27-09-2004 11:06:27
Although there have been no problems with people posting inappropriate stuff yet, I thought it might be a good idea to outline the rules, just so people know where things stand.
General Rules- Be respectful of others. Remember the old adage: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
- No trolling, flaming or otherwise posting just to get a negative reaction or attention. This goes along with rule #1.
- Do not post obscene, excessively violent, pornographic or otherwise offensive material to the forum. Remember, I'd like this place to be at least somewhat "family friendly."
- Do not advertize non-NIMH related things to the board (i.e. no spam). NIMH-related advertizements are acceptable for the following things: websites or other internet resources (such as other forums, email lists, etc), fan art, fan fiction, special events and gatherings of NIMH fans. If you want to advertize NIMH-related merchandize (such as an auction on ebay or whatever), please email me or send me a private message about it before posting, and I'll approve or deny it on a case-by-case basis.
- Do not abuse the private messaging/email forwarding features of the board. If you are sending spam or otherwise abusive messages to other people on the board, it is automatically grounds for banning.
- If the forum has a specific topic, please stay on topic. Otherwise I'll most likely move the thread to General Discussion
- If you want to post something and you're not sure where it goes, post it in General Discussion.
Consequences- For minor offenses (such as breaking rules 1, 2, 6 and 7, and bending rules 3 and 4) the thread in question may be locked, moved somewhere more appropriate or deleted and the offender given a warning.
- For major or repeated offenses (such as breaking rules 3, 4 and 5 or repeatedly breaking any rule), in addition to deleting the thread in question, the poster of the thread may be banned from the forum.
- I (Simon) have final say in the interpretation and execution of any rule or consequence.[/list:o]
If you feel that someone has violated one of the rules, please send me (either by email or private message) a message containing a link to the post in question (links to individual posts are indicated by the small page icon:[" alt=""/img]) or enough information about the post that I can find it, and an explanation of which rule was broken and why.
Happy Posting!
The Big Bee
05-09-2005 10:56:21
Hello Simon.
I'm a friend of Desert Mouse, who has been with you for some time now.
He encouraged me to register here so as to participate in some of these discussions you have.
While I am no "Animaniac", I do enjoy good anime, ESPECIALLY the "Secret of NIMH" which I own.
I also enjoy Sci-Fi very much (got lots of Sci-Fi), and music...being a musician of some 30 odd years now.
Finally, I love PEOPLE. And very much enjoy hearing, and discussing what people think on a variety of issues.
I look forward to contributing here on occasion, and to meeting the folks DM holds in regard.
The Big Bee
23-04-2006 06:09:33
Well, send them to me and we'll see what we can see... I'd recommend picking a different title, though, unless you've got permission from Badbird for using that one.
12-09-2011 15:10:24
I guess I should reply to this....because I seem to be breaking rule 3 a lot. I have posted somewhat questionable comments so I would just like to clarify with you a things.
I consider my comments to be rated PG-13 (which may or may not be okay with you). I censor out the really bad words such as: flilili and slilit, but keep words such as: ass and damn uncensored. I also have drug references and some sexual innuendos...and yeah the list goes on.
Keep in mind I don't really take in consideration statements such as: "think about the children!!!!" when I post comments. In fact I think it's that way of thinking that's ruining society (in my opinion). I assume everyone here has had "the talk" and such. I'm actually a much more vulgar person in real life, for lack of a better word. I'm basically your average college kid who drops f bombs and makes silly little jokes relating to certain body parts among other nasty things.
However, these are YOUR forums, not mine, so my little opinions should care notta for you. So, if you find my comments unacceptable, I would like you to inform me because I don't want us to be enemies.
12-09-2011 19:32:40
I guess I should reply to this....because I seem to be breaking rule 3 a lot. I have posted somewhat questionable comments so I would just like to clarify with you a things.
I consider my comments to be rated PG-13 (which may or may not be okay with you). I censor out the really bad words such as: flilili and slilit, but keep words such as: ass and damn uncensored. I also have drug references and some sexual innuendos...and yeah the list goes on.
Keep in mind I don't really take in consideration statements such as: "think about the children!!!!" when I post comments. In fact I think it's that way of thinking that's ruining society (in my opinion). I assume everyone here has had "the talk" and such. I'm actually a much more vulgar person in real life, for lack of a better word. I'm basically your average college kid who drops f bombs and makes silly little jokes relating to certain body parts among other nasty things.
However, these are YOUR forums, not mine, so my little opinions should care notta for you. So, if you find my comments unacceptable, I would like you to inform me because I don't want us to be enemies.
I'm not too bothered honestly, though if I get complaints I might do something. Really, I'm mostly just looking for civil discussion.