Nimhster's Secret of NIMH Fandom website.
17-06-2006 21:33:35
I might be making a SoN site myself with an art gallery, "How did I get to be a NIMH fan," and maybe a message board. ( A forum like this).
I'm going to need help desperately and everyone giving me sites that will help me build one. So if all of you on this Forum and be so nice and help with the construction and backgrounds? (A SoN theme is what I need for the site). :| And those of you that have a SoN website of your own, I will allow you to link your website.
If you vote in the poll above and choose 'Yes', you will have to post a reply saying that you will help with me and getting me set.
Thanks everybody, I appreciate it.
18-06-2006 23:35:23
Thats great that you want to make a NIMH site,
I pay a little a year for my site , but if you looking into to a good free site the best was told to me by some friends who love animation and made sites of thier own and I use also.
Freewebs is a great way to start, just get a pass word and such, as far as backgrounds tons and you can make your own as I have, lots of templets to choose from to style your site.
Start a home page and play around a bit with their goodies, in time you will learn the ropes.
A few freeweb sites (for free) used by friends,
Anywho try it out see if it works.
If you need more help let me know, I`m not the best on this but I`m learning too, and my friends at AL animation helped me to start a site of my own :) .
19-06-2006 14:28:37
20-06-2006 11:22:51
If you've not got much experience, or understanding of HTML web page language, and would like more of a "What you see, is what you get" (WYSIWYG) type design, you might try Google Pages at
If you've already got a google/gmail/etc account, you can log in immediately using the same username and password, without having to sign up. They also are rather generous with 100mb of free space, which is more than most places that usually give like, 5 - 10mb. They also allow you to do HTML coding and uploading of HTML files for publishing, if you don't want to use the WYSIWYG Editor built in. Best part, no downloads or installation required.
As for the domain name like, those are usually paid for. However you can cheat a bit, and go to and have it redirect you to your long and complicated URL that freeweb gives you.
For example, my little link page for the Xavier fan art that people have done of my character is actually hosted here:[]
However, when I memorize it, and give it out from memory, I use
Much easier to remember. There might be some free domain name type services out there, but there's likely a catch some how.
20-06-2006 20:50:51
Here's what I've got going so far:
I'm working on it still.
20-06-2006 21:19:55
I finally made a forum!
Although it's not linked to my site yet, here it is!
[Link removed by Nimhster: New forum at different location.]
21-06-2006 19:00:02
Looks good Nimhster, and a great start, I like the Brisby pic you used, the one where she is wooing Jeremy in to taking care of the kids and to get him out of her fur away from the rose bush and Dragon :lol:
If you need more NIMH pics, you can down load some from my site, and on my screen shots pages I have pics I I took from the DVD, so your your welcome to use them as needed. :) , I`ll make more as time goes on.
Now to test the new NIMH forum.
Xavier, I was going to soon pay for a domain name, But under this cheat does it mess with your old links that you have form other sites to your site, In other words, will I have to upate my site address to all ?
21-06-2006 19:36:02
Thanks for the kind words!
As for the forum, unfortunately, you've got to delete your post so the host can send me my admin password. Not sure why they didn't send me one in the first place...
21-06-2006 20:16:48
Hey guy, my post is deleted , but my profile can not be, Oh well I`ll wait till you get your password :) Anywho the forum works for new members.
21-06-2006 20:44:08
Xavier, I was going to soon pay for a domain name, But under this cheat does it mess with your old links that you have form other sites to your site, In other words, will I have to upate my site address to all ?
No, Snipurl doesn't effect the -actual- address of your website. All it does is assign your actual site's URL with an 'abbreviation.' Either that or you can request an abbreviation. For example normally the snipurls are like www<machine generated characters> but you can request to have the characters at the end customized. Such as mine. Instead of some 'random' characters I asked it if was taken, and it wasn't.
Once it's got your actual site's URL, and the 'abbreviation' stored on it's server, anyone who tries to connect to the 'abbreviated' snipurl address, it automatically forwards the web browser to the -real- address. That way you don't have to actually remember potentially long URLs. It's also handy for when posting long URLs in an email, or on a forum for example.
For example. I searched Google for 'Secret of NIMH' the URL to google's result page for that search is as follows:
However, by using Snipurl, the 118 character long URL google gives you, is 'compressed into the 23 character URL below
The last 4 characters at the end of the 'snipurl' url is what just a standard non-custom generated URL from SnipURL looks like.
Basically all SnipURL is doing is generating a new address, which the SnipURL servers just forward onto the existing URL of any given page. I use SnipURL frequently.
21-06-2006 21:28:22
Sounds great, so in the end as far as I understand, both adresses work, it is just the short cut that takes a small detour and gets there like evey thing else while keeping the address small. :? ?
21-06-2006 21:34:26
Sounds great, so in the end as far as I understand, both addresses work, it is just the short cut that takes a small detour and gets there like every thing else while keeping the address small. :? ?
Well, with snipurl, your browser talks to the snipurl site first, but since the snipurl URL is unique for your specific actual URL, when your browser contacts the snipurl server, snipurl tells your browser "the page you're looking for, is at this other URL, go there instead." and you end up seeing the page the snipurl URL was attributed to. It happens so fast, and behind the scenes that you never actually see the snipurl site.
So yeah, it is a bit like a detour. Although the only real 'shortcut' snipurl gives is the potentially shorter, and easier to remember URL.
21-06-2006 21:44:06
Hey everybody! Check out the new updates on my site!
Check them out here:
P.S. Sorry I had to make you delete your post Whiskers57, I will post here again to let everybody know that they can start joining and start posting.
22-06-2006 12:36:59
22-06-2006 12:40:16
Hey guy, my post is deleted , but my profile can not be, Oh well I`ll wait till you get your password :) Anywho the forum works for new members.
I'm not going to kick you off the Forum, I'm just having a hard time getting my password. :wink:
23-06-2006 21:13:03
That was no thought to me ( kicked off), just wanted to clear out so you can fix as needed.
If it It is NIMH I`ll be back. 8)
23-06-2006 21:38:50
That was no thought to me ( kicked off), just wanted to clear out so you can fix as needed.
If it It is NIMH I`ll be back. 8)
It is about NIMH because and it will be called The NIMH Lodge. :)
25-06-2006 21:27:46
If you've not got much experience, or understanding of HTML web page language, and would like more of a "What you see, is what you get" (WYSIWYG) type design, you might try Google Pages at
If you've already got a google/gmail/etc account, you can log in immediately using the same username and password, without having to sign up. They also are rather generous with 100mb of free space, which is more than most places that usually give like, 5 - 10mb. They also allow you to do HTML coding and uploading of HTML files for publishing, if you don't want to use the WYSIWYG Editor built in. Best part, no downloads or installation required.
As for the domain name like, those are usually paid for. However you can cheat a bit, and go to and have it redirect you to your long and complicated URL that freeweb gives you.
For example, my little link page for the Xavier fan art that people have done of my character is actually hosted here:[]
However, when I memorize it, and give it out from memory, I use
Much easier to remember. There might be some free domain name type services out there, but there's likely a catch some how.
Well I did it and tried it out, I pay for the premium service on "Freewebs" and hate to put their name "Freewebs" in my URL or links, so here is the new one,
sounds much better with out the "freewebs" and a little bit shorter too :D ,thanks Xavier.
Also had a chance to check out your Xavier fan art site :) .
25-06-2006 21:32:46
Well I did it and tried it out, I pay for the premium service on "Freewebs" and hate to put their name "Freewebs" in my URL or links, so here is the new one,
sounds much better with out the "freewebs" and a little bit shorter too :D ,thanks Xavier.
Much better indeed. Not entirely an ideal domain name, but the price is right. ;)
30-06-2006 17:09:50
30-06-2006 18:15:14
30-06-2006 20:00:08
Note to all : Do not join the first forum I made, use this one:
Note to all : Do not join the first forum I made, use this one:
-Nimhster 8)
Now you tell me. However, it still says I'm a registered member on both of the links you gave. So what exactly is the difference between them?
By the way, it says it needs an activation code for my account via e-mail, but I never got one. Thinking back to how I first joined Thorn Valley, it was probably caught by my AOL spam folder which seems to capture and delete mail automatically which I can't find away to turn off. Is there a way somebody can activate it for me?
30-06-2006 20:54:16
Hey!!! what the Freaking heck, I posted after the last big up date and on a check again all is gone, I`m I posting to get a bonner or what ??
Anywho you can work it out.
30-06-2006 21:19:21
Hey!!! what the Freaking heck, I posted after the last big up date and on a check again all is gone, I`m I posting to get a bonner or what ??
Anywho you can work it out.
Sorry about that, I was updating so don't post anything until you see.
01-07-2006 22:09:17
Hey!!! what the Freaking heck, I posted after the last big up date and on a check again all is gone, I`m I posting to get a bonner or what ??
Anywho you can work it out.
Sorry, I was updating so don't post anything untill you see :mrgreen: .
-Nimhster 8)
No problem Nimhster, looking back I should have not gotten huffy and wrote like that forgive me, It`s been a bad week and I should never vent my frustrations on fellow NIMH fans, I know you are working hard to make a NIMH site and forum and there is lots to learn and you are trying to figure and sort how it all works. 8)
02-07-2006 13:25:37
No problem Nimhster, looking back I should have not gotten huffy and wrote like that forgive me, It`s been a bad week and I should never vent my frustrations on fellow NIMH fans, I know you are working hard to make a NIMH site and forum and there is lots to learn and you are trying to figure and sort how it all works. 8)
Hey! I forgive you! I'm just trying to fix a few things so I can re-open it. :wink:
Nimhster, sorry to sound impatient or rude(and I'm intending to be), but it's been about two days and I still haven't received an e-mail for the activation of my account. Like I said before, it must have been caught by my AOL spam folder(which for some reason deletes files automatically when received and doesn't seem to have an "off" switch) so is there a way you can activate the account for me? If not, what do you suggest I do?
02-07-2006 19:26:17
Since I'm the administrator on that site, I can view everybody's profile. I will give you a new password so be sure check in your Private messages to see your new password.
Mmm-kay, I've tried the password three times(copy and pasted, even),....and I'm getting an Invalid message here. What now? :(
03-07-2006 10:51:09
I'm sorry this is taking longer than I thought... Okay, here's what I'll do, I will delete your profile, and once I do, you can re-register like what Whiskers57 did. This is the same thing that happened to me on the first forum I've created. They never sent me a new password. I will post again saying that you can re-register.
03-07-2006 11:10:35
Okay Maxx, you can re-register now!
Ok, this is strange. The last time I tried to join and didn't get an activation e-mail I checked my spam folder just in case and instead there was an e-mail inviting me to join a band club of some kind, which was sent a few seconds after I joined. At first I thought it was just a coincidense, but after I just got through registering, the same e-mail comes back.
Could it be any relation to your website's activation e-mails or is this just a spam device?
03-07-2006 12:41:39
Ok, this is strange. The last time I tried to join and didn't get an activation e-mail I checked my spam folder just in case and instead there was an e-mail inviting me to join a band club of some kind, which was sent a few seconds after I joined. At first I thought it was just a coincidense, but after I just got through registering, the same e-mail comes back.
Could it be any relation to your website's activation e-mails or is this just a spam device?
1.This is a 100% non-spamming forum that I had created.
2.Why is it saying that you should join a band club? :?
And 3. Can you log in, or not?
If not, I will give you another password.
2.Why is it saying that you should join a band club? :?
No idea, but apparently I'm invited.
And 3. Can you log in, or not?
If not, I will give you another password.
No, I am not able to log in as I have yet to receive the e-mail to activate my account.
05-07-2006 19:38:04
Alright Maxx, your account should be good to go now!
06-07-2006 18:54:52
Wow, pretty good start! I now have seven users on my forum! Not bad so far!
07-07-2006 14:20:28
I finally made a web banner so here it is!
![]()[" alt=""/img]
The site has updated so take a look.
08-07-2006 18:36:59
Nice banner :D , did you use photo shop to make it ?
you are now linked from the Mouse Hole.
On your NIMH Lodge forum, I saw that the ads were gone, what did you have to do to get rid of them?
08-07-2006 19:28:40
On your NIMH Lodge forum, I saw that the ads were gone, what did you have to do to get rid of them?
I used MS Paint to make the banner.
Ads? I knew there were ads but I didn't remove them.
08-07-2006 21:44:09
On your NIMH Lodge forum, I saw that the ads were gone, what did you have to do to get rid of them?
Ads? I knew there were ads but I didn't remove them. Maybe someone hijacked on to my Forum and deleted them. :x
-Nimhster 8)
Well this is not right, if somebody deleted them, then you must fight to get them back... :lol:
08-07-2006 23:38:21
On your NIMH Lodge forum, I saw that the ads were gone, what did you have to do to get rid of them?
Ads? I knew there were ads but I didn't remove them. Maybe someone hijacked on to my Forum and deleted them. :x
-Nimhster 8)
Well this is not right, if somebody deleted them, then you must fight to get them back... :lol:
Actually, I don't really want them back at all! :lol:
09-07-2006 05:33:28
On your NIMH Lodge forum, I saw that the ads were gone, what did you have to do to get rid of them?
Ads? I knew there were ads but I didn't remove them. Maybe someone hijacked on to my Forum and deleted them. :x
-Nimhster 8)
Well this is not right, if somebody deleted them, then you must fight to get them back... :lol:
liGives Whiskers a smirkli
Actually, I don't really want them back at all! :lol: :wink:
-Nimhster 8)
I understand, there was some bad ads there.
09-07-2006 13:05:09
I understand, there was some bad ads there.
I know what you mean. :wink: There where things about finding people so I'm glad that they are off my forum.