Here's some more of my art. Perhaps they can be included on the gallery.
Anyway, these are some hand drawings I've done. Since school is coming to an end and I'll been done with high school classes are mostly done with work. So I got myself a note book and starting drawing NIMH stuff. Now I didn't any character references with me so I had to do the best from memory. Maybe I'll get around to fully coloring them.
http:/" alt=""/"8/931/brisbystone.jpg[" alt=""/img]
I did this one day when I was bored and was amazed at how well it came out.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"7/1228/aftermatht.jpg[" alt=""/img]
The aftermath of Justin and Jener's duel.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"34/5049/brisbyratsthorn.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Sad, because in the end we got Timmy to the Rescue.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"8/4016/houserising.jpg[" alt=""/img]
The house rising
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"200/5002/justinhelp.jpg[" alt=""/img]
We are a group of highly intelligent rats with advanced technology but we still do paperwork.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"20/4599/nimhcage.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Inside the cage at NIMH
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"42/2505/swordstone.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Justin's sword and Jonathan's stone
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"20/3438/nimhgame.jpg[" alt=""/img]
I got into a video game mood today. Here's some NIMH / video game crossovers. Here's Secret of NIMH the game with the classic Nintendo menu screen. Probably look better with color.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"200/8190/justinmario.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Justin made it through the mushroom kingdom but has to solve one more problem.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"8/3720/brutuspong.jpg[" alt=""/img]
and the worst picture of Brutus. This was first time drawing him so hopefully I'll improve.
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"34/7962/brisbypacman.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Watch out for the ghost Mrs. Brisby!
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"200/760/justinbrutusghost.jpg[" alt=""/img]
I wanted to have Jon in this but I ran out of room.
Justin: Successful test.
Brutus: I guess so. I think we better spilt up.
Justin: Yeah, we can do more damage that way.