03-03-2007 20:18:49
What is Mrs. Brisby's best scene aside from her big moment at the end of the movie? I'd say her escape from the cage in the farmer's kitchen.
04-03-2007 14:00:39
I'd say the scene where she's feeding Tim myself; it's such a contrast from the panicky, yet brave little mouse: here she's loving and calm. It just shows her character a little more, her personality. :)
Just my opinion! ;D
04-03-2007 14:20:17
To be honest, I can't give an answer to that. Mrs. B. rocks throughout the entire movie. From the stone to evading Brutus. Yes, even feeding Tim is a wonderful Brisby moment.
I have to agree with Cedric here.. I think every Brisby scene is great but if I do have to chose I have to pick the feeding Timmy scene. Not sure why though..
04-03-2007 14:55:18
I'd say the scene where she's feeding Tim myself; it's such a contrast from the panicky, yet brave little mouse: here she's loving and calm. It just shows her character a little more, her personality. :)
Y'know something, now that I think about it, I agree with you. In a way it shows /why/ she's willing to do all of this for her son. Trying to stop a tractor, facing the Owl, drugging Dragon... it's all as a result of her love for her family.
04-03-2007 15:23:25
I'd say where she gtes rid of Jeremy so she can get into the rosebush by presuading him to "look after" her kids. We get to see a more mischeivious side to her.
04-03-2007 17:30:40
I don't think it was mischeivous. I think it was a clever way to keep both of them out of danger. Don't forget, she didn't know Dragon was suffering from a hangover at the time. Also, I'm not sure she knew the shrew would rope him up either. She only complained about the rats. No mention of crows until she found him at the house.
05-03-2007 02:42:41
I'd say where she gtes rid of Jeremy so she can get into the rosebush by presuading him to "look after" her kids. We get to see a more mischeivious side to her.
I like that one also, she knows how to woo the not-so-smart Jeremy in to leaving and looking after her kids, and He`s not a very good Baby Sitter on top of that :? .
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05-03-2007 14:51:25
But you are absolutely right. That was a good, funny scene.
lipictures what Jeremy was thinking when he played Dragon's napping partnerli :lol:
06-03-2007 09:35:09
I'd say the scene where she's feeding Tim myself; it's such a contrast from the panicky, yet brave little mouse: here she's loving and calm. It just shows her character a little more, her personality. :)
Just my opinion! ;D
I agree 100% with this scene. Of course there also is the scene with the Great Owl. Mrs. Brisby had to be one brave mouse to venture into the home of a mouse/rat eating owl to save Timmy. "Remember Timothy" she sad, she used her love for her children to over come the fear of the Great Owl to seek his advice.