06-09-2004 10:32:03
After spending a good part of a day fighting with Internet Explorer, I finally have Drupal running with a "Robin" template... We're getting closer:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
I still need to test out and set up a few things, but it should be ready pretty soon.
06-09-2004 12:11:28
w00t. I wish I understood drupal. I also wish I had your talent for graphical work. You're too good :D
Chris S.
07-09-2004 09:09:15
Excellent work, Simon. :D
Martin Siedow
07-09-2004 12:37:29
The layout is great, the fonts are looking very good and the color scheme is a pleasure for my eyes. :D
Concerning the design, I have no complaints.
RustedWolf Fox
07-09-2004 14:28:05
So far so good. Keep up the good work Simon.
The desighn does not change the style of graffics yet it is different.
Beeutiful work Si, O think we can safely say you are doing the site justice while at the same time re-vamping it by make it part of this already GREAT site.
Jam P.S I should have the Pic for ya soon if I can work out how to work my scanner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: (If ya cant tell Im gatting angry with a certain peice of equipment.)
26-04-2006 06:35:55
Keep up the very good work Simon!
Can't wait to see it.
How much longer will it be for the site to be back up? Just curious....take your time though.
"We-we were just talking about you."
"That's refreshing Jenner, usually your screaming about us."-Justin, the Captian of the Guard