http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h217/a-nine/photos/jenner_ca.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Yep, it's a real town, about 2 hours from here! i snap a photo out the window of the truck every time i drive through :)
edit: hmm, how do you actually post a photo instead of a link? the Img tag didn't work :(
edit edit: Ok, fixed :D i guess it didn't like linking from GreatestJournal?
16-06-2006 16:23:14
Interesting. Population of 107, small town!
16-06-2006 17:15:59
hmm, how do you actually post a photo instead of a link? the Img tag didn't work :(
[img="]http://pictures.greatestjournal.com/userimg/6163708/1406777[" alt=""/img]
which displays as:
http://pictures.greatestjournal.com/userimg/6163708/1406777[" alt=""/img]
liblinksli Or... at least it should...
16-06-2006 20:02:26
So, there's a Frisby, Kentucky too:
16-06-2006 23:12:00
Thanks guys for the info,
A Frisby Kentucky and Jenner, CA, is to cool.
In the book, Jenner parts from the rest with a few rats, If pop. is 107 then that is a stunning growth, thats if Jenner loves California 8)
I`m going to try to test the photo link, with a pic on my site, our man Don, and our gal Briz,
http://webzoom.freewebs.com/desmouse/donb01.JPG[" alt=""/img]
17-06-2006 00:03:49
Saw your Edit A-9 and looks like you got it :D , I see your pic come up with out having to click on a link.
Thanks guys for the info,
In the book, Jenner parts from the rest with a few rats, If pop. is 107 then that is a stunning growth, thats if Jenner loves California 8)
Haha! Well i always figured the book was set in California anyhow... But if the book-Jenner were anything like the movie-Jenner, it figures he'd go and name a town after himself XD
17-06-2006 07:32:03
Man, that's crazy. I want to go live there now!
It's funny...there's a place not far from me called Jennerstown. Never been there, but I used to pass the exit sign for it all the time.
17-06-2006 08:43:24
Man, that's crazy. I want to go live there now!
It's funny...there's a place not far from me called Jennerstown. Never been there, but I used to pass the exit sign for it all the time.
Now Meg, calm down lithrows cold water on herli one of these towns has the real "Mayor Jenner" and may give you the key to the town and may take you out for dinner,, oh no... liI need another bucket of cold water here!li. :lol:
18-06-2006 06:58:20
LMAO!!! Yeah, get as much cold water as you can over here...Mayor Jenner? I think we're gonna need it...
18-06-2006 23:57:29
OK boys, use the fire hose 8)
19-06-2006 11:29:11
Thanks guys for the info,
In the book, Jenner parts from the rest with a few rats, If pop. is 107 then that is a stunning growth, thats if Jenner loves California 8)
Haha! Well i always figured the book was set in California anyhow... But if the book-Jenner were anything like the movie-Jenner, it figures he'd go and name a town after himself XD
Actually... and I'm not sure where I found this out, but I believe the story is actually set on the east coast, near or in Virginia. That's also supposedly where Robert C. O'Brien (which isn't his real name, btw) was when writing the book.
Actually... and I'm not sure where I found this out, but I believe the story is actually set on the east coast, near or in Virginia. That's also supposedly where Robert C. O'Brien (which isn't his real name, btw) was when writing the book.
O'Brien did live in Virginia and West Virginia for a time, and i think lived on the East Coast his whole life (including Amityville NY, haha!) So it's entirely possible the story was set there, though in all my reading about him i've never read anything directly from O'Brien himself that specifies the location. Something about the descriptions of Thorn Valley in particular remind of California, but i think one of the (many) great things about the book is the mystery. All the things O'Brien leaves unspecified or unresolved, readers can fill in on their own...so i guess it can take place wherever you want it to :)