Hey guys, I just moved from Max Nimhs board as well as Jeremy's.. Not much really happening there so I moved over here..
04-07-2006 01:35:35
Hi Jayn, and welcome late night dude , so nice to see you here, enjoyed your post on Max NIMH, Jerermys, and AL forums and the RPG at Jeremy`s was fun.
I guess you know me 8)
looks like you Still like Miss Kitty?
Have fun here old post timer you have been around the block or two..
04-07-2006 11:24:13
Welcome to the Forum Jayn! I'm happy to see that you joined here at the Forums!
10-07-2006 18:33:47
Are you enjoying your stay here on the Forums?
Hey I sure am, I love talking to other Nimhners without any spam posts or trolls. When Max NIMH went off I tried Jaramy's board but no one's there..
11-07-2006 21:45:48
Where's Jeremy's board located at? :)
12-07-2006 17:45:54
Where's Jeremy's board located at? :)
-Nimhster 8)
It`s at http://nimh.conforums3.com/index.cgi ,
When MaxNIMH`s board closed we went to Jeremy`s forum and it was fun, had a nice Roleplay going on with a mixture of Secret of Nimh, Great mouse detective, Rescue Rangers and others. But a few months ago I dropped out, not fully sure why, I guess real life issues, and just to maxed out on forums and role play.
12-07-2006 19:56:55
It`s at http://nimh.conforums3.com/index.cgi ,
When MaxNIMH`s board closed we went to Jeremy`s forum and it was fun, had a nice Roleplay going on with a mixture of Secret of Nimh, Great mouse detective, Rescue Rangers and others. But a few months ago I dropped out, not fully sure why, I guess real life issues, and just to maxed out on forums and role play.
I checked for myself, for myself and it wasn't that bad. I couldn't enter a few forums while I looked.
Yea me too, I lift not long after our friend Billy lift. He was the one who actually got the rp going and made it interesting. But when he lift for rl isues the rp kinda died..
12-07-2006 22:04:27
9 users,
27 topics,
594 posts from users,
and the new registered user is jazon99.
Not much to see or do there.
20-07-2006 21:56:41
What's up :D
http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a86/desmouse/dressk.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Great movie too.