Things that NIMH 2 taught me...
Up until now, I have never finished SoN2. I first saw it in Junior High, hated what I saw through half of the film, then I never saw it again (nor did I care to). So a few days ago I finally thought to myself "Eh, might as well finish what you started" and downloaded it. Now that my curiousity is finished and my nightmares unleashed, I like to make a list of the wonderful fun-facts this movie has taught me. :D
1. Pumping electricity through your brain via electric chair not only makes you insanely evil and hell-bent on taking over the world, it also gives you a crummy English accent. It even makes you addicted to shocking yourself over and over again. (Thank goodness we live "above the influence" ^^)
2. Said electric chair also changes the fur color of a mouse and able to whipe memories clean and replace them with new ones. (preferably dogs)
3. Despite not having any genetic enhancements or experimental involvement with NIMH, certain caterpillars are able to go out of their way and understand how to con people out of their belongings and credit cards, grow long orange clown hair, and dress in attire that only a "Steamboat Willy" cartoon would throw up. They also know a lot about NIMH for some reason.
4. A mouse-sized "Golden Key to the City" object is given to you through sing-song whenever you enter Thorn Valley. It also has the ability, despite its' thickness, to unscrew a door hinge and magically appear from one person to another.
5. William H. Macey and Peter Strauss sound "exactly" alike.
6. The Great Owl is soooo 'great' he never stars in a cruddy sequel.
7. Who needs a stone when you have a sling-shot?
8. Jeremy knows the exact location of NIMH.
9. Nicodemus' death is so not worth mentioning.
10. In big cities, there are some buildings that tightly encircle one another, ascend high above all the other buildings to the point of touching the clouds, and have a large gap in the middle of them with a noticable green glow of NIMH down below. (Seriously when did this movie become 'Cool World' all of the sudden?!..Although it does look pretty cool.)
![]()[" alt=""/img]
So what has NIMH 2 taught you? n.n
16-06-2009 20:50:18
1. Apparently Brutus had his spear confiscated prior to filming
2. The inhabitants of Thorn Valley were all given extensive dancing and singing lessons.
3. Nicodemus would like to remind you Timothy is prophesied to save Thorn Valley from an army of Ravens and Rats, that are simply lead in the wrong direction and none of the lot are smart enough to wonder if they should turn around after a few hours of flight. (This is a lie, don't believe a word, it's all a conspiracy!)
4. It is my belief Nicodemus faked his death to get out of playing any part in this movie.
5. No one questions why a supposedly-high tech scientific institute lacks major security features, like motion sensors, camera's, competent scientific staff or Concrete Walls befitting an outpost of mad science. Also, wouldn't the government get suspicious if all contact was lost from a facility potentially being funneled millions of dollars?
6 and Final. If NIMH is located in a deep pit walled off by LITERAL Skyscrapers, how did the original rats escape in the first place?
There's my six cents. Over-analysis is free of charge.
16-06-2009 23:20:59
- South by South by South is an intelligible response to give when asked directions to a place. No matter where you are in relation to said place.
- Rats really look like slightly overgrown mice.
- "Scientificest" and "Rodentist" are actual words.
- Mice can make underwear jokes, even if they don't wear any.
- It's okay to have a colony visible from space, but low-flying balloon snakes will surely lead to their discovery.
- The rats lidefinitelyli don't steal anymore. Except for garbage.
- The bars to Tim's cage are too close together for him to slip through, despite any visual evidence to the contrary.
- Elevator safety systems can be defeated by a rope and a bent nail.
- There is no way to tell there's a fire behind a slightly ajar door.
- Jonathan and Timothy both get statues, but Mrs. Brisby doesn't.
- It's okay to shoot off fireworks, even when you're trying to avoid human detection.
17-06-2009 12:07:19
Oh hey, while we're on the subject, let's not think about how Mrs. Brisby, who is already impossibly long-lived by the movie's standards, is "aging" presumable 5-to-7 years after the movie, and by the end-scene (again, presumable several years later judging by the early-movie education montage) she hasn't changed a bit.
MGM is such a funny company; Screw logical continuity, we have singing!
Oh hey, while we're on the subject, let's not think about how Mrs. Brisby, who is already impossibly long-lived by the movie's standards, is "aging" presumable 5-to-7 years after the movie, and by the end-scene (again, presumable several years later judging by the early-movie education montage) she hasn't changed a bit.
I was trying to make sense of the "aging" loophole myself. They really threw her age around to the point where they didn't seem to care anymore at the end. Just like they lost all grips on the laws of physics with the "magical key" scene.
I still can't believe that nobody on any website or review ever noted the mind-numbing scene where Cecil yanks out a life-size credit card as a means of payment amongst the animals. That has got to be one of the dumbest and random things I've seen since Batman pulled out the Bat-Credit Card in Batman & Robin :lol:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
Here's some more fun-facts I just remembered:
[li]Despite rabbits being social to the other intelligent characters, they are used as transportation vehicles for amusement. (acorn shell compaitable) They do so willing and unquestionably like the little loyal slaves that they are. :wink:
[li]When you wish to tell someone of your planned devilish deeds to reek upon the world, you do so in loud and lightly rythmed manner with random mentions to ice cream and candy. Despite no ryhmes or musical tune, this also counts as a "song".
[li]Some female mice grow breasts.
[li]Being held captive automatically freezes you to electric chairs. No restraints required.
[li]Oddly accented alley cats with odd hairdcuts are "everything" to a story with mice and rats.
[li]JONATHAN IS DA GREATEST HERO IN DA WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!11 (way more than Chuck Norris 8) )[/list:u]
17-06-2009 20:11:45
I still can't believe that nobody on any website or review ever noted the mind-numbing scene where Cecil yanks out a life-size credit card as a means of payment amongst the animals. That has got to be one of the dumbest and random things I've seen since Batman pulled out the Bat-Credit Card in Batman & Robin :lol:[" alt=""/img][/quote]
Heh. Trust me, people have noticed, it's just not a huge standout amongst all the other lame jokes/scenes, IMHO.
This mention is currently offline, but has a copy: (See heading "Musical Score & Songs")
And I used the clip in my 2008 April Fools video:
17-06-2009 21:13:09
Let's jump the absurdity up to 11 and have the Mouseworld's of Disney and Bluth collide in a violent manner, it's the only way you could have a bigger logical nightmare.
Actually, that would be a little interesting, wouldn't it? And make each movie it's own sovereign nation and throw them into the mouse version of World War II!
And it still doesn't sound as absurd as NIMH 2.
Heh. Trust me, people have noticed, it's just not a huge standout amongst all the other lame jokes/scenes, IMHO.
This mention is currently offline, but has a copy: (See heading "Musical Score & Songs")
And I used the clip in my 2008 April Fools video:
Oh, interesting links. Thanks. I honestly forgot about your 2008 joke that Zohar sent me. Sorry. ^^;
Let's jump the absurdity up to 11 and have the Mouseworld's of Disney and Bluth collide in a violent manner, it's the only way you could have a bigger logical nightmare.
Actually, that would be a little interesting, wouldn't it? And make each movie it's own sovereign nation and throw them into the mouse version of World War II!
And it still doesn't sound as absurd as NIMH 2.
Hmmm, I'll see your 11 Absurdity level and raise you 50. :wink: (Trust me, there are crazier animated films out there than NIMH 2)
17-06-2009 22:00:33
Hmmm, I'll see your 11 Absurdity level and raise you 50. :wink: (Trust me, there are crazier animated films out there than NIMH 2)
An Acid trip that was, but I'm still desensitized a bit over NIMH 2 so my sanity isn't in right now, but if you'd like to leave a message...
Edit: If it weren't for the Nostalgia Critic's video over Titanic: The Musical I think I would have cried myself to sleep, or attempted to facedesk myself to sleep. Whichever comes first.
18-06-2009 08:51:43
Oh, interesting links. Thanks. I honestly forgot about your 2008 joke that Zohar sent me. Sorry. ^^;
I'd be surprised if you didn't try to forget about it on purpose. ;)
Hey, come on, it only slipped my mind. ^.^ A couple of days after I frist saw it, I tried looking it up again on Youtube, but couldn't find it. A lot of people seemed to have taken off their NIMH 2 joke videos, actually.
18-06-2009 15:53:54
Gentlemen, I think we all just need a really big drink to forget this ever happened. Actually, I'm rather surprised no-one remixed scenes in the movie to a techno tune Ala "Bale Out".
Oh, and I just noticed most of Martin's scenes seem to imply they gave him the wrong injection. Some irresponsible scientist lift a syringe full of Meth lying about. This movie also brings to mind Adam Sandler's "Somebody Kill Me Please" which, I'm sure, was blaring in the minds of all the characters.
Gentlemen, I think we all just need a really big drink to forget this ever happened.
Sorry, I don't drink. I guess I am to live out the rest of my life with all these images and events burnt into my mind. ;) Normally I wouldn't complain buying and rewatching bad movies, but NIMH 2 is so embarrassing to watch that I'm still debating on owning a DVD copy. :roll:
Oh, and I just noticed most of Martin's scenes seem to imply they gave him the wrong injection. Some irresponsible scientist lift a syringe full of Meth lying about.
Injections? Don't you mean that they "shocked his brain the wrong way"? :lol:
- Being an evil (and somewhat imaginary) Overlord makes you fall for the first woman you see, regardless if she threatens you. (You know when you never had a girlfriend prior to your insanity when...)
- Large evil rat minions are not only useless and stupid, they are also able to communicate telepathically without moving their mouths as they march in single-file.
18-06-2009 19:34:55
Hey, come on, it only slipped my mind. ^.^ A couple of days after I frist saw it, I tried looking it up again on Youtube, but couldn't find it. A lot of people seemed to have taken off their NIMH 2 joke videos, actually.
You can thank Warner Media Group for that--they apparently didn't like me using the song. :P 'Swhy it's up on now.
18-06-2009 19:42:12
Gentlemen, I think we all just need a really big drink to forget this ever happened.
Sorry, I don't drink. I guess I am to live out the rest of my life with all these images and events burnt into my mind. ;) Normally I wouldn't complain buying and rewatching bad movies, but NIMH 2 is so embarrassing to watch that I'm still debating on owning a DVD copy. :roll:
Oh, and I just noticed most of Martin's scenes seem to imply they gave him the wrong injection. Some irresponsible scientist lift a syringe full of Meth lying about.
Injections? Don't you mean that they "shocked his brain the wrong way"? :lol:
Let us assume they did both and call it a day.
A. A shrew with very little knowledge of NIMH or the Rats or Nicodemus is able to instantly understand all these things, as well as come to their defense regardless of past dislikes simply by being around any Brisby.
B. A Nature Reserve is NEVER visited/observed by biologists or any nature-loving human so those within Thorn Valley can do whatever the hell they like and not worry about being seen/caught. Nature Reserves are also located remarkably close to major urban centers.
C. Such things as a majorly powerful stone that can grant major telekinetic powers in the right situation and break the laws of reality at a small level isn't worth mentioning, viewing, having, or being a plot point at all. Nope, no siree, Timothy was never told by Mrs. Brisby about it at all and it never could possibly be a plot point.
This IS a jolly old romp through nightmareville. Let's continue on, shall we?
[You can thank Warner Media Group for that--they apparently didn't like me using the song. :P 'Swhy it's up on now.
They have been rather stingy about that. I honestly don't see what harm it brings when it is streaming and undownloadable and for the simple purpose of montaging and/or music videos. >.>
- In 2012, the world is guaranteed to end because Timmy said "Feel that groove!".
- Brutus is able to talk, wear clothes, and turn over a new personality. This is a natural 'recovery method' for dark, violent, and mute rats.
- A good prophesized hero never learns from his mistakes, especially from committing the same ones 3 times.
- You can catch cheese in a river. (Really now, WTF?!...)[/list:u][" alt=""/img]
18-06-2009 23:05:53
A good prophesized hero never learns from his mistakes, especially from committing the same ones 3 times.
He just has to learn it the last time, and that makes up for it. Right?
You can catch cheese in a river. (Really now, WTF?!...)
If this movie made more sense, I'd say that was probably some corn they harvested, but given the rest of the movie, I'd say that'd be about on par...
19-06-2009 03:35:34
The trees are having seizures.
And the walls are melting again. GAH nothing makes sense any more!
He just has to learn it the last time, and that makes up for it. Right?
The 'last time' being that he leaves his post again and hardly thinks before he acts, leading to everyone into trouble
again. Afterwards, he simply states that he 'should've listened' like he always does when he makes a mistake. All this happens as he has yet another moment of depression for himself.
Even in the end, Timmy hardly thinks or plans anyting as he runs, jumps, and shoots things without a moments hesitation (the same way he's done things in the previous events of the movie). The only difference was that everything worked out for him in that final time. With the way the movie was going, it made it seem like he was doomed to repeat himself. :lol:
- NIMH never wanted to use animals for experimentation to test and invent new mental drugs. The most logical and reasonable explaination for what they were doing was raising an army of controled animals to overthrow the world.
- Even after being left behind during a rabbit-acorn race, your opponent is still in hearing range when you need help despite being well over a yard away (in mouse distance).[/list:u]
19-06-2009 14:40:57
- Even after being left behind during a rabbit-acorn race, your opponent is still in hearing range when you need help despite being well over a yard away (in mouse distance).[/list:u]
Well, we've thrown out the laws of logical reality and most of the laws of physics, so let's kill the laws of acoustics too!
- You can use the exact angle and stunt from Die Hard 2 for an acorn-chariot crashing through a roof and kids will totally get the joke
- Scientists leaving feeble cage traps to catch intelligent rodents is a completely viable strategy.[/list:u]
Well, we've thrown out the laws of logical reality and most of the laws of physics, so let's kill the laws of acoustics too!
Don't forget the laws of nature. Of course its' every animal's duty to keep gold and jewels around for safe-keeping. Gold and purple rabbits are also very common in a forest. ^.^
- "Flying without wings is against the law".
- When you are a rat and a vicious dog is trapped beneath a pile of garbage, throw left-over crackers at him. Running away is just silly. :D [/list:u]
19-06-2009 21:47:10
- "Flying without wings is against the law".
- When you are a rat and a vicious dog is trapped beneath a pile of garbage, throw left-over crackers at him. Running away is just silly. :D [/list:u]
We come in peace! (Shoot to kill, men...)
Here's one I think we shoulda touched on sooner:
- A very large fire happening in a very enclosed space surrounded by very flammable, very tall buildings would not cause an extremely rapid response from any firefighting team within a 10-mile radius[/list:u]
And I ask all of you (well, both of you) to please forgive me for at least saying it isn't as Bad as Rangers of NIMH, which I'm sure we all (three) know has more flaws than can be humanely comprehended without dubious amounts of brain bleach. That is all.
Here's one I think we shoulda touched on sooner:
- A very large fire happening in a very enclosed space surrounded by very flammable, very tall buildings would not cause an extremely rapid response from any firefighting team within a 10-mile radius[/list:u]
I don't know. I thought the firemen were rather quick to respond to the fire in NIMH, especially since the building had no safety systems to prevent or notify authorities of fire hazards anyway. It would seem to being around tall skyscrapers would have its' advantages being that you are surrounded by witnesses who could report the strange goings-on.
Of course, if that was the case, then how did NIHM keep getting away with what they did, or...better yet...stay in business! Apparently the writers thought they were smart in making it semm that NIMH would be 'well-hidden' in a crowd of skyscrapers that would somehow block attention from the rest of the city. Being that these are a handful of the tallest buildings right in the middle of the city, I'm sure that there would be plenty of activity with people who use those building as apartments or places for work. Nobody is going to take notice to the National Institute for Mental Health building with its' gates locked, scientist still running in and out of it, and with strange glowing activity inside?!
Where are the police? Where are their patients? How are they still recieving funding? Where do the scientist get the money for their electricity or their equipment? :shock:
And I ask all of you (well, both of you) to please forgive me for at least saying it isn't as Bad as Rangers of NIMH, which I'm sure we all (three) know has more flaws than can be humanely comprehended without dubious amounts of brain bleach. That is all.
Hmm, a poorly concieved movie vs. a poorly written fanfic; I never heard of a comarpison like that before. ^^' Although I do agree that the story you mention is filled with gammar and logical errors and is rather hard to put imagination and thought into than with SoN2.
20-06-2009 09:31:26
I've never watched NIMH 2 but did read a full description at: which was painful enough.
I learned a few things:
1. When you become evil, you gain a British accent
2. Eric Idle, despite being once part of the greatest group known to man Monty Python, will star in anything as long as there's a pay check at the end.
3. Butterfly nets are the most efficient way to catch rats and mice.
4. Martin built a miniature version of candy land so he can blow it up with his mouse sized ray gun in his musical number.....yeah.
"Dad wasn't crazy!" - Timmy
You're right. He was smart enough to have himself killed before the sequel.
I can imagine the main characters (Justin, Ages, Brutus etc.) all trying to escape the film by putting themselves in a wooden crate address to Don Bluth.
"I'd rather be in Rock-a-Doodle than this crap" - Mr. Ages
20-06-2009 12:41:43
I've never watched NIMH 2 but did read a full description at: which was painful enough.
Well, me droogs, thanks to the wonders of the intertubes, you can now watch this trainwreck in all its putrescence online:
No, no need to thank me. I do it all for you. ;P
20-06-2009 12:44:27
And I ask all of you (well, both of you) to please forgive me for at least saying it isn't as Bad as Rangers of NIMH, which I'm sure we all (three) know has more flaws than can be humanely comprehended without dubious amounts of brain bleach. That is all.
Mm... Granted, I'll agree that it's definitely worse. But it's a less impressive sort of worse. That was just one guy with a horrible idea for a fanfic--and in a lot of ways the MiSTing of it almost completely redeems it by turning it into something extremely funny. With NIMH2, lisomebodyli had to dupe a whole bunch of people into thinking that was a good idea. And nobody's done a MiSTing of it yet... Hmm... (unless you count this thread. ;)
20-06-2009 13:08:11
Ok, ok
Just watched the first two minutes and I have to make a comment.
Love the description: Timmy is taken away to Thorn Valley, he is treated like a slave.
Wow, epic. Love to see their other descriptions
Die Hard: Guy goes to a party, fights bad guys
Saving Private Ryan: Guys go to find a guy
The Elephant Man: Man looks like an elephant
Star Wars: A boy with a sword, a war in space
The opening isn't really an opening. It looks and sounds like a documentary. Jeez, I can do a better opening using iMovie.
And finally the title screen.
http:/" alt=""/"141/7971/snapshot20090620155634.png[" alt=""/img]
This looks like the opening to an old Sega CD game.
I have to admit seeing the old movie is as best as it will get.
20-06-2009 13:21:08
PAIN. I can't watch anymore. Arthur Malet and Dom Deluise both sound bored. William H. Macy, a great actor, sounds awful as Justin. Its like listening to Mr. Rogers from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.
Somewhere in California
Peter Strauss looks at the script
Peter: I'm not saying that!
I like to mention how Jonathan Brisby is treated like a saint in this movie. Yes Jon was brave and smart but the rats and the movie act like he was the messiah.
20-06-2009 14:53:53
PAIN. I can't watch anymore. Arthur Malet and Dom Deluise both sound bored. William H. Macy, a great actor, sounds awful as Justin. Its like listening to Mr. Rogers from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.
Somewhere in California
Peter Strauss looks at the script
Peter: I'm not saying that!
I like to mention how Jonathan Brisby is treated like a saint in this movie. Yes Jon was brave and smart but the rats and the movie act like he was the messiah.
I wish the Nostalgia Critic would pull up a rant about it, that would be better than a MiSTing.
I half expected Eric Idle to break out into "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", something that was probably going through his head constantly during his segments.
- Dragon would never notice two high-speed mouse chariots sailing through the farmyard and ramping into the air.
- A valley with a river that looks like it gets a good amount of rain must never have any flooding problems. By the way, does Thorn Valley look really similar to Atlantis from Atlantis: The Lost Empire? The concentric rings really strike a familiar chord.[/list:u]
20-06-2009 19:17:30
What I learned:
1. Any movie can be ruined with the sufficient sequels.
2. The sequels required to ruin NIMH: 1
3. Watching NIMH 2 is enough to bring the men in white coats to take you away. (enjoying said movie is grounds for outright euthenasia).
Finally, it is strongly advised that you go to medical school before watching this movie. This way, you can lobotomize yourself right away to get the bad memories out.
As a bit of trivia, has anyone else noticed that you never see NIMH 2 on any TV stations? The FCC is actually aware of the dangers it poses and has banned it from all broadcast lines. Home viewing is allowed, but strongly discouraged. You have been warned... :evil:
20-06-2009 19:29:19
What I learned:
1. Any movie can be ruined with the sufficient sequels.
2. The sequels required to ruin NIMH: 1
3. Watching NIMH 2 is enough to bring the men in white coats to take you away. (enjoying said movie is grounds for outright euthenasia).
Finally, it is strongly advised that you go to medical school before watching this movie. This way, you can lobotomize yourself right away to get the bad memories out.
As a bit of trivia, has anyone else noticed that you never see NIMH 2 on any TV stations? The FCC is actually aware of the dangers it poses and has banned it from all broadcast lines. Home viewing is allowed, but strongly discouraged. You have been warned... :evil:
STARS had it showing twice a day for about once a week for two months. They had the audacity to not show the first, so it pissed me off something awful.
As for Sequels, poor Land Before Time is up to number THIRTEEN. Plus it got a whole series, two sing-alongs, and a couple of video games, what the hell man?!
And who needs medical knowledge? I have a licensed Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube for comfort.
STARS had it showing twice a day for about once a week for two months. They had the audacity to not show the first, so it pissed me off something awful.
It seems that wherever the Secret of NIMH movie goes, the sequal isn't too far behind. In cases like this, it can just beat the original movie to the punch. Even after tons of negative response from numerious DVD selling websites, networks never seem to get the message on which is the most appreciated.
They even still make bundle packs of the two! NIMH 2 is like an unremovable tumor. :x
![]()[" alt=""/img]
[li]Showing a scene of two worms mating (who also have the same representive colors of our characters) is a "wonderdful romantic" way to show the relationship of two individuals who just met each other. <3
[img="][" alt=""/img]
[li]Martin has teleportation powers.
[img="][" alt=""/img][/list:u]
21-06-2009 14:49:55
STARS had it showing twice a day for about once a week for two months. They had the audacity to not show the first, so it pissed me off something awful.
It seems that wherever the Secret of NIMH movie goes, the sequal isn't too far behind. In cases like this, it can just beat the original movie to the punch. Even after tons of negative response from numerious DVD selling websites, networks never seem to get the message on which is the most appreciated.
They even still make bundle packs of the two! NIMH 2 is like an unremovable tumor. :x[" alt=""/img]
[li]Showing a scene of two worms mating (who also have the same representive colors of our characters) is a "wonderdful romantic" way to show the relationship of two individuals who just met each other. <3
[img="][" alt=""/img]
[li]Martin has teleportation powers.
[img="][" alt=""/img][/list:u][/quote]
To the first: At least it isn't as suggestive as Hexxus's song from Ferngully. Then again, whats the point of making mice into worms? What kind of animator though of that?!
To the second: AHA! The Bribys have been affected by the amulet's power! IT EXISTS! Mrs. Brisby did some telekinetic tricks in the first, so let's delve more into psionics and give Martin Astral Teleportation. This would also explain how Timothy can defy the laws of the universe.
21-06-2009 22:04:27
http:/" alt=""/"248/9903/nimhmoreyouknowgl5.gif[" alt=""/img]
23-06-2009 17:15:37
I didn't think the first half-dozen land before time sequels were that bad. Sure, they never came close to the quality of the original and they were musicals, but they had some plausible plots that were all more solid than NIMH 2. I will admit that they are starting to get very old fast. The "series" had a passable run, but come on already. All the newer content, movies and tv show, are really hamming it up and exposing just how cheap they all really are.
Then again, I was growing up when they were making the sequels. So I may not have the best judgement of quality in the land before time sequels.
23-06-2009 18:55:48
I didn't think the first half-dozen land before time sequels were that bad. Sure, they never came close to the quality of the original and they were musicals, but they had some plausible plots that were all more solid than NIMH 2. I will admit that they are starting to get very old fast. The "series" had a passable run, but come on already. All the newer content, movies and tv show, are really hamming it up and exposing just how cheap they all really are.
Then again, I was growing up when they were making the sequels. So I may not have the best judgement of quality in the land before time sequels.
I grew up as they were making them as well. I didn't think 2-7 were bad, I do remember them indeed having plausible plots. Except the one with the aliens, that was frankly way to big of a stretch.
I guess the guys making the sequels thought the show was more "kid friendly" than NIMH, or maybe just had more potential for sequels.
Then again, wasn't Don Bluth's original philosophy "Kids can handle all kinds of scary and weird stuff as long as we give em' a happy ending!"
I didn't think the first half-dozen land before time sequels were that bad. Sure, they never came close to the quality of the original and they were musicals, but they had some plausible plots that were all more solid than NIMH 2.
Then again, I was growing up when they were making the sequels. So I may not have the best judgement of quality in the land before time sequels.
I have to admit, I grew around the LBT follow-ups as well. Back then, I was excited about anything that classified itself as a "sequal" to any of my favorite animated movies (even Ferngully 2 :roll:) However, I think I grew tired of it around the third or fourth intallment to the series. It was really more than I could handle with the whole "you can beat the furiosity of bullies by having a good heart" message floating all over the place. I never bothered seeing anymore movies beyond chapters 3 or 4 and had no idea of the shows existance until a couple of years ago. >.>
Then again, wasn't Don Bluth's original philosophy "Kids can handle all kinds of scary and weird stuff as long as we give em' a happy ending!"
True, but he seemed to loose a bit of that philosophy with All Dogs Go to Heaven. That movie was loaded with creepy and weird stuff (Charlie's hellish nightmare really scared me as a kid Oo) and even at the end it still didn't make me feel better. I mean sure, Charlie finished his deeds and went to Heaven and was lightened up with cheerful music, but the scene where he dies and has a tearful goodbye to the girl while he apologizes for all the things he did to her for money, it still broke my heart. Plus,.....Scarface actually went to Heaven despite trying to kill everybody! (even though he hates being there, it's still a bit unsettling) :?
Still, despite all of this, I do watch the film time and again and love it. :P Plus, I suppose it did have a "so-so" happy ending with the way it executed itself. Bluth's philosophy isn't a bad one, but he does tend to push things to their limits.
Personally, I believe the responsibility always lies in the parents on this one. If they would just sit down with their kids and watch adult-themed movies with them, they could point on the "do's and don'ts" from them and that it is not real. That's how it worked with me. :wink:
Taking the topic to a completely different note: Has anyone ever gone out of their way to look at the background behind SoN2's director, Dick Sebast?
This guy worked with dark shows like The Incredible Hulk and Batman The Animated Series in the 90s, along with some Sonic SatAM episodes. He even had a hand in writing the story for Don Bluth's Dragon's Lair right down to The Rescuers! In recent works, he also took part in developing Ultimate Avengers 2. This guy not only worked in worthwhile projects, but he worked alongside Don Bluth himself! How could he possibly have messed this movie up so bad or even look at a single scene and say "I approve this"?
Either he didn't care about the project at all or if he was put under SERIOUS regulation from MGM, as there are no interviews or commentaries on his involvment that I can find, I have not a clue what went on in his head. :shock:
24-06-2009 20:00:00
This guy not only worked in worthwhile projects, but he worked alongside Don Bluth himself! How could he possibly have messed this movie up so bad or even look at a single scene and say "I approve this"?
Either he didn't care about the project at all or if he was put under SERIOUS regulation from MGM, as there are no interviews or commentaries on his involvment that I can find, I have not a clue what went on in his head. :shock:
Pulling out a Trope here, I could definitely see MGM pulling Executive Meddling on him.
Recall that Disney was trying to make more mature and provoking movies after Walt Disney's death, and The Rescuers was the catalyst for this new direction. Disney was genuinely trying to break free of it's Princesses-and-Fairies background and make movies that at the very least attempted to be realistic in plot and personality.
Not MGM though. Your talking to the guys who produced The Wizard of Oz (and branded a stereotype on us Kansans, unavoidable, sadly :P) I figure they wanted a kid-friendly movie to cash in on SoN, it being Bluth's
Magnum Opus.
So I can say with some weight that yes, MGM pulled a HUGE amount of pressure on a director who did mature and rather dark themes and basically asked him to "Kiddie-fy" SoN. Almost the same vein as giving
Nimh a G-rating, which Bluth never wanted in the first place.
Let me end this large bit of philandering by closing with this. It looks like SoN2 has all taught us to be analytical about movie sequels and how to pick them apart and see what was going through people's heads at the time. So yay! A dumb movie is actually making us smarter in some weird way!
24-06-2009 20:29:07
Plus,.....Scarface actually went to Heaven despite trying to kill everybody! (even though he hates being there, it's still a bit unsettling) :?
Cartoon logic. After all, All Dogs go to Heaven. ;)
24-06-2009 20:38:17
The Angel Dog (can't remember her name) states that all dogs go to heaven because they are naturally good. Charlie went to Heaven (the first time) and he wasn't exactly a good dog.
24-06-2009 21:18:15
I guess it doesn't count much for Anubis, though.
And Cats Are Mean, so they get the short end of the morality stick. Damn cats.
Cartoon logic. After all, All Dogs go to Heaven. ;)
The Angel Dog (can't remember her name) states that all dogs go to heaven because they are naturally good. Charlie went to Heaven (the first time) and he wasn't exactly a good dog.
Hehe, true enough (I guess...) I always tried to make sense of all that, even when I watched it as a kid. "All dogs are naturaly good" (the ones in this movie, anyway) has got to be one of the craziest things I ever heard, especially when the characters are nowhere near good at all. XD Perhaps Don was just trying to make an ironic joke out of it since we see lots of dog gangs participate in underground gambling activities whilst getting drunk and murder one another.
Then again, who am I to question the great Don Bluth and his ways. If he thinks Scarface should go into a 'pleasant place' after his demise, then that is good enough for me. Who could turn down that face? :D
![]()[" alt=""/img]
26-06-2009 22:13:29
Another thing I learned from this film is that watching paint dry is actually enjoyable and fun.
26-06-2009 22:33:09
Another thing I learned from this film is that watching paint dry is actually enjoyable and fun.
I'm pretty sure we could add watching molasses slowly wend it's way down a slope, too.
29-06-2009 16:13:19
The horror..... the horror
http:/" alt=""/"188/807/apocalypsenimh.gif[" alt=""/img]
29-06-2009 16:42:46
The horror..... the horror
http:/" alt=""/"188/807/apocalypsenimh.gif[" alt=""/img][/quote]
Why do I find this...incredibly amusing?
29-06-2009 19:35:17
"I love the smell of direct-to-DVD's in the morning. Smells like... money."
http:/" alt=""/"8/3100/justinvsfakejustin.gif[" alt=""/img]
29-06-2009 19:38:24
"I love the smell of direct-to-DVD's in the morning. Smells like... money."
No, it smells like...A SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON SERIES. lidun dun duuuuuuunli
29-06-2009 20:03:14
No, it smells like...A SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON SERIES. lidun dun duuuuuuunli
And some caption fun.
http:/" alt=""/"8/2066/snapshot20090629195908.png[" alt=""/img]
The new romantic comedy. "Three Rats and a Baby"
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"39/7826/snapshot20090629204849.png[" alt=""/img]
"Run! NIMH fans!"
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"39/627/snapshot20090629204641.png[" alt=""/img]
"You got the stuff?"
"Yeah I got the stuff. Where's the money?"
"No, no, no. You don't see the money till I see the stuff."
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"10/3373/snapshot20090629195019.png[" alt=""/img]
"Script? What script?"
[img="]http:/" alt=""/"196/6716/snapshot20090629194154.png[" alt=""/img]
Truly he was the son of Frith.
04-07-2009 21:32:23
This just in; I am now convinced Mrs. Brisby is an immortal succubus sorceress. That is all.
17-07-2009 07:41:51
Comedy in necessary in any movie... so you should use it in any film...
Oh by the way, when the jokes are bad and the movie is poorly rated, they make things worse.
"I've only got 4 hands"
COME ON. They can do better than THAT XD.
03-09-2009 07:15:30
1. Justin has a wonderful baritone.
2. Jonathan Brisby gets a statue, but Mrs. Brisby apperently isn't important enough for one.
3. People obviously forgot what Jonathan looked like.
4. Sullivan doesn't get a statue, even though he killed Jenner.
03-09-2009 12:21:18
Nicodemus doesn't get a statue either.
03-09-2009 12:23:08
Nicodemus doesn't get a statue either.
20-09-2009 21:07:24
Where the hell are those stills from?
People on this forum are more obsessed than i thought
20-09-2009 21:13:58
Where the hell are those stills from?
People on this forum are more obsessed than i thought
Youtube and other sources:
At least we didn't buy the DVD's.
Where the hell are those stills from?
People on this forum are more obsessed than i thought
I wouldn't call it obsessed. x.x The ones I posted were made by me. Taking screen-grabs of movies from your computer really isn't that hard.
27-09-2009 07:14:47
I might call it us expressing our right to hate a horrible sequel to a wonderful movie.
David Leemhuis
09-10-2012 20:13:24
I don't really have anything to add to this thread; I just wanted to bump it because it's so hilarious.
Wish some of those guys would check in sometime... :(
10-10-2012 13:42:30
Where the hell did they get the cheese?
David Leemhuis
10-10-2012 21:53:56
You’re not supposed to ask! You’re only supposed to buy into this whole reality and accept what they show you without question! What that gift of cheese taught me was that some undisclosed mammalian species in Thorn Valley has milk to spare. So would it be...Raccoon Roquefort, maybe? Or Porcupine Pinconning? Maybe Venezuelan Beaver Cheese…(okay, that was courtesy of Monty Python.)
Okay, so I did have something to add.
11-10-2012 00:00:12
Where the hell did they get the cheese?
Rat milk.
11-10-2012 02:34:23
Rat milk cheese. Truly the worst candy.
11-10-2012 08:54:16
You’re not supposed to ask! You’re only supposed to buy into this whole reality and accept what they show you without question! What that gift of cheese taught me was that some undisclosed mammalian species in Thorn Valley has milk to spare. So would it be...Raccoon Roquefort, maybe? Or Porcupine Pinconning? Maybe Venezuelan Beaver Cheese…(okay, that was courtesy of Monty Python.)
Okay, so I did have something to add.
I did some research into lactose free cheese, and they do have /some/ options. Whether Thorn Valley is rich in soybean though is a question that might never be answered.