What happens to you when...?
As a few of you no dout know already my sister (Kirsty) is working on art for me to use in my up and com-Nihm-ming Fan Fic. To do this I graciously lent her my DVD of NIMH.
It has now been approx-nimh-utly 116 days (roufly 4 months) since I have watched the film and although I dont mind not seeing it for a while I am now experiencing NIMH Withdrawl sy-Nimh-tums (can you tell). So I was wonder-Nimh-ing:
What do you guys do wheen you havent watched Nimh for a while and you REALLY want to?
12-10-2004 17:12:34
That's easy. Role play on NIMHmuck. Reading fan-fiction or looking at fan art comes in at a close second. Reading the book (or even the sequels when the mood strikes) is also a good one.
Anyway... that's what I do. :)
13-10-2004 02:40:40
I think Simon pretty much covered everything. Except work on writing NiMH fiction and drawing NiMH art. :D
Thanks for the feedbaack so far guys.
I agree that Simon has covered what most Nimh Fans do but ya never know someone here might do something completely different when they are Nimh depraved!
Day No:117 and still no Nimh so Im suplimenting it with Star Wars and Star Trek for a bit.
Keep those replys comming!
15-10-2004 23:02:17
These seem to be common symtoms of Nimh-withdrawl.
1) The overwhelming urge to do anything NIMHish.
2) After subsituting Star Trek in for it, weird ideas of superintelligent alien rats and mice from outer space become common.
3) Start to see NIMH related stuff in everything.
4) Reality breaks down (in extreme cases, of coarse) :)
Reccomended Treatment: Do what Simon said...and try imagining what it would be like to actually meet your favorite NIMH character face to face...that's what worked for me!
16-10-2004 07:10:20
I play Suikoden III.
Everyone should play it; the game should be a required course. I've never had a video game teach me anything, but this one has a huge lesson about tolerance of other cultures and needless wars.
And...then I look at my personal collection of Ken Singshow fanart that will soon belong to simon :)
16-10-2004 17:21:30
To be with out what is needed in life is hard.
I at one time have gone to the point of no return (spiritpanther`s case#4) madness had taken me and I found my self wacthing huckleberry hound and thinking it was the best thing I ever saw. But when I got on the internet (yea !!).Some doses of fan-fic and visual therapy of fan-art brought me back. thats when I got the dvd to replace the tape that my vcr had chomped up.
24-10-2004 04:33:05
Personally I stick the soundtrack on and simply drift away
Of course writing and drawing NIMH related stuff, as mentioned above, helps enormously. If time is really pressed and I cant even do that I can, at times, close my eyes and almost see the film playing back inside my head (would that be the symptoms of spiritpanther`s case#4?).
Martin Siedow
09-11-2004 11:59:54
Before I bought my first Videotape with "The Secret of NIMH" I memorized the pictures from the movie that I had at that time and made my own SoN-Movies in my head (Crossovers with Star Wars, Terminator, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Rescuers, Robin Hood, Watership Down and The Lord of the Rings, among others).
After I bought the Video in 1994 I have seen it on almost every day at least partially for the next four years. It seems that this dose still works because I have seen "The Secret of NIMH" not very often since then, not even the version with the original sound, although it is better than the german synchronization.
:P :P :P :P :P :P Nimh withdrawl update:
Condition: Relitively sane since purchose of "RedWall" DVD.
Currents Sy-Nihm-tums: Increasing indulgance of Nimhmuck, recuring dreams about Anth-rodents and an overwelming urge to...Inlock any door as long as I have the right key. :!: :arrow: :!: :arrow: :!: :arrow: :D
Just out of interest where can I find the soundtrack to NImh?
24-01-2005 18:08:47
Just out of interest where can I find the soundtrack to NImh?
I bought mine at Footlight.com (though the price seems to have gone up since then):
You can also buy it from Amazon.com, although you might consider buying it from one of the Amazon Marketplace sellers; they offer the cheapest price for a new CD that I've seen, and you can also buy a used one for pretty cheap.
Or in Europe:
Ebay usually has a soundtrack on auction every so often, however, the prices usually aren't as good as buying it from a retailer.
26-01-2005 17:11:46
WOW! 220 days :shock: I take it that sis has not returned your DVD yet?
It`s nice to know that you can buy a new CD of the soundtrack to NIMH and not just on E-bay alone, that would be wonderful to hear that playing on the way to work in my truck.
thanks for the links Simon. :D
I have it! :D :D :D
The soundtrack is mine at last. Thanks Simon!
This should help me through the...sy-Nimh-tums.
MAJOR setback!!!
I odered thw soundtrack but when it came it refused to play even through it says on the disc that it was manufactured for Europe!
:D :) :( :cry: :x :evil: :twisted: :?: :!: :?: :!:
So Im going to have to send it back to get another.
29-01-2005 08:01:53
Er... A CD isn't region coded or anything. One from the US would be exactly the same as one from Europe. But yeah, I hope it's the disc that's defective and not the CD player.
01-02-2005 06:20:21
I hope that getting a new CD works for you Jam :) .
My CD is still in shipped status and should be here by jan. 4 to the 9.
the more NIMH the better!!
I Can`t wait :)
05-02-2005 19:01:45
Just got the CD , AWSOME!! just to hear the musical score with no movie add on`s is a treat, Jerry Goldsmith did very well in this the musical scores he did in the "Secert of NIMH" they are more adult and refined than I had realized. Well, at one point while enjoying his music I recalled the part in the music to to the movie and blurted out "Quick, Quick grab the sting".
:D :D :D :D Yeeeeeeeeeeees :!: :!: :!:
Just thought I let you guys know that I finally have it The Secret of NIMH soundtrack is now mine (and it works) at last!
Oh this will help me with my sy-NIMH-toms
Oh glorious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18-02-2005 18:07:53
Just out of interest where can I find the soundtrack to NImh?
I bought mine at Footlight.com (though the price seems to have gone up since then):
You can also buy it from Amazon.com, although you might consider buying it from one of the Amazon Marketplace sellers; they offer the cheapest price for a new CD that I've seen, and you can also buy a used one for pretty cheap.
Or in Europe:
Ebay usually has a soundtrack on auction every so often, however, the prices usually aren't as good as buying it from a retailer.
Or, you could do what I would do, Look on a P2P network. But then again downloading is still legal where I am 8)
13-03-2005 01:42:46
Lucky you, Xav.. :P
Hehee, I could do that also, but I don't really want to. I'd only be looking for one song anyways. Might as well just look at some MP3 site. . don't know enough about P2P to know what to do or where to go.
13-03-2005 16:32:01
Lucky you, Xav.. :P
Hehee, I could do that also, but I don't really want to. I'd only be looking for one song anyways. Might as well just look at some MP3 site. . don't know enough about P2P to know what to do or where to go.
Heheh Indeed. Though the RIAA only really targets folks sharing thousands of songs. I mostly download anime or anime-related music. The last band song I downloaded I ended up buying the album anyway.
14-03-2005 14:41:55
Heheh Indeed. Though the RIAA only really targets folks sharing thousands of songs. I mostly download anime or anime-related music. The last band song I downloaded I ended up buying the album anyway.
Geez, I didn't know many people had thousands of songs to share. Yeah, and same here in respect to what I download. I downloaded a few MP3s but ended up buying their corrosponding album anyway. The download just sort of 'bookmarked' that band until I could scrounge up enough cash to make the purchase.
08-06-2005 01:51:29
Well Disney is one of my favorites, (I count NIMh as my favorite NOn-Disney movie) I'm a big fan of "The Rescuers" and on some days I feel like Disney and on others I feel like NIMH.
I don't think there will ever be a time when I can't watch NIMH. But if that happens I would try to pay attention to Disney instead of feeling depressed 'cause I can't watch NIMH.
But when I really need NIMH stuff I would come here to the Thorn Valley forum, think about NIMH and I would probably listen to the NIMH CD (I got it from Amazon recently...)
Even though I like to write, the problem is that I have hard times actually continuing to write. But I can write fan fiction.
well, stuff like that.