Hello ladies and gentleman! :D
I introduce myself: I'm a French boys (excuse me for my spelling mistakes and wrong syntax) who is 18 year old, and i'm studient in graphism. (i want to be Comic strip drawer or in Animation film...)
I'm a Don Bluth's fan. And Particulary for All Dogs go to Heaven and The Secret of Nimh. The French Voice Version is very great, but i suppose you don't know it.
But i'm fan too of: An American Tail, Land before time, Rock-a-doodle (with a famous french singer who is the 's double voice in French Version), Bernard & Bianca...
I found that Don Bluth's films are more "mature" than Classicals Disney productions. (more deads for exemple :lol: )It's very difficult to found information about Bon Bluth and his films on the net in French. That's why, i'm on this website. ;)
20-04-2005 14:29:38
let me be the first to welcome you any Don Bluth fan is always welcome by me. what age were you when you first saw secret of nimh. and please check out my fan fic the stones construction in robins fanfiction archieves. i value new ideas.
20-04-2005 19:24:58
Howdy gio and welcome ,
I also am a big fan of Don Bluth`s works and in many ways he changed my outlook on animation, starting with his first movie "The Secret of NIMH". Talk and questions about Don are wecomed here :D .
I hope you enjoy it here at Thorn Valley.
Thank you! :D
what age were you when you first saw secret of nimh
hmmm, I think y was four year old, in 1990. It was the first video tape my parents buy when we have our first videorecorder. "Brisby et le secret de Nimh"
http://www.cbo-boxoffice.com/full/p931.jpg[" alt=""/img] ;)
But...When i was 4, it's sure that i don't understood anything of the story! :lol:
21-04-2005 17:56:04
Howdy, a warm welcome to Thorn Valley for you!
23-04-2005 21:40:50
Hi gio, is that a french movie poster or a VHS cover, any ways looks awesome, love it :D
Martin Siedow
30-04-2005 07:09:58
A belated welcome from me too.
You will surely get a lot of inspiration from the great drawings in the Art Gallery of Thorn Valley.
I also did´t find a "Secret of NIMH"-Fanpage in my home country with any of the search machines that I used, so I became a member of this forum.
27-05-2005 08:54:43
Bonjour! Je suis HolyArrow. J'etudie le Francais a l'ecole.
However, I am not so confident about my French so The top sentence will be the only French I will use. :-)
I'm really happy to hear that you are also a fan of "Les Aventures de Bernard et Bianca". Bernard and Bianca are my favorite Disney mice and I put them together with Johnathan and Mrs. Brisby and call them "The hearts and clubs."
Anyway, Yoroshiku!