Redwall's Martin the Warrior and fan art
13-07-2004 23:39:31
First let me apologize in advance: this post has little (if anything) to do with NIMH.
I caught the Redwall bug again after watching an episode of the Redwall cartoon series on TV... Amazing that they're able to pull off a fairly decent show with short resources, even if the artwork could be better... but I digress.
Anyway, it prompted me to go check out
Martin the Warrior[=]Martin the Warrior-- my favorite Redwall book, though I'm not sure if it's not because of the main character's name ;) -- from the library to re-read it. Loved every bit of it; although it has such a bittersweet ending... even brought on a couple of tears.
Although I probably won't be checking out any more (I'm afraid Brian Jacques got fairly predictable after getting through my 3rd or 4th book), I did look around to see what kind of a fan base it has on the internet... although my searching turned up
a number of results[=]a number of results, I was surprised at the lack of good fan art for such a great book series. About the best I could find is some
screenshots from the tv series[=]screenshots from the tv series. Which isn't really fan art to begin with.
It surprised me... I mean, surely someone would have done it already? Just reading the book, I imagined how great it would be to see a richly illustrated version of it. I can almost picture it in my mind-- like one of Martin, as he's tied to the battlements of Marshank during the storm, shouting his defiance to the tyrant Badrang... of the battle, Rose's death and Martin's fight with Badrang... of their journey... It makes me wish I could draw (decently at least), just so I could get these images out of my head and onto paper.
I guess instead I'll write a post about it instead. Who knows? Someone might listen.
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled NIMH programming.
PS: If someone does listen, or if I've missed some trove of art in my searching, please go ahead and link it in this thread.
RustedWolf Fox
14-07-2004 16:12:12
Is that show back on? If it is, I hope to catch it. Wouldn't mind recording the episodes on tape, unless I can buy them on DVD.
Thanks for the site.
Ah Redwall that was on T.V a while back in England, I havent seen it but I have got one of the books: "Loamhedge".
After a while it didnt appeal to me so I stopped reading it near the end purly and simply because of all the eating, singing (Hats off to Brian Jaques for the lyrics) and the idea of so many species living together (even for happy fiction) just didnt seem right
Still I will read it and let you know of what I think.
11-08-2004 04:50:32
I had completely forgotten about Redwall until this post. I always wanted to read those books. Well now I have, and youre right, there are some great opportunities for fan art. So... here we are. Two little finished sketches. These were great fun to do as I got to use a completely different style to the one I use for NIMH art, though I have a feeling Ill be swapping as this style is more versatile. Anywho herere the pictures...
![]()[" alt=""/img]
[img="][" alt=""/img]
Hope y'all like 'em (woah! They're a little big aren't they...)
14-08-2004 15:47:55
Very nice pics! Thanks for sharing them.
I enjoy Redwall but I too have been somewhat disapointed at the lack of fan art out there. Then again, I'm a lousy artist so I haven't done anything myself so I shouldn't complain. 8)
Interesting RedWall developement on my part. I ve recently purchased a RedWall DVD with the tail of Mathias and Cluny the Scourge, It was the first time I had ever seen RedWall animated and I must say it looks ok (despite the fact that it had so many things happening and that it wacked the point of Mathias becomeing a warrior mouse over my head a few times).
Still it was fine, most likley made for a younger audience but appealing never the less.
I havent as yet finished Loanhedge but Im getting there, its just that some bits (as I am sure can be seen in other examples of the RedWall tails) are somewhat predictable. Plus I cant get over the fact that all th Hares have exagerated Brittish accents.
Until next time "I am that is"
Martin Siedow
17-08-2004 13:32:48
The pictures are excellently drawn, Procyon. You surely have a great talent for portraying characters.
RustedWolf Fox
18-08-2004 13:58:12
Wow, I didn't even know they released the Redwall series on DVD. I wonder how long it'll be tell they release Martin the Warrior onto DVD? And all the other Redwall series that's been on TV.
Well I think the Redwall animated series is not that popular over here anymore since even though it was on a while back in the mornings its just gone now.
However I dont think the books have lost in popularity since they are still quite available. The DVD I got was cheap, my mother bought it along with a few other cartoons for my kid sisters (In fact she only bought it because of the "Nimh like" cover whichmade her think of me).
Never the less she is keeping an eye out for more.
RustedWolf Fox
20-08-2004 20:00:24
I was able to find a site that was selling Redwall on DVD and VHS through Amazon. Though I really shouldn't, considering I have lack of money and no job, I'm going to order the two DVDs. Once I find the site, again.
17-09-2004 06:41:10
Hey all. Just dropped in firstly to show another little bit of fan art
Http://[" alt=""/img]
... (thanks for the comments on the lat batch by the way) and also to ask how close the cartoons of Redwall are to the books? I mean, taking the first book, Redwall, as an example, there was a lot of fighting and general nastiness on the part of Cluny & Co. Do they down play that in the series (as it is for kids) or is it more of a straight transfer?
Yo Pro!
I think it is a bit so-so! (Redwall I mean).
In my oppinion (even though I havent read more then one book) I would say that the animated Redwall does stay loyal to the books. In the way of violance, it is wound down a bit for kids (Not too much blood, even when Azmodaous had his head cut off!)
I stared reading the book "Loamhedge." before I saw it on DVD and the impressions of the characters are the same.
By the by. Just wanted to say anouther great pic Pro. Nice presentation as well!
"EUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" - Longshore Hare battle cry also used by Badgers.
22-09-2004 23:06:13
once again, very nice picture! Thanks for sharing it.
Martin Siedow
23-09-2004 13:00:31
This is another very good work of art from you.
I did it, I have FINALLY finished reading "Loamhedge"!
It was a good read (eventhough I stopped about halfway through because it was SO predictable) There was so much hapening at the same time, the setting was wonderous and Redwallers stuffed themseves as usual!
You could really feel the atmospere in times of distress,Sorrow and Joy.
The ONLY thing was that the two main villains in the book get killed off in the most unworthy of fashions I dont want to say much now but it was just so disapointing.
30-10-2004 18:30:33
I used to read the redwall books alot, (I've only read a few of them, including Redwall, Martin the Warrior, Marlfox, and a few others I can't remember the titles of). They were kinda cool, but they went into way too much detail describing food.
I also remember the animated series. It came out on PBS a few years ago, as a miniseries where it took several episodes to cover each book, and it was cancelled not long afterward. What happened to the show? Is it still played anywhere else, on any other network? Where have you guys seen it? Is it on dvd?
I don't remember any actual animated violence myself. I just remember alot of it just being understood, like when they dragged off the con artist gypsy fox lady outside the city gates, and when Cluny and his cronies were waiting on the other side for her, they played a "splatter" sound effect without showing anything then switched scenes.
RustedWolf Fox
02-11-2004 18:39:46
There you go.
09-11-2004 18:17:56
thanks RustedWolf Fox for the link, This redwall stuff is new to me never heard of it, But after reading the post on this, Procyon`s art and Simon links also, This may be just cause for me to check this out. I never turn down a good yarn! Well any ways I will check out the village librarys to see if I can find the redwall stories and buy the DVD`S on line.
Martin Siedow
10-11-2004 12:46:49
They are showing redwall episodes here in Germany on KinderKanal (this is no commercial channel but one from the federal german television organizations).
I´m not watching them because none of them had been marked as the first episode of the series, so I don´t know if it is Mattimeo, Martin the Warrior or another story.
13-11-2004 14:01:35
Seems that this topic has got a lot of people interetsed (or back into) Redwall. Thanks for all the compliments on my pictures by the way. I really appreciate the positive feedback and I have to admit I'm having more fun with these Redwall pictures at the moment than my NIMH pictures (though I feel that will all change soon). Here's another:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
A badger warrior in full war regalia (and if anyone is wondering I [i]am[/i] a Soul Calibur 2 fan). No story to this chap yet though...
Martin Siedow
22-11-2004 13:21:06
I´m not an art teacher and it´s a long time since my drawing course on school, but for me this is an A+ Portrait.
David Leemhuis
11-02-2011 04:38:28
Though an old topic (which Simon began, by the way) I thought this the best place to mention that “Redwall” creator Brian Jacques passed away this past week, after suffering a heart attack.
My own interest in the series began after catching, purely by accident, the first episode of the animated series on PBS, the first of 13 episodes adapting the first novel. After reading the novel I was surprised at the changes made for the cartoon, mainly that Cluny and Matthias had a past history—Cluny having killed most of Matthias’s family and essentially responsible for him being at Redwall—whereas in the book Matthias had no real origin, just referred to as an orphan who showed up at the abbey one day.
11-02-2011 05:17:58
That sucks he died, I used to watch that when I was younger; I don't remember much of it though =/
11-02-2011 18:53:05
I heard about his passing on another animation form :cry: , since my last post here in 2004 I had a chance to see some of Redwall series.