05-05-2009 12:32:48
We all knew him as Jeremy, the clumsy but lovable crow with an affinity for string in The Secret of NIMH. He died in his sleep after a long illness.
05-05-2009 13:23:25
I heard about it from here:
Definitely one of my favorite actors, voice actors and comedians. He'll be missed.
05-05-2009 16:02:06
I didn't know he was 75. I always thought he was at least 60. He will be missed.
05-05-2009 16:45:49
Very sad indeed.
His acting and voice work was great and entertaining.
He will be missed.
05-05-2009 19:50:36
We have many movies to remember him and what he did to become famous.
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"You don't think I'm clumsy or anything? Waa!" -Jeremy
10-05-2009 18:29:04
I was so sad to hear that Dom DeLouise passed away... Indeed he will be sorely missed by all who knew him and were familiar with his talent. To my comrades in the NIMH community, I will say this; Do not grieve too long or too hard for somewhere up in heaven God is enjoying one of the best belly laughs ever as he watches this comedic genius go through his act.
Peace :(
11-05-2009 15:34:01
Why is it when something good happens to me, something bad happens in the rest of the world? A great actor dies on the day that was my first at actual employment.
Dom had a wonderful career, with such roles as Jeremy from SoN and Tiger from the American Tail movies, to name a few. He always added the comedy element that made numerous movies as great as they were. I miss him already. :cry:
11-05-2009 15:46:26
After doing some reading I discovered that Dom had been physically ill for quite a while, limiting his performances to voice acting.
I would say his funniest performance (in my opinion) was as Ceasar in Mel Brook's History of the World Part 1
lisighli yet another NIHM voice actor gone. I heard about his death over the radio last week. In rememberence to his work in Hollywood they played audio clips from one of his most remembered rolls as Captain Chaos in "Cannonball Run".
Oh Dom, you used to make so many people laugh.
Dr. Cheezburger
10-12-2009 12:51:40
May he rest in peace. :cry:
25-10-2011 21:48:56