11-09-2006 08:57:24
Nothing I can say here, but just a pic I done in 2005, it ended up being put on many sites,
http://webzoom.freewebs.com/desmouse/9-11-rememberanc01.JPG[" alt=""/img]
Thanks guys and gals, hero`s are still here today.
Just a NIMH tribute.
11-09-2006 14:14:18
all i can replie is wow i remember that day indeed
11-09-2006 16:44:22
Almost as if it were yesterday, yesterday... Other than that, I can't remember anything else going wrong that fateful day. But that one event was enough to traumatize me the whole day and I couldn't get any work done. Why didn't we do anything to prevent this terrible tragedy. :cry: :cry: :cry:
11-09-2006 17:57:53
A very tragic loss of life that day. 'Ground Zero' sounds depressing... I Salute to those who have lost their lives. :(
12-09-2006 08:38:08
Hey Whiskers,
That is a lovely tribute to our fallen heros on that fateful day. We should all vow from this day forward to "Never forget."
Peace :(
12-09-2006 16:59:42
We should also know never to dwell on the past. It is good to remember our fallen heroes, but we can't live out our lives worrying and moping. Sooner or later, we're going to have to move on. My dad told me today that Pearl Harbor was probably the worst terrorist attack at the time, if it isn't still the worst. But we don't bawl about Pearl Harbor as much. True, we still remember the tragedy, but time has healed some of the worst wounds the Japs left.
I don't really don't want to offend anyone but I am getting tired of hearing about it. Rebuld the towers and stop moaning..
17-09-2006 18:36:15
I agree with Jayn again. Let go of the past and move on already. It happened, it was bad, we did an immature thing about it. There, now stop acting like little kids and continue on with life. If you are that desparate to get rid of terrorists, have a nuclear war and wipe out the human race.
17-09-2006 19:53:22
Yeah, I might as well get over it.
17-09-2006 21:45:19
I did not mean for it to get this far, It was just a once a year tribute that I pay to them.
As for me how can I forget, I work on a military base, my friends are sent to Afgahastan and Iraq some only 17 years old and many for more than one tour, ask them if they are sick of it, I saw in them me while in the military myself, we fought on, the public thoughts on this was no issue to us we had a job to do.
If you wish to forget, then you will find that history will come back and bite you in the butt and you will say " I think This has happened before, we should have done something, but I was just going along with my life".
I`m a NIMH fan and also a American VFW..
17-09-2006 22:39:35
If you wish to forget, then you will find that history will come back and bite you in the butt and you will say " I think This has happened before, we should have done something, but I was just going along with my life".
Exactly. Those who say we should just forget and move on are asking for history to repeat itself. I'm not going to get into a debate about what we should do in Iraq, what our foreign policy should be and so forth, and definitely not about something that (honestly) is as piddling as rebuilding a building. But it is important that we remember our history and learn from it. Perhaps we can avoid similar catastrophes in the future.
I do have one thing to say though, and that is to remember what the nation has always stood for: lifreedomli. It is our most important asset, and we should be wary when we are asked to give it up in the name of security. Let's not let fear motivate our actions.
You didn't do nanything Whiskers, it happens in this kind of subjects.. I was just saying stop milking it..
18-09-2006 17:45:53
For the record, 9-11 was a repeat of history to a certain extent. Some may consider Pearl Harbor a terrorist attack on an American territory, if not American soil. As a result, we kicked Japanese rear end in WWII.
About the freedom of the nation. The Democrats are trying to make it easier to establish an oppressive government by instituting gun control. The reason we were given the right to bear arms was so we could revolt against the government if they ever interfered with our freedom. But by confiscating our guns, they can prevent us from stopping them from doing what they want to with our lives. Fortunately, Bush is opposed to it.
18-09-2006 22:59:23
you know what jayne if it were up to me i would replay footage even now of the towers. do you care that they blew up. i only hope we are able to continue fighting terrorism. do you have something against the war in iraq.
19-09-2006 17:00:17
I don't have anything against it if you ask me. But honestly, what have we gained from going there, besides hundreds if not thousands more dead heroes? I know we are fighting for a good cause, but in killing our enemies, we are making them martyrs for their underlings to worship in their more determined eagerness to wipe us out. I like what we are trying to do by making a free country, in spite of us being on the fast lane to an oppressive government, but think about it: what good has come from five years fighting in the Middle East, anyway?
20-09-2006 19:40:40
cedric the fight for freedom is never easy but since when has doing the right thing regardless of what happens ever been the easy way. its what we need to do its also the right thing to do and i hope the government does not take the easy way out.
20-09-2006 20:10:08
As my thread stated, just a tirbute to those who have put themselfes in harms way to save a fellow human, is this war over, not by anymeans, we are in more parts of the world in this battle than most know, If I must get close to home, if you you lose the good old USA, then who would allow for you to enjoy you fandon in NIMH, with out having to go underground to hide.
Not the easy way.