24-03-2005 14:33:10
While digging through my ancient back ups, I found the contents of my Robert C. O'Brien page which was on the web in 1996. It contained a number of interviews, book reviews, and other information that I transcribed.
If anyone has an interest in this information, please contact me. Simon, would you like it for your page?
24-03-2005 15:26:52
sweet were did you find it come on dont hold back.
24-03-2005 16:27:45
I'd love to have a copy of that. I did manage to find a couple of articles from the old Robert C. O'Brien site using the
Wayback Machine's archive[=]Wayback Machine's archive, but it didn't have a copy of the whole thing. Every so often I'd get the occasional email from a student or teacher asking about the book (or less often, the movie), and I would always point them in that direction. It'd be nice to be able to do that again. :)
24-03-2005 16:39:44
Cool! I'll zip up the files and send them to may not be until after Easter, though. It's great to see all my old websites being revived ^^
11-10-2005 23:03:19
While digging through my ancient back ups, I found the contents of my Robert C. O'Brien page which was on the web in 1996. It contained a number of interviews, book reviews, and other information that I transcribed.
If anyone has an interest in this information, please contact me. Simon, would you like it for your page?
Oh, snap! I wish I had seen this earlier!
Hey, er... Robin or Simon (whichever of you are able and willing), I would absolutely LOVE to have a copy of this information. I've been compiling as much information as I can about Robert C. O'Brien and "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH", but the going is slow and tedious. I've actually had to send out reams of e-mails asking for hints, sites and other such information. I'm still waiting for a reply back from Simon & Schuster... =/ One the biggest themes of my NIMH Fan Site is the book and the author, so I would be forever in your debt if you would grant me that information.
Much thanks in advance.
- Tort
13-10-2005 20:06:18
While digging through my ancient back ups, I found the contents of my Robert C. O'Brien page which was on the web in 1996. It contained a number of interviews, book reviews, and other information that I transcribed.
If anyone has an interest in this information, please contact me. Simon, would you like it for your page?
Oh, snap! I wish I had seen this earlier!
Hey, er... Robin or Simon (whichever of you are able and willing), I would absolutely LOVE to have a copy of this information. I've been compiling as much information as I can about Robert C. O'Brien and "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH", but the going is slow and tedious. I've actually had to send out reams of e-mails asking for hints, sites and other such information. I'm still waiting for a reply back from Simon & Schuster... =/ One the biggest themes of my NIMH Fan Site is the book and the author, so I would be forever in your debt if you would grant me that information.
Much thanks in advance.
- Tort
Thats great Tort , I wish you the best of luck on your site, and a site that majors on the book would be refreshing indeed, and I know of the lack of INFO . I myself have been meaning to do a page on the book "Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" on my site, but busy/lazy(well you know) and I never got to it .Ifurl==http://=http:///url you need help on a host for your site or some movie screen shots (to wet peoples appetite for the book) let me know, I have a capture program that will put to picture any part of the SON movie, (or any DVD). Just let me know your fav. part you wish to have . :D
13-10-2005 23:58:42
Wow, thanks, I appreciate it, Whiskers! :D
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure where to look for a host right now. I've been using the HTML Editor from Microsoft Frontpage and HotDog v. 5, so the going's been slow. If you could help me find/choose a good host I would be forever in your debt!
Actually, I "do" have a DVD playing program through Radeon (graphics card company) that I use to capture stills, but if you have "any" good stills and captures of the following, I would be more than happy to take you up on your offer (my program is kinda shabby, being free and all...):
1) I'm lacking in stills containing good images of Timothy and Martin (individually).
2) My collection of stills of Jeremy is downright horrid. Any good ones of him would be nice.
3) The same situation for Nicodemus and the whole Brutus vs. Mrs. Brisby scene.
I'd hate to bog you down by asking for any more than that, but I really appreciate your offer. I need to check up on your site again; it's been awhile. :)
Thanks again!
14-10-2005 03:14:49
I've been compiling as much information as I can about Robert C. O'Brien and "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH", but the going is slow and tedious.
You may know about it already, but there are two excellent essays in which give some insights in O'Brien's thoughts as he was writing.
14-10-2005 18:32:53
Cool beans! I didn't even know those were there. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle (especially in my nefarious situation). :wink:
Muchas gracias!
15-10-2005 05:29:23
Wow, thanks, I appreciate it, Whiskers! :D
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure where to look for a host right now. I've been using the HTML Editor from Microsoft Frontpage and HotDog v. 5, so the going's been slow. If you could help me find/choose a good host I would be forever in your debt!
Actually, I "do" have a DVD playing program through Radeon (graphics card company) that I use to capture stills, but if you have "any" good stills and captures of the following, I would be more than happy to take you up on your offer (my program is kinda shabby, being free and all...):
1) I'm lacking in stills containing good images of Timothy and Martin (individually).
2) My collection of stills of Jeremy is downright horrid. Any good ones of him would be nice.
3) The same situation for Nicodemus and the whole Brutus vs. Mrs. Brisby scene.
I'd hate to bog you down by asking for any more than that, but I really appreciate your offer. I need to check up on your site again; it's been awhile. :)
Thanks again!
No problem Tort, I love working with images way better than typing and posting, I found this program on my new lap top that I got, and it is far simpler that the one on my main PC.
As for a host, try using you will have your home page up and running in a day :) and it`s free (I pay 42 dollors a year for mine, because my site is growing and I need more room).
As for the pics, E-mail them to you or I can just throw them up on my site for you to down load ? BTW, if you see any pics on my site that you would like to use, go a head and down load it, after all they are for all NIMH fans :wink:
Here is a sample of a pic, It came out better than my old program on my PC;
![]()[" alt=""/img]
And works great on old VHS tapes also;
[img="][" alt=""/img]
Just had to show this off, this is something I made in honor of our heroes and victims on the 4th year since the terrorist attacks, and was shown on some other animation sites;
[img="][" alt=""/img]
15-10-2005 15:05:05
Hmm, I'll keep that host in mind as I look around. I've decided to avoid Angelfire altogether. I've never seen so many popups and advertisements in my life...
Oh, cool; yeah, just e-mail them to me. I'm still using my old e-mail address a bit, but I suggest sending them to my new one:
G-mail is love. :wink: 2,678 mb of free space... how could I argue? And it jives really well with Mozilla Phoenix, too.
Anyway, I appreciate your help, Whiskers! I actually saved the one shot you showed earlier and your 9/11 poster. But if you find the time, I'd appreciate them more in my e-mail inbox since I get posted through my cell as to when they arive. :wink:
Thanks again!
16-10-2005 16:35:46
Aaah! Angelfire , I`ve heard some bad things about it ,(made from the pits of the lower place) my host site that I have now, was told to me by a friend Sher,and even when it was free there was at the worst ,you would have a av bar at the top of the site, but keep looking around ,you will find what meets your needs , :D
I sent some Timothy pics today, the others characters you like will soon be coming , let me know if you got them.
E-mail is
17-10-2005 20:22:13
I found two great hosts ( -&-, and I may even choose a paid account. One of those $49 a year things. It looks like a great deal, and they both support Frontpage extensions, which is what I'm using to help me learn HTML. It's going well, too, so I'm excited.
Also, I did get your e-mail. Thanks a mil for the pics! Do you want to go by "Desert Mouse" for your alias that I can call you by on my site?
23-10-2005 23:03:13
Thanks Lee , just some small stuff there and not done by my hands but the great works of others, just like on that one pic for our troops, just kinda threw things together. 8)
Tort, thanks for the E-mails, that lets me know if you got the goods, and always keep your paper work. :lol:
I`m so glad that all is working out great for your site on the books of Robert C. O`Brien, and when I write a small pice of the book in my site, I would like to "link" to your site for more info for fans to see.
Have you got a site Name and address yet ? and also your site will be wecomed in my "Hot Links" to other animation sites :D .