The Theme Music of Nimh and its influence.

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11-05-2004 14:44:47

O.k here goes.

:?: Question. :?:

Do you guys believe that,like me, the theme music and the "Flying Dreams" Song in Nimh was an INCREDIBLE peice of orchastral brilliance?

Know, I know this may seem a little weird but every time I hear either of the two versions to that song I am always reminded of when I watched old animated classics when I was younger. Also the true "amotion" of them brings not only great enthesis on the main focus of the film-"Mrs Brisby's love of her children" but also on the atmospere of when these songs were put in the film.

All in all great work.

Now in the case of Nimh 2 I think that again the music fitted well BUT on the other hand I felt it abit too lively in parts. Still (and I can't belive I am saying this) good work for NIMH 2 (well at least for the majority of the music anyway!)

What do you guys think?


12-05-2004 16:22:39

Well it's not exactly the best song I've ever heard in a classic animated movie, but I guess it was pretty good.


12-05-2004 22:19:30

The music from SoN is some of my most favorite music. I think it was brilliantly done and fitted well with the theme. I've alway's liked Jerry Goldsmith's music but even he considers NIMH one of his best pieces.



14-05-2004 12:13:00

I agree. As I have already said it is brilliantly done, well presented and just great. I am not to sure about thos but I think Jerry Goldsmith did the themes to Star Trek Voyager. Maxx just out of interest what other pieces of music from classical animation do you like?


14-05-2004 16:26:21

Maxx just out of interest what other pieces of music from classical animation do you like?

"Dreams to Dream" - An American Tail Fieval Goes West
"Calling You" - The Raccoons
"Fallin Fallin" - The Raccoons
"Somewhere Out There" - An American Tail

Martin Siedow

17-05-2004 12:12:07

The theme music is one of the reasons why "The Secret of NIMH" is my most favorite animated movie, so it´s surely an excellent piece of work. But the music without the movie is not one of my favorite songs. I like Jerry Goldsmith themes for "Breakhard Pass", "Total Recall" and "Star Trek - The Movie" much more, but this is a matter of taste.
My most favorite movie soundtrack is that from "The Lord of the Rings", composed by Howard Shore.


06-06-2004 10:57:01

If I may put in my two cents worth, I will confess to humming the theme from time to time especially when I'm stressed. It has a soothing effect that I find most pleasant. Jerry Goldsmith laid out a true masterpiece of a score and I feel that Secret of NIMH would have been a vastly different movie without the music as provided by Mr. Goldsmith. 8)


06-06-2004 12:15:03

If I may put in my two cents worth, I will confess to humming the theme from time to time especially when I'm stressed. It has a soothing effect that I find most pleasant.

Funny you should mention that... sometimes I do the same... :)

What's really funny is I've ripped the soundtrack to MP3s which I have among the mix of music that I listen to at work. Sometimes my coworker starts whistling to the tune, when it's played. I wonder if he knows what it's from... :)


07-06-2004 16:42:02

To Simon,

In answer to your question as to to whether or not your co worker knows the source of the music that he whistles to, I would have to say that it all depends on whether or not he has actually seen the movie. In fact, do me this one favor. The next time you catch him whistling to this particular tune, ask him if he knows the source of the music. If not then by all means feel free to "educate" him so to speak. I truly feel that such a fine piece of work like this should not go unknown amongst the general population. The internet helps, but I still feel that the best way to spread the news is through word of mouth. 8) 8) 8)


08-06-2004 16:05:46

Oh, he knows about my site (sometimes I use it to show other people at work design possibilites for projects we're working on), and I'm pretty sure he knows what the movie's about; but I admit I haven't pressed the issue. Maybe sometime... :)


09-06-2004 15:41:26

Hey Simon,

Good for you. You're doing a lot better than I am on this front. On my job, if I were to talk in detail about this movie, or even the subject and my love of animation as a whole, my co-workers would begin to look at me like I was crazy or something. Keep fighting the good fight...

Peace :D :D

RustedWolf Fox

25-06-2004 20:44:14

I didn't really watch it all, but what I heard.. Don't know what to think of it. It's nice in a few parts but there's times it gets a little too much.


30-08-2004 08:16:52

I know that this may come as a shock to many of you, as it did for me to hear that Jerry Goldsmith passed away on the twenty-first of July. His talent will be sorely missed not only by nimhfans, but by fans of all the other movies that he scored as well.

R.I.P. Jerry :( :(


12-11-2004 10:34:24

Don Bluth has put up a small tribute[=]small tribute to Jerry Goldsmith, including an interesting look into the relationship Bluth had with him as a composer for the Secret of NIMH... Among other things, he credits Goldsmith for introducing him to Speilberg, which later led to the American Tail.

In any case, he was a fine composer, and his work on NIMH will always stand out in my mind as one of his finest works. He will be missed.


27-05-2005 09:12:37


I actually love "Flying Dreams" along with "Somewhere Out There" (An American Tail) and "Tomorrow is Another Day" (The Rescuers) FLying Dreams is one of the few tunes that I can play on my electric piano.

What kind of hurts me is the time that when I went to a friends house, I found the electric piano and I played Flying Dreams as practice. None of my friends appreciates "The Secret of NIMH" as much as I do and they kept critisizing the tune. What the heck? Put you're slef in that situation. If you like the tune, you're heart's gonna break. (Especially for sensitive people like me...)

Sorédéwa Konohendé!


22-08-2005 12:14:40

actuaqlly i tend to believe that the orchestra was perfect for son but son 2 i would have pick better err everything it is just one of those movies that irritate you the more you watch it know what i mean?

David Leemhuis

15-11-2010 14:14:15

One point I’ve never seen brought up, in all discussions of Jerry Goldsmith’s score and “Flying Dreams” in particular, is how the lyrics don’t really fit the movie all that well. While I heartily agree that the song overall fits in well with the tone of the movie, what does it really have to do with the plot? The lyrics seem to describe two lovers anticipating their impending reunion more than a mother’s fight to save her children. I think that was one of the factors that steered me towards my own fan-fiction “So, let’s come up with a story that DOES tie in with the lyrics.”