03-02-2011 05:11:01
What is your favorite scene from The Secret of Nimh, and why? Can have multiple of course. (I'll post mine as soon as I get another chance to watch the movie.)
03-02-2011 11:14:58
My favorite scene is where the block rises out of the mud. Jerry Goldsmith's score builds and builds and finally blares triumphantly as the block is pulled clean out of the mud.
Listening to the commentary Don and Gary had to the same reaction when final cut with Goldsmith's score was screened.
05-02-2011 16:22:16
Mine was the time Mrs Brisby was seeking Mr Age`s help and was handed some medical herbs and then his door was shut in her face, after that she was on her own, and grew as a mom and a protector of her children later on .
06-02-2011 02:52:01
Wow.... This is a hard one for me although I must admit that Whiskers and Chris S. do make some salient points where their nominees are concerned. Still, I think that one of my favorite parts in the movie would be the part where Mrs. Brisby (after witnessing the swordfight between Justin & Jenner and Jenner's death by the hand of Sullivan) slowly walks towards her cinderblock house which the rats were supposed to have moved by now, but couldn't because of Jenner's sabatoge. As she gets closer to the house, she hears the cries of her children still inside. One of them (I think it's Teresa) asks "Mother are we moved yet?" and Brisby answers back through the wall "Soon now" although in reality, she has no idea just what is going to happen now as far as her family is concerned. As proof of this point, poor Mrs. B. is shown leaning heavily against the side of the cinderblock and sobbing. The raw emotion of that one scene gets me right here (thumps chest with fist) every time.
Peace :)
06-02-2011 14:26:18
Wow, those are all VERY good answers! I still haven't had a chance to watch it again, nor will I until maybe Thursday, but I might as well take a wing at this until then.
I think my favorite scene would have to be when Mrs. Brisby is trying to find her way into the rose bush and Jeremy comes along. You know this part I'm sure, so I won't go into great detail. She then proceeds to shoo him away with a cheap shot, her feminine charm.
That scene there just seems to show some insight on a much younger version of her, a more "playful" her, the same one that probably entranced Jonathan several years prior. I don't believe she always acted that way when younger, but I'm pretty sure she would have used that personality at the right times.
06-02-2011 15:40:57
I think my favorite scene would have to be when Mrs. Brisby is trying to find her way into the rose bush and Jeremy comes along. You know this part I'm sure, so I won't go into great detail. She then proceeds to shoo him away with a cheap shot, her feminine charm.
That scene there just seems to show some insight on a much younger version of her, a more "playful" her, the same one that probably entranced Jonathan several years prior. I don't believe she always acted that way when younger, but I'm pretty sure she would have used that personality at the right times.
I'd have to say that's probably my favorite scene as well, actually. It's kinda hard to pick a favorite, since that's part of what makes the movie good is that it all seems to fit together as a whole fairly well.
06-02-2011 23:56:01
It really does, everyone who's seen it would agree with you there, or should agree with you there. Another good scene is after she and Jeremy get away from Dragon and they're talking in the water wheel. She very kindly tells him, and I'm sure he didn't realize this, that he's an unmannered oaf. She of course didn't say it like that, but her tone suggests what she was most likely thinking.
David Leemhuis
11-02-2011 04:55:20
Very difficult to pick just one. I’ve always had a soft spot for the one NIMHmaniac brought up; I think that was probably the scene which best illustrates the use of facial expression and body language to put across what a character is thinking and feeling.
For animation quality, one of my favorites has to be where Mrs. B is helping Jeremy become untangled before Dragon’s attack. One can believe that the animators had established precisely how the one or more pieces of string were wrapped around Jeremy, and what would happen if it was cut here, or cut there, etc.
11-02-2011 19:37:05
Just reading about your favorite scenes reminds of others.
Auntie Shrew, a loud mouth (as Martian puts it), saved Mrs Brisby from almost certain death from the farmer`s tractor by pulling out what ever she could to stop the plow,
![]()[" alt=""/img]
And also told her that she must see the Great Owl for advice,
[img="][" alt=""/img]
Auntie Shrew may not be every one`s favorite character or scene, and as hard as she was to get along with, she was friend that would help you in a pinch.
A bad part of the scene with the Auntie, she`s a loud mouth, and voices what she thinks about Mrs Brisby`s young ones.
[img="][" alt=""/img] :shock:
12-02-2011 03:14:25
Very difficult to pick just one. I’ve always had a soft spot for the one NIMHmaniac brought up; I think that was probably the scene which best illustrates the use of facial expression and body language to put across what a character is thinking and feeling.
For animation quality, one of my favorites has to be where Mrs. B is helping Jeremy become untangled before Dragon’s attack. One can believe that the animators had established precisely how the one or more pieces of string were wrapped around Jeremy, and what would happen if it was cut here, or cut there, etc.
Hmm, I never thought about the scene with the string like that, but now that you mention it, they must have taken their sweet time with it. There would be so much room for failure in the animation there, everything would have to be perfectly coordinated, or at least relatively coordinated, for the scene to flow smoothly.
12-02-2011 10:04:29
They were, but she still had no right to do that, it really made me mad to be honest.
23-06-2011 16:48:14
My favorite scene is when Mrs. Brisby finds out how her husband died. It was certainly the most emotional scene (for me) in the film. Don Bluth even talks about it:
David Leemhuis
24-06-2011 11:54:54
Seconded, very emotional scene.
Another favorite scene of mine, one which I believe really defines Martin's character, is when his mother brings the broth in to Timothy and he apologizes to her for his blowup with Auntie Shrew. It shows how much he loves and respects his mother and doesn't want to disappoint her, but he can't help it the Shrew really pushes his buttons. In the f-f I'm reworking right now I elaborate on that, that it's a case of "killing the messenger," because he resents the Shrew, without consciously realizing it, for bringing the family the bad news about Johnathan.
26-06-2011 14:45:43
Both scenes are very good.
Sounds like I should read this rework of yours, yes?