22-01-2004 02:53:17
First: intros!
Heard about this place more than a few years ago, though I never bothered to really become a part of it till just now. Bear with me here, cause it's like three in the morning where I'm at and I'm fightin insomnia. :( I'll keep this breif and normal. Love the site, blah blah blah, great folks, blah blah blah, Secret of NIMH greatest peice of animation ever blah blah. And so on. Okay, now for the art.
![]()[" alt=""/img]
Those were done aaages ago back when I first heard about thornvalley. I did one during a work break and it just snowballed from there. Anyway, hopin ya like.
23-01-2004 17:02:25
Welcome! Thanks for joining... and for showing off your artwork! I imagine I won't be the only one here who wouldn't mind seeing more where that came from. If you'd like I can post a copy of it in the
Art Gallery[=]Art Gallery.
Anyway, thanks for posting and hope that you enjoy it here.
28-01-2004 20:38:26
Hey, thanks for introducing yourself! Hi there, I'm Mav, nice to meet you.
And thanks for sharing that great art! Please, share more, you've got some real talent.
Dante Yuroshima
03-05-2004 18:21:40
Very very nice pics you got there. Mrs brisby is in good proportion and everything is balanced out perfectly. Nice job!
17-05-2006 20:12:43
Welcome to the Forum Moonman, I hope you'll like it here.
Also, that's some neat artwork you got there. :wink:
17-05-2006 21:10:39
Howdy, fellow newbie. :)
Those are some spectacular sketches of Mrs. Brisby! Got any plans for more artwork? :)
19-05-2006 13:09:50
another warm welcome from yours trully leejakobson