Dante Yuroshima
08-06-2004 09:15:35
Since there is no fan art topic and this probably wont get put on the site i'll share this with everyone.
http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload5/shelly012345.bmp[" alt=""/img]
08-06-2004 16:44:54
Hey Dante! Cool art; your style seems to always be improving. :)
And yes, since it isn't specifically NIMH-related fan art, it won't go into the art gallery--for now, at least... I'm debating whether or not I should make some provision for allowing Non-NIMH fan/furry art. On one hand, I'd like artists to have a venue for their art, however there are other places, such as
http://yerf.com[]http://yerf.com, that accept furry art, and allowing other types of art may start things down the slippery slope of losing focus on NIMH--something I don't want. I'd rather have 1 piece of NIMH art over any number of pieces of other types of art any day. Anyway, if anyone has thoughts on this issue, feel free to discuss it.
In the meantime, I have no problem if you (or anyone else) posts art that they have done here, but remember: they must be clean. No pornographic or otherwise offensive posts. If you're not sure about posting something, please email/pm me about it and I'll let you know if it's okay.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your art with us.
Dante Yuroshima
09-06-2004 07:59:25
Why would I draw pornographic pictures? that is not my style of art. I draw clean pics of furries. Well here's another one. Enjoy!
http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload5/sylvia123.BMP[" alt=""/img]
09-06-2004 17:20:05
Why would I draw pornographic pictures? that is not my style of art. I draw clean pics of furries.
I'm not saying that you would. I just want people to keep that in mind if they want to post their art on the forum. Image inlining is a privilege, and if it is abused, I may decide to disallow it in the future.
Another cool pic, btw. ;)
Dante Yuroshima
25-07-2004 09:29:14
Ok this one is actually about NIMH. It is timmy in a crouched position. I Made this for a friend of mine who is having some health issues.
http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload8/Timmothy.BMP[" alt=""/img]
Yo Dante!
Just like to say great art! I ve been maening to ask you are you also interested iin doing a fan-fic or are you mainly an A-NIMH-ation artist?
Personally I think your pics would look quite good as attached illustrations.
Dante Yuroshima
12-08-2004 09:44:48
I have thought about doin that but i'm not much of a writer. Thanks for the comments though ^.^
09-02-2005 15:10:59
dudes i am having trouble pulling up some of those pictures whats wrong
09-02-2005 23:26:04
I would comment on your works and am sure they are very good but they don't seem to be visible. Is there a link we can go to where we can see them? :?
14-02-2005 17:11:33
where can i go to see the pictures.
14-02-2005 18:29:02
I do not know where the originals are. Please PM/Email Dante if you want to see them.
This thread is now locked.