Story/Writer bashing rant, anyone care to join?

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Hazy Dreamstar

01-05-2007 09:31:37

I've had this in my head for a little bit. People who write story bashing and/or writer bashing comments and sending them by email. I've been bashed before as a writer (the person may say otherwise but I maintain that it was bashing)I was asking for someone to beta read for my fanfic, because I was highly impressed with thier's. :?: (Sp) I didn't read their bio first (Stupid, but not deserving to be bashed.) and didn't realize they hated crossovers. So I sent something and they wrote back commenting that I wasn't a very good writer


Just because you write something someone else dislikes doesn't make you a bad writer. it annoys me to no end when people bash stories and writers instead of giving helpful crossovers. If someone e-mailed me requesting beta help for a kind of story I particularly didn't care for I would just tell them I'm busy with my own stuff. (Which is technically not a lie I always am :wink:)
does anyone else have any commentary on the subject?


01-05-2007 10:37:01

It depends. There are genres that I don't like (Horror is one), yet I believe I could still read a horror book and tell you whether or not it is well written. Perhaps the genre would influence how I like it, but I don't think it would quite as much influence what I thought about the writing itself.


03-05-2007 09:40:58

I used to be a regular member at a professional-grade peer-editing group called the Lesser North Texas Writers. There, almost every regular member had starkly different tastes in what they considered favorable writing and reading material, however! We knew the value of critiquing something you didn't care for, or receiving criticism from someone who didn't find your genre of choice particularly appealing. In the end, it's the freshest review possible--it's one thing to seek an established, noteworthy writer of a genre you write for the sake of getting an "experienced" oppinion; but it will enhance your writing and theirs immensely and in unforseeable ways to give and receive cross-genre criticism.

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it, but I do agree. It's worth rolling your eyes over if a toted "good writer" makes a blanket statement about your writing skills on the grounds that they have personal issues with your genre or approach to the genre. Objectivity is worth a mint in literary criticism. Just focus on being what you wish others would be to you--you may not be the most appreciated for it, but those who receive your criticisms will be far more blessed than those who openly seek the closed review.

It boils down to this Are you seeking critiques from a specific individual for betterment in your literary art, or are you seeking approval from s more established or personally favored individual? Food for thought. I only teach out of past failure, so... cheers.


07-05-2007 00:19:35

I`m not a writer, but I`ve seen your post for years now(and this is not the only forum) on fan-fics for some time now, Write what you like, the story will rule, on the way it`s written can be fixed with the help of others.

The great poets and writers where not loved by all.
You may do something I hate or love, but if it is a good read then you won!!