Proof the public school system *sucks*
27-09-2006 11:54:47
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I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
It sounds more like the system needs better teachers.. I had a simmilar problem in the 3'rd grade.. One asked me to do something and when I asked a question she wrote me up for not coperating.
27-09-2006 15:10:46
if i got that letter i would replie with my own letter
dear poor excuse for a teacher
in case you do not reallize it is a free country and my child has every right to protest your authority. in fact i plan on rewarding his actions as for the detention i will see if the principle thinks that questioning wether the answer is right is such a bad thing. i trully believe it is nazy wannabes like your self that try and suck the freedom from our children trying to make them completely lose there creativity. and should your actions continue i will have to advise my lawyer that my childs rights of freedom of speech are being taking from him.
i hate teachers like that i had one she said i would be lucky to graduate high school and i am in college a year from my aa
27-09-2006 16:46:47
Now that's lame, especially for my school.
27-09-2006 17:45:53
Children have no rights. That incident doesn't surprise me, but I'm sure it won't hold up in court in this US. I know because the people running this country are stupid. Also, even though they say teachers are humans, they don't specify which subspecies of human they are.
27-09-2006 18:52:19
First off, I would just like to say that not all public school teachers are bad. In fact some are quite good. Some would even rate as excellent. This I know for a fact because my mother was an elementary school teacher for a number of years before she retired. I myself had some good teachers during Kindergarten ~ 3rd grade and again during 5th grade. My fourth grade teacher unfortunately was a real Bli#@H on wheels. This woman even wanted to hold me back in the fourth grade despite my being able to read at or above level. I was to learn later on that the reason given for her holding me back was that I was too slow in responding to the fire drill alarm.
Peace :D
27-09-2006 20:37:06
"simply accepting my teachings without resistance." That could just as easily have come out of Hitler's mouth in the 1930's. Scary.
If i were the parent, i'd laugh my @$$ off for about an hour, then call the superintendant to 'duscuss' with him the details of this situation. Next, i'd take my kid out and buy him a huge dinner and have ONE heck of a night on the town after his detention was over. All said and done, i'd ask the school board to look into the cridentials of the teacher, and how well educated they are. That, and i'd schedule a parent-teacher conference or two, and bring the principal too. I'd make a point of HUMILIATING the teacher for their actions. just to prove the point. it'd be fun.
29-09-2006 13:05:40
Off the bat.
Teaching has become one of those jobs in which you have very little ability to control your situation. In most cases the parent will back their child, right or wrong, to the n'th degree: not just on smaller things like this, but more impacting subjects as well [yes I'm trying my best to remain vague here]. It makes it difficult to teach.
That being said:
In this case the instructor is just being obstinate. The issue that I see is that after checking the fact and realizing that his student was indeed correct he decided to prove that he was still in charge by issuing punishment for the crime of being correct, and attempting to take credit for it.
Honestly, I give Alex credit for attempting to correct the instructor. Most would do the "polite" thing and laugh at the guy behind his back while smiling and nodding agreement.
This is the society that we live in. Fact is not fact. What is correct is what the person who happens to be in power at the time says is correct. Any who oppose will be crushed into submission. Truely sad isn't it.
A Toast to Alex:
Never lose that fire. someday it will be the most valuable thing which you poses: for all others allowed theirs to be extinguished.
29-09-2006 16:21:03
Welcome to my world. Whatever the big guys say goes. No questions, no excuses. If you don't agree with the people in charge, you disappear.
30-09-2006 14:03:50
i trully think that teacher should be punished but trully what can any one do. even though i do believe there are alot of good teachers out there you can't really do anything about the bad ones as long as they have ten year. seriously you can not fire them or suspend them unless they do something seiosly wrong so they can be certified @$$#&!% for as long as they are employed which will probably be years.
01-10-2006 00:42:29
tenured professors can be a real pain. They know that they can literally do anything short of a felony and keep their position.
The best way I've found to deal with them is to give as much as you can stomach and go on with life.
If it gets bad enough there is always the alternative: leaving them to their own devices, and walking away. This will seriously annoy them by proving that they in fact have no power over you, but to take this option you have to be willing to deal with the consequences: and not be too terribly disturbed by them.
I've, as of yet, not run across one that crosses my principles quite that far.
Just remember its your life. The only person that you can please most of the time is yourself. If your takin so much crap that your not havin fun anymore why are you still putting up with it.
"and we never even know we hold the key":
01-10-2006 16:32:42
I agree with the felony thing, Backwoods. A chorus teacher (or was it orchestra, can't be sure) got sacked several years back because a student found him viewing porno. The worst part was he was using the school's computers to do it.
02-10-2006 13:31:53
really depends on the teacher and the crime if they fire them i think because certain teachers wont get fired even if caught breaking a crime on campas. for example my brother knew a psycology teacher who was caught with drugs on college campas and they were merely suspended and made to go to a rehape program which i find totally rediculas
My sister always complained about how 'stupid" our teacher's can be; She said that whenever that her English teacher taught them a new book or ways to use grammar, she would always correct her on what the story was about and the proper use of vocabulary and grammar that she made handfuls of mistakes on. However, the teacher refused to admit she was wrong and either shrugged her off or after learning that she WAS wrong she would change the subject to the whole class.
I've never had this sort of problem with my teachers, though. The only pet peeve that I have with my public school is the fact that I'm a homosexual and in the school's rule book it lists 'homosexual conduct' as a "felony offense" :x . I mean, I understand that it goes against some people's beleifs, but isn't this a little along the lines of....descrimination?! It's bad enough that the entire school picks on and taunts homosexual or beleived-to-be homosexual students, but now we have to put up with the school's Board of Directives as well!? The scary thing is, we have no idea what the punishment is for this so-called "offense". :(
EDIT: Also, if me being homosexual offends anyone, please speak out and I'll delete the post.
04-10-2006 19:15:55
You found that on didn't you. :wink:
05-10-2006 17:55:41
I have no problems with maxx being homo. A famous person I'm a fan of, Ellen DeGeneres (hope I spelled it right), is homo sexual. I have no problems with it. It is the choice of the individual, and the country should allow freedom of that.
05-10-2006 19:00:34
My elementary school has to go through this every week or two.
05-10-2006 19:15:32
If I may say one thing.
though the teachers actions may have been far from good. I think it best that we try not to stray too far to extremes. Being far right, is just as bad as being far left. Everything in the world is that way, and it may be best to know the whole situation before making judgement.
Other than what was stated in the letter, I wonder how alex handled the situation. Did he outright yell in class? stand up and make a fuss? Still no matter what he did, I do not think that the teacher should have sent him to detention for the reasons stated. Now if he sent alex to detention for doing something like not sitting down when he was told, or yelling when told not to (not based on his opinions) and disrupting teh class, then detention would be the proper punishment.
Again though, what seems to me to be the issue is that the teacher sent alex to detention for not accepting what the teacher said, and in fact alex was right. That, I do not agree with, and I think that the teacher needs to think about what his actoins were and why he did them.
05-10-2006 20:06:18
I agree with that... there's a fine line between knowing someone's wrong and informing others of the truth, and being a bratty know-it-all. In this case, though, the part that irks me is the overtone that authority should be accepted without question, regardless of what the truth is.
In any case, it was posted mostly in fun. I have no idea if this note is even real. n.n;
06-10-2006 09:55:31
I agree with that... there's a fine line between knowing someone's wrong and informing others of the truth, and being a bratty know-it-all. In this case, though, the part that irks me is the overtone that authority should be accepted without question, regardless of what the truth is.
In any case, it was posted mostly in fun. I have no idea if this note is even real. n.n;
Yah, even tho in fun it still makes you ponder, on the two points, when your right you are right, but I do not need to be reminded day in and day out about it, as a in your face thing ( I hate when they do that ).
As for authority, you will not see me jumping off a cliff because they deem safe to do so.
being right is cool, but do`nt push it past norms, correct with tact and caring and be done with it.
How many times I had to be corrected, I`ve lost count , check my spelling guys , I`m so bad at that :roll:
07-10-2006 13:57:57
Heh, I can vouch that something like that has happened at least somewhere, as it happened to me. My 9th grade science teacher insisted that light was a particle, and only a particle. I knew from college textbooks that it was both a wave and a particle, and politely pointed it out during the lesson. Said teacher flat out said 'you're wrong' right infront of the class. I didn't insist that I was right though, just laughed quietly, as what I had stated as fact was taught in the same book we were currently using for the class, as well as in college books. And that was far from the only moron teacher I've seen in my adventures in public schools...
07-10-2006 15:25:38
Heh, I can vouch that something like that has happened at least somewhere, as it happened to me. My 9th grade science teacher insisted that light was a particle, and only a particle. I knew from college textbooks that it was both a wave and a particle, and politely pointed it out during the lesson. Said teacher flat out said 'you're wrong' right infront of the class. I didn't insist that I was right though, just laughed quietly, as what I had stated as fact was taught in the same book we were currently using for the class, as well as in college books. And that was far from the only moron teacher I've seen in my adventures in public schools...
Actually, from my understanding of it, I think the issue is more complex than that. We don't know the exact nature of light (or any electromagnetic radiation, for that matter), even though we have deemed photons as the elementary particles that define it. So, light exhibits both the properties of waves and particles since photons exibit both properties. So, in a sense, you could say that light is "only" a particle, in that it is composed of photons, but that obviously doesn't reflect the complexity of what light is. Is it a wave that behaves like a particle? Or a particle that behaves like a wave? Or something else that happens to exhibit the properties of both waves and particles? And here is approximately where my knowledge fails, since you're delving into the realm of quantum physics, which introduces complexity and unpredictability to the issue. Wikipedia has some interesting articles on the subject, though I admit it doesn't really clarify this issue for me. n.n
This animation is an interesting introduction to quantum wave-particle duality, even though it talks specifically about electrons, rather than photons:
I'm gonna hafta agree with LordDirk on his statement about this being somewhat of an issue on how Alex handled the situation. If he was yelling in class or taunting or something, then detention is actually warranted for disrupting class. However, as stated on the note, it seems the teacher is giving him a detention for mearly disagreeing and making a point of it.
It seems to me that the 'thought police' have become those very people educating our youths these days. 'stay in line, don't speak up, and think what i tell you to think.' My guess is that all the class would get that question wrong on the test, and then the teacher would yell at them for being wrong. happens all the time (kinda like my E.A. test where the professor told us to write programs in MatLab in languages he never taught.)
Anyhow, on the off subject topics: I don't care what the heck light is, as long as it keeps shining. the rest is details, though i have to ask the question: if you're driving at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what would happen?
And, Maxx, i don't have any problem with you being homosexual. I'm actually rather impressed that you're open about it and commend you on that. That, and it kind of fascinates me because i don't really know many homosexuals (a scant few as a matter of fact, i could count them on one paw), but that's not a forum topic, so i'll leave it at that.
09-10-2006 18:11:08
For your question, Tod, there is a theoretical answer. Put simply, you would not see the road. The speed of light is the fastest speed in the universe. As a result, light would never leave your headlight bulbs because it is moving at the same rate they are. This is all based on the thoughts of that brilliant scientist, Bill Nye.
Just kidding, it was really based on Albert Einstein's theories.
10-10-2006 08:30:15
My sister always complained about how 'stupid" our teacher's can be; She said that whenever that her English teacher taught them a new book or ways to use grammar, she would always correct her on what the story was about and the proper use of vocabulary and grammar that she made handfuls of mistakes on. However, the teacher refused to admit she was wrong and either shrugged her off or after learning that she WAS wrong she would change the subject to the whole class.
I've never had this sort of problem with my teachers, though. The only pet peeve that I have with my public school is the fact that I'm a homosexual and in the school's rule book it lists 'homosexual conduct' as a "felony offense" :x . I mean, I understand that it goes against some people's beleifs, but isn't this a little along the lines of....descrimination?! It's bad enough that the entire school picks on and taunts homosexual or beleived-to-be homosexual students, but now we have to put up with the school's Board of Directives as well!? The scary thing is, we have no idea what the punishment is for this so-called "offense". :(
EDIT: Also, if me being homosexual offends anyone, please speak out and I'll delete the post.
i am cool with whatever life choices you make just dont go into details about it. personaly i have always believed that people should keep there relationships to themselves and no i am not just talking about homosexuals i hate seeing teenagers suck face in a public park were i play catch with my 5 year old sister i mean seriously i dont care whos doing it or who there making out with. go someplace private and make out or whatever you want to do just not in front of kids. once again i am not just talking about homosexaul this message is probably more aimed at the people who are straight because i see more of them doing it. so please no misinterpretation. i dont care wether you are straight or not. me personally am very straight. and i must say i never met any one homosexual.
12-10-2006 17:23:58
Here's a bit of news of something that happened at my school today.
i am cool with whatever life choices you make just dont go into details about it. personaly i have always believed that people should keep there relationships to themselves and no i am not just talking about homosexuals i hate seeing teenagers suck face in a public park were i play catch with my 5 year old sister i mean seriously i dont care whos doing it or who there making out with. go someplace private and make out or whatever you want to do just not in front of kids. once again i am not just talking about homosexaul this message is probably more aimed at the people who are straight because i see more of them doing it. so please no misinterpretation. i dont care wether you are straight or not. me personally am very straight. and i must say i never met any one homosexual.
I know what you mean, I can't stand it when people kiss (in the most grotesque way possible when it comes to teenagers) in front of people in public and have no respect for anyone else, whether they be gay or straight. I once had this guy walk up to my at my local Wal-Mart asking when a game was coming in and he had this girl licking and slobbering all over his neck, making moans in the process. Of course they were probably just testing everyone's patience and expressions just for fun, but I was pretty annoyed none-the-less.
Of course, you won't hear any 'kissy love' stories coming from me. I myself am more private about such things, shoot, I'm shy and nervous as it is just admiting to be gay. :wink: I really wish some people would lay off the "homosexuals are nothing more than sex fiends" stereotype, though.
Thanks for being open-minded about my sexuality guys, I can always count on this board being the most tolerbale place I can go to. Oh and sorry to go off-topic, please resume with the discussion.
I agree with the felony thing, Backwoods. A chorus teacher (or was it orchestra, can't be sure) got sacked several years back because a student found him viewing porno. The worst part was he was using the school's computers to do it.
Man that's domb of him, so was he at his office computer or was he at the library's computer..
13-10-2006 08:06:33
Here's a bit of news of something that happened at my school today.
That was at your school? The school system did take action on increasing security and guards. I hope everyone there will be okay and that the criminals get captured.
That kind of thing happened at my school all the time during my senior year. we got bomb threats about twice a week and who knows what else..
13-10-2006 16:43:48
For the question of the Chorus teacher, I think he was using his office computer. From what I heard a student came in and he wasn't fast enough to exit out of the site before the student noticed what it was.
Everything went alright today in school. No one tried to kill anyone. On the good side, the halls were emptier than ever and we didn't do any real work in our classes. About half the students were no-shows. <ost of it was because of overprotective parents who were too worked up to think logically (bet they're sure feeling really stupid about now). A small fraction of the absentees probably used the incident as an excuse to cut school. In short, it was a false alarm (big surprise).