10-10-2004 01:31:46
I never thought I'd find one of these pictures with Mrs. Brisby and
Elizabeth. Though, it finally appeared on ebay and
I just got it in the mail today.
Here's a scan:
http://premium.uploadit.org/TimothyB/elizabeth.jpg[" alt=""/img]
10-10-2004 08:51:36
Cool! Thanks for sharing that.
I think Elizabeth Hartman was the perfect choice for Mrs. Brisby's voice, she put in a wonderfully emotional performance that made Mrs. Brisby feel very real.
10-10-2004 11:00:01
Thanks timothy I love that picture !!
What a team those two are!
I do not know if Don knew what he had when he choose Heartman, but between the animation, story, and her voice is something wonderful that I have not seen in any animated movie in my life.
10-10-2004 14:01:55
I sorry I ment to say any "other" animated movie.
Oh and I forgot to ask , Hey timothy how is the new drawing of Mrs brisby coming along? you know the one where she is on the swing set, I think it`s great. and thanks for your great art work.
10-10-2004 14:29:30
I'll be getting back to that drawing soon. I'm trying to start work on my website again, so it's hard for me to divide the time. Plus, I just prepurchased HL2 and I'm getting distracted by CS:S that you get right away.
HL2= HalfLife 2 CC:S= CounterStrike: Source
Source= Game engine used in HL2
11-10-2004 00:00:17
That's awesome! I've never seen anything like it. TY for sharing.
11-10-2004 02:05:23
That's awesome! I've never seen anything like it. TY for sharing.
There's one done for most of the main cast. The others I've seen online are Auntie Shrew, Justin, and Jeremy.
16-10-2004 20:08:26
Hey Timothy,
Thanks for that great picture of Elizabeth Hartman & Mrs. Brisby. I must admit though that the first time that I saw this particular photograph was some twenty-two years ago when the Secret of NIMH was still playing in local theatres. It appeared in the magazine section of the Sunday edition of the NY Daily News and I wish that I had held on to it back then.
24-10-2004 04:25:47
There's one done for most of the main cast
Really? Are they open to the general public for viewing? If so, can we have a web address, please? :D
24-10-2004 21:08:19
There's one done for most of the main cast
Really? Are they open to the general public for viewing? If so, can we have a web address, please? :D
Check out: http://www.vanden-eykel.com/nimharchive/presskit.html
Martin Siedow
09-11-2004 12:25:37
Thank you for this very good picture scan. This photograph fits very well with several other topics on this board.
12-11-2004 09:11:26
Thanks to Timothy B for scanning that picture and Simon for the link. They're a great selection of pictures.
Hey, Timothy B. Is your version of the picture a copy or actually one of the originals?
15-12-2004 04:03:06
Mine is probably a stray from a presskit, or some sort of individual version. The link to the presskit had the image cropped, so I couldn't see if the presskit version has the same info at the bottom to be sure.