Cat/Rat Love...

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09-01-2009 18:14:51

Check out this cute video on You Tube. Kind of makes you wonder why man as the supposedly most intelligent species on the planet cannot do the same in regards to his fellow man. Are we not all brothers and sisters under the skin??

Peace :)


10-01-2009 13:42:14

Interesting, this was on Comcast when I got on this afternoon. I find it to be very seldom to find some kind of positive relationship with two different species. Especially with rodents being friends with another animal much bigger than themselves.


10-01-2009 15:31:47

That`s kinda cool!
It seems at times the cat is just putting up with hyper little rats :lol:
The rats seem to love the cat more and fallow the cat around.


12-01-2009 09:53:39

that is so cute. thank you for the video you brightened my day. snugs to nimhmaniac


14-01-2009 10:56:33

That's some great video! It's really a fine example of friendship and fraternity! And I think I know the key)) It's not only love (as sang in one song you all happen to know) - it's more about growing up together? sharing all the happy and sad times during growth... And the same thing can really be applied to human beings - if from the very beginning of our lives we are being taught to be tolerant and open hearted - no matter the religion, colour of a skin and place in a society - we will keep those traits when adults... Well, and as always, " is still the key..."!


18-01-2009 11:48:29

They also showed some the vid at Fox News on the Bill OReilly Spin Factor.