescue party watches — from their secret vantage point.]


Okay, this is it. Everyone knows what to do. Lets go.

[The seven rats seperate, all going off in seperate directions alone, while the mice stay together.]

[In minutes, the entire population of the colony has been gathered.]

[The talking becomes even more subdued as JENNER appears from his fancy, private tent, taking his place in his fancy, private seat, which is an elevated platform (elevated a little higher up than the gallows scaffold). He is dressed now in his best finery for this occasion.]

[Two chairs are provided. One is a throne. The other, a simple chair, on the right.]

[JENNER sits in the throne seat (on the left). He looks grim, ... but satisfied and triumphant.]

[In their hiding place, MRS. BRISBY, AURORA, GREGORY, and MR. AGES crouch together.]

[MRS. BRISBY trembles — and AURORA notices her friends nervousness.]

[They whisper together the following exchange]:




... Y-Yes. Very.


So — So am I ...


Try to be brave, my friends.


I — I will. I am. But — Im also worried ... for Justin ...


Yes. Poor Justin. Be brave ... for him. His life depends on us this day.


I — Ill do my best ...


Me, too. I hate to admit it, but I really do like that feather-head — even if he does seem to irratate me, at times. I hate to think of him in this trouble. Poor boy. And he really is just a boy. Itd be just terrible if we cant get him out, terrible for him, to have to die so young, not even for a good cause. Just awful.


Well, it isnt exactly like theres no good cause, Mr. Ages. He ... Hes doing it for us. But youre right. It is just terrible.


Yes, Mrs. Brisby, it is. I really like him, too. And he is such a good friend. But dont worry, my friends. We shall save him.


Oh, Healer, I do hope so!


We will.

MR. AGES:{to Gregory}:

Cmon, lad, lets get to our positions.


Yes, sir ...

[They move off, while the two females watch them briefly for a minute.]

[At that moment, a pair of henchrats appear — with a red-haired female between them.]

[She is chained with shackles on her ankles, the chain just long enough so she can walk, but just short enough to hobble her. Her paws are similarly bound with shackles, the chain very short, leading to a waist shackle, so that he paws are free enough, but not very useful. She weeps — in heart-broken grief.]

[In their hiding places, the would-be rescuers are shocked.]

[BRIAN and ARNOLD have the following whispered exchange]:


Oh, my God! Isabella! Arnold, its my sister! They got —


Hoo, boy. What I said before? Did I say theres nothing to worry about? I — I stand corrected.


But — But whats she doing here!?


Dont know, friend; Id guess impatience. She just couldnt wait for morning, had to do something, got her tail in a fix.


She went —


— last night.


Oh, God! My sister!

[COLBERT appears; he whispers, too]:



Brian! Did you see —


Yes, Dad.


So he has both of my daughters now! That flightly girl! Ohh, if only shed listen to me once in a while! So help me, God, ... if that bastard hurts either o them, my poor girls —


Please, not so loud!


Loud? Were all whispering and —


Dad ...


I swear, Ill get im both out along with Justin — whatever it takes!

[The two henchrats escort ISABELLA to JENNER’s throne-box.]

[He motions her to join him, jesturing to the empty seat beside himself.]

[She scowls at him, looking afraid and defeated; she slowly climbs the short flight of stairs and joins him — but she does not sit at first. Instead, she stands there, glaring at him.]


Ah, my dear! I am so glad — that you could join us!


You! Where is my sister!? What have you done with her!?


Ohh, do not worry about her. She is just fine — and shall remain so, as long as <chuckle> her little sister co-operates with me. For now, ... she is, ah, ... in a safe enough place.

[ISABELLA continues to glare at him.]




<Chuckle> Let us just say that ... she made a fine bed partner, … but ... after last night, ... she was too "spent", ... you might say, to come out this morning.

[So horrified that she cannot stand, ISABELLA finally sits, sinking into the chair provided. She glares at him in horrified revulsion.]


:{gasping out first word}:

Ohhh-ohhh, ... dear God, ... no! Ye — Ye didnt! Not her, too! Wasn’t it bad enough, what ye did to me in th’ old colony —


<Chuckle> Why not? She is single, after all. She and your wretched little friend Wilson are no longer "going steady", as humans might say. Seems that they just were not very ... compatible. A good thing that they found that out ... before they ... "tied the knot", would you not say?



You You’re perverted.

[Turning his gaze from her, JENNER ignores this.]


I hear that my men extended to you an invitation, for this mornings ... event. It is a shame — that you were not more ... eh, ... polite, you might say, in accepting it, ... eh? After all, if you were not interested, you could have just, as the old saying goes, "just say no".

[ISABELLA refuses to look at him.]



Dont you talk to me. Why, if I werent chained, Id kick you there, too. And ... especially after what you did to me! Youd certainly never rape again. But I know, thats why I am chained, isnt it? You know what Id do to you if I could kick — if I had even half the chance to! As if "just saying no" would help!

[Dropping her tone, ISABELLA remarks under her breath]:


Hoooo! Of all the uncivilized, barbaric, brutish ways to treat a woman!


Well now, we cannot have you raising such mischief, eh? That ... and we certainly cannot have you loose now, either, eh, my dear?


Dont you talk to me!



<Chuckle> I know what is bothering you. You are angry, my dear lady, because this execution is the end — of him. But do not fret, my dear, you wont be without ... a suitor — for very long. <Chuckle> I promise you that!

[He chuckles, an obscene and triumphant sound.]

[ISABELLA does look at him now, glaring at him in fiery embarrassment, scowling, then turns away from him defiantly; angry]:


Oh! Why, I ... I never !

[Nearby, a drummer rat starts to play a grim, slow death march.]

[Suddenly, all of the talking in the gathering audience breaks off in startled alarm at what happens next as the near-silent crowd bursts out (into hysterical, horrified cries, comments, and conversation) at this sight]:

[JUSTIN, his paws tied behind his back and a chain fixed with a neck-shackle around his neck, is led out of his tent-cell which is under heavy guard, who spread out to move with him at a distance, keeping tight security around the prisoner with BRUTUS leading JUSTIN on the chain and BENJAMIN preceeding them.]

[Directly behind JUSTIN is TEMPLETON, pressing his cross-bow into the prisoners back.]

[JUSTIN walks at their speed, but at first, he seems scarcely to notice any of them as he forcably marches along with his head down in despair, with his eyes tighty shut, tears glissening on his eyelashes, brow furrowed and teeth bared as if he is fighting both anger and despair simutaneously.]

[He walks as if wounded, as if it hurts to walk, as if there is something wrong with his crouch ... and maybe with his insides as well. There is dried blood on the insides of his legs and his throat bears a pair of cruel scars, one fresh, the other crusted over; these partially hidden by the neck shackle. Thru the short fur of his face, his face and neck appear to be one solid black-and-blue bruise, and covered with scratches, the blood dried into a crust, both of his eyes are black, his nose is crusted with dried blood, and his lip is swollen and bloody, too. His filthy tunic is so torn it is in shredded rags, almost useless as a garment now and bloody scratches with many more bruises are visible. Furthermore, he seems to be just about to collapse because of all these wounds, including possible internal injuries ... and ... also by the knowledge of his upcoming death, trembling and stumbling along in despair and fear — and pain (by his expression) — as he is shoved along by TEMPLETON.]

[While JENNER watches in cruel triumph, ISABELLA stares in horrified shock, her mouth slowly dropping open, one of her paws rising slowly to cover her gaping mouth.]

[In their hiding place, AURORA and MRS. BRISBY stare in sympathetic open-mouthed horror.]

[MRS. BRISBY has both of her paws over her mouth; AURORA reaches out to her to offer comfort, angry as well as horrified.]



Oh, ... dear God. What have they done to him!?

[Both females flinch with horror — as JUSTIN suddenly stumbles and falls — and TEMPLETON kicks him savagely in the side — several times, making him cry out and squeal in pain, his face in the dirt; which gets in his eyes, nose, and mouth, making him gag as he becomes temporarily blinded.]


:{as he kicks Justin}:

On yer feet, you miserable, worthless piece of muck-ridden garbage; get up! On yer feet ... before I beat yer to a pulp!

[Struggling to his feet, JUSTIN is up again, sputtering dirt and gagging, struggling to stand.]

[He is slow in standing up ... and TEMPLETON belts him again — ]


Hurry it up, yer lazy wretch; weve not got all day, even if yer wished yer ad!

[ — making him cry out.]

[As JUSTIN squeals, BRUTUS turns to him and smacks him hard in the face, so hard, his lip and nose start to bleed again — as he nearly falls down, but fights to stay on his feet.]


Silence, prisoner — shut up!

[JUSTIN cries out in pain — ]


Ow! Ow! Please, stop! You’re hurting me!

[ — and BRUTUS beats on him even more viciously, making him fight to surpress his cries.]


Close your mouth — close it!

[JENNER watches the beating with vicious triumph and satisfaction, chuckling obscenely.]

[ISABELLA shakes her head in horror]:



Oh, please! Stop it! Tell them to stop it! Please, theyre hurting him!

[She glares at JENNER.]


Oh, please! Whyre they abusing him like that!?


Because he is my example to the masses, to this colony, that is now mine. Thru his death, everyone here shall see just what their own terrible fates shall be if they dare think to defy me! You see, I encouraged my men beforehand! I ordered them to to do so! I told them to be just as cruel as they wanted to be, as they could be! His humiliation and pain are a part of that meddling little wretchs suffering, that and the beating — among other things! First, I break his will — and it must be broken by now, ... since he was untied all night, after I left him and he did not even attempt to escape ... a second time! And then ... I take his life. <Chuckle> So you see, ... my dear girl, ... he deserves it — every bit of his pain, before he finally dies! And die he shall, ... quite soon!

[ISABELLA gasps out a sob, paws over her mouth.]


:{interrupting whisper}:

I — I ... hate you! I hate you! <Sob>

[JENNER simply glances at her, grinning in triumph — ]


Well, my dear, <chuckle> that is just too bad, now, isnt it? We could really have something — if you were not so stubborn.

[ — as BRUTUS finishes beating on JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN cowers, fearfully silent now, quietly weeping, fighting helplessly to remain standing; awkwardly, feet apart, but knees together, cowering.]

Issue Thirteen: The Condemnd's Last Words


Justin, battered and bruised and just a little bit bloody as well, is led out of his tent cell before the collective assembly of the entire colony, collected forcably to witness his terrible death — and terrible it will be, too, since Jenner has arranged that Justin’s actual death by this method will be much slower and much more excruciating than it actually has to be!

Led first to Jenner’s royal box where he is forced to knee in homage to Jenner, Justin must deal with Jenner’s humiliating insults — and veiled threats of worse suffering to come.

In despair, he is unaware that help may be on the way

[In their hiding place, MRS. BRISBY averts her eyes in horror, closing them, covering them with her paws.]

[AURORA, looking angry, but sympathetic, puts a paw on MRS. BRISBY’s shoulder.]

[Brutally, TEMPLETON shoves JUSTIN again from behind, almost making him fall down a second time ... and JUSTIN struggles to stay up.]

[Shocked, members of the audience try to call out to JUSTIN ... and the guards hold them back, amoung them RATTEN WARWICK, his monocle flashing in the depressing, overcasted morning.]

[AURORA has tears in her eyes. She shakes her head in pity for her friend, her paws clasped together.]



Oh, Heaven — have mercy!

[So it is MRS. BRISBY’s turn to offer comfort — just as AURORA did, with a paw on her shoulder, not taking her eyes off this grim procession.]

[AURORA glances at her, then back at the procession]:

[JUSTIN is led towards JENNER’s private seat.]

[Realizing this, JUSTIN attempts on purpose this time to hang back, afraid of being taken so close to JENNER but BRUTUS yanks JUSTIN forward brutally, ... until they have JUSTIN before his arch-rival.]

[Together, BRUTUS and TEMPLETON force JUSTIN to kneel down on the ground before JENNER, facing him.]


Kneel, wretched one — now!

[It does not take much to make him kneel; he is so weak from being beaten and tortured, he goes down at once. The drummer stops, with a sharp and final blow — as JUSTIN falls to his knees, grunting with pain as he lands too hard.]


Now, kneel! Kneel before your Master!

[The Hench Rats make him bow to JENNER as he kneels — ]


Bow and pay homage to your Lord!

[ — as they do, (BENJAMIN bows to JENNER; BRUTUS and TEMPLETON adding their bows, too).]


Your Majesty, ... the prisoner has been prepared. We are now ready — to proceed with this extermination, My Lord. We can now begin. We but await ... your word.

[Afraid, JUSTIN does not dare to look up. Wounded and embarrassed, wretched and despairing; he kneels there, trembling in fear and pain, his breath uneven, the tears running down his face. Still bent over, he stares at the ground, his teeth bared.]

[The hysterical, shocked voices of the audience go on and on.]



Oh, my God! Oh, … Justin! Justin! <Sob>

[Finally noticing her, he hears her and looks up, shocked to see her, blinking back his tears.]


:{softly; incredulously}:

Wha — !? Isabella! What ... whatre you —... !? What are you doing here!?


:{broken whisper}:

Oh-hhhhhh! Oh, Justin, I — Im so ... so sorry! I ... I meant to — I — I tried to — I I just wanted to — to help, … I — I just couldnt wait, I — Oops! I mean ... I — I couldnt — Ohhh! <Sob>

[At her "Oops!", ISABELLA glances in alarm at JENNER, a sidelong glance, then goes on, sobbing with helpless grief.]

[Pausing to glance at ISABELLA, suspicious at her "Oops!", JENNER slowly rises to stand, looking down at JUSTIN from his high vantage point.]

[For a long moment, JENNER glares down at his prisoner coldly.]

[His sharp, cold, murderously hateful glare intimidates JUSTIN, making him look down, cowering and trembling.]

[JENNER begins a cruel and hateful speech, his voice like the cracking of a whip — as he calls order to the gathered assemblage]:



[At once, the audience is silent, watching him fearfully.]

[At the sharpness of his captors shout, JUSTIN winces at this as if struck, cowering where he kneels in a cramped hunch.]


Subjects of the Empire, of my Kingdom, and of my Dominion! You are here to witness as an example to all, to each and every one of you, ... the price of any — and all — treachery against me ... by the execution of an enemy, a high enemy, to the authority of the Empire and to my authority! For if you think to defy my Empire, ... then you defy me! The Empire is but an extension of myself! My Empire is me!

[Everyone stares with horrified pity at the trembling prisoner.]

[JUSTIN continues to stare at the ground, tearing eyes blinking slowly, torpid, with hopeless despair, persperation running down his brow, breathing unevenly and trembling wretchedly.]


:{hateful when referring to Justin by name}:

But this, ... this is not just any enemy. This ... is … former Guard Captain Justin Wilson. This is the meddling little upstart who has dared to call himself your "Chief"!

[At this mocking comment, JENNER lets his anger and fury reflect in his voice as whip-crackingly sharp hate —]

[ — and JUSTIN trembles even harder, his tearing eyes pressed shut, teeth clenched.]

[The audience bursts out talking again — ]



[ — and are brought to a screeching, startled halt.]

[JUSTIN flinches at this, still weeping silently ... and pitifully trembling with surpressed sobs.]

[Boldly, careless with outrage, ISABELLA leaps to her feet to contront JENNER]:


Stop it! Stop humiliating him! Enough of this!


Be silent, woman!

[He cuffs her with his good arm; she cries out.]


I did not address you — nor did I say that you could speak!

[Staggering against the side of the box ISABELLA cowers, sheilding her face with her paws, crying helplessly.]


I will say when it is enough — and not a moment before! Now then, sit down, wench!

[Sniveling, ISABELLA pulls herself up into her seat.]

[JENNER goes on slowly and sneeringly, once again addressing the audience]:


This ... is a very special day, … for all of us, ... but ... especially ... for me! For today, … we are eliminating a rebel, … a traitor to the Royal Imperial Throne and to my superior authority.

[He turns his attention down on JUSTIN, fully and hatefully.]

[JUSTIN continues to stare at the ground, torpid and miserable.]


He ... has been a thorn in my flesh for as long as I can remember. This wretch ... is the one responsible for my many — and numberous wounds, ... the discomforts that I have suffered, that I have had to deal with myself!

[Managing to get hold of herself even tho her face is still wet with tears, ISABELLA glares at him from the tail of her vision, her eyes narrowing hard; her thought black with thick sarcasm]:


(Oh, well, ... too bad!)

[JENNER glares down at JUSTIN at his previous comment — and adds, almost as if to himself]:


Something ... that does not settle — too well ... with me.

[At this, ISABELLA looks as if she is fighting to keep from making some bitter remark, apparently smothering in helpless anger.]

[JUSTIN finally glances up at him briefly and their combative glares briefly meet and lock — but he breaks the contact quickly as JENNER’s hateful, murderous glare so intimidates him again that he is forced to look away, afraid and trembling with a small gasp, his gaze falling. Eyes closing, his ears flatten, his breath uneven in dread, he silently weeps in despair.]

[JENNER goes on in a normal tone]:


<Chuckle> Therefore, ... this very special event shall be commemorated — by being carried out in a very special way.

[Gloatingly, he pauses briefly to savor the moment; then concludes in a loud, vicious voice — and a bold, violent gesture: teeth bared in a snarl, narrowed eyes blazing ferociously, he points]:


By the way ... of the gallows!

[At this, a spotlight with a portable battery powering it comes on with a very loud crash from its breakers and the beam shines on the gallows.]

[A second, brighter beam inside the first shines directly on the noose itself, highlighting it — coldly, cruelly, and sharply.]

[The noise and the bright light makes JUSTIN turn to look in fearful dread, gasp and cringe in horror, … then turn back away and cower, trembling violently, staring at the ground in a trance of panic, breathing hard with anxiety — as the lights fade.]


:{jumping up}:

Ohhh, no! No please! Please! Don’t do this to him!


Silence! As I have said before, you will not speak unless I say! Now for the last time, sit down ... or else I shall knock you off your feet — and I may not stop ... with that, ... you little wench!

[As he adds this last remark, his tone goes from sharp to an evenly quiet suggestion of a threat of even worse to come for her, if she fails to obey.]

[Intimidated, cowering back from him, ISABELLA sits at once, trembling; she gulps — with a paw at her throat as she stares at him with dread.]

[At a sudden and harsh, sweeping gesture from JENNER, TEMPLETON (with his cross-bow) and BENJAMIN (with a short sword) aim their weapons at JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN looks at them ... and the several other guards a slight distance away — who also have weapons trained on him; he looks at BRUTUS — who comes to stand right over him.]

[They all glare back at JUSTIN expectantly.]

[Trembling, his expression beseechingly pleading, JUSTIN looks up at JENNER now — ]

[ — who glares back down at him expectantly, with his good arm crossed over his splinted one, fingers drumming.]


Well? … Stand up, ... Wilson ...

[At first, JUSTIN cannot move; terrified, he just stares back at JENNER. Then, with his teeth bared and his eyes pressed shut, he cowers, bowed forward slightly, moaning in terror.]

[With a subtle nod from JENNER, BRUTUS gives the chain a few hard yanks.]

[His teeth bared, his eyes squeezed closed, JUSTIN endures the yanks, with a pained grunt; then he responds: Gulping hard, he slowly rises to his feet in the total silence, trembling violently in fear, gasping softly in pain. He rises with some difficulty (because of his wounds), … pained by the effort — and by the action. Very slowly, he turns — to face the gallows.]


:{with renewed effort to withhold his response}:

(Oh, no, ... this is ... it! This ... is ... the end. Oh, God!)

[BRUTUS gives a hard yank on JUSTIN’s chain, which he has been holding all the while — and he starts to drag JUSTIN towards the gallows.]

[JUSTIN struggles, fighting to stand his ground (and perhaps resist getting dragged to the gallows as well, his feet skidding on the hard-packed dirt of the ground, his toe-claws digging deep into the dirt) — and he cries out]:



[As if expecting further resistance from JUSTIN, BRUTUS turns to him — and makes as if he is about to strike at him — ]


Please — no! No — wait!

[ — and JUSTIN cowers, staring at him in fear — and cries out]:


I — I can go by myself!

[At this, BRUTUS pauses.]

[JUSTIN looks over his shoulder to glare at JENNER.]


:{thru gritted teeth}:

If I gotta die, … I — Ill go up there on my own. No one ... has to make me. I I may be afraid. I I admit that. But — Ive got my own legs. I can walk ... up there — myself. Ill go — by myself. You wont — and you cant — call me a coward, ... not again. No, … I — I can die — and without anyones "help".

[JENNER chuckles at this, looking unimpressed.]



Ah, Wilson. Such bravado. So maybe I cannot call you a coward again, even tho that hardly changes the fact that you are one, ... but it will not do you much good now. Pretend to be brave, if you will; you are still going to go up there ... to hang. You are going to die now, … make no mistake about that, you miserable wretch!

[JUSTIN says nothing, but glares at him with resentful defiance, gulping once. He turns away from JENNER with angry despair.]

[All weapons — near and far — stay on JUSTIN.]


Oh, please! Stop it! Leave him alone! Let him go!

[Eyes tearing, she turns to JENNER, her voice dropping to a whisper]:


:{with her paws clasped, going on her knees}:

Oh, please! Have mercy on him! Ill do whatever you want!

[JENNER replies without looking at her at first, watching JUSTIN instead]:



It is too late for that, ... woman.

[He glares at her]:


It matters not what you would do for me now — and certainly not on his behalf! I have ruled that he is to die this day — and die he shall — no matter what you do for me! Now, … sit down!

[Weeping brokenly, ISABELLA sits — and turns her attention back to the execution.]

[JUSTIN, his back to them, stares straight ahead and a tear rolls down one cheek as — ]

[BRUTUS turns from JUSTIN, then leads him towards the gallows, with TEMPLETON behind him, crossbow at his back, prodding JUSTIN forward with the barbed weapon.]

[BRUTUS climbs up to the platform quickly — and the stairs squeak under the executioners weight.]

[JUSTIN pauses, fearfully watching BRUTUS’s ascent, the chain long enough that the Executioner reaches the top before the chain loses its slack.]

[Reaching the top, BRUTUS feels the chain tighten again — as JUSTIN once more holds back, making him pause to look at the chain in his paw ... and he turns to look down on JUSTIN. He scowls, holding up the chains wrist-loop, … a very obvious threat to JUSTIN, if he does not move.]

[For a brief moment, JUSTIN can only stare back, helplessly, frozen in terror. His breath uneven with fear, he gulps, trembling violently, his knees weak — and trembling. Panting with terror, he nearly collapses, fighting to remain on his feet.]

[Again, BRUTUS gives the chain another few brutal yanks, making JUSTIN gasp and grunt in pain, eyes pressed shut, his teeth bared.]

[Standing right behind him, TEMPLETON prods JUSTIN in the back with his cross-bow, spurring him forward cruelly, the arrows head presses into JUSTIN’s back, making JUSTIN gasp in pain, eyes pressed shut, teeth bared.]

[Trembling and cowering, his ears flattened, his mouth agape slightly in despairing terror, his nose held low, JUSTIN is unable to take his eyes off the noose, as he slowly begins to ascend the steps up to the platform.]

[There is dead still silence — and each wooden step creaks and squeals from each of JUSTIN’s slow, trembling steps.]

[While BENJAMIN and RATTEN police the crowd, ready to shoot or strike down any would-be rescuers, TEMPLETON follows JUSTIN up to the platform, keeping his cross-bow on their helpless prisoners back.]

[With TEMPLETON standing right behind him, his crossbow still at his back, JUSTIN moves slowly to take his place over the platforms wide trap door — and he fearfully stands there, facing BRUTUS.]

[BRUTUS stares at him with his icy, glowing blue eyes, scowling, his arms crossed.]

[The noose hangs down between them, only inches away ... and JUSTIN fights to keep from looking at it, as a light breeze makes it sway slowly and his gaze is forced towards it helplessly, making him shudder; he closes his eyes in despair.]

[BRUTUS reaches out and takes JUSTIN’s arm ... and turns him to face JENNER.]

[JUSTIN gasps, partly at BRUTUS’s sudden man-handling of him and partly because the action causes him to bump the noose with his snout, ... causing it to sway about even more, threateningly, as if it were alive, frightening JUSTIN. He fights to hide his reaction.]

[TEMPLETON roughly binds JUSTIN’s ankles together, then jumps down from the gallows high platform.]

[Very slowly, BRUTUS moves to stand behind JUSTIN — and taking out a key, unlocks the neck-shackle from JUSTIN’s neck, passing it to TEMPLETON — who goes off to join BENJAMIN and RATTEN to enforce crowd control.]

[His neck suddenly exposed from the iron shackle, JUSTIN gulps hard, staring at JENNER in despair, terror and angry defiance, but he looks as if he is drained of all strength, totally surrendered, hopelessly doomed.]

[Slowly, BRUTUS takes the noose — and brings it up over JUSTIN’s head ... and then, he lowers it down, very slowly, around JUSTIN’s neck.]

[JUSTIN flinches, seemingly startled and alarmed, even more hopeless than ever before — ]

[ — as BRUTUS puts the noose around JUSTIN’s neck.]


(Oh — Oh, God!)

[Pausing, BRUTUS slowly takes hold of the slipknot in one paw, then the rope close to it in his other paw and quickly pulls it tight — uncomfortably tight.]

[JUSTIN chokes and gags even more painfully as the rope is pulled taut — and the noose pulls to its maximum tightness around his throat.]

[Then, BRUTUS turns to where the nooses rope is anchored to the scaffold ... and briefly loosens it, pulling down on it to eliminate the slack, pulling down on the gallows noose, making it even tighter — around JUSTIN’s throat.]

[JUSTIN is forced to stand on his toes to avoid being strangled, to delay the inevitable.]


(Oh, God please!)

[He stares at JENNER, pleadingly, chin trembling, gasping and panting, baring his teeth in pain and terror.]

[With the pupils of his eyes dilated quite noticibly, his eyes are wide, glissening with tears — and the tears begin to slide down his pale cheeks, slowly. He shakes his head helplessly, pleadingly, then closes his eyes to weep, teeth bared. He opens his eyes again to try to plead for mercy with his eyes.]

[JENNER stares at him in satisfied triumph, grinning, eyes narrowed; forcing JUSTIN to look away, closing his eyes for a moment.]

[Standing there in the gallows with the noose chokingly tight around his throat, making his terrified panting labored, JUSTIN stares skywards as if praying, teeth bared, tears rolling down his face ... with the noose so tight around his throat that it makes the fur on his neck, below and above the noose, stick out in furry spikes.]

[JENNER continues to glare at him in triumph, still grinning evilly.]

[Irreconcilably doomed, JUSTIN can only stare back, looking drained of all strength, trembling and still weeping silently.]

[BRUTUS turns to JENNER questioningly, drawing JUSTIN’s gaze.]

[JENNER looks at BRUTUS, then back at JUSTIN.]

[BRUTUS follows his gaze, looking towards JUSTIN, too.]

[JUSTIN stares back at JENNER, then BRUTUS, staring from one to the other — and back again, silently begging for mercy as he shakes his head desperately, and looking as if he is about to burst into tears any time, trembling. His breath comes in short, weak gasps. His heart pounds in his ears, echoing, painfully loud.]

[In one paw, BRUTUS takes up the cord that will activate the trapdoor beneath JUSTIN. He bounces the handled end of it almost playfully — but menacingly]:

[With perspiration on his brow, JUSTIN stares at this action with terror-widened eyes — then at BRUTUS; he shakes his head pleadingly; whispering]:


Oh, God, ... please! N-No!

[ISABELLA stares at him and he stares back at her, seeing tears in her eyes.]


No! No! Oh Oh, God no!


:{moaned whisper}:

Oh, no. Oh-hhh, … please. No!

[Her forepaws go over her mouth — with growing horror.]

[BRUTUS chuckles, then steps off the platform, holding the rope that activates the trap door beneath JUSTIN.]

[The cord is very long, long enough to reach JENNER’s private box.]

[Approaching JENNER, BRUTUS hands the rope to him.]


My Lord, ... the honor of carrying out this extermination ... belongs to you. <Chuckle> May you make this death one to be remembered — for the masses!

[JENNER pauses briefly, then casually reaches for the cord, grasping it firmly in his good paw.]

[Watching this, JUSTIN desperately, but weakly, strains at his bounds, weeping, his teeth bared in terror, panting with pain and fear. He cringes with helpless terror as — ]

[JENNER looks back at him, a hateful, cold, sharp, peircing glare.]

[Dreadingly, JUSTIN stares at his captor, his chest heaving as he pants in fear thru bared teeth.]



No! Oh — Oh, … n-n-no, ... pl-p-please! <Choke>

[Again, he tears flow freely as he struggles to surpress his sobs]:


H-Have mercy on me! Pl-Please! H-Have mercy —

[He breaks off, panting.]

[JENNER pauses, then addresses JUSTIN]:


… Wilson, ... do you have ... any last words, … anything to say, ... before your sentence ... of death by hanging ... is executed?

[JUSTIN pauses before answering, looking defeated, his will crushed; but he suddenly manages to gain control over himself enough to speak ... without bursting into tears.]

[Seeming to actually relax a bit, he answers in a choked voice, due to the tightness of the noose as well as the situation, which makes him sound hoarse, for it is a very painful strain on him to speak now]:


:{shuddering as he sighs}:

<Sigh> All ... that I can say is, ... I ... I knew ... you were — and always were — trouble. I — I ... knew ... it would come to th-this ... one day, ... that ... youd try to get rid of me ...


<Chuckle> So, ... you expected this, eh? You expected that it would come to this? Such a pity. To think we were once good friends — such good friends that you even looked up to me and idolized me, when I was Nicodemus’s Captain of the Guard — and you when my apprentice, learning everything I could teach you — that is, … before he betrayed me and gave my job to you — and more! Yes, once we were such fine friends. But, not now. No, since then, Ive changed. Still, we could have still been friends ... had you learned.


"Friends"? I ... dont know ... if I can believe that. Are you serious? Were you ever ... really my friend or were you just putting on an act, to get me off my guard? Just so I wouldnt be prepared for your treachery — and be even more hurt by it as well, when you decided to go — and ... and do this to me?

[At this, JENNER pauses, looking down on JUSTIN ... with what looks almost like regret ... and pity.]


:{softly — seemingly with actual regret }:

It did not have to come down to this. Believe it or not, I was once very fond of you. I am sorry, truly, ... I am sorry that you never learned how to play the "game", as I would have certainly ... allowed you to live. That is, … if only you had; we could have ruled — together. Ah, … Wilson, ... things could have been — so different! As I said, … I am sorry. It is truly sad to see you reduced to this, ... for us to end ... this way.

[JUSTIN shakes his head.]


I cant believe that. You always wanted to rule. You wanted me out of the way; you always did. I used to see it ... in your eyes. You always meant to do me ... some kind of harm. I dont believe you ever really did like me — or if you did, it didnt last long enough to matter very much ... I think you always hated me and wanted me out of your way — right? I realize that now. I knew you resented me — but I ... I didnt know your hate ran so deep — or that youd would go ... so far. I ... Ill ... that bet you were planning this — for a very long time. I ... I cant believe, then, that youd really spare me — just ... because we — we were ... once ... friends — and I ... I dont believe ... that youd really want to "share" my own administration with me, ... either.



That is right, Wilson. Your administration! Perhaps I did like you well enough at one time to call you "friend" — and I did — and it does not matter whether you believe it or not ... because it has been quite some time since I have — not after that old fool had picked you ... over me! Hah! I hated you when I heard that that decrepid, old fool Nicodemus was training you to be leader — over me! <Laugh> Training! You needed training! That is a laugh. If Nicodemus had had any real vision or true wisdom on the matter, he would have realized that I am a true, natural leader — a true Chief Administrator. No, … I needed no training!



Of course not. Well, who needs training to be a murderer ... and a tyrant — when youre already a natural at it! You’re no leader, no Chief! You’re a natural-born killer, … you



How dare you!? What makes you think that you have the right ... to judge me so!? And as for my being Chief, I have a right to take the Chieftain-ship of the colony! Because, Wilson, ... it was to be mine to begin with ... and you know it! Tell me, ... am I supposed to stand back ... while what is rightfully mine is stolen from me ... and by you!? Am I just to stand aside ... and do nothing — while you are given what rightfully belongs to me!?

[He pauses, glaring down at JUSTIN with seething rage]:


Even now, I still do not see how he could do that to me. As you know, Nicodemus and I were once ... old friends — and for a much longer time than he and I had ever known you! And then, he gives you the position that we had agreed, that he promised me — by mutual, unspoken agreement on our friendship ... what would one day be mine! Just as it has always belonged to me!

[He pauses, glaring down at JUSTIN with seething rage]:


And then, ... he broke that promise — in favor of you, you who are, for all intents and purposes, little more than a complete stranger ... to us both, Nicodemus and I! So in many ways, then, he received just what he deserved, for betraying my trust in him — as an old and dear friend.


Huh! With a friend like you, he didnt need any enemies, huh? He paid a big price in calling you ... any kind of a "friend", ... huh?


Oh, he paid alright — and dearly — for the offense of betraying me, our friendship! He did not get away — with that — and neither shall you. By all rights, you should have declined in my favor — and you know it! You knew that the chieftain-ship was to be mine, that it was mine — all along!

[He pauses, glaring down at JUSTIN with seething rage]:


So, you see now, do you not? You have to die now, Wilson! You have to die — because if I let you live, I know, you will try to take from me my position in this community — at the first chance you get, ... if I do not destroy you — first! Therefore, I must take your life ... and see to it that your life ends ... here and now — before you destroy me!

[JUSTIN is puzzled and bewildered.]


(!?) Destroy ... you? I — I dont understand. How could I —

[JENNER trembles with raging fury at this.]


As if you do not remember that night in the garden!

[He slams his fist down on the partition that surrounds his seat, making JUSTIN flinch at this, suddenly silent.]


Our fight, you wretch! How you tried ... to kill me!

[JUSTIN stares at him in wide-eyed astonishment.]



I ... tried t-to —... I ... I ... tried t-to — to kill ... you ... ?


Yes! So you see now, justice is about to be served ... and just as I served it ... to Nicodemus!


B-But — But Nicodemus picked me ... over you — because he saw that you would be an unjust leader! And youre proving it right now! Youre a murderer! I I was just ... trying to defend myself that night! And now — this!


:{ignoring Justin’s comment}:

Just as I said, Wilson. Justice is about to be served!


:{indignant and incredulous}:

Damn! T-This ... is madness! You say ... I ... was trying ... to kill ... you? Man, do you have reality distorted! You were ... trying to ... to kill me! It — It was me ... that was nearly killed that night — by you. And ... And I certainly ... didnt start it! I — I was just defending myself ... from you — and you know it! And now, … you ... youre trying to kill me again ... and this time, I I cant even defend myself! Dammit! I ... I cant even move!


You have no one to blame, but yourself, Wilson. Do not seek to implicate me. All of this — this situation — is ... your own fault, my friend. Yours. You have given me ... no choice! None whatsoever ... at all. Not then — and, ... certainly, not now. You ... would have destroyed me ... and stolen my position ... if I had let you get away with it! As you see, ... I had to do something!


So. So thats it! You killed Nicodemus, you attacked and nearly killed Mrs. Brisby, you nearly caused her children their deaths — they were nearly drowned in mud because the block-house ... was starting to sink ... with them trapped in it — no thanks to you! And on top of all that, ... you tried to steal the Stone — and when I tried to stop you, ... you try to blame me — for Nicodemus’s decision to make me Chief after him! And then, you accuse me of trying to steal "your" position — and trying to murder you! Boy, you really do have reality all twisted around! You are mad! You have no sense of reality at all! Youre insane, ... you really are insane!

[For a brief second, JENNER looks like this might enrage him again, but then his reaction goes towards something of a reversal]:


<Chuckle> So, ... who said any of us ... are completely sane?


:{somewhat taken aback}:

... Well, ... well, you sure the hell aren’t!

[JENNER seems impatient and bored.]


Are you quite done now?

[JUSTIN stares at him in angry defiance for a moment; then looks down, crestfallen with dismayed despair]:


<Sigh> I — I ... guess, ... I have ... nothing more to say ... to you. I ... I dont think either of us have anything else to say to each other now, ... do we?



<Tsk, tsk> Such a shame, ... really. A real shame, Wilson. Too bad — for you. But now, we get on with business, ... eh? <Chuckle> So, Wilson, ... are you quite ready ... to die now?

[JUSTIN’s indignance gives away once more to helplessness as his defiant expression drops away — and he trembles in fear. When he answers, it is almost in pleading]:



... N-No. But that ... doesnt matter to you, ... does it?


Certainly not. If I left it up to you, ... you would never be ready, would you? And I certainly cannot use your cowardice as a gauge — for when you are — or I would have you as a prisoner forever. Besides, you really deserve ... far worse ... than languishing around in a dungeon ... for the rest of your miserable life — such as it is! No, you deserve your death right here and now, ... on this day! You deserve to suffer ... and die!

[He pauses, then goes on grimly]:


By all rights, Wilson, I should really have you tortured to death — which would really be quite enjoyable. In fact, ... were I fit, I would carry out the actual act myself — and probably have you disemboweled! Ah, what satisfaction that would be — yes, to gut you and slowly, ... oh, yes, very slowly — in full view ... of everyone!

[JUSTIN cowers in horror at this, letting out a little cry of revulsion.]


But as I am wounded, ... I supposed I will just have to be content with pulling this cord. Anyway, having just taken this colony, ... I have not the time to stretch out your death ... into a lengthy affair — otherwise, perhaps, ... I might just have my men run you thru’. However, it will be enough of a consolation for me to know that you will be tortured enough, when you strangle to death — in that noose! Which, when I think of it, shall be a much harder end — for you! No. I dont care, not one bit, whether you feel that you are ready to die or not and I am certainly not about to waste mercy on you ... and nor will I pander to your cowardly indecision on the matter, as if it was your decision to begin with, ... which ... it is not!


That ... isnt surprising. I ... I dont think youd be that merciful anyway. You certainly werent ... before — and you arent now, ... now that youve ... come back. And I guess, ... with me about to — t-to ... uh, ... "lose", ... its for keeps now, ... isnt it ... ?

[He drops his voice low to mutter]:


Oh, Heaven help everyone here ...


:{hissing growl}:

Yes. Yes, it is, as you put it, "for keeps". Indeed. For you are about to die! So, then, my young friend, you must realize that when I proclaimed my return, I was not jesting ... !


:{bitter despair}:

It proves benevolent to know when to decline, Genre. I mean, didnt you learn anything in Farmer Fitzgibbons’s garden that night? I mean, … besides what you ... think ... youve learned?


Yes, Wilson. Oh, yes. I did. I learned ... never to leave my battles only half finishedor to take my own effectiveness for granted.



Yknow, Genre, ... one day, youll go too far. And then, ... well ...

[He stops, shrugging.]

[JENNER’s attitude seems to change at this and his tone instantly becomes strangely soft, almost explanitory]:


Oh, I lost the first time we faced each other. Those two times in the garden, before everyone, then again when we were alone — it is true, of course. I can admit my defeats.

[At this, JUSTIN looks increduously astonished.]


But, ... after that, it was ... different. You merely thought you had defeated me again, when we fought over the river. But, no — you didnt ...

[JUSTIN closes his eyes, pouting in despair, not seeing how JENNER glances uncertainly at his broken arm.]


Obviously ...

[JUSTIN is oblivious to JENNER’s brief vulnerability]:


B-But ... But ... I ... I ... s-saw you fall ... into the Trout River, ... w-when ... my brother ... pushed you ... off the cliff. And then, the water, ... it ... i-it turned ... r-red ... w-with ... with y-your — yo — your —

[JENNER interrupts with a whip-like sharpness]:


So! You thought you were rid of me — finally, eh?

[He goes on, his tone harsher, almost raving as he stresses each word]:


That ... is what you all thought at the time ... because it was what I wanted all of you to think! It was all just as I planned it —

[JUSTIN interrupts with a dead-dry, bitter, incredulous tone, laced with cold, hard resentment and despair ... and thick with biting, mocking sarcasm]:


Yeah, Jenner, ... right. Just ... as you planned it. Oh, sure — you really won, … yeah. You planned it like that — all along, … your nearly drowning in the river. Just as you planned for me to accidently break your arm this last time, uh huh — oh, yeah. Right. You planned everything so good — didnt you?

[At this, JENNER suddenly flushes — with shocked embarrassment and indignant rage. Quickly regaining his dignity, he sneers, eyes turning fiery red.]


:{low sneering growl}:

You dare to mock me, you miserable little wretch!? How dare you!? You shall ... pay ... for ... that!

[He pauses, testing the weight of the cord in his paw, bouncing it lightly a few times before gripping it firmly.]

[JUSTIN is pallid with horror ... and angry at his helplessness, mouth and eyes wide as he goes lividly pale, terrified and trembling, shaking his head slightly, pleadingly.]


Now you’ll learn how ... not ... to speak to me!

[He raises his voice to suddenly shout at everyone]:


And this shall go for the rest of you! The first one to defy my authority shall follow this wretched, meddling traitor! I will tolerate no defiance — from any of you! Observe — and be warned —

[JUSTIN suddenly shouts out at him in despairing anger as tears run freely down his pale face, his indigant defiance dissolving into sobs]:


Shut up, Genre! For God’s sake, … stop torturing me! Youve had your fun! Now — just get it over with! If youre gonna do this, then just do it, ... do it — and shut the Goddamned hell up!

[Enraged, JENNER’s eyes fairly glow an orange-red now as he bares his teeth in seething anger, at first too enraged to even speak right away; but then]:


:{shouting back}:

Very well, then, ... I shall!

[He slowly loops the cord around his wrist, twice, three times, gripping it even tighter.]

[JUSTIN stares at this motion in horror, breathing hard, persperation pouring down his brow, heart pounding, his teeth bared; he cries out suddenly]:



No! Oh — Oh, God — please, no! No!


And now, ...


Ohhhh, no! Please! No! Dont! Dont!


... you die!


Oh, no! Have mercy on me p-please!

[As his plea ends, JUSTIN weeps openly now, breaking down to cry helplessly, sobbing in pain and terror, writhing weakly in his bonds]:



Please! Oh, … please! Please, … dont!

[The drummer starts up again, this time with a rapid death roll on his drum.]



Oh — Oh, God! Oh, … God — please!

[JUSTIN seems to surrender completely to his fate, as if trying to ready himself for death. Gazing skyward, tears stream down his cheeks, then he closes his eyes tightly, head back, nose held high, his teeth bared, persperation on his brow. Heart pounding, his breath comes fast and hard, his bounded paws balled into tight fists — as he strains his wrists against the ropes.]

[In the audience, everyone is horrified. Most are simply too shocked to move. Some just close their eyes, others avert their gazes altogether, some actually covering their eyes; many are weeping in grief and fear; males, females, and their children — of whome turn to hide their faces against their mothers skirts or those of the children too afraid to do so themselves having their faces turned into skirts by their mothers, and females burying their faces on their husbands shoulders.]

[JENNER is about to pull the rope — ]


No! Please, no!

[ — as ISABELLA tries to suddenly wrestle the rope away from him ... and he knocks her back again, snarling, about to pull the cord — ]


Don’t! Please!

[ — when suddenly, JACKSON appears behind JENNER, leaping over the back of the private seating boxs partition — and seizing JENNER in a choke-hold.]

Issue Fourteen: Against the Odds!


While Jackson’s rescue efforts move into position, Justin is led onto the gallows scaffold — where he is further bound around the ankles in addition to his paws tied behind his back at the wrists.

It is at this time that Justin is permitted to have last words — and the exchanged conversation between him and Jenner leads to insight into both, with emphasis on the latter.

When Justin tells it as it is, however, the enraged Jenner nearly finishes him.

Then, it is Jackson and company to the rescue!

[The drummer breaks of, staring in dumb astonishment.]

[JENNER cries out in alarm; then his expression of viciousness returns.]

[BRUTUS ducks behind an outcropping of rock.]


Oh! Jack!


Drop that cord, you back-stabbing, dirty double-dealer! Let it go now — before I break your neck — and I can do it, believe me!


<Gasp> Traitors! Your pack was suppose to leave this place! You were suppose to be gone by now! Why are you still here? Wilson and I had an agreement regarding the lot of you —


Shut up, you! I know all about your rotten, slimy agreement! Naw, its not even worth the parchment its written on. You meant to get us all right after you get rid of my son, right!? Track us all down — just like you did him! Thats what you really mean to do, dont you. Right? Dont you!?


I should have had all of you killed when I had the chance!


Yeah, yeah! I figured just as much!

[COLBERT appears behind them.]


Bella, what the hell are ya doin here!? We told you no!

[She just stares at him, sheepishly, smiling apologetically.]


Sorry, Father.

[Thru all of this, JUSTIN stares in astonishment, almost incredulous, as the tears continuing to fall. He seems simultaneously relieved — and horrified.]


D-Dad! Wha What’re you doing here!?

[As if regardless of JACKSON, JENNER seems about to pull the rope.]

[Seeing this, JUSTIN squeals in terror]:


No! Oh, God — no! Dad! Dad help me!

[Out of nowhere appears MRS. BRISBY, followed closely by AURORA who stops between the gallows scaffold — and JENNER’s private box.]

[Running, MRS. BRISBY leaps into the air up at the rope and bites it clean thru’, the rope falling limp in JENNER’s grasp, making him snarl with frustration.]

[Coming down from her leap, MRS. BRISBY lands on the gallows platform next to JUSTIN, landing so close to the edge that her feet almost slip ... and she grabs on to the surface of the platform to keep from falling off.]

[At the same time, MRS. BRISBY and AURORA appear, ARNOLD, ARTHUR, and WILLIS break cover, taking hostages amoung JENNER’s staff.]

[ARNOLD pins TEMPLETON. ARTHUR pins BENJAMIN. WILLIS and BRIAN knock down RATTEN and sit on him (since the two of them are smaller, being youths).]

[JUDITH and COLBERT also attack and pin down and manage to immobilize henchrats.]

[JUSTIN’s rescuers take the swords off of the henchrats to help hold them.]

[The rest of the guards and henchrats are start forward aggressively.]


Dont anyone move ... or youll be sorry! Hell be sorry!

[He tightens his grip on JENNER, making the tyrant grunt, hissing angrily.]

[The guards all cease their advance, but continue to glare at the intruders.]

[MRS. BRISBY turns to JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN seems about to faint, breathing swallowly and rapidly, swaying, trembling with helpless exhaustion.]


Oh, my God! Mrs. Brisby! Im so glad to see you, I ... Im not even gonna bother askin what youre all doin here when I — I s-said, said you were all going away a-and — I ... I ... I —... Oh-hhh-hhhh!

[He breaks off, swaying, about to collapse.]


Oh! Dont faint, Justin! Its going to be okay! We are here now! Were here for you! Well get you out of here! Dont faint! Youll be choked ...

[Suddenly, BRUTUS reappears, once again at JENNER’s immediate left.]

[MRS. BRISBY does not notice BRUTUS, but JUSTIN does and cries out — ]


What? Ohh, ... here, ... Ill bite that noose thru and —

[ — because BRUTUS has his electro-spear aimed in JUSTIN’s and MRS. BRISBY’s direction — and he fires a blast past them, making the two friends cry out.]

[ISABELLA also cries out, leaning forward]:




That ... was just a warning shot.

[He aims right at JUSTIN’s chest.]


Now then, ... none of you move

[JUSTIN freezes in horror, his heart pounding.]


or ... I ... shall kill him!

[Crying out in horror, JUSTIN trembles violently, teeth bared, his face ashen with horror. Looking almost sick, he fights to keep from crying, choking back a sob with a hard gulp.]


Oh, my God — no!

[BRUTUS looks toward JACKSON and JENNER.]


:{to Jackson}:

I recommend ... that you release my King ... at once!

[AURORA, listening to BRUTUS, turns from him to JENNER, angry and indignant]:


:{to Jenner}:

This has gone far enough! We demand that Justin be set free — at once!


:{with relief}:

Yes, yes! Oh, please — yes!


:{tremblingly, but bravely}:

Now! Or you and your friends ... will be quite sorry!


That, my dear, depends. Now then, since you have made your demands, it is only fair that we make our own: you and your companions are to desist ... at once — and then surrender to us immediately!

[As MRS. BRISBY and JUSTIN look back towards BRUTUS in alarm at his intial threat and demand, JACKSON amends his sides demands]:


Mrs. Brisby is right! Youll be sorry! If my son dies,Brutus, ... then your so-called "King" is next!


:{straining in Jackson’s grasp}:

<Gasp> You dirty rebel! You ... You wouldnt dare!



Do you wanna bet? You, Brutus! Youd better think twice, if you really care about your "King" here. Thisll get very ugly — if you dont set Justin free this instant ... and itll be your fault!

[JACKSON growls in JENNER’s ear]:


Well, whatre ya waitin for? Order your boys to cut loose my son — now. Or your arm ... certainly wont be the only thing busted around here! Ill start off with your neck next — if you dont give the proper orders! Do it now — you know thingsll just get worse ... for you ... if you dont!

[JENNER seems just about to relent, letting out a slow, growling sigh — seemingly of defeat.]


:{growl; to Jackson}:

You shall all pay for this! Mark my words! You


Yeah, right! Just order your man to let Justin go! Shut your yap. None of us need to hear your arrogent, offensive bull ...

[JENNER looks at BRUTUS]:


Mr. Gideons — now ...

[JUSTIN looks extremely hopeful.]

[BRUTUS returns JENNER’s gaze with a look of profound puzzlement]:


... Sir?


Now, Mr. Gideons ...

[He subtlely nods at BRUTUS, suddenly smiling (very subtlely), eyes narrowing.]

[At first, BRUTUS does not respond, then he seems to recognized this as a signal and nods back slowly, brow furrowing slightly, frowning grimly.]

[JUSTIN, MRS. BRISBY, and AURORA see this and exchange looks.]

[JACKSON, ISABELLA, and COLBERT, however, cannot see it]:


Oh, well, now — thats better, ... "Your Majesty".

[Suddenly, JENNER’s seemingly surrendering bearing becomes vicious as he shouts to BRUTUS, gesturing violently at JUSTIN with his good arm, while still holding onto what is left of the gallows rope, straining in JACKSON’s grasp and screaming with rage]:


Kill him, Gideons! Kill himnow!

[ISABELLA, JUSTIN and MRS. BRISBY all cry out in horror, pleadingly, together]:


God — ohhh, please! Dont! Dont!


No! Oh, no, dont! Please! Dont!


Oh, no! Please — oh, God, no! No!

[BRUTUS’s joyfully shouted response to JENNER’s command nearly drowns out the pleas of JUSTIN and MRS. BRISBY]:


With pleasure, My Lord! At once!

[ISABELLA screams — as JUSTIN struggles desperately.]


<Eaahhhh!> No! Someone, stop him!

[BRUTUS is about to blast JUSTIN (who cowers and tries to turn away, eyes pressed closed, teeth bared), but AURORA lets loose a bolo (that had been currently hanging in a coil on her right hip of her belt, loosing it with her left paw) at BRUTUS’ elector-spear — ]

[ — and knocks BRUTUS’s weapon right out of his paws — just as it goes off.]

[The bolt goes wild, narrowly missing JUSTIN and MRS. BRISBY, who both squeal in fright and cower as the bolt singes the scaffold. The part of the beam where it has been it bears a small, delicate fire that dies out fairly quickly. A burned spot is left on the scaffold which smokes delicately.]

[Without missing a beat, BRUTUS lunges for what is left of the cord — and JUSTIN screams in desperate terror]:


N-Noplease! Don’t! Helpsomeone, save me!

[Everyone is momentarily stunned into complete inactivity — even MRS. BRISBY.]

[Everyone; that is, except AURORA. Crying out in angry horror, AURORA lunges for BRUTUS’s legs and manages to thoroughly trip him up ... as she grabs one of his legs, her body under-foot of his other leg.]

[In the process, with an angry snarl, he kicks her, getting her in the head ... and stuns her from the blow; AURORA is trampled, severly stunned.]

[BRUTUS, even tripped up, keeps right on going. He does not even miss a beat because of her efforts. Landing on his stomach, he slides towards the gallows scaffold ... and seizes the rope! He looks up at JUSTIN, glaring at him — and their eyes lock; JUSTIN is frozen in horror at this.]

[MRS. BRISBY tries to climb up JUSTIN’s side, pulling herself up with pawful of JUSTIN’s tunic, intending to bite the cord (which he tries to make easier for her to get to by tipping his head back), but she is too late.]

[JUSTIN screams as BRUTUS pulls the cord — and the peg, that holds the trap door closed by two small metal loops screwed into the wood, slips out ... and the trap door drops out from under them!]

[And so suddenly, MRS. BRISBY is shaken loose before she reaches the rope leading up to the scaffold as the rope snaps tight from JUSTIN’s weight.]

[MRS. BRISBY hits the ground hard with a grunt and is stunned from the fall — ]

[ — but JUSTIN is hanged! The rope snaps taut from JUSTIN’s weight and the noose pulls tight!]

[JACKSON is so horrified at first, he does not move, tho he still has JENNER, then snarls at JENNER in horrified, angry shocked]:


You bastard!

[In anger, JACKSON tries to carry out his earlier threat — and they struggle.]

[COLBERT tries to help JACKSON hold JENNER.]

[ISABELLA tries to help, but she is so restrained and hobbled, she can barely move — and in the effort, loses her balance and falls out of the seating box ... right into the grasps the the henchrats who brought her out.]


<Yee-eeek!> Help! Help!

[COLBERT tries to go to her rescue, but the henchrats rush him — and knock him unconscious.]


No! Father! Oh, Father!

[The henchrats bind her more tightly, gagging her.]

[JUSTIN flails about helplessly — as the noose pulls tighter and tighter around his throat, agonizingly crushing and tearing his esophagus as he gags painfully, gutterally, eyes bulging, tougue pertruding, tears of agony on his face.]

[Blood starts to ooze from the corners his mouth as his windpipe tears and starts to bleed.]

[Because the platform and the trap door are both so wide, JUSTIN cannot reach to the platform with his feet; therefore, he is left hanging freely in midair with no way to get a solid surface under to feet to slacken the rope — and save himself from his sentenced fate.]

[MRS. BRISBY shakes her head to clear it. Looking up at JUSTIN above her, she screams in horror and leaps to her feet, making to climb the scaffold.]


Dont worry — Ill get you down!

[She scrambles back up to the platform — and starts for the ropes anchor hook, intending to pull it loose, standing up on her toes — straining — to reach it, about to climb it.]

[BRUTUS laughs viciously ... and starts to close in on MRS. BRISBY.]

[Alarmed, she begins to dart about, around the gallows, trying to elude him and get to JUSTIN, but she cannot as BRUTUS tries to grab her each time.]

[AURORA recovers; leaping to her feet, draws her dagger (with her right paw; it is on her left hip) and flings it at the rope, up near the scaffold, her aim is perfect — and her dagger flies at the rope, spinning about like a circle-saw blade.]

[As the blade is air-borne, AURORA bolts forward to help her friends.]

[The knife hits the rope, cutting it, then the knife hits the scaffort hilt first, falling to the ground, nearly hitting MRS. BRISBY. To avoid it, she darts to one side and runs into one of the scaffolds supports; mildly dazed, she bolts around it to avoid BRUTUS.]

[Cut loose, JUSTIN falls hard to the ground with a thud, grunting.]

[MRS. BRISBY is at his side in an instant.]

[JUSTIN’s chest heaving, eyes closed and his tongue hanging out, there is blood at the corners of his mouth. He tries to cough, but the noose is so terribly tight that he is not even breathing — as he lays there, weakly writhing in agony with his tongue still hanging out.]

[MRS. BRISBY tries to pull the noose loose, but fails because of the slipknot and, pushing his chin back, to find that his throat is badly lacerated from the noose and bloody, making her cry out in horrified pity.]

[JACKSON and JENNER continue to struggle, even tho JENNER is fighting with only a single arm.]

[ISABELLA watches them, totally bounded now and gagged as well.]

[As he fights to subdue JENNER, JACKSON shouts out]:


Friends! Friends! Listen, ... everyone! Help us! We must drive them out of the valley! We must! We can! Nowthere’s more of us, more than them!

[This is like a single for "all Hell to break loose", as — beginning with the guards still loyal to JUSTIN, but forced into this and the guards on JENNER’s side — a free-for-all breaks out.]

[As all-out fighting breaks out everywhere, AURORA runs towards MRS. BRISBY and JUSTIN.]

[MRS. BRISBY is about to bite off the noose under JUSTIN’s chin, when suddenly BRUTUS looms over them, laughing evilly.]

[Looking up, MRS. BRISBY cries out in horror, cowering over JUSTIN, as if to protect him.]

[BRUTUS swats her away, sending her tumbling over and over across the ground, and sits on JUSTIN, grabs the rope, and pulls hard on it, drawing it tight, brutally, looping the rope around one wrist while simutaneously pushing down on the slip-knot on the noose itself, pushing it tighter with his free paw. He proceeds to loop what is left of the rope around JUSTIN’s throat; once, twice, three times — each time pulling the rope tighter ... and tighter ... and still tighter, ... agonizingly strangling his victem.]



No! ... N-No, ... no! <Ack>

[JUSTIN tries to speak further, but cannot form words; he can only gag, in agony, choking, tongue still hanging out, writhing feebly. His struggles slowly grow weaker and lesser with every second — as BRUTUS tries to choke him to death.]

[Meanwhile, the fight goes on; on other levels]:


[JUDITH, COLBERT (now conscious), and BRIAN have their battles, too.]

[BRIAN manages to knock his opponent unconscious and ARNOLD grabs the unconscious henchrats sword — and throws it to JACKSON.]

[Others who are not in the guard but who are on JUSTIN’s side help, too, males — while the females and children all bolt for cover with a few of the less strong males directing them, like an evacution crew.]

[Many of JUSTIN’s friends try to reach him, but there are too many of JENNER’s guards rallied around him — so many that those who try to get to JUSTIN cannot reach him, nor can JACKSON’s rescue party.]


Justin! Oh, God! He’s dying!

[JUDITH breaks off from her fight ... and she rushes to help JUSTIN]


That beast … is killing him!

[ — loosing her short-sword in the process ... as she trips and stumbles on a loose rock. Snarling, she throws herself at BRUTUS.]

[BRUTUS sees her coming and cuffs her as she gets to him, stunning her.]

[Fighting JENNER, JACKSON sees this]:



[JACKSON, seeing what is happening, forces JENNER back so that JENNER stumbles and trips ... and JACKSON breaks off to dash after BRUTUS.]


You bastard!

[Behind him, MRS. BRISBY, joined by AURORA, tries to drive BRUTUS off JUSTIN]:

[MRS. BRISBY pushes at him from behind, but she is violently thrown.]

[AURORA rushes in, shouting savagely]:


:{leaping on BRUTUS}:

Mrs. Brisby, stand clear — the backlash!

[As MRS. BRISBY does so, AURORA tries to stun him with her healing magic, turned inside-out and into a terrible, living weapon, makes her cry out in pain her targets pain, as her spoken-of backlash strikes her — and JUSTIN.]

[The two female mice are screaming at BRUTUS, probably begging him to stop, but their words get mixed together and are unintelligable.]

[While MRS. BRISBY stands back, AURORA continues to viciously blast BRUTUS.]

[BRUTUS lets out a snarling cry at AURORA’s assault, but fights it, continuing to strangle JUSTIN with the noose.]

[JUSTIN, too, cries out from AURORA’s assault — with a strangled gurgle.]

[Hearing his cry, AURORA is horrified, breaking off her attack. Subsequently, she looses her grip on BRUTUS, slipping off of his back.]

[JACKSON looms behind BRUTUS, snarling]:


Traitordamn you, you’re bad as him!

[BRUTUS hears JACKSON and, looking over his shoulder towards him, BRUTUS dodges JACKSON’s sword blow that would have been fatal and, continuing to dodge JACKSON, dashes to grab up his electro-spear.]

[The two female mice are at JUSTIN’s side at once, going to work on the terrible tangle of rope on JUSTIN’s throat.]

[JUDITH regains consciousness at this point, helping them, biting the ropes loose from her sons ankles.]

[MRS. BRISBY succeeds in biting loose JUSTIN’s wrists, biting thru several loops now.]

[AURORA snatches up her dagger — ]


Oh, Justin! Im so sorry! I should have realized that you would get caught in the backlash, too — but what else could I do?

[ — and cuts the noose off of JUSTIN’s neck.]


Oh, my! Your poor throat!

[JUSTIN’s throat is terribly raw, badly lacerated with the fur literally worn thin if not completely off — and bleeding.]

[JUSTIN gags as his mother and the two female mice try to help him to his feet.]

[He staggers and falls down on one knee, head forward, panting and gagging so hard that he is nearly retching, his paws at his throat, kneeling between JUDITH and MRS. BRISBY, with AURORA before him.]



<Gasp> <Gasp> C-Ca ... Cant — <gasp> I c-cant b-breathe! <Gasp> C-Cant b-br-breathe!

[On his paws and knees now, he suddenly starts to cough up bright red clots of blood.]


Aurora, what —

[AURORA feels his throat gently with both paws; she answers at once]:


Dear God! His throats been torn open inside!



H-Help — H-Hel — H — H-H-Hel-elp ... muh-m-me! <H-H-huk-ack-uck >


Justin, dont try to talk — youre making yourself worse!

[Still retching, JUSTIN suddenly collapses, rolling onto his back — and blood is freely flowing from his mouth now, spreading over the ground, his breath gurgles in the sea of blood coming from the inside of his torn throat.]

[His eyes rolling up so that the whites show, JUSTIN faints — but the blood flows forth just the same; in fact, its worse! And now, they all hear the terrible sound of his drowning in his own blood, as it invades his lunges as well — as he lies there, unconscious and motionless!]


The blood — its going into his lunges! Oh, no — hes drowning in his own blood! Dear God, hes dying! Justin is dying!


Oh! Oh, help him, Healer, help him! Oh, please — help my son!

[But AURORA is already doing so even as JUDITH speaks, as she touches his throat with a paw glowing with healing energy, giving him strength.]


Oh, you poor thing! Hes been beaten so badly, hes bleeding inside as well! They tortured him, too — and, oh my God, … I I think, … in a way that nothing male should do to another! But — Its a miracle that he didnt die during the night! In fact, if he isnt healed soon, he will die.

[As she speaks, she sends more healing energy into him, her power flowing thru him in a bright, warm, golden glow, reviving him — and JUSTIN awakens from his fainting spell.]

[Grateful and relieved, JUSTIN holds AURORA’s glowing paw to his wounded throat as he props himself up with his other paw: the pain subsides, his breathing becomes easier, and his strength returns. He struggles to sit up, rolling onto his knees.]

[His numerous wounds seem vanish completely (he is completely healed, save for his filthy, raggedy condition) — as AURORA sends him such power that she staggers against him, nearly wearing herself out.]

[For a moment, both weakly support each other.]


<Gasp> Th-Thank — <Cough> <Gasp> <Cough> Thank —... <Cough> <Cough> <Cough> <Gasp> T-Th-Thank y-you, ... H-H H-H-Healer ...

[AURORA speaks exhaustedly, but with growing strength]:


:{exhausted urgency}:

But ... it is not done yet! Ive given you strength! But now we must fight, if we are going to survive this! Get up ... now, Justin! You — You must get up! You do not want to die — remember!?

[JUSTIN is still weak. He speaks now as if in a daze]:


No — no, … I ... I dont want to die ...


:{almost fiercely}:

Well, you will — if you dont get up and help us fight! Now then, get up! Get up, Justinnow!

[JUSTIN staggers to his feet at AURORA’s urgings, but falls back down to one knee in exhaustion, panting.]


Hes okay now?


Hes fine, Judi.



Good. If youll excuse me ...

[She takes AURORA’s dagger and stands up to rejoin the fight.]

[Suddenly, GREGORY and MR. AGES appear.]

[MRS. BRISBY turns to them in astonishment.]


Mr. Ages, Gregory — where were you two?


I couldnt get the blasted dart guns to work! I — I threw em together too fast — on such short notice. What else could we expect? I told you this morning at breakfast they mightnt work. The best we could do was ... look for a way to get to you.

[He gestures to JUSTIN.]


How is he?


Fine, now — completely; just exhausted.


Well, ... Ill look him over anyway. He looks pretty bad. Do you want to assist me, Gregory?

[MRS. BRISBY suddenly gasps in horror — as she hears JENNER shouting]:


There, by the scaffold! Kill themkill them all!


Oh, no! Look!

[She points — and AURORA, JUSTIN, MR. AGES and GREGORY look up in alarm.]

[The five friends see that their forces are very hard pressed now.]

[JACKSON, ARNOLD, ARTHUR, WILLIS, JUDITH, COLBERT, and BRIAN have all formed a circle of protection around JUSTIN and the four mice.]

[JENNER’s forces, led by BRUTUS, TEMPLETON, BENJAMIN, and RATTEN, are closing in on them.]


Were trapped!

[JUSTIN is partly supported by the two lady-mice, still on one knee.]


I ... I — I really appreciate the help, ... but ... you all shouldntve risked yourselves for just one person — you should have just let me die! You all shouldve left the valley, shouldve saved yourselves — when I ... I told you to! Now — we — were all gonna die — and ... all for nothing —


No, Justin, you —

[JACKSON scoops up the sword of an injured henchrat — and throws it to JUSTIN.]


Here, son! We need all the help we can get now!

[JUSTIN grabs the sword and, staggering to his feet, joins the fight.]


Then the signal, Jack, now! Call Jeremy!

[AURORA, and GREGORY cry out in overlapping agreement]:


Oh, yes, Jack — the signal! The signal!


Yes! Yes! Please! Well all be killed!

[MR. AGES also calls out, but his voice carries above the others, better heard]:


Call those crows, Jackget us out of here!

[Even as they speak, JACKSON draws out the flare gun ... and fires upwards and the charge explodes high over everyones heads, still fighting, while he manages his sword with one paw.]

[AURORA, armed with her dagger, hands thick branches to MRS. BRISBY, GREGORY, and MR. AGES.]


What — ?


Here — clubs, just in case! We might have to defend ourselves!


But — But if our rat-friends cant defend us from other rats, then what chance do we mice have, Healer!?

[The fight goes on.]

[Guards with spears join the fight, jabbing at them between the ranks of their own.]

[Archers with longbows and crossbows start to fire at them, so that they have to dodge and duck arrows and spears as well, slashing the spears apart where the opportunity allows.]


A sheild! I must try to sheild!

[AURORA mentally erects a force feild around them.]




Ive been experimenting with a psychic force field — but I dont know if its perfected enough for this, but I must try! I must keep out the bolts!

[The bolts pierce AURORA’s sheild.]


I — Ill have to sheild selectively — just concentrate the sheild ... where the bolts come thru — to keeps them out!

[She concentrates on the arrows and spears, visually sighting each bolt — and this time, it works.]

[While AURORA selectively blocks bolts, JEREMY and TIFFINY appear, diving down towards the heart of the fight — their embattled rat friends.]

[JENNER, his sword still drawn, appears at the flinge of the battle, his teeth bared in rage, eyes narrowed.]


:{shouting angrily}:

The crows! Get them, get them!

[Arrows and spears fly at the two crows, who must dodge the bolts in mid-air.]

[JENNER screams an enraged order with the force of thunder]:


Shadow-wingattack! Kill them!

[JEREMY and TIFFINY cry out in alarm as SHADOW-WING appears.]


This ... is not such a good idea anymore!


Not too hot! But Briz’s friends need us!

[On the ground, JENNER shakes his fist at the crows; screaming in rage]:


Those crows! Kill them, kill them now, Shadow-Wing! Guards! Guards, keep them away from here! Theyre trying to help Wilson’s mob!

[JUSTIN and his friends are hard pressed (in fact, from an overhead prospective, it appears that it is going extremely badly all over the battle area for the young Chief’s people).]

[JUSTIN and his friends give their comments on the situation while they continue to fight, growing steadily exhausted and receiving minor blade cuts and club blows, panting.]


Blasted hawk!


I forgot all about him!


We all did, son!


Oh! Thats it, Mrs. Brisby — thats the important thing — that I was trying to remember last night!


<Gasp> Oh, no!


This is crazy! How long can we hold out?


Yeah, those crows cant get us outta here now — were on our own!

[He takes a spear in the stomach as the bolts increase.]





[AURORA dashes to him (and luckily he has fallen over backwards into the circle, near the four mice.]


Theyre shooting too fast! I cannot sheild from them all!

[WILLIS holds on to his bloody wound, moaning in pain as AURORA and MR. AGES set to work on him.]


:{moaning in terror}:

I knew it, I knew it! Were all gotta die! They ... Theyre gonna kill us all!

[ARTHUR is suddenly knocked unconscious, also falling over backwards into the circle.]


Arthur! I was right — you guys should notve come after me!


It was my idea, son.


Not that I don’t appreciate it, … but it was a bad idea.


Yeah, I know; but what else could we do? We couldnt just leave you to die — in the clutches of that murderer and his friends! Damn it, it almost worked! Im sorry it failed ...


Know what ya mean, Dad; so am I! Thanks for trying, tho’; but you shouldve just let me be killed! You shouldve just let me die —


Justin, Dad — theres too many of them, too many —

[He takes an arrow in the shoulder and goes down.]






:{exhausted, almost haggardly}:

Oh, God! I ... I cant work that fast — I — Im still working on Willis! Arthur needs help, too! And ... I cannot shield while I am healing — not at all! Its — Its too much! It —

[Swaying, she seems to be on the verge of fainting.]



Your sheild is down!?


Keep going, Healer — Ill get working on Arnold. Go on! Arthur is only unconscious! Hell keep!


Were not gonna make it!

[AURORA finishes WILLIS and is about to go to ARNOLD, but suddenly — ]


Justin, look out!

[ — but the warning comes too late; JENNER suddenly appears, making JUSTIN freeze in terror for a fraction of a second — ]


Oh, no!

[ — before raising his defenses — and leaving him wide open to JENNER’s vicious attack ... as JENNER manages to slash open JUSTIN’s leg with his sword, a very deep, extremely brutal cut, appearing to go half-way deep to the bone.]

[JUSTIN collapses, falling to his knees, screaming in pain — ]



[ — with a huge, brutal gash in his left thigh, the blood suddenly pouring out of his leg.]



Oh, no! Justin!


My son! Move!

[JUSTIN tries to stand up, but his leg is too badly wounded — and he falls down again, screaming in pain from his failed effort]:


<Agghhh-aggghhhhh!> I I can’t! I can’t stand up!

[Struggling, JUSTIN tries to crawl away from JENNER with his good leg, but — ]

[JENNER leaps at his his tail, immobilizing him.]

[JUSTIN is stopped so fast, he rolls onto his rear. Cowering in terror and holding his wounded leg, JUSTIN screams, frozen in terror, trying to sheild himself with one arm, his paws covered with his own blood from his brutal leg wound.]


:{deep hiss}:

I have you now, … you wretch!


N-No, ... p-please! Let me go!



And now, ... you shall die!

[Looming over JUSTIN, JENNER raises his sword — for the killing blow.]

[JUSTIN tries to shield himself with both arms]:


Oh, God! No!

[JACKSON pulls JUSTIN back by the collar with one paw, practically dragging him out out of JENNER’s range — ]


Justin — get back!

[ — and gets right between JUSTIN and JENNER, blocking JENNER’s lunge for JUSTIN and managing to force JENNER back, partly because having JUSTIN’s tail pulled out from under his foot disrupts his balance.]

[JUSTIN lands besides AURORA and ARNOLD, holding his wound, the blood flowing down his leg and coating his paws as he wails in pain, writhing.]

[Just before JUSTIN can hit his head on the ground in his fall, MRS. BRISBY catches his head and holds his head in her arms — as AURORA gets to work on him.]

[JUSTIN lays there, eyes pressed shut, teeth bared, gasping in pain, his chest heaving.]

[Others fall, wounded: JUDITH, clutching at her slashed opened arm; COLBERT, a leg broken from a club blow; BRIAN, knocked unconscious.]

[ISABELLA, still restrained on the sidelines, sees this, straining forward, but fails to break free.]

[Those who are left fighting have wounds, too; minor, but bloody and painful.]

[MRS. BRISBY has tears in her eyes.]


:{sorrowful whisper}:

O-Ooh, Justin. We ... Were not going to make it.

[The end of her statement dissolves in a soft sob, holding him close.]


:{panting in agony he manages to whisper}:

It ... Its ... o-okay. You ... tried. I ... thank you. Y-You ... You did ... all ... that ... you ... could. I — I can only thank you.

[AURORA is still at work on JUSTIN.]

[She turns to MRS. BRISBY, GREGORY, and MR. AGES while she works. When she speaks, it is while entranced, so her voice has a monotone to it]:



I am afraid ... that this is it.


Oh, … no — no, Aurora!


We are outnumbered. We ... will make our stand, ... but ... I am afraid that it is futile now. Its just a matter of time until ... we all fall.


Oh — Oh, no — dear God, no!


No! I — I dont wanna die!


None of us do. But our resistance ... is futile. What ... can save us all — now?

Issue Fifteen: The Final Battle


The battle is on!

Justin is free — but now, he and his band face all of Jenner’s guard. And even the air rescue they arranged with Jeremy and his mate is rendered nearly useless, when Jenner’s flying mount, the hawk Shadow-Wing, contibutes to the battle.

The out-come is uncertain, for tho’ they fight bravely enough, they are out-numbered — and out-gunned.

Can Justin and company pull this one off — or are they all history?

[Suddenly, MRS. BRISBY’s face lights up as if she has heard something they did not. She looks in the direction of the two rivals last fight, her eyes wide, mouth open, whispering]:


Oh! The Stone! Oh, my God! The Stone!


Lost. W-Weve ... lost. A-Alls ... lost ...


No, its not, my Chief! And neither are we!


:{obliviously; delirious}:

We ... Were all ... gonna die — now. Hell ... kill us ... all, ... h — hell k-kill me now. I — Ive ... lost the — the Stone. I ... Ive lost for us. Now, ... I lose ... for ... for me, ... too. I — Im done for. It Its over. All over.

[Still on his back, he is silently weeping, tears flowing down his cheeks.]


:{angry, almost viciously}:

No, Justin! Stop it — we are not going to die — and neither are you! And the Stone is not lost either!

[As AURORA, GREGORY, and MR. AGES watch and listen in astonishment, MRS. BRISBY stands up in that direction with her arms raised, her paws in fists, her eyes pressed shut — as she shouts suddenly loudly]:


Heaven, give me the strength! Stone, come to me — now!

[JENNER, still fighting with his men, hears this and stops short, astonished]:


Stone!? <Gasp> The Amulet! (The little mouse-wife she’s trying to summon the Stone!)

[Finishing up with JUSTIN, AURORA stares at MRS. BRISBY in astonishment, with her mouth and eyes wide, brow furrowing increduously. She moves on to ARNOLD, as MR. AGES works on him and ARTHUR begins to come to, rubbing his head as MR. AGES checks him and ARTHUR letting him, then resumes the fight.]

[Suddenly, there is a bright, gold flash some distance away, in the direction of that last fight, a flash so great, it cuts thru the overcast, starting to break it up so that little by little, sunlight appears. The blue sky appears as if the Amulet were a knife — cutting thru the clouds, which part like white curtains to reveal the blue sky.]


(She has done it! It will soon be mine mine at last!)

[He dashes towards MRS. BRISBY.]

[In the midst of the dying flash is what looks like a falling star, sprouting fire — heading right for them all ... or, more specifically, towards the gallows scaffold, since she and her friends are — ]

[ — where MRS. BRISBY — who is so close to it — has scrambled up to its top beam.]

[MRS. BRISBY raises her paws to catch the comet — and it is the Amulet, all glorious and glowing, fiery and sparkling in its power.]

[JENNER follows her, reaches the bottem of the scarfold ... and mounts the platform to climb it, but the bearer of his intended target is aware of him.]

[Alarmed, MRS. BRISBY, holding the Stone over her head, aims it down at JENNER ... and a blast of bright, lazer-like fire (like a force field) erupts violently from the Stone with such force, it nearly knocks MRS. BRISBY down — as the bolt slams against JENNER, sending him tumbling backwards to roll over and over.]

[He finally comes to a stop from his roll, lying there on his stomach, stunned; he just stares, astonished and transfixed.]

[A few of the fights have died down to watch all of this while a few still are raging on. Several guards on both sides lay dying or already dead. Or wounded (with minor and major wounds).]

[SHADOW-WING sees MRS. BRISBY and dives at her, with JEREMY and BEATRICE following, but MRS. BRISBY sees the hawk.]

[Alarmed, she fires a force-bolt at SHADOW-WING, driving the hawk away ... as the two crows reel from the force and brightness of the bolt.]

[MRS. BRISBY shouts out again]:


Stone — hear me ... now! I command your assistance — help us ... now! Rid us of these villians and rebels — please!

[JENNER and his men all seem transfixed, all except for BRUTUS, ... who bolts — and makes for cover.]

[MRS. BRISBY gasps as if in great discomfort, as a blaze of fire seems to consume her and lightning bolts lash out of the Amulet ... and seem to consume JENNER and his henchrats — in a blaze of blinding white light.]

[All of them shriek — as if in pain of death.]


Get down, peoplewatch out!

[Everyone drops to the ground in the storm of the Amulet’s lightning — ]

[ — that fades away quickly enough, leaving in place of JENNER and his men ... nothing — except blackened and burned, smoldering spots on the ground.]

[The fire around MRS. BRISBY fades away and she is still alive, clinging in exhaustion to the scaffold, trembling and panting ... as the Amulet falls back down around her neck.]

[AURORA finishes with ARNOLD and moves on to help JUDITH with her arm.]

[Dazed, JUSTIN watches her tend his mother, then COLBERT as BRIAN and ARTHUR finally come to.]

[With slow relevance, JUSTIN approaches MRS. BRISBY on her high perch.]


My God, … you — you did it, Mrs. Brisby. You did it again. You — You s-saved me, ... you saved the colony, ... youve saved us ... all — again. Thank you.

[MRS. BRISBY is about to say something to JUSTIN — when suddenly out of nowhere appears BRUTUS on SHADOW-WING, attacking from the direction of the sun, so that his approach is unseen — until it is too late!]

[MRS. BRISBY sees that SHADOW-WING’s advance is right for JUSTIN ... and points at the approaching hawk with a cry of terror]:


Justin, … look out!

[JUSTIN is half-turned to face his attackers, making an attempt to lunge out of the way — ]

[ — but they swoop down — and SHADOW-WING catches JUSTIN, the momentum of the dive causing the vicious bird to temporarily pin JUSTIN to the ground with a ground-shaking thud, making JUSTIN grunt from the impact.]

[The hawk starts to fly off with JUSTIN in his talons, the down-draft from his wings blowing everyones hair and clothes and whipping up dust.]

[BRUTUS laughs in vicious and evil triumph, shaking his recovered electro-spear.]

[JUSTIN screams in terror, writhing in SHADOW-WING’s talons which tear into his already torn, dirty tunic and into his body, his screams of terror laced with his cries of pain as the birds talons draw blood]:


Help! Help me! <Agghhh!>

[Everyone cries out in shock and horror, many calling out to JUSTIN.]




Brutus — on that monster!


I thought she got em all!


Mrs. Brisby!

[But even as the Healer speaks, MRS. BRISBY is already taking aim.]


Stonethe hawk!

[BRUTUS sees her and is about to blast her with his spear, but his bolt goes wild, narrowly missing MRS. BRISBY, when a bolt from the Amulet hits SHADOW-WING.]

[The hawk vanishes, letting out a screech that echoes horribly as he vanishes ... completely — ]

[ — but the two rats plummet to the ground, with JUSTIN squealing in terror.]

[In addition to MRS. BRISBY, several cry out to JUSTIN, but her cry is most heard]:


Oh, no! Justin!

[MRS. BRISBY uses the Stone to levitate them together.]

[In the air, BRUTUS swings his electro-spear at JUSTIN, several times, making bolts leap wildly about in the air as JUSTIN desperately dodges them, sheilding himself with his arms, darting about in the air like they were birds themselves.]

[Then BRUTUS twists about in the air, thrusting himself towards JUSTIN, snaring him around the middle with his own legs — ]

[ — and holds the head of his jagged pike at JUSTIN’s heaving chest.]

[JUSTIN cries out in terror, paws on BRUTUS’ thighs, trying to push out of the larger rats strange grasp, staring up at him in horror, pleadingly.]


Oh Oh, no! N-No-oo, … pleased-don’t!

[BRUTUS shouts down at MRS. BRISBY]:


You! Release me or I’ll blast out his heart!

[JUSTIN cries out again in horror, head back, eyes closed, still writhing]:


No! Don’t! Please! I’ll do anything!


You shall be silent — now! Be silent!

[JUSTIN breaks off in terror. Paralyzed now in terror, he looks down over his shoulder to stare down at his friends with pleading eyes.]

[MRS. BRISBY returns his stare, seeing that this must be put to a stop]:


(Have to seperate them — !)

[Concentrating so that persperation forms on her brow, MRS. BRISBY uses the Amulet’s force field to force the two apart, enclosing both in seperate spheres of energy force.]

[Snarling, BRUTUS fires at JUSTIN (who cringes in mid-air, curled in a ball, his arms up over his face), but the inside surface of his force field bubble absorbs the bolts — ]

[ — and so spectacularly that the force bubble around BRUTUS seems to be consumed by his spears own blasts in spectacular flashes of fiery gold light — before finally dwindling away to nothing into the bubble at the point where the spear is aimed.]

[MRS. BRISBY gently sets both on the ground.]

[BRUTUS is still trapped inside an imprisoning force field as his spear floats out of his reach.]

[JUSTIN, of course, is finally free — and alive!]

[MRS. BRISBY runs up to him and embraces him. AURORA, JACKSON, JUDITH, and ARNOLD join her, followed by COLBERT, BRIAN, ARTHUR, WILLIS, MR. AGES, and GREGORY close behind to contribute their embraces.]

[JUSTIN gratefully receives the attention with trembling relief, weeping with grateful joy.]

[As this relieved reunion occurs, BRUTUS screams and snarls at them in enraged anger — as he almost breaks free of the Amulet’s force field in the process.]

[MRS. BRISBY has to reinforce it at once, all her attention back on the large rat.]

[BRUTUS snarls at JUSTIN angrily]:


You will release me! Release me! Get that woman to stop this!

[Everyone stares in repulsed astonishment and JUSTIN leans over to MRS. BRISBY]:


Whatever youre doing, ... keep it up, my friend.

[MRS. BRISBY nods in answer, concentrating hard, her brown damp with perspiration.]

[JUSTIN and everyone else gathers around the prisoner.]



Brutus, ... you bastard! How could you!? After all weve all been thru together! Im very disappointed that you would do this, … something almost human! I thought we were better than those — those barbarian torturers — who claim to be civilized! How could you!?



I ... do not have to answer ... to you! You ... are not my master! You never were, even if you were of a rank higher than me, which I do not count as anything — and I ... do not care ... what ... you think of me! You ... are ... nothing ... to me — nothing! You ... are nothing — nothing at all!


Uh, ... well then, be that as it may, ... I suppose well just have to figure out what to do with you, ... huh?

[He points at the scaffold, darkly angry now]:


By all rights, I should have that gallows repaired ... and have you —

[Her mouth slowly falling open with horror, AURORA cries out at this]:


(!) Justin!

[Startled, JUSTIN breaks off and looks at her as she pauses]:


We are better than that. Remember?


<Sigh> Yes, Healer, ... youre right, of course. We ... are better ... than that. I must never let myself think like that again. Help me, Healer. Help us all, to remember: yes, we are better than that. Help us to remember, ... especially ... should we ever have another killer among us: we mustnt stoop to that ones level ... again, even in thought.

[He touches her shoulder as he speaks.]



Of course, my Chief. I shall do my best; count on me. I shall make sure we dont forget — ever.

[JUSTIN turns back to BRUTUS]:


Now that Jenner and his other flunkies are gone, youve no master to give you orders now. I suppose we can just send you away, right out of the valley in fact — which is appropreate, since my friends here were the ones who were supposed to be banished.


<Laugh> You ... are a fool not to finish me here! Let me go and I will do all I can to make things very messy for you ... and your friends. I have no love lost for you — any more ... than Jenner did. And as I said, you are not my master — and you are no longer ... my superior. You never were, not even when I was only your lieutenant back in the rosebush. You are nothing to me! You ... are ... nothing!


I know. Youre right — on all counts. Well, ... at least, the part about making things messy — and how you feel towards me. The feeling, Ill let you know, is mutual. However I wont stoop to murder ... like you and your friends did. Its ... really ... bad, ... bad enough what had to happen — to your friends. It — really is ... But youre wrong about the last thing. You are the one who is nothing — nothing, ... but a killer. The superior difference between us is, I think, in basic morality. And as I said, I will not stoop to murder. Not then. And certainly not now. Now then, get the hell out of my camp! And you leave that spear, too. I wont let you remain armed after this. You get on out of here now — and dont you ever come back! You hear me!?

[He glances up at MRS. BRISBY and the Amulet.]


Mrs. Brisby, you can stop now.

[MRS. BRISBY looks haggard with the strain of her exhaustion from the continual effort to keep BRUTUS at bay — but still manages a coherant response ... of doubt]:


(!) Justin?


This ... is not over, ... "captain". This is not over, ... not by a long way, a very long way. Just remember: I am no more your friend ... than Jenner — in truth, like him, I never was, either! In fact, ... as you must have seen from my King’s many followers — in addition to me — there were plenty ... who were not! Oh, yes!



(Oh, My God. What if ... there are others here ... like Jenner and Brutus — still in among my folk — ? What if hes right — ? What if — !?)


So remember this, my ex-Captain of the Guard, ... remember this, even if you remember nothing else today — you have not heard the last of this — or of me! This ... is only but the beginning ... for us, you ... and me. You are not safe just because Jenner is gone, just because all the rest of our colleagues are gone. Be sure, Wilson, ... do not think that I cannot find ... my own followers. And ... when I do, ... your time ... will end ... in very short notice! Soon, you will wish you had died today, because I am going to make you ... very sorry, Wilson, ... that you were ever even born! If you thought My King was an enemy to you, ... you have seen nothing yet!

[For very a long moment, JUSTIN, who fails to surpress a gulp, (and everyone else present) stares at BRUTUS, intimidated — ]

[ — then towards JUSTIN, waiting for his response.]

[JUSTIN scowls in disgust — and (hidden) fear]:


Yeah, right. Shut up and get outta here. Mrs. Brisby.

[She glances at him with deep uncertainty.]


... Are you sure?


Yeah. What else can we do? What would we do with him? Go ahead.

[MRS. BRISBY sighs — and lets down the force feild.]

[For a moment, BRUTUS stands there without moving, glaring at JUSTIN.]


Well? Whatre you waiting for? Go on. Get outta here!



If we were alone — without that Stone or its wielder to protect you, I would kill you right here and now — and dont think I would not! I would slash you open — right here, if there were no one here to help you, wretched one. Be sure of that, Wilson. And know ... that I will return! And when I do, ... believe me, boy, you shall not last long. There is a time of reckoning between us fast approaching, ... my little "friend".


Yeah, yeah — get outta here.

[Throwing down his spear in disgust, BRUTUS turns away slowly ... and starts off, growling.]

[Everyone near him backs away from him as he passes.]


And dont try to come back again either. I hate to threaten this, but if you do, youll be the one that wont last long!

[AURORA gasps at this.]


Oh, Justin!

[JUSTIN briefly addresses AURORA]:


Im sorry, Healer, ... but I may have to. If he does try to come back — and if he intends to do harm, ... Ill have to fight him. And if it comes to that ... itll be either me ... or him, ... if its blood — my blood hes after.

[From up ahead, they hear BRUTUS make a scornful sound, glancing back at them.]


I wont fail everyone again. Please, ... try to understand ... that —

[Suddenly, BRUTUS whirls back to him, catching up his spear, and lunges while at JUSTIN while everyone cries out in shock and horror — ]

[ — as BRUTUS tries to run JUSTIN thru’!]

[JUSTIN leaps to one side, then lunges against BRUTUS, seizing the spear — and he tries to wrestle it from BRUTUS.]

[JUSTIN looses his footing, falling backwards — and BRUTUS lets go of his spear so that JUSTIN has no way to recover his balance.]

[As JUSTIN falls down, he looses his grip on the spear, which flies out of his grip — far from him.]

[BRUTUS leaps on him as JUSTIN manages to partially get to his feet, baring JUSTIN violently back to the ground — ]

[ — and his paws going around JUSTIN’s throat, starting to throttle him!]


<Ugh> No! <Ack>


So, you shall have me killed, eh? And you think you shall do it yourself? Now, ... where is all your fancy talk of moral superiority now, Wilson!? Where is your talk that youre so much "better", ... eh?

[JUSTIN struggles desperately, thrashing and kicking, his paws around BRUTUS’ wrists, choking painfully. He tries to speak, but cannot; he only manages to gasp and choke.]


Now, ... I am going to break your neck ... and rip off your rotten head!

[AURORA (her fisted paws pressed to her cheeks) cries out in alarm]:


Mrs. Brisby!

[BRUTUS glares towards MRS. BRISBY before she can move make a move with the Amulet, let alone activate it]:


Dare not, woman! Do it ... and he will suffer!

[BRUTUS loosens his grip on JUSTIN’s throat so that JUSTIN can gasp for air, but still holds on to him, threateningly, ready to resume choking him — at a seconds notice.]

[JUSTIN lays gasping and coughing painfully, ... laying prone in fear, grasping BRUTUS’s wrists.]

[MRS. BRISBY hesitates, fearfully uncertain.]

[JACKSON and some of the larger males start at BRUTUS.]


Everyone, stay back! Or I will wring his wretched neck! My paws are just as good at it as that noose was — and they dont break! Now stay back ... or he shall get ... the equivolent of a hanging on his back — from me! Now, ... stay back! I swear, … I will kill him!

[At this, JACKSON advances forward menacingly, gripping a short sword.]


:{growling; eyes narrowed}:

And just how do you expect to get out of this alive, Gideons? If you do kill him, itll come down to your death, too. You wont be allowed to just walk away and get away with it! Justin gave you the chance to just walk away — and for his sparing you, ... you thank him — like this! Here, he couldve ordered you dead, you rotten traitor, and you know it! You dare to harm my boy, you traitor, ... and Ill kill you myself!



So much, then, ... for everyones moral superiority — in this place! Isnt that right, ... eh, ... Healer? Answering one death with another death, eh? <Laugh> Not very sporting or merciful, ... is it?



I — I agree with that point, ... but you use it as a mockery! Besides, Jack just reminded you ... that Justin could have had you killed — but he decided not to! Doesnt that mean anything to you?


Yes, it does. It means that your "Chief" is a weak fool — with a very poor sense of judgement.



You brutal ass! Justin chose ... not ... to have you killed! He is practicing the mercy that you now choose to ignore — and the superiority that you claim to have, ... but obviously don’t!


But, ... if it were not for your weakling attitude infecting his decision, your so-called "Chief" would do it in an instant, ... right?



<Gasp> Why, ... that is not what Im saying at all! You know what I —

BRUTUS:{cutting her off}:

To hell, then, ... with the whole lot of you, you weak lot of pathetic cowards! You are all without honor!


Well, so are you, then, you killer — and thats obvious!


Then none of us are all that different, eh? We all still have the "animal" in us. Honor and morals mean nothing ... to the so-called animals. Animals know not of moral superiority, ... do they?


Moral superiority, Mr. Gideons — and honor?

[AURORA confronts BRUTUS]:


While youre on the subject, ... where is yours!? He has more than you, Id say — and youre not being very much better right now. He gave you a chance to live ... and you threw it away! Justin is not an "animal", not in your sense of the term. And neither are most of us, I dare say. Now, let Justin go. If you harm him, then you are no better than an animal yourself.


So what? I know. But this up-start is not going to get away with any of this. Since Jenner and the others ... are not here now, you will make me your Chief immediately — or else ... he ... dies!

[There is a long pause — as he readies himself to resume choking JUSTIN.]



<Gasp> No! God no!

[JUSTIN tenses, ready to struggle, panting, paws on BRUTUS’s wrists; then]:



Thatll be the day!

[Before BRUTUS can respond, AURORA leaps, lunging at him — and her paws close over his brow, a bolt of bio-electricity knocks BRUTUS unconscious, ... but not before he resumes choking JUSTIN.]

[But then he collapses — right on JUSTIN, who is gagging helplessly.]

[With AURORA’s and JACKSON’s help, JUSTIN struggles free of the dead-weight that BRUTUS has become.]

[AURORA, once again, administers to him, helping him up.]



D-Damn! That — That b-blasted — bas — bastard! D-Damn — h-him! F-For ... th-this, I ... I should ... have him — ha-have h-him — put — put ... t-to — <Cough> <Cough> <Choke> I ... Im ... gonna — D-Damn it, I ... I-Im — I ... I — Im ... g-gonna ... h-have h-him ... h-hanged! <Gag> <Gag> <Gasp>

[AURORA pauses, looking almost hard for an instant, but also pitying — then her expression softens again, still sympathetic]:



No, my Chief, wait. There is a better way, Justin. He brought up a good point back there, ... about answering one death with another.


(?) My lady ... ?


JUSTIN, not only are we — you — better than stooping to something as barbaric as "captital punishment" to solve a problem, ... there is yet a better way. And unlike human society, we are lucky to possess such an option.


There is? But what about justice? If Brutus had —


Justice, my friend? I agree. However, the concept of justice I am contemplating, I believe, is quite different from whatever you are. You see, what you are thinking of is not justice, not at all.



If what Im thinking isnt justice —


No, it isnt; not in truth.


— then what is it?


What you are contemplating, my friend, ... is revenge!

[JUSTIN starts in shock at her words.]


(!) Re —

[He is ashamed as she continues — almost harshly]:


Cold-hearted, blood-thirsty revenge — no better than Jenner in his attempt ... to have ... you hanged ... for the imagined wrongs he seemed to believe that you committed against him.



You know what, Healer? I — I think ... youre right.

[He pauses, at a lose]:


But then, ... what do we do about —


As I said, Justin, there is a better way to handle this. A way that is not only logical when you think about it, ... but merciful, of the heart. Remember, I am a Healer ... and this is a problem and a matter of the heart, ... whatever it is

that is the matter with him. And I, as a Healer, can heal that.


Then you —


I can ... "wash" ... his mind ... so that he does not remember — any of this ... and make him as he was before Jenner got to him. Incidently, if he had killed you, ... I would still heal him ... of whatever it was that drove him to it. Homicidal tendancies are usually due to a problem that needs help, ... not further hurt. And executions? <Brr> Thats like ... curing the disease ... by killing the patient. No. Such an individual needs help ... badly, ... not more pain. That also goes for those who have suffered loss ... as a result of such a persons actions. The individuals actions, ... of course, ... cannot be truly excused, ... but to be able to at least understand what the matter is ... is a step towards healing ... for all. Such is a situation that requires the aid of a Healer and all the way around. A complete cleansing ... Not only is that solution truly just, it is merciful.

[She pauses, letting her words sink in]:


Now then, not everyone in such a dilemma has access to a Healer. As I mentioned, Justin, you are fortunate to have my service here. I suggest that you consider what I am saying and my services carefully. You are now in a much better position to handle this — than stooping to murder ... and calling such an abominable act ... "justice". See, Chief, what is really needed in any such situation is not the vengeful attitude which leads to a bloody vendetta against such an individual, ... but forgiveness and understanding. Not a so-called "judgement". See, judgement — as most people know it — is a lack of understanding. When you break down the "walls" of judgement, then you will have reached true understanding — of any situation or anything. And then, a healing can take place — for everybody involved.


Yes. I ... I think I understand.


Normally, I would not justify manipulating anothers will or mind like this — for this — this mind-wiping — is, ... of course, brain-washing, what I must attempt, but I know ... something must be done, of course. It is for the greater good — and by far — that is, my friend, as opposed to the use of violence, you know?


Uh-huh, I ... I see.


So, ... do you want me to, ... my friend? I can render him totally harmless right now — mercifully. Without pain. Without death. In fact, while he is still unconscious.


Id ... rather have him out of our group, ... but your way might be ... safer ... in the long run — for everyone — if — if you think you really can ... take the "killer" ... out of him, while we can see and monitor him. Okay. Make it so. And ... I — Im sorry, I ... I almost lost it. It ... Its hard and ...


I know. You have been thru a lot this morning. Say no more, my dear friend. When Im done with him, my Chief, I shall minister to you —

[MRS. BRISBY shrieks in fright — ]



[ — as BRUTUS comes to, lunging again at JUSTIN.]

[JUSTIN is ready this time — with bared teeth, a furrowed brow and a fisted paw, whirls to face BRUTUS — and without missing a beat, punches BRUTUS in the snout, sending him backwards — ]

[ — just as MRS. BRISBY resumes the force feild from the Amulet.]

[AURORA flinches at the blow, then puts a paw over her eyes, shaking her head.]

[With a final burst of strength, BRUTUS manages to lunge at MRS. BRISBY, fighting the force-field, knocking the Amulet from her grasp, tho the chain catches on her wrist, so she does nor drop it completely.]

[With the force field momentarily down, BRUTUS lunges at ISABELLA as BRIAN is in the process of removing her bonds (which are giving him trouble, so it is taking a while). He has already removed her gag.]

[ISABELLA screams as BRIAN is knocked back and away.]

[BRUTUS draws a dagger, holding the blade at ISABELLA’s throat.]


Stay back, all of you or the wench dies!

[ISABELLA screams again as BRUTUS backs off.]


Very well. I will go. But I will return. Count on that. And just so that none of you get any ideas, the girl comes with me! Be sure that if you give me any kind of inconvenience, she will suffer! And you know what I mean!


Oh, no — not that! No, no! Help me, please! Someone —


Be silent, wench!



P-Please! D-Dont hurt me!

[MRS. BRISBY is about to resume the force field, but]:


If you do it, woman, ... Ill kill this girl! Stay back — or she dies!

[ISABELLA starts to cry helplessly, as BRUTUS slowly drags her away.]

[Not seeing BRIAN behind him, BRUTUS almost trips over him — as BRIAN rises from the ground behind BRUTUS — and stuns him by striking him on the head with a rock.]

[BRUTUS looses his grip on ISABELLA — and BRIAN grabs her, carrying his weeping sister away from BRUTUS (and finishes untying her) — just as MRS. BRISBY resumes the force field.]

[MRS. BRISBY holds on the force feild, even tho everyone can see that it seems to be draining her, while AURORA goes to work on BRUTUS, her paws on his brow — as he snarls and struggles, trying to stand; but making it to no more than on his knees ... and then slowly collapses into a dormant sleep with AURORA sitting on his stomach.]

[BRUTUS rolls onto his left side.]

[AURORA slips off onto the ground as his right arm falls over her.]

[AURORA backs out from under his arm above her back, then shakes herself like a little cat.]


Its done. He will sleep for hours in the meantime. It is safe, Mrs. Brisby, to let him go now — really safe.

[MRS. BRISBY terminates the force field, trembling from exhaustion.]


Good. Somebody, take him to his tent. I ... dont even want to look at him right now.

[He slowly lifts a paw goes to his throat.]


... I — Id rather ... that he was —<shudder> Well, everyone, ... you know. You know. Never mind.


Are you okay now, Chief?


Yes, my friend. Thank you ... for everything. All of you.

[JUSTIN turns to MRS. BRISBY, who is in a trance of exhaustion, the Amulet around her neck, still sparkling as it "powers down", getting slowly dimmer.]


Oh, ... Mrs. Brisby. You —

[Suddenly, MRS. BRISBY tumbles forward, falling off the scaffold.]


Mrs. Brisby!

[JUSTIN and ARNOLD rush under her and catch her, bearing her gently to the ground.]


You alright, maam?

[Weakly, before answering, MRS. BRISBY looks towards the scaffold.]


Yes. One ... last thing ... tho’. Pull me away ... from that thing. And — everyone must ... get away ... from it, that awful thing and —...


Of course. Well just put you to bed —


No, ... wait. Not ready to rest ... yet. Just pull me away from that — that ... horrible thing.

[JUSTIN and ARNOLD do so.]


Now stand clear, everyone!

[She aims the Amulet at the scaffold and fires a bolt at it.]

[The gallows goes up in flames as everyone watches in astonishment.]


A symbol of peace ... and to never having to fight or threaten ... or be threatened — by our own kind — ever again. <Sigh>

[She smiles up at JUSTIN, touching his cheek.]


Im so glad ... we saved you, ... Chief.

[JUSTIN has tears in his eyes.]

[He hugs her, his voice choked, but this time, with emotion]:


Thank you, ... my friend.

[He turns to the others who participated directly in his rescue.]


Thank you, ... all. I owe all of you ... my life. Thank you.

[MRS. BRISBY faints.]


Shes fainted. Cmon. Lets get her to bed — to my quarters, thats where she has the honor to sleep.

[He picks her up.]


That is, ... unless you think otherwise, Healer.

[AURORA looks over MRS. BRISBY.]


You do that, my Chief. Shell be fine. Now, then, there are others here who need my services. If youll excuse me now ...


Of course ...


And, Chief?

[He pauses, looking at her expectantly.]


My friend?



Go get some rest, dear friend. Healer’s orders.



Just like doctor’s orders?


Im serious. Mr. Ages would tell you as much.

[MR. AGES approaches him.]


You heard her! Doctors — and Healer’s — orders, ... feather-head!


:{with a mock-salute}:

<Laugh> Yes, maam — yes, sir!

[AURORA laughs as MR. AGES responds with bogus annoyance]:


Oh, dont be such a smart-aleck, … just go!

[AURORA moves off to help the wounded.]


And Ill go back to the hideout and let everyone know, ... things went well. Oh, by the way, I had everyone move to a new hide-out before we came. I figured the current place was just too risky ...


Right. And Dad?


Eh? What?


I think we can take a hint from Mrs. Brisby — and apply it to that place. You can burn that place — while youre at it — just make sure the fire doesnt spread. And if it looks like you cant, ... well, ... thats okay, too. After all, we dont want to burn up the woods — or the valley, yknow. Hm. Yknow, on second thought, maybe youd better not.


Yes, son. Well at least look into it, but well probably just seal the place up. After all, with those villainous scum gone, its safe enough now to leave it be, eh?


Yeah ...

[Smiling, JUSTIN carries MRS. BRISBY to his tent, with ARNOLD accompanying them.]


Oh. Hey, Arn. Howre ya feelin’?


Cant complaint. Ive been worse. I was just about to ask you the same thing. Its you that counts this morning.


Then I guess I could say the same. But serious, not that Im being ungrateful or anything, but dont you guys understand that the whole purpose for this exercise, my near-sacrifice, was that you guys were suppose to keep out of it? Here, I was trying to save everyone elses neck by sacrificing my own. I mean, here I tried to give you all a chance to get away from here alive ... and then, you guys just throw it away!


Well, we had to do something, ... yknow? Why, you were askin us to just sit back ... and just do nothing, yknow. We just couldnt do — that. You shouldve known that wed try to help.


<Hmph> Well, … Im just glad thats over.


Ill bet you are.


And to think ... I came outta that alive, too! That we all did.


Surprising what you can live thru’, eh?


Yeah. Of course, if it werent for you guys, I ... I wouldntve. <Yawn> Oh boy, ... I need a nap, a good long sleep. I didnt sleep hardly at all last night. I swear, ... I can honestly say that last night ... had to be ... the ... absolute worse night ... of my life! <Heh> And I can say that about this morning, too.


Oh, yeah? Well, ... how bout now?


Well, yknow, I meant ... before we won.


I can believe that. Mustve been hard to sleep at all, with what you knew you knew you were gonna be facing this morning, ... eh, brother?


Yeah, I didnt get much sleep last night. I ... was awake most the night, sick with fear. And what sleep I did get, I had the most awful nightmares — about what was suppose ... to happen to me — this morning. Even if I hadnt, I was in pain most of the night, you know, too. Last night, … they did ... some pretty terrible things — to me. I cant tell you what they did; I wouldn’t want to scare you!

[His tone — and his expression — go grimly dark at the painful memory.]

[ARNOLD just stares at him for a moment — then nods slowly, sympathetically.]


It was really awful, … huh? I think I can tell that just by your looks. So would most of us, in fact. Even after Aurora healed you. So, … you had a real bad time, … right?


Thats an understatement, … but yeah. Im beat ... and starvin’. I need something to eat. Why, I havent eaten since lunch yesterday! Of course, as you can imagine, they didnt bother feeding me — at all, ... tho I thought ... they were going to this morning, ... but they didnt. <Brrrr> Ill tell you all about that later. <Huh!> Its surprising, tho’, that Ive any appetite after all thats happened. My stomach feels knotted from nerves. Itll be good when it unknots — so I can eat without bein sick. Im really famished, but Im so wound up inside, I really dont think I can eat just yet, not without getting sick all over the place.


Um-hmmm. Well, now that youre alive n free, you can eat all you want. I can imagine that it wouldnt matter much if you had or not — if we hadnt freed you, huh?


Yeah. Well, I can always eat later. Right now, I need to sleep ... more than anything else.

[ISABELLA runs up to him.]


Oh, Justin! Justin! Oh, … thank God!

[She embraces him — carefully, because of MRS. BRISBY in his arms; then, suddenly releasing him, she slowly backs off, looking at him strangely, her nose wrinkled.]


Oh, ... uh, ... uhm, ... if youll excuse me now, I I, uh, ... have to, ... um, ... go do somethin’ ... or — or other —... Uh, sya later ... !

[She turns quickly and runs off, ... fanning her face.]

[The brothers watch her go; JUSTIN looks puzzled, but ARNOLD looks like he is trying to stifle a laugh with a forepaw, his nose wrinkling.]


Now I wonder ... what that was all about? You got any clues, Arn?

[ARNOLD grins wickedly, holding his nose]:


<Snarf> Havent the foggiest. But ... whew! I swear! Something is sure ... uh, ... well, ... "gamey" around here ... and I mean really "ripe"!


Yeah. I know. I smell it, too. Like someone is ...

[He pauses, looking as if something is slowly occuring to him]:


... is ... dirty ...

[Stopping, JUSTIN turns to ARNOLD suddenly, staring at him incredulously, his paws on his hips.]



[ARNOLD also stops, laughing in amusement, almost helpless with laughter.]



And its a complete and total mystery how that — heh, heh — a certain someone ... didnt seem to notice ... until now!


:{mock offended}:

Arnold, now ... that ... is really a low blow!



You could stand a bath, tho — eh, "Stinker"? Youre as fragrant, my dear brother — as something thats already died. A meal and a nap isnt the only things you need! I mean, you smell like you did die — like last week! You could really stand a bath.

[JUSTIN laughs — a laugh of joyous relief — and shakes his head with feigned indignation]:


:{good naturedly}:

Oh, brother — now that is cold. For your information, if you havent noticed, ... I almost ... did ... die! Youve any idea what Ive been thru’, ... where Ive been since last night? Youd stink, too! But hey, I have a right to smell this morning — like, yknow?


Yeah, I guess you do at that, ... when you put it that way ...



Well, I would rather stink like I was dead ... than actually be dead!


Yknow, some new duds wouldnt hurt either — not at all, eh?

JUSTIN:{looking down at his dirt, torn clothes}:

<Ick> Yknow, ygot that right, Arn — surely. Im just about as scruffy as a muddy hedgehog ... right after an all-night thunder-storm ... this morning — eh?

[Their voices slowly fade as they walk away from the (scene) area]:


Without a doubt.


Oh, well, thanks a lot, Arn.


Hey, there, dont mention it.

[They laugh.]






[It is later in the afternoon.]

[In the middle of the Rats camp, have gathered JUSTIN and his family, the McBERINGERs, ARTHUR, WILLIS, GREGORY, AURORA, and MR. AGES to see the BRISBYs off on JEREMY.]

[Everyone is now cleaned up.]

[MR. AGES and AURORA talk between themselves briefly]:


Feelin alright now, my dear?


Fine, now; all those healings drained me, plus u sing my healing magic to try to drive off Brutus, then what I did for him. I ... was really exhausted, like Mrs. Brisby.

[They join the others.]

[Slightly apart from the group, ISABELLA and BEATRICE also talk]:



That villian ... told ya ... that? Oh! <Laugh> Ya really think ... he did ... that ... tme?


Well, … e told me that hed — uh — ...


Sis, he was lyin tya! ‘E never got th chance — not for lack a tryin’, tho’, I give im that, … I tell ya — huh! But, oh, e never laid a paw — or any other part o himself — on me, mind ya, — oh, no, he didnt n particularly not ... "there"! No, ... "there" never got to me! No, "there" got sumthin else! Oh, oh, oh! <Laugh>


But — But then, … what — ? What in th world — ?


<Laugh> You said, you woulda kicked him "there" if you coulda! Oh, believe me, little sister, I beat you to the punch — or the kick, I should say — in that respect! Oooo! And I sure could use some ice now.

[As she says this, she wiggles her foot, looking mischievious.]


Why dya think e chained ya for? Didnt wanna risk a repeat performance with ya, I reckon, e didnt!

[ISABELLA stares at her incredulously, then begins to laugh with her.]



So then, ... ‘e didnt do anythin to ya? Nothin at all?


Oh, like after I kicked him where it hurts right down to the birthday, you think he was inna condition to do somethin to me, eh? No — no, I got im good, right where it hurts! Like I said, dear sister, the old liar never touched me!


Good! Good for ya!


I did end up spendin all th resta th night in that dungeon pit Father found me in, tho’. Jenner told me, he did, that I dinna get to have any privileges or anythin fer it, tho’, the nasty, ol tyrant. Dinna matter, tho’, after I got im. ‘E oulda gone n locked me up fer a hundred years — n Id do it agin if Id the chance! Oh, it was all worth it!


Glory be in th mornin’, sister — Ill bet it was!


For ya, dear little sister, ... twas all fer ya ...

[ISABELLA smiles and they hug.]


Yknow, when I gave that tyrants cronies a piece of my mind — or, I shoulda say, my foot — one o em, he remarked "Look out, those McBeringer Sisters — theyre a couple o little ellcats! And this ones worse than the other!" <Giggle> Mustve been after you gave that that tyrant! Oh! <Laugh> Oh, well, now I know what that little grunt of that — that tyrants meant now, huh!

[They laugh, then turn to the gathering]:

[JUSTIN is speaking to his father.]


— so, all I can report is that, whatever Mrs. Brisby did with the Amulet ... took care of the spy we caught last night, too; isnt a hide-nor-hard-of-him present anywhere ...


Uh-huh, I see. So, you couldnt do anything about that place itself, eh?


No, not likely without risking setting the whole valley on fire. Just as we both figured.


Well, that would be a worthless trade-off, ... wouldnt it ...


Sure would, son.

[JUSTIN turns to MRS. BRISBY]:


So, howre you feeling now?


Fine now. That was really exhausting — just as much as the first time was ...


I had no idea the Amulet could do that. First they were there, then they were gone. But, Mrs. Brisby, what did the Amulet do anyway?


I — I dont really know. That is, I ... Im really not sure. I thought I just told it to just send them away, ... but ... I dont know if thats what actually happened. I mean, if thats what it did and not something else. With the energy surge it makes, ... well, I really couldnt tell. I — Id hate to think ... that I caused, … even indirectly, all those —… <Shudder>


Yeah, … even if they deserve it.

[He glances at AURORA — but she just sighs, shrugging at him, smiling.]


Well, ... I suppose ...


Too bad. Because if you were sure it was safe, ...


To get you — and all of us — out of there with the exposure to the danger we were in, yes. I knew we were safe. I knew it would not touch the rest of us.


You did? How?


I told it not to — in my mind, that is. Just to make sure. All that energy it started to produce! I — I ... didnt know what it would do if I didnt amend my instructions ...


I was rather concerned myself about that, friend, when that happened.


Yes ...


And now the Stone, Mrs. Brisby. What do you want to do about that?


Seriously, Chief. I — I just dont feel right about it. I wish for you to keep it the Amulet — for a while longer ...

[She hands it to him.]


Are you sure?

[He looks ill-at-ease, taking it.]



Very. I just dont feel I can handle the responsibility that comes with so much power. Truthfully, ... I think that was really why I turned it over to you that night in the garden, to begin with ...


Are you sure, then, that you wont stay with us? We have enough room to spare, as we discussed earlier. Im sure youd love it.


Oh, wow! Can we, Mom — can we!?

[The other children take up his cry — and it becomes an unintelligible babble.]


Children! Children, please!

[They quiet down.]


Well, you children certainly seem excited about doing so.

[The children giggle.]


Really, Chief, ... home for us is on the Fitzgibbon Farm. You ... and your folk just went to so much trouble moving our house, so we could always have it, Moving Day — or no. Maybe someday. And please, ... keep the Amulet. Im afraid to be in charged of so much power! And besides, you just might need it again some day ...


You sure, maam, youll all be okay?


Oh, of course. This isnt a permanent farewell. Well always remain friends; Im sure therell be more visits between us — here and on the farm.


:{taking her paw briefly}:

Of that, my dear friend, you can always be sure of. I would not miss it for the world!


Thank you; anyway, for now, this is good-bye. We must get home — and tell Auntie Curlew that were okay — shell be so relieved. But, we will meet again. And so; for now, farewell, dear Justin, ... and thank you ... for everything!



I should be the one giving thanks ... to you. You helped to save my life. I will always be grateful. And youll always be welcomed here ...


It was the least I could do. Alright, Jeremy. Take us home.

[JEREMY leaps into the air]:


Tiffiny, … here I come!

["Good-byes" fill the air as both those on the ground and those in the air wave to each other.]

[From an overhead view, ISABELLA is seen edging closer to JUSTIN.]

[As JEREMY flies the mouse-family home, the scene freezes into that promotional shot "Jeremy Takes The Brisbys For A Flight", turning pastel colors (becoming a backdrop for the credits).]