I miss my Sega Genesis! :'(

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Dr. Cheezburger

28-07-2010 19:33:55

Okay, this may be off topic but I can't help but mourn the game console of my childhood, here's the story behind it all:

It was Christmastime in 1991, I was a little 6 year old boy, (Though I was quite tall for my age) And as Christmas neared there was many gifts under the Christmas tree that I thought about every now and then until christmas morning, I excited about the toys I would get, since my video game obsession hadn't really kicked off yet. I was desperate to get some new Transformers. On Christmas morning, I woke up at exactly 4:33:56 (according to my fancy alarm clock), and dashed out the bedroom in G.I. Joe PJ's in the darkness, occasionally bumping into the wall. I ended up in the living room. The presents sat there luring me like a magnet, but then I then ran back and attempted to wake up my siblings. My siblings. My 11 year old brother and 9 year old sister kicked me out as soon as I opened the door, I thought to myself "Why do the big kids like sleep so much?", so I woke up my twin brother and sisters who were 5, and they ran like hell out the door and into the room, I then counted down from 10, and BOOM! we dived under the tree to tear open our gifts. The sound of it was like a nuclear explosion. My parents, logically woke up. After a rather short time, all the presents were opened. I was pretty satisfied with my gifts, I got some transformers, like I asked, and some candy in my stocking. But there was still another present.....

After the radioactive fallout of gift-opening was gone, my dad than said "Wait a second..." with a smug look on his face, he went back into the hall, and he came out with a giant box covered in reindeer wrapping paper. He turned to me and said "The gifts for all of you, but this guy liHe pointed at meli is gonna open it" My twin little siblings protested loudly, but pretty soon, the gift was in front of me, and I slowly at first, then rapidly tore off the paper. IT WAS A SEGA GENESIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Sorry for too much exclamation points, but this is as of today perhaps the 2nd happiest moment of my life, (The 1st is coming up real soon if you know what I mean). I've heard of this magical contraption before in commercials, and I took a while to realize it, but a fiery hunger was in me to replace my aged old NES I shared with my big brother. I then heard a hoarse voice asked something along the lines of "Whaz Happen?", it was a half asleep figure wearing nothing but boxers coming out the hall. It was my big brother. My big sister was in her room attempting fix up her hair, which was still quite shabby after spending what felt like hours in there. I was ready for a new era of my life.

I spend the whole rest of the day until christmas dinner playing Sonic The Hedgehog. Now this was different from Mario on the NES. The vivid graphics and catchier tunes kicked the NES's grey plastic booty. The SNES was out, but Donkey Kong Country wasn't there to save it yet, so the Genesis was the king of the hill for a while. It took a while to get used to the new controller and lightning fast speed, but that was nothing. As some years passed by I stock-piled on games of all types. In addition to the sequels of Sonic for the Genesis, There were some other gems. I had games like Mortal Kombat, Jurassic Park, Road Rash, Shining Force, The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers games, Toejam and Earl, ShadowRun, Earthworm Jim, and even commercials disguised as games featuring junk food mascots like Chester the Cheetah and Cool spot, despite the fact they were just marketing tools, they were pretty good.

Then, it was 1996 when I was 11. I had become a carbon copy of my older brother when he was 11. I was now interested in girls, listened to AC/DC and slept only in boxers, (Which I ridiculed him for when I was younger), While the original Playstation was taking off, I thought the better graphics of the Nintendo 64, (Which proved Nintendo "cool" again), surpassed it despite the use of cartridges, and served as an adequate replacement for my Genesis. While I deeply regret it nowadays, on my 11nth birthday, I got my Genesis replaced by a Nintendo 64. While I loved my N64, I believe the Genesis was the true console of my Childhood. For christmas of that year, I got an original Playstation to go along with the N64, It was also a piece of my youth, and I still have it. The N64 however was sold (Another unwise move I made as a teen), and got a PS2, but as I entered my 20s, I realized that the new games of today aren't what they used to be, while there's still good games nowadays, they're hard to come by. Most are Nintendo games, for some reason. Because of that the current generation console I own is a Wii, but I use it mostly to run classic Genesis games I played when I was a kid with the virtual console. But not all of the classics of my childhood are there. Despite the fact some genesis games are on there to cure the nostalgia flu, I can't help but miss my Genesis. It's fantastic controller and sexy black design (Eat your heart out PS3!), aren't like any other console in existence.

I miss my Genesis
I miss the 90's
I miss my childhood.

libursts into tearsli


28-07-2010 21:55:02



Dr. Cheezburger

28-07-2010 21:57:13

Sounds tempting, I may have to check it out. I've recently been thinking of purchasing a used system off eBay or at a local thrift store.


29-07-2010 09:17:09

Heh, never owned a console when I was younger, though I did try emulators for a bit. We always had a computer in the house though, so we'd get games for that every so often.

Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlcqWQVVuU ;)

Dr. Cheezburger

29-07-2010 09:43:56

Thank you simon! Now I miss my Packard Bell running Windows 95, playing SkiFree and random race car games I got and exploring the old internet that hasn't been taken over by 4chan memes! Well, then again, Blue screens of death weren't an odd sight on that box. Now I've got a Mac, Thank god.

Dr. Cheezburger

29-07-2010 09:46:42

Oh an just seeing those kids open a N64 for christmas makes me envious. VERY ENVIOUS!!!! GRRRRRRRR.... :evil:


29-07-2010 19:11:27

Thank you simon! Now I miss my Packard Bell running Windows 95, playing SkiFree and random race car games I got and exploring the old internet that hasn't been taken over by 4chan memes! Well, then again, Blue screens of death weren't an odd sight on that box. Now I've got a Mac, Thank god.

Well, bluescreens weren't exactly a rare sight on any Packard Bell. :P I'm quite happy with my Windows 7 box though. :3


29-07-2010 20:06:05

Packard Bell is the Trabant (or Lada) of the PC world...

Sorta looks like the real thing, but underneath...lawnmower engine and a frame made from cardboard.

Dr. Cheezburger

29-07-2010 20:16:22

Agreed. Well, it's the programs and overall "feel" of it I miss.

Dr. Cheezburger

31-07-2010 11:22:21

I found a website called Thesmartass.com, funny name, but it has some Genesis games.


11-07-2011 13:54:17

Heh, found this topic due to my boredom from being cooped up in my girlfriend's house while she's sleeping. Needless to say while I was growing up, I didn't own a Genesis (although I had access to one and I loved Sonic 2). I owned an NES and played it from when I was 4 years old til I was 7. I then got an N64 and played the hell outta that.

Thing is, while I have fond memories of those days, video gaming has evolved for the better. You can now explore big worlds and have more interaction with objects than ever before. I don't miss the 90's and I don't miss old school gaming.