Hey everyone!
Well I figured it was about time I joined one of these things. I've been a NIMH fan for..well, for life actually. Been around online a long time too, but yeah, I've mostly been a lurker. First looked up NIMH on Metacrawler back in '97 and have been kinda poking around in the shadows ever since :) I guess I've posted some fan art here and there over the years... had a fanfic up for a while on someone's site... probably submitted a "NIMH memory" back on Jeff McGinnis's site... and that's about it--I think by the time I got brave enough to join in online, the NIMH community seemed on its way out.
Anyhow, I'm glad to have found this site and a few remaining NIMH fans! And I fully blame Patch for getting my NIMH interest going again ;)
So... let's see... I go by Jakana or A9 or labrat_a9 online... Sometimes I delude myself into thinking I can draw so I've got some "art" online on VCL and DA... um... I'm a college student... I like running around outdoors... I'm a big fan of the book as well as the movie... blahblah, enough about me XD Awesome site, Simon, and I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you cool people!
11-06-2006 14:20:57
Welcome A9! I see that you have finally decided to join. Good for you! :P
Stay here at the Thorn Valley Forums as long as you want!
Thanks Nimhster!
Hey wow, you live in Manteca? I LOVE the waterslides there! Are they still there? I haven't been in like 5 years.
Welcome A9! I see that you have finally decided to join. Good for you! :P
Stay here at the Thorn Valley Forums as long as you want! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
-Nimhster 8)
Friends on this site: 9
12-06-2006 17:54:45
You're welcome and yes, I do live in Manteca, CA. As for the waterslides, the property was sold so construction could begin on houses where it used to be. I've only gone there once. :(
Aww shucks. i can't believe they built houses over them, they were so much fun :( Well thanks for the info.. good thing i asked you about them before driving down there or something XD
12-06-2006 20:22:50
Hey, at least you have gone there and had fun. :)
14-06-2006 17:49:22
Welcome A9 to the Thorn Valley forum :D , I hope you enjoy it here with us Nimh loons, I`ve never been to Manteca CA, but I do live in the Mojive Desert in CA, great place for a job, but as for fun we have to get out of the Desert area here. 8)
Thanks Whiskers57! :) Hey i LOVE the Mojave desert! i've done quite a bit of hiking, biking, and camping there. i live up in northern CA, by the capital actually, and i'm always looking for an excuse to go down to the desert :)
14-06-2006 20:20:15
Know what you mean A9, and sorry for spelling it Mojive, a few years ago it was a rap song inside joke and I`m spelling it as that :roll:
During holidays we in the desert are trying to get out and those from LA and every where else are trying to get in to the desert, the traffic was insane, I guess it`s where you live and where you would like to go to, but camping, within our area, the best spot Troy and Kennedy Medows in the mountains here.
Ah! camping and NIMH, I love both, but can never figure out how the two meet.
14-06-2006 21:25:39
Whiskers57 Scaled Composits is in Majave Burt Rutan that guy is a Genious
14-06-2006 21:30:13
Ah! camping and NIMH, I love both, but can never figure out how the two meet.
Sure they can meet together if you think harder!
http:/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v132/BlackCurly/Smilies/smile.gif
I love them both as well. Do you A9?
-Nimhster 8)
Friends on this site: 10
Ah! camping and NIMH, I love both, but can never figure out how the two meet.
Sure they can meet together if you think harder!
I love them both as well. Do you A9?
Haha, yeah "NIMHCon 2006: Exile Island!" XD
Yep, i love camping, or pretty much anything outdoors. i'd live outside if i could :)
15-06-2006 12:58:49
Welcome to the Thorn Valley forums A9! Glad to have you! :)
Haha, yeah "NIMHCon 2006: Exile Island!" XD
Yep, i love camping, or pretty much anything outdoors. i'd live outside if i could :)
It may not be camping, but the NIMH / NIMH Muck meet at the 'Mephit Fur Meet" (MFM) convention is the next best thing to a 'NIMH con' coming up any time soon from my knowledge.
More info about the NIMH Meet in this ThornValley Forum thread
17-06-2006 09:14:55
Ah! camping and NIMH, I love both, but can never figure out how the two meet.
Sure they can meet together if you think harder!
I love them both as well. Do you A9?
Haha, yeah "NIMHCon 2006: Exile Island!" XD
Yep, i love camping, or pretty much anything outdoors. i'd live outside if i could :)
You guys could be right, a few years ago while camping I hiked a dry river bed and while doing the trail I daydreamed, If I stumbled on to the rats of NIMH while in the wild, What would happen?.