It's easy to forget how non-intuitive the interface is when you've been using it for years. Assuming that the MUli is running Fuzzball or something close to it, here's the commands you'll use most often:
Unfortunately, it's running ProtoMuck, so there's a number of differences in the commands you can use. I'll highlight the NIMHmuck equivalents to any of the differences below.
editplayer (editplayer is your friend. It opens an interactive dialogue to configure your character. One behaviour that you might not epect, though: each time you press return, it starts a new line. To stop editting, press return after you've typed out your description, then type a single period, then return again. A period all by itself is the 'stop editting' command.)
Here there are a couple of different commands that deal with player editing. "@request" is used to request a character, "@desc" is used to set the description, "pinfo #set" is used to set some basic information about the player. I'll have to look into this editplayer program and see what it does, though. Maybe it could be useful to port it.
wa (shows you where everyone is)
Here the command is "find" or "where".
tport #public (shows you where all you licanli go)
tport <roomname> (takes you there - the room names are at the left of the list that tport #public shows)
There is no tport command in NIMHmuck. However "portal" will take you to a room that will allow you to access all of the main areas of the muck and "sc" will allow you to use some predefined shortcuts to certain areas.
wi (shows preferences of everyone in the room. Like 'look', you can aim it at a particular character.
Preferences? What do you mean by that? In any case NIMHmuck doesn't have 'wi'.
MUlis are kind of like cons too, in that it's often best to start with a smaller one, or a quieter part of a large one, so as not to be overwhelmed. It's different until you get used to it. And don't try to learn the whole manual. I've been bouncing around on various MUlis since 1994, and I frankly almost never have to use anything beyond what I've listed here.
Definitely. NIMHmuck's a very friendly muck to start out on.
You'll probably have to talk to a wizard or helpstaffer to get your character created. Let them know that you're completely new, and they'll more than likely be happy to help you get started.
The wizards that are on frequently on NIMHmuck are Timothy, Xavier, Jeff, Brutus and Zachariah. Just page one of them after connecting as a guest and they'll be happy to help you out with getting a character and such.
Finally, I thought I'd post a short excerpt from a log of a recent RP I did with Simon, just to give you an idea of what things are like. Note that any line that has "{command}>" in front of it is an actual command that I gave to the muck to cause something to happen. You would of course omit the "{command}>" part in any command you gave the muck; I just have my client insert those to make it easier to filter the commands out while still logging them.
Log follows:
LVC: Hiro's Apt. - Main Room
A typical Colony apartment has all the bare essentials. The room itself is roughly square, with two shuttered windows set into the eastern wall. Doors along the northern and southern walls lead into bedrooms or the lavatory. This main room is furnished with only the basics: a few sofas, a thick, woven rug, some coffee tables, a couple of bookshelves, and plenty of oil lamps. A squat stove stands in one corner, and a counter-top along one of the walls contains a sink and cabinets for extra food.
A large door leads [Out] to a main corridor.
Other doors lead to two spare rooms ([1] and [2]), and a [Master]
Richard has arrived.
Fiona has arrived.
Benjamin has arrived.
Tzolkin has arrived.
Simon enters, with Richard, Fiona, Benjamin, and Tzolkin walking along next to Simon.
RIDE: Ride over.
Richard's status has been changed to In Character [IC]
Fiona's status has been changed to In Character [IC]
OOC> Fiona checks out what's going on. n.n;
Your status has been changed to In Character [IC]
[For help info type status or ic #help]
{command}>rooc :wonders who'll start?
OOC> Simon wonders who'll start?
OOC> Richard is posing n.n
Time: 10:25:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
The room is empty, spare a small little mouse, rick. Rick is having another day of waiting, waiting for Hiro to get back. Sadly enough, Hiro can't be every where at once.. so, rick is left at home. He has grown accostomed to these four walls, still... it's hard to pass the time, sitting their all by himself. The room is dim, cool colored as the daylight fills the room. Rick sits in the middle of the floor, playing with some blocks Hiro had gotten him earlier. Though the apt. is spacious.. it still feels cramped.. his tail flips from side to side. Rick looks marginally better, though still quite thin, but no longer skeletal. His fur is bright, and reflects the daylight nicely. Rick sighs, and sets his blocks down.. he wants his hiro back. He slowly gets up, using more strength than he wanted to, and went to the window. It was gorgeous outside, the sun was bright, and the grass was green, not a cloud in the sky. Quite a contrast to the dimly lit room. Rick rests his head on his elbows, and gazes out at the scene.. knowing he can't go out.. he sighs, his tail fliping from side to side.
OOC> Richard says, "one of my better poses I think.. n.n"
{command}>rooc :grins.
OOC> Simon grins.
{command}>rooc :wonders if Fiona would like to go first or if I should try to pose?
OOC> Simon wonders if Fiona would like to go first or if I should try to pose?
OOC> Fiona is assuming we're coming in together to surprise him? ;)
OOC> Richard misses his mum.. n.n
OOC> Fiona blushes.
Richard hugs Fiona!
{command}>rooc :nods to Fiona. Sounds good to me. :)
OOC> Simon nods to Fiona. Sounds good to me. :)
Well aware that Hiro's away at the moment, Fiona carefully eases the door open, taking a quick peek inside before looking across from herself, smiling as she inches inside just as quietly.. It doesn't take too long for her to notice Richard by the window. At least he's not running around this time. She steps further in, trying to keep quiet to see if she can catch Richard by surprise.
OOC> Fiona hrms. plays 'guess who'? ;)
OOC> Richard n.n
{command}>:seems to be 'in' on the game as well as he waits quietly behind Fiona to slip inside behind her. He grins a bit at seeing the poor, bored mouse gazing out at the window.
Simon seems to be 'in' on the game as well as he waits quietly behind Fiona to slip inside behind her. He grins a bit at seeing the poor, bored mouse gazing out at the window.
Time: 10:35:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
Richard gazes longingly, but does not notice the two rats making their way to him. He idly licks his muzzle, as mice do, and his tail continues to flip. He adjusts himself, letting one arm fall, and resting his head on the other one.
Fiona inches in closer, keeping out of reach of Richard's flaying tail as she carefully starts to squat down behind him then inch her paws out. She nearly gives herself away with a giggle, before a pair of paws reach out to cup over Richard's eyes, a familiar voice speaking from just behind him. "Guess who! :)"
OOC> Benjamin cools. "My MP has his own blog :)"
OOC> Richard cools :)
{command}>:hangs back, closing the door behind him quietly. He chuckles a little at Fiona as she makes Richard guess who she is.
Simon hangs back, closing the door behind him quietly. He chuckles a little at Fiona as she makes Richard guess who she is.
OOC> Benjamin says, " have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? :P"
OOC> Richard says, "well.. I know what a blog is n.n"
OOC> Benjamin says, "smiles..."Thought so :P""
{command}>rooc An MP is a federal representative in Canadian Gov't, right?
OOC> You ask, "An MP is a federal representative in Canadian Gov't, right?"
OOC> Benjamin says, "Yep. :)"
{command}>rooc :thought so
OOC> Simon thought so
OOC> Benjamin says, "He's a rather popular fellow too. He's young, and he has scheduled "coffee with your MP" events on weekends."
{command}>rooc :nods.
OOC> Simon nods.
Richard eeks, and immediately brightens up. He spins around and hugs Fiona, "mommy!" he exclaims with heartfelt glee, using a term he has quickly attached to fiona. But for Richard, she truly is the only mother he's known. He smiles wide, and notices Hiro in the back ground, another attached title coming from his muzzle, as he calls, "uncle Simon!" his heart soaring with happiness. He thought it was going to be another boring home alone day.. but just look how much he is cared about, he can't stop smiling, not even if he tried.
OOC> Richard says, "erk"
OOC> Richard says, "replace Hiro with simon"
{command}>rooc :chuckles
OOC> Simon chuckles
OOC> Richard says, "glad I caught that in time.. ;)"
Time: 10:45:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
OOC> Richard coughs Xo.. "erk... hehe.. licoughli gotta remember to breath before I drink.. ;).. licoughli hehe.."
{command}>:chuckles, a wide smile on his face as as he's referred to as "uncle". "How're you doing, little guy?" he asks, making his way over to sit on his haunches next to the mouse.
Simon chuckles, a wide smile on his face as as he's referred to as "uncle". "How're you doing, little guy?" he asks, making his way over to sit on his haunches next to the mouse.
OOC> Richard says, "er.. isn't it fiona's turn? ;)"
{command}>rooc :dohs!
OOC> Simon dohs!
Richard patpats you!
{command}>rooc Scratch that pose then.
OOC> You say, "Scratch that pose then."
OOC> Richard scratches
OOC> Fiona unidles.
Richard hugs Fiona!
OOC> Richard says, "your pose mum.. n.n"
OOC> Benjamin snerks XP
Fiona blushes a bit at the 'term'.. She's been called it a couple of times already, but it still feels a little funny for her to hear. She giggles softly and draws Richard into a snug before rising up and spinning around with him. "Good guess. You here all by yourself?" she asks, turning towards Simon in case he wants to take the mouse for a snug.
OOC> Richard chuckles at the link..
OOC> Benjamin erps at the ellipsis...o_O
OOC> Fiona asks, "elipsis?"
OOC> Fiona says, "Didn't mean to do something wrong... c.c"
OOC> Benjamin says, "THose dots at the end of Rick's statement, which seems to suggest that the link didn't really make him comfortable."
OOC> Richard says, "no.. I just put those in all the time.. just a twitch I guess. n.n"
{command}>:chuckles, a wide smile on his face as as he's referred to as "uncle". "How're you doing, little guy?" he asks, making his way over to sit on his haunches next to the mouse, giving his headfur a fuzzle.
Simon chuckles, a wide smile on his face as as he's referred to as "uncle". "How're you doing, little guy?" he asks, making his way over to sit on his haunches next to the mouse, giving his headfur a fuzzle.
OOC> Fiona says, "Aww. I wouldn't know, but don't think so. ;)"
Benjamin hugs Richard!
Benjamin hugs Fiona!
OOC> Benjamin says, "All right...cause you kinda do it all the time, and I've been rather worried :P"
OOC> Benjamin says, "No worries, I guess ^_^"
OOC> Benjamin still has a hard time imagining Simons sitting on his haunches >P
OOC> Benjamin says, "Someone ought to do a pic of that to help us imagine. ALso, as far as i know, Simon is the only one who does that...hmm....;)"
OOC> Fiona snirks.. If Christ were born today? liChrist takes a quick look aroundli "......... To hell with this. liWalks awayli" u.u
OOC> Fiona exclaims, "J/K!"
{command}>rooc :smirks.
OOC> Simon smirks.
Time: 10:55:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
OOC> Benjamin o_O
{command}>rooc I'm the only one who does what?
OOC> You ask, "I'm the only one who does what?"
OOC> Benjamin says, "Sits on his haunches, rat style."
{command}>rooc :chuckles.
OOC> Simon chuckles.
Richard smiles, and hugs fiona back, his little paws grasping around her as best he could. He chuckles as Simon ruffles his head fur.. but answers truthfully, "i'm kinda bored.." he said, nestled in Fionas arms, all warm and cuddly. That was probably one of his favorite places to be, so warm, so soft.. and gentle, yet safe.. and every time he looked up, he saw the face of someone who cared. It's obviously notices, as he lays so calmly in her grasp. He looks around, "I'm glad you guys came.." giving fiona another hug.
OOC> Fiona says, "Sitting on your haunches isn't that odd. ;)"
OOC> Benjamin ought to try using Simon's method one time. "I'm quite taken by your unique idea to incorporate the characters' essentialyl rodent nature ;)"
OOC> Richard says, "nods.. I'm starting to do it myself.. simon's inspired me.. n.n"
OOC> Benjamin says, "Well, no other has done it in my memory. In fact, Simon is unique in the sense that he's emphasizing his ratness."
OOC> Benjamin grins to Rick. "He's inspired me too :)"
OOC> Benjamin ends the brown-nosing >P
OOC> Fiona browlifts. He's just sitting on the floor, supposedly with his knees tucked against his chest. n.n;
OOC> Benjamin says, "I'm just fascinated by the little, unusual things in life. It's an oddity of mine, but one which I think contributes to my constant fascination with life :)"
OOC> Richard says, "hehe.. yeah.. like that Brehon law thing.. n.n I'm glad you liked it.."
OOC> Fiona sorries about her commentary... n.n;
Richard hugs Fiona!
Benjamin hugs Fiona!
{command}>rooc :chuckles and never read that much into it, really. ;)
OOC> Simon chuckles and never read that much into it, really. ;)
OOC> Benjamin says, "S'okay...I understand how people would see it that way :)"
OOC> Richard asks, "erk.. allot of ooc chatter.. n.n whos pose is it?"
OOC> Benjamin says, "The problem with me is that I read a lot into everything in my life :D"
{command}>rooc Fiona
OOC> You say, "Fiona"
OOC> Fiona says, "Mine, working on it. :)"
OOC> Richard nods
OOC> Benjamin erps...will be quiet now :P
Richard hugs Benjamin!
Benjamin hugs Richard!
Fiona sits for the moment, knees propped under her while she lets Richard settle down atop her lap for the moment, brushing the fur along his back. "I'm glad we did too. I guess it /is/ kind of boring in here, isn't it?" She slowly looks up towards Simon with a knowing look, smiling.
OOC> Benjamin says, "It's spreading! :D"
OOC> Benjamin says, "Err...maybe not XD"
OOC> Richard chuckles
OOC> Benjamin renews his vow of silence :P
Fiona tickles Benjamin!
OOC> Benjamin is tickled! XP
OOC> Fiona apologizes? o.o
Richard tickles Fiona!
[Saving Database Soon]
OOC> Fiona squeaks! ;)
OOC> Benjamin reconsiders the usage of the 'XP' emote in a humourous sense :D
{command}>:grins a bit at Fiona's knowing look. "Yeah, I know /I/ wouldn't want to be cooped up inside all day. Maybe we could go outside for a bit, hmm?"
Simon grins a bit at Fiona's knowing look. "Yeah, I know /I/ wouldn't want to be cooped up inside all day. Maybe we could go outside for a bit, hmm?"
Time: 11:05:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
[Saving Database]
[Saving Done]
Richard purrs as he is petted, something he finda a bit embarising around others, but not family. He closes his eyes for a bit. They immediately brighten up at the sound of actually going outside. It's been quite a while since Rick's had some fresh air, and the last time he did, he was gasping for it whilst freezing to death. Rick sat up, beaming from ear to blushing red ear, "oh.. can we!?" he exclaims with utter enthusiasm..
Fiona grins softly down at Richard and nods. "If you promise to be really quiet until we get out there, we can. We don't wanna startle anybody," she says. She hates to have to do something like cover Richard up, but she's not sure how well a feral mouse running around in the colony would be recieved...
Time: 11:15:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
OOC> Richard twidles his thumbs n.n
{command}>:chuckles at Richard's enthusiasm, nodding in agreement with Fiona. "Yeah... Hmm. What if someone sees him, though?"
Simon chuckles at Richard's enthusiasm, nodding in agreement with Fiona. "Yeah... Hmm. What if someone sees him, though?"
{command}>rooc :sorries went to grab some food.
OOC> Simon sorries went to grab some food.
Richard hugs you!
Richard smiles, but it soon fades. He knows he's not... normal.. but the idea of actually going outside is too good. He seems to shrug with one shoulder, idly looking down, as if to shrug off something that isn't their. Rick nods though, "ok.. I'll be quiet, extra quiet, I promise." Rick looks up to fiona, "I would really like to go oustside please.." he eyes now showing the longing he has had to do so.. the waiting he's done, an opertunity like this doesn't come up often, he's willing to come out of denial about his abnormalness, if it means he can be out in the sun.
Time: 11:25:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
Fiona hrms... She supposes it's the only real way to go about it though. Maybe they can get out without being seen. To bring up the idea and then say no just screams 'wrong' to her.. "Okay.. Let me see what I can find," she says, setting Richard down and moving towards the bedroom, looking for a blanket or something else she might be able to find that would be suitable. could pretend to be carrying laundry.. ;)
{command}>:chuckles and fuzzles Richard, giving him a one-armed hug. "Don't worry, we'll think of something." He peers after Fiona, wondering what she'll come up with.
Simon chuckles and fuzzles Richard, giving him a one-armed hug. "Don't worry, we'll think of something." He peers after Fiona, wondering what she'll come up with.
Richard smiles, and stays close to simon as he is huged, Rick always seems to like to be near someone, whenever he gets the chance. Being alone at such a young age has made him desperate for attachment. He smiles a bit, looking out at Fiona, idly holding his own tail, grasping it in his paws. His feet cross, and he waits as patiently as he can. A small goes out to grasp simons shirt, to further hold on to him, as he waits for his mum to find something suitible. Rick can't wait to go outside.. and it shows. ;)
OOC> Richard says, "place "paw" in between (small) and (goes out) ;)"
Fiona suspects it's fairly warm out today. For now, she settles with an extra blanket or two and comes back, stepping into the room before stretching it out over the floor. "Might need a little help with this Simon. Think we could bundle him up a bit till we get outside?
OOC> Benjamin sighs and has to go for a while.
Benjamin's status has been changed to Away From the Keyboard[AFK].
Richard hugs Benjamin!
Time: 11:35:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
OOC> Fiona says, "BRB."
Fiona hugs Benjamin!
Richard hugs Fiona!
{command}>:grins as Rick grabs hold of his shirt. No longer able to withstand the cuteness, he just picks Rick up into his arms and tickles his belly! He stops when Fiona appears, though, and nods a little, setting Rick down in the middle of the blankets. "Let's see... How should we do this...?"
Simon grins as Rick grabs hold of his shirt. No longer able to withstand the cuteness, he just picks Rick up into his arms and tickles his belly! He stops when Fiona appears, though, and nods a little, setting Rick down in the middle of the blankets. "Let's see... How should we do this...?"
Richard giggles and squirms a bit, as he is quite ticklish. He looks around blandly and innocently as he is placed in the blanket, not really thinking of how to get out, rather than just being outside. He smiles and stands in the middle, like a good boy, looking up at fiona and simon to see if they notice how well behaved he's being, hoping it'll increase his chances of getting outside quicker. n.n
OOC> Fiona returns.
Richard hugs Fiona!
OOC> Fiona says, "I smell another picture coming on. Simon tickling Richard? ;)"
OOC> Richard says, "hehehehe"
OOC> Richard says, "that is a cute image n.n"
Fiona grins as Richard settles.. "Good boy," she says, not able to help herself.. "Now, just settle down like that. I'm gonna cover you up for a little bit, and when I let you out, we'll be outside. How does that sound? :)"
{command}>rooc :chuckles.
OOC> Simon chuckles.
Time: 11:45:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
Benjamin's status has been changed to Out-Of-Character[OOC].
Richard hugs Benjamin!
Fiona hugs Benjamin!
{command}>:lets Fiona handle the actual bundling of Rick, though he remains close by to help where he can.
Simon lets Fiona handle the actual bundling of Rick, though he remains close by to help where he can.
OOC> Fiona figures the best way to do it is to make it like a game. ;)
Richard smiles wide, and settles down like he's told, letting Fiona and Simon bundle him up, and carry him off. He's about ready to burst with excitement, but he holds it in, just waiting for when he can get outside.. they may not be able to see it, but his face is beaming.
Benjamin hugs Richard!
Benjamin hugs Fiona!
Fiona can't help but smile. It's just too cute. "Now remember. Be really quiet," she reminds, bundling Richard up pretty well before moving to scoop him up, blanket and all. She looks to Simon. "Guess we'll have to be pretty careful too."
{command}>:nods seriously to Fiona, looking over the bundle of blankets that contain the mouse. "Yeah. So, if anyone asks, we're taking some laundry to the cleaners?" he asks with a grin.
Simon nods seriously to Fiona, looking over the bundle of blankets that contain the mouse. "Yeah. So, if anyone asks, we're taking some laundry to the cleaners?" he asks with a grin.
OOC> Benjamin says, "All right, guys, my sis wants to go on, so I'll have to get going now...""
Richard hugs Benjamin!
OOC> Richard says, "sleep well"
{command}>hug ben
Ben is asleep.
{command}>hug benj
You hug Benjamin!
Fiona hugs Benjamin!
Benjamin hugs Richard!
Benjamin hugs you!
Benjamin hugs Fiona!
Benjamin hugs Tzolkin!
OOC> Benjamin says, "Night ;)"
Benjamin has disconnected.
Time: 11:55:21 PM MST on Friday, December 16, 2005
Richard stays nice and quiet in the bundle, only speaking to utter in agreement, "shhhh.. got cha." he says from the blankets, in a rather cute, yet comical way. He can't see out of it.. so he just waits for them to unbundle him, and then begin to have fun outside.
Jamie fuzzles Fiona from afar!
Jamie fuzzles Tzolkin from afar!
Jamie fuzzles you from afar!
Jamie fuzzles Richard from afar!
Fiona gives the bundle a little squeeze.. Simon's acknowledged with a nod. "If I had a basket it'd be easy enough to say we're just picnicing. n.n;" Actually, it's something to consider for next time.. For now though, she eases out with Rick in tow, maintaining her casualness as she walks down the hall.
{command}>:chuckles a little at the mental image. "A little Rick for lunch, eh?" He lapses into silence as they enter the hallway, keeping a little bit in front of Fiona to help keep anyone from getting a good look at the bundle she carries.
Simon chuckles a little at the mental image. "A little Rick for lunch, eh?" He lapses into silence as they enter the hallway, keeping a little bit in front of Fiona to help keep anyone from getting a good look at the bundle she carries.
Richard bounces idly as they carry him, he can't wait to get outside, he doesn't speak, and keeps as quiet as he can, just like he was told. though, he is just about to burst with anticipation.
Fortunately, everything seems to go smoothly. It takes a little bit, but after a few minutes, once they're good and away from the entrance to the colony, the bundle is slowly settled down, the ground feeling a little different from the valley's floor. The bundle's unwrapped, and Rick is greeted by Fiona and Simon, along with plenty of free space and fresh air. "Ta da. ;)"
Time: 12:05:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
{command}>:chuckles a bit at Fiona's theatrics. "So, what do you want to do now, Rick?"
Simon chuckles a bit at Fiona's theatrics. "So, what do you want to do now, Rick?"
Richard feels himself be set down, he grins wide. Suddenly it becomes very bright, he puts a paw up to shade his eyes until they adjust. When they do.. rick is awed. Green grass, soft earthy ground, a clear blue sky.. and a nice warm day. Rick actually Jumps with excitement, even squealing a bit in joy. He quickly hugs Fiona and Simon, and makes his way to scamper around, not really doing anything, just running around and enjoying the fresh clean and open space.. he seems to have boundless energy. Taking rick outside seems to have done him a world of good, its amazing what a little fresh air can do. Rick scampers back, giggling all the way, he taps simon on the shoulder, and winks to fiona, "You're it!" he giggles, and starts to run. n.n
Fiona can't help herself.. She breaks into laughter, just watching little Rick scamper about. It's amazing to her to see how much he's changed over time.. He's so energetic now, so full of life. When she first laid eyes on him it seemed like he was just clinging to it by a thin line.. She watches him with a smile, then starts to grin as he tags at Simon.. "Guess that answers that." And with a giggle, she suddenly takes off as well!
Time: 12:15:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
{command}>:blinks as he's tagged and the other two rodents run off. "Oh, is /that/ what you want? Well, it's on now," he says with a grin. He runs after Rick and Fiona, laughing! "You can't escape!" he says mock-threateningly. ;)
Simon blinks as he's tagged and the other two rodents run off. "Oh, is /that/ what you want? Well, it's on now," he says with a grin. He runs after Rick and Fiona, laughing! "You can't escape!" he says mock-threateningly. ;)
Richard giggles as he scampers about, rick hasn't had this much fun since.. ever. He feels alive, and he darts back and forth with mouse like reflexes as simon follows him and fiona. He laughs and plays, and he seems to have energy he never had before, energy you only find in the youthful.. and rick seems to be able to keep up, not noticing his current lack of strength, and just having a ball. n.n
Fiona keeps a careful eye on Rick while he runs, still laughing herself, especially as Simon starts catching up with her. She eventually tries to break off from Richard, just a bit, trying to keep him in her sights though so he doesn't go running too far off, still playing along however. n.n
Time: 12:25:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
{command}>:, always a believer in the no-tagbacks rule, begins chasing after Fiona, reaching out a paw to try to tag her!
Simon, always a believer in the no-tagbacks rule, begins chasing after Fiona, reaching out a paw to try to tag her!
Richard keeps running for a long time.. though he begins to slow a bit, his current lack of strength catching up to him. It's not long before he is standing still, hands braces on his knees as he gulps down air. He holds a smile on his face, he may be tuckered out, but its a good tired, and he feels happy to be able to do this outside. He lowers himself onto the soft earth, and lays on his back, his soft tan belly exposed to the warm glow of the sun. His chest moves up and down as he breaths heavily, a wide grin on his mussle.
Fiona eventually finds herself getting tagged, squeaking lightly, but grinning regardless. "Aww.." She slowly looks over towards Richard as he lies back... Looking to Simon a moment, she starts his way, slowing down as she gets closer. "Hey, are you okay?"
{command}>:notices Fiona looking over to Rick and stops playing for the moment, going down to see what's the matter. Noting his grin, he says "I think he got funned out."
Simon notices Fiona looking over to Rick and stops playing for the moment, going down to see what's the matter. Noting his grin, he says "I think he got funned out."
Hiro has arrived.
{command}>hug hir
You hug Hiro!
Richard hugs Hiro!
OOC> Hiro says, "hey whatya doin in mah house? ;)"
OOC> Richard chuckles
OOC> Richard poses
OOC> Hiro asks, "what is this RP about?"
{command}>rooc General cuteness, I think. ;)
OOC> You say, "General cuteness, I think. ;)"
OOC> Hiro asks, "oh?"
OOC> Fiona says, "Okie.. Fiona and Simon decided to take Rick out for some fresh air. Started playing outside some. :)"
OOC> Hiro says, "oh :)"
OOC> Fiona says, "I think Fiona would've told you about it before they went and got him though, so you're welcome to jump in on it. ;)"
Hiro's status has been changed to In Character [IC]
OOC> Hiro says, "I'll wait until a few more poses."
Time: 12:35:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Richard lays catching his breath. Yes, he is tuckered out, his little eyes drooping a bit. His tiny chest still moving up and down, the sun reflecting off his fur. His tail fliping on the ground. Rick just needs to rest up a bit before he goes and does some more running. He looks to Fiona and smiles, his tung lolling out of his mouth as he pants, "tired.." he manages to say.. his eyes half open, but as always a smile on his face.
OOC> Hiro asks, "BTW, did Simon just run away from the colony after the greenhouse?"
{command}>rooc We paused the RP after you left.
OOC> You say, "We paused the RP after you left."
OOC> Hiro asks, "But you think he's gonna run away?"
{command}>rooc :would guess that might happen.
OOC> Simon would guess that might happen.
OOC> Hiro says, "Well if he's gonna attack Rick that makes the most sense I guess."
OOC> Richard nods
OOC> Richard says, "ok.. back to the cute RP n.n"
OOC> Fiona aww's... Fiona's gonna have to somehow run after him I guess. ;)
Fiona giggles lightly, also in relief, for the moment letting herself sit down nearby. "It's been awhile since you've been out running, hasn't it?"
{command}>:chuckles a bit, grinning a slightly devious grin. He begins to tickle Richard's feet!
Simon chuckles a bit, grinning a slightly devious grin. He begins to tickle Richard's feet!
Hiro looks around the area. He finds the three he saw Simon tickling Richard. He smiled and ran towards them. "I see you're all having fun!" he said.
Time: 12:45:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Richard rests and smiles at Fiona, nodding.. then suddenly he begins to squirm, as Simon begins to tickles him, he giggles as he does so. Rick is a very ticklish mouse, and even though he wiggles, he can't seem to get away from simons tickling fingers.. even rick's tail curls about, rick grabs onto Fiona for support, now laughing.. kicking playfully as his feet recieve their tickles. In all the comotion he doesn't notice Hiro approaching.
Fiona smirks at her brother and pokes him in the chest with a finger. "Don't be mean. Can't you see he's trying to catch his breath? n.n;" she laughs softly herself all the same, ears perking soon after and looking aside, seeming to brighten pretty soon. "Oh, you made it! Come on over Hiro," she says, patting the ground nearby while she reaches down to sneak a light tickle behind Richard's ears. n.n
{command}>:chuckles and finally lays off the tickling for now, looking up as Hiro arrives. He offers a grin to his cousin. "Hey, Hiro. Yeah, got tuckered out after playing tag."
Simon chuckles and finally lays off the tickling for now, looking up as Hiro arrives. He offers a grin to his cousin. "Hey, Hiro. Yeah, got tuckered out after playing tag."
Time: 12:55:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Hiro smiled. He sat down and waited for Richard to notice. "That's a bummer. I missed all th fun." he commented. He took his hat off to feel the breeze of the sunny day.
Richard smiles, and finally gets a chance to catch his breath. He breaths softly, and moves up on fiona, trying to nestle himself in between her arm and her torso, resting his head on her neck. Rick saw Hiro, he wanted to jump up for a hug, but he was too pooped right now, still he said hello with greath enthusiasm, "Hiro! you're here.." he smiled, letting his head fall back a bit. "I.. just need to rest a bit.." but as soon as he said that, his head fell slack, to rest on Fiona. His little chest still moving, though he didn't snore. He was so small compared to all of them.. for a long time he seemed so very week.. it seems, all he needed was a little fresh air.
[Saving Database Soon]
Time: 1:05:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Fiona takes advantage of the near tree, starting to settle a bit more fully, though she's caught off-guard a little by how Rick slumps against her. She soon looks down at him as he finishes speaking with Hiro, surprised to find him apparently falling asleep.... "Bless his little heart. We haven't been out here for long.. ;)" She snugs a bit, and lets him settle, giving him plenty of room to breathe while he settles against her... She waits.... Then when it seems he's resting completely, she looks to Hiro and Simon... "I just wonder what we're going to do with him..." She doubts this can last forever...
[Saving Database]
[Saving Done]
OOC> Richard says, "little rick is a cutie huh.. n.n"
Hiro HUgs Richard!
Richard hugs Hiro!
{command}>:'s grin fades slightly as Fiona poses the question. Unfortunately it's not one that he really has an answer for either. He glances up at Hiro, wondering if he had any plans in that respect.
Simon's grin fades slightly as Fiona poses the question. Unfortunately it's not one that he really has an answer for either. He glances up at Hiro, wondering if he had any plans in that respect.
{command}>rooc :chuckles.
OOC> Simon chuckles.
Hiro thought for a moment. Unfortunately, he can't keep Rick in his house forever. "We could try and make him a cozy house." hue suggested.
Richard adjusts a bit in his sleep, a small paw cuddly grasping on Fiona's shirt. His eyes open a bit, though only a little, he smiles, and recloses them, nuzzling her a bit as he makes himself comfortable in her warm gentle arms. Hiro and Simon close by, making sure nothing bad will happen.. "I love you mommy.." he says quietly, and full of heart..
Fiona nods a bit to Hiro.. "Where's the question," she thinks.... Even now, she finds herself thinking that he's got to have a family out here somewhere. SOMEONE... Much as it warms her heart for him to call her 'mommy', it also makes it that much harder. Once or twice already she's almost found herself thinking of him as her 'little boy'.. That natural course of bonding with a child's wanting to take hold... But she's NOT his mommy. She watches him with a smile as his eyes close, though as those words are uttered, she bites her lower lip, finding her arms drawing around him a little more securely.... It's starting to show a little on her face, how this whole thing's starting to slowly get to her...
Time: 1:15:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
{command}>:gives Fiona a wink at Rick's 'mommy' comment, fuzzling Rick's headfur gently as he drifts off. To Hiro, he nods. "Yeah... we'd need to find something that wouldn't need a lot of work building-wise."
Simon gives Fiona a wink at Rick's 'mommy' comment, fuzzling Rick's headfur gently as he drifts off. To Hiro, he nods. "Yeah... we'd need to find something that wouldn't need a lot of work building-wise."
OOC> Richard says, "another question that could be raised, is when will he be ready to live on his own? "
OOC> Richard says, "just putting that out their n.n"
OOC> Fiona says, "They'd probably have to help him out for awhile yet. I'm assuming he's still quite young at this point in time.. Still wondering if I should play out how Fiona greets him in the 'present' differently or not. ;) Would she already know that he's kinda lived a lot longer than he should normally? n.n;"
OOC> Richard says, "that would be interesting.. if she came to his house.. thinking he had been dead for a long time.. only to find him alive and well.."
OOC> Hiro says, "We had an Rp of Hiro noticing the age thing."
OOC> Richard nods.. "yeah.. poor rick got kinda upset when he found out huh"
OOC> Fiona says, "He probably could've hid it a little bit, and gradually Simon and the others started to find out? I'm not sure how you played that out. :)"
OOC> Richard says, "rick's never known that it's not normal for a mouse to live as long as he has.. it was kind of a shock when he found out that he should have basically died a long time ago.."
OOC> Fiona says, "As far as biting her lip goes.. I meant that she's trying to fight off the urge to cry... n.n;"
OOC> Richard nods
OOC> Richard asks, "whos pose Hiros?"
OOC> Fiona has gotta go soon. <:)
Hiro nodded to both Fiona and Simon. Looking for a good place to live would take so much time. But they couldn't just leave him the way he was before. He would starve again eventually. He stroked Rick's cheek with a finger and smiled. He wanted to do something for him. He is such an innocent and pure mouse. He deserves something special.
OOC> Richard says, "we're almost done.. n.n"
OOC> Fiona says, "Not sure how old Fiona is at this particular point in time.. was assuming somewhere along the lines of a teenager, mid-teens maybe. n.n;"
OOC> Fiona says, "at least physically."
OOC> Hiro asks, "oh so she's the same age as Hiro eh?"
Time: 1:25:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
OOC> Hiro says, "I've always wanted to do an RP of when Hiro was born (me spoofing Hiro's mother)"
OOC> Fiona says, "Could be.. By the present, she would be pretty early into adulthood, but an adult nonetheless."
OOC> Fiona says, "Or just under it.. Gah, I dunno. >D"
Richard lies in Fiona's arms, trying to get to sleep.. it's now evident that he wont be doing any more running to day, he's too tired. All that's left is for him to go to bed and rest up for a new day. He looks so small, so fragile in her arms, his odd fur color and markings, that strange golden button.. what did happen to his parents, where were they.. were they alive? As far as rick new, Fiona was his mother, and Hiro was his father.. and Simon of course, was his close uncle n.n. Rick looked up with weary eyes, around at simon and Hiro.. he smiled at his /dad/ and looked up at fiona, "mom.. I'm tired, can I go to bed?" he asks innocently, his eyes half closed, and his body feeling worn out in her arms. Rick grinned to Hiro, "glad you could come out today dad.. we had some liyawnli fun.." he rests his head against fiona's chest, feeling its warmth, "I love you.." he said, to all of them.. before letting his eyes drift down.
OOC> Fiona quiets in the meantime. n.n
OOC> Hiro awwwws at Rick's pose
OOC> Richard says, "n.n"
Fiona has to struggle not to reach up and wipe her eyes.. She wants to, but for now, she nods.. "It's okay. Go ahead and sleep..." If they made him a place outside, it might work... but they'd have to tend to him pretty constantly if they were gonna care for him.. At least outside it might not be as hard to hide... Fiona can't imagine them just letting him go one day. It would be too cruel.... She leans down to kiss him softly between the eyes, sniffling faintly, but regaining her composure as she looks to her cousin and brother, finding herself eyeing the button... Where could he have gotten it? The way it looks... But no, that couldn't be right, could it? She sighs softly and gently rocks Richard while keeping him snugged, managing a little smile to Hiro. "Next time we'll try to wait up on you a little," she jokingly manages. n.n
OOC> Fiona should get going.. Think we could end on that note? n.n;
{command}>:smiles at Rick's last words before falling asleep. "Cute little guy," he says.
Simon smiles at Rick's last words before falling asleep. "Cute little guy," he says.
OOC> Richard says, "do you want to let simon and hiro finish posing? n.n"
{command}>hug fio
You hug Fiona!
OOC> Fiona says, "Or you could keep posing, and say that Fiona's just sitting and holding to Rick. ;)"
OOC> Richard says, "well. rick's asleep so.. n.n"
{command}>rooc :'s running out of steam myself...
OOC> Simon's running out of steam myself...
OOC> Richard nods
OOC> Richard says, "lets let Hiro end the Rp with his pose :)"
OOC> Fiona says, "kay. ;)"
OOC> Richard says, "fiona's really grown attached to ricky.. n.n"
OOC> Richard says, "that pose you just did was really pulling on my heart strings, n.n"
Time: 1:35:21 AM MST on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Hiro smiles at all of them. He sees Fiona crying a little. "We'll find a home for him. I certainly can't let him go to the way he used to live. I deserves more than that. He starts stroking his "son's" head.
Hiro's status has been changed to Out-Of-Character[OOC].
Richard's status has been changed to Out-Of-Character[OOC].
OOC> Richard asks, "did anyone save this?"
OOC> Fiona grins. Hope you saved the log. n.n
OOC> Hiro says, "I logged the last parts of it."
OOC> Richard says, "I can save this to a word file as well.. just in case n.n"
OOC> Fiona saves a copy. :)
Richard hugs Fiona!
Fiona snugs everyone!
Hiro hugs Fiona!
Fiona says, "Cute stuff. ;D"
Fiona's status has been changed to Out-Of-Character[OOC].
OOC> Fiona says, "G'night guys, BB tomorrow. n.n"
{command}>rooc :has a log
OOC> Simon has a log