20-11-2005 20:07:37
This is only one of the latest photos smuggled out of the NIMH Labs by some very brave rats.
We believe that they are creating a hybrid, part mouse and part cat, this hybrid, as we believe, may be able to act as a hunter/preditor, to flush out escaped NIMH rats and mice and do them in :( .
The sad fact is, most us may know this mouse as Gadget Hacksaw ( this is not known as a fact yet ), but we are not sure who is in that photo, and data is still coming in.
She`s been missing for a while, and we fear that she may have been captured by NIMH :cry: .
http://webzoom.freewebs.com/desmouse/GadgetCat_hb.jpg[" alt=""/img]
EDIT; sorry about that guys, I think I got it fixed, can you see it now? :?
20-11-2005 22:49:16
(laughs) You're not the first to come up with the idea of the mousecat.
23-11-2005 00:40:53
Doh! I can't see the picture. There's just a very amusing and infinitely entertaining red "X" in a white box where the picture used to be. :wink:
23-11-2005 09:01:42
Try this link:
23-11-2005 10:43:12
Try this link:
sorry simon didnot work the picts still not thier.
23-11-2005 16:02:16
Try right clicking on the red X, then select 'View image'.
Hope that helps.
23-11-2005 19:12:06
Big OOPS!, I guess the only way to see it is for me to fix it :? .
I should have remembered not to do a image from my site files, It only works so~so, I must put it in my Desert Mouse`s Secret hidden page just for this job. :wink: Anywho, I hope you all can see it now. :D
30-11-2005 12:45:01
oh great pic. nicely done you have my comliments.
04-12-2005 19:03:01
Hahaha, too funny. :) Do y'all know of somewhere here one could order, like, a DVD edition of the Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers cartoon seriese?
By the way, Whiskas, nice new avvy!
04-12-2005 20:21:16
Hahaha, too funny. :) Do y'all know of somewhere here one could order, like, a DVD edition of the Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers cartoon seriese?
By the way, Whiskas, nice new avvy!
Wal-Mart, yeh, they got it, I saw two of the DVD sets with lots of episodes of the "Rescue Rangers" , but they where 23 dollors a set :(
The avvy, thanks, thats Simon`s work on that. :D