So, after joining around four or so months earlier, I decided to crawl out of the woodwork and introduce myself.
I tend to go by Iapetus on the 'Net, but you can call me Iap or Kim; I answer to all three. I'm 24 years old, a former college student with my B.A. in English and a part-time clerk at my local library.
I've been in love with NIMH since about the third grade, when I saw the movie for the first time (and that was back turing the days of filmstrips; anyone remember those?), and it's in my top ten favorite animated movies. Indeed, I prefer the movie over the book, and I think "Flying Dreams" tops any song from any Disney animated feature.
My first exposure to the NIMH fandom was back in the late 90s when I read Paul Gibbs' "Rats of Thorn Valley" for the first time. I've given some thought to dabbling in NIMH-fic myself, but I seem to get an inferiority complex when I look at my stuff compared to Gibbs, MAL or Simon's works.
28-03-2006 20:52:04
Hey welcome Iap! :D
Welcome to our burrow. :wink:
Do you have a fanfic in mind? What're you waiting for? Gotta post it in Robin's right away!! :D C'mon! I love fanfics and can't wait to see your work.
Well, hope you have fun here.
And don't forget to check this! :wink:
Most of the people here are also there, I'm sure you'll find it interesting.
Cya! :)
Hmm btw, that's an interesting avatar. Care to tell me from which movie is? That mouse reminds me Mrs Brisby :wink:
29-03-2006 17:58:29
Welcome to Thorn Valley Iap, :D
I hope you enjoy it here.
Yeh your avater, it looks like Fievel`s sister, but it can not recall her name at this time.
Have fun here 8)
19-05-2006 23:52:21
Like leejakobson said, welcome to the Forum!