New Cover for a Classic Novel...
20-11-2006 18:11:25
I just thought that y'all might want to see this... Apparently, the guys at Simon & Shuster thought that the cover design could use some freshening up so to speak. What do you think??
Peace :D
![]()[" alt=""/img]
20-11-2006 21:08:22
That made me think of Stuart Little. :lol:
20-11-2006 22:14:56
Absolutely adorable. I love the red cape, which is obviously a direct reference to the film. I don't believe the book mentioned Mrs. Frisby having a red cape at all.
20-11-2006 23:15:09
20-11-2006 23:52:04
Hmm... Well, it's definitely better than their previous attempt:
That said, I like the earlier covers better (the ones by Zena Bernstein or Leslie Morrill), where Mrs. Frisby actually looked like a realistic mouse. This cover makes the book look like a Charlotte's Web wannabe, IMHO. n.n
I agree. That outfit is a little too much, if you ask me. I prefer the simplicity of the red cape. It's also interesting how Mrs. Brisby is given a rather sophisticated outfit, while the intelligent and civilized mice are naked. Though I see the character of Mrs. Brisby having sophistication, I can't see her wearing a formal dress for some reason.
21-11-2006 02:25:37
I remember the old book cover Simon, but I do not have even that.
I got this,
![]()[" alt=""/img]
But still it`s so nice to know that someone is celebrating a NIMH anniversary,
Nice pic of Brz, she looks like my pet white hamster .
In 2007 will be the movie`s 25th, lets hope a big fan fare that will make some CD work overs :)
21-11-2006 11:21:40
I'd have to agree with Simon; I prefer the really ooold book cover:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
It's just so beautiful! And I can't see Mrs. Brisby/Frisby in a dress and hat. Just a little too much.
Here's another cute one:
[img="][" alt=""/img]
Though I'd have to say my favorite (and the one I wish I had) is this one:
[img="][" alt=""/img]
Wish I could find a bigger pic of it. :P
While the new cover is cute, it's not really my style. :)
I do seem to recall that it did said that Frisby did had a cape or a shaw. It mentioned it during the first scene when she checked on Timmy.
21-11-2006 12:13:30
Yes, and she's shown wearing a shawl in some of the illustrations.
21-11-2006 12:25:27
Guys I`m loving the book covers you all are showing :)
Cluny, love the pics.
21-11-2006 14:25:52
Guys I`m loving the book covers you all are showing :)
Cluny, love the pics.
Thanks, glad you like them! ^.^
21-11-2006 16:07:38
I do seem to recall that it did said that Frisby did had a cape or a shaw. It mentioned it during the first scene when she checked on Timmy.
I wasn't aware of that. Thanks, I guess I was wrong. I'll have to look that up again. If only I still had a copy of the book!
21-11-2006 17:18:04
listares in horror at the new illustrationli
That is HORRIBLE. I words...can't speak....GAH.
Ok, Meg, breathe...inhale, exhale...phew....
I'm an illustrator myself, and I'd walk over my grandmother in combat boots to get a job like this. (Okay, maybe not MY grandmother. But probably yours.) So part of this may be jealousy talking, but I just don't like this artistic style. It really doesn't suit the context of this novel, not one bit. And the insipid expression on what I'm assuming is Mrs. Frisby's face makes me want to break out the mousetraps.
21-11-2006 17:20:47
I have a copy of the book with the cartoony, Charlotte's Web type cover. But I've seen the new version. Do you think the new version has any changes besides the cover?
21-11-2006 17:47:46
I have to admit that this has really been an eye opening experience for me. I had no idea that there were so many different cover designs out there. Makes me want to collect them all...
Peace :D
I myself have no problem with the cover, in fact it looks rather cute.. I have the one that has the blue cover and it shows Frisby riding on Jeremy
22-11-2006 11:52:21
I am so impressed how NIMH keeps going after 35 whole years! Congratulations Robert C. O'Brien, I wish you were still here today to see the accomplishments you've made!
23-11-2006 21:35:34
I don't care too much in particular for that most recent new cover art for NIMH at all. It looks like Mrs. Frisby really put on some weight. She doesn't even look much like a field mouse, more like a hamster or something. Imposter.
23-11-2006 21:49:04
I don't care too much in particular for that most recent new cover art for NIMH at all. It looks like Mrs. Frisby really put on some weight. She doesn't even look much like a field mouse, more like a hamster or something. Imposter.
Yep said that also.
23-11-2006 21:58:01
Oh yeah, sorry, I missed that.
Hum, everyone's so picky now a days.. "She looks like a hamster, She looks she gain weight.." So what if she does, so what, that's isn't the reason they made it. They made it for keeping the spirit of NIMH alive and for that we should prise then..
24-11-2006 17:09:07
Amen. The art may not appeal to everyone, but it was an attempt at something new to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of something wonderful.
24-11-2006 19:06:11
Meh. I don't mean to be a total Oscar the Grouchette, but crappy art upsets me. (Alright, so the art itself isn't THAT bad, but it doesn't evoke the spirit of Mrs. Frisby. As an illustration for the book, it doesn't work that well. But I'll stop being a snobby artist for a minute.)
I'm glad they're celebrating, but I think I'll just stick with my ancient, yellowing Leslie Morrill cover. lihugs it tightlyli
Yeah. I'm kickin' it old school.
24-11-2006 23:31:40
Meh. I don't mean to be a total Oscar the Grouchette, but crappy art upsets me. (Alright, so the art itself isn't THAT bad, but it doesn't evoke the spirit of Mrs. Frisby. As an illustration for the book, it doesn't work that well. But I'll stop being a snobby artist for a minute.)
I'm glad they're celebrating, but I think I'll just stick with my ancient, yellowing Leslie Morrill cover. lihugs it tightlyli
Yeah. I'm kickin' it old school.
liGives Thumbs Up!li
You go, girl! ;)
25-11-2006 18:31:19
I'm looking forward to all the bad e-mails and messages against me for saying this. But I'm prepared for and expecting the worst.
I don't mind the new cover. I sort of like it, it adds a new feel for NIMH. I know it's nothing to put in an art museum, but it is better than some cover art I've seen. I have read some good books with art like that and liked the book and the art.
Alright I've said my piece. You may now spam me and send me hate messages now.
Yea I liked it too, reminds me of another book
28-11-2006 00:45:57
licringes at new cover artli
I know, can't judge a book by its cover goes for books too. And thank goodness. I can certainly tell that the person who drew the cover art wasn't a rodent enthusiast. Looks like something out of the Flintstones, in a way. On the upside, perhaps if looked at with another viewpoint, it could at least be seen as humorous.
28-11-2006 08:26:14
like the previos covers better dont know this one seems a bit out of place for the book.
I don't know what the big deal is, I think it suits the book well. sure Frisby is a bit off but it is better then that cartoony cover with her in that dress.
28-11-2006 14:22:17
It isnt so bad. Theres worse covers for this book. Atleast they are trying to mimic the way she looked in the movie with the cloak and holding the little package. While it sure isnt the cover I would of chosen, atleast they care enough about this book to update it every so often.
A.J. The Echidna
01-01-2007 12:55:12
01-01-2007 18:23:59