27-03-2011 03:43:22
While walking from the parking lot towards my building, I came upon this rather comical sight. As you can see, it is a squirrel that appears to be sunning himmself on the seat of a scooter that was covered to protect it from the elements. I could not help but wonder why he chose a man made object over a more natural one such as a tree branch.
Peace :D
![]()[" alt=""/img]
Hera Ledro
27-03-2011 20:52:33 adorable xD I can just imagine the owner coming back and scooting down the road with this squirrel perched on his/her shoulder. Pirates did it with parrots, why can't they do it with a squirrel?
You know, besides the much higher velocity shtuff ;D
03-04-2011 00:20:15
That`s cute NIMHmaniac, looks like the warming of a silver tarp seems to do the fury just fine.