I know this subject had passed through this board before but I wanted to know. I was told by a few people that you can see Brisby (or someone like her) in American Tail. is that true or just a myth.. A friend of mine said there is a screne grab of the scene, if there is, I like to see it.
13-08-2006 00:11:05
I know this subject had passed through this board before but I wanted to know. I was told by a few people that you can see Brisby (or someone like her) in American Tail. is that true or just a myth.. A friend of mine said there is a screne grab of the scene, if there is, I like to see it.
Yes, there was, about year ago, Simon posted the pic and we had a devil of a time finding the "look-a-like", He may post it again, I went to the old posts on Thorn Valley on that subject but the pic will not come up.
13-08-2006 17:27:07
Here's the old topic:
And here's the old image:
http://www.thornvalley.com/files/PDVD_003.jpg[" alt=""/img]
13-08-2006 18:02:45
The one blowing her nose seems to look like Auntie Shrew :lol:
I do see some resemblance to Brisby in the mouse on the right.. That is if she had a sex change.. And the mouse on the left does look like her, that is if Brisby put on 50 pounds..
But from what I heard, the mouse in qestion was wearing a trench coat and I saw no one in one let alone anyone who looks like Brisby.
14-08-2006 16:12:49
The one on the right I recognized as Mrs. B. To tell you the truth, if you squint, it kinda does look a bit like her.
14-08-2006 17:23:50
The one on the right I recognized as Mrs. B. To tell you the truth, if you squint, it kinda does look a bit like her.
Just too cartoony of a pic to find a Briz look-a-like, I think Jyan`s NIMH2 signature of hippie Brisby is the closest of them all, and it is hard to say that :x
Was that ment to be her in NIMH2 ??.
I do think the Brisby in NIMH 2 is pretty desent.. It does looks like her as if she was a bit older. I can see the gray in her hair and the glasses but she needes to use the poncho..
16-08-2006 20:09:00
I do think the Brisby in NIMH 2 is pretty desent.. It does looks like her as if she was a bit older. I can see the gray in her hair and the glasses but she needes to use the poncho..
Not sure why the poncho, maybe to hide her older body (in some ways I do the same), poor girl, those VW hippie buses break down a lot, (been there and done that with friends), I had a ford van with a 302 V8, need a lift Mrs Brisby ?
As for me, I'm more of a '69 Charger guy..
21-08-2006 19:34:35
One also has to take into account that Don Bluth & CO already had the original Secret of Nimh model sheets from their work on SON. I suppose American Tail featured more cartoony :? mice.
For example, the feet touched the ground more flat than in Nimh and the clothing the mice wore in American Tail also suggests a level of cartoonish elements as their clothes are more streamlined in reference to what a human would wear from that time period, but the same principles seem to have been brought over from Nimh.
Crud, I always ramble on about my visual observations, I guess thats why I am a graphic designer :lol: !
09-09-2006 19:08:47
Well, Don Bluth did direct and produce An American Tail, so his art style and the way he draws mice can make his characters seem similar to other mouse characters in his other films.