Hello, I use to go by Ravepro in the old days and had a couple elaborate
webpages that I never updated. Maybe some of you remember me. I also
have a couple art work stuff at thornvalley, like the NIMH Soup Label.
I alread showed these to Gregg and OKed it for thornvalley.net, but I might as well show it here.
They are sketches I did of Brisby by pausing the vhs. THese were done
along time ago. Even though I put 1997 them, I think they are much older
than that. Some of them have shading, I wish I didn't do it.
Here's the gallery:
http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/fanart/timothyb/ART_NIMH_Sketches2BrianHarris.sized.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Glad you guys got a phpBB forum up, they are nice. I just finished my
forum too. Basically left the same default theme, but I changed the top.
Maybe I could help out to change the header here to better match
thornvalley.net's design.
You can see what I mean by how I changed the header by visiting my site
here: www.toonguru.com
I haven't been on the NIMH scene online for a while. Mainly because I've
been hanging with the Cats Don't Dance fans like Shelley Pleger, you've
seen some of her work in the fanart area here too.
That reminds me, here's some old art by her that's been down because of
my old site. I'll be keeping these for my fan art section whenever I get my
NIMH page back up.
When I get my toonguru.com site under control, the front will look more
like this and hopefully a NIMH page like my CDD page there: http://pages.sbcglobal.net/timothyb/index.htm
Also, I might as well share some of the Cats Don't Dance art I've done too:
I have another CDD piece I'll post later.
Wow, I had a lot to say there.
Also, if anyone asks, my middle name is Timothy and my first is Brian,
that's where I get my nick TimothyB, it's just a plus that it looks like Timothy Brisby :)
Glad to be here,
[i][Post edited by Simon -- changed the picture to a smaller, locally hosted copy][/i]