Never even realized how much the Secret of NIMH affected me
11-11-2005 15:13:49
This seems completely random, but it's still NIMH related, so I just wanted to mention that ever since I first saw the movie SON, even though I found the Dom-Deluise voiced character Jeremy Crow very obnoxious, I've always used "Excuse me, Pardon me" as my polite greeting of excusal in public with other people whenever I bump into someone or need to squeeze around someone.
Has anyone else taken dialogue or catch phrases from the movie and used it in their everyday vernacular?
12-11-2005 00:37:58
Know what you mean dud,
Well I do not really say it ,but, when some I know talks about a new girl they have met, I would think "Oh I see, you have a girl" Mrs Brisby, some times I will say it but most times not, the thing is that it pops in your mind as a first thought from the movie. and there is more I can bring to mind if I remember.
13-11-2005 01:01:59
I just know that there are too many nights when I wake up screaming, "Justin! The block! It's SINKING!!!"
But not really. I'm not sure how much it has affected me, but probably not all that much more than any other movie I've seen. My real love affair is with the book. And while I appreciate the movie and think it's very well done, it's not something I'll look back on so many years later and say, "Sigh. I would be so totally different if I hadn't psycho-analyzed Mrs. Brisby and Jenner, and I'll never forget the sparkling repartee I shared over the 'track-changed' pages of an SoN fan-fic."
Then again, I could be wrong. I tend to be more affected by literature and music than movies, but, hey, I'm only a kid. We'll see where it goes, yah?
13-11-2005 01:03:31
And in light of that, I have been affected to the effect of changing my avatar. We'll see where that goes, but I'm getting a little tired of logging on to Justin's silly mug. Maybe... liwicked sniggeringli
13-11-2005 02:17:22
Wow Tort, I always looked forward to that avatar.,
something of a dream to me, is to use "Mr grey" on the "Dream Catchers" as an avatar :? yeh well, cool to me .
I know that if you where here over a year ago ( before simon made the cool NIMH avatars,) we used what we could get our hands on, and I was a cat :roll: .
13-11-2005 16:38:39
As for me, I've been known to hum the "Flying Dreams" theme in times of stress. I find that it has a very soothing effect and it does serve to calm my nerves. As far as actual dialogue from the film is concerned, I have to admit that I don'f really use any of the popular catch phrases... :D
14-11-2005 10:45:11
i tend to think of mrs frisby mostly when i am under great stress. my thoughts are usaully if that type of selfless courage is even posible then i must obtain that level.
14-11-2005 15:43:14
In my case it's more like NIMHmuck than NIMH itself. I admit it I am totaly obsessed with it. The first thing I do when I come home is to go to dash into my computer, and either come to this website to see if they've submitted some fanart, or when I come home earlier, I usually connect on NIMHmuck to see whose online.
Also in the weekends I used to wake up right when breakfast starts, but now I have something to do on weekend mornings so I wake up pretty early. I sometimes print out logs of RPs and read them in school like during lunch or on the way I go to school.
I seriously should balance up my hobbies and the must dos as usual, but like some people are, I am addicted to NIMHmuck.
16-11-2005 21:48:23
There were songs that reminded me of NIMH, and still do. One of them is "Total Eclipse of The Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. It makes me think of the lonliness that Mrs. Brisby must have felt after Jonathan's disappearance. "Mr. Roboto" by Styx reminds me of the rats, strange as it may sound.
17-11-2005 00:21:28
"Mr. Roboto" by Styx reminds me of the rats, strange as it may sound.
The Grateful Dead's "Sugar Magnolia" always makes me think of Otters, oddly enough.
17-11-2005 22:32:08
There were songs that reminded me of NIMH, and still do. One of them is "Total Eclipse of The Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. It makes me think of the lonliness that Mrs. Brisby must have felt after Jonathan's disappearance. "Mr. Roboto" by Styx reminds me of the rats, strange as it may sound.
LOL!! Too cool! I love that song (Total Eclipse of the Heart)! "Once upon a time there was love in my life; now there's only life in the dark. There's nothing I can do; total eclipse of the heart." I'm sure I messed up the lyrics a bit, and I apolgize for that. :?
Hehe... "Mr. Roboto"? That's neat. I certainly wouldn't have thought that, but you have me very amused at the moment. I read that and the Shrek 2 version of Pinnochio singing "Mr. Robotot" came to mind. :P
Oh, goodness. My sanity is slipping. :)
18-11-2005 08:49:24
There were songs that reminded me of NIMH, and still do. One of them is "Total Eclipse of The Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. It makes me think of the lonliness that Mrs. Brisby must have felt after Jonathan's disappearance. "Mr. Roboto" by Styx reminds me of the rats, strange as it may sound.
i never heard of that song what type of music is it
19-11-2005 20:56:41
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
20-11-2005 20:40:17
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
It`s a great song and I know it well, but I have not seen the video, but the line "Turn around bright eyes" reminds me of "Watership Down", funny how music touches us in different ways.
23-11-2005 00:37:43
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
It`s a great song and I know it well, but I have not seen the video, but the line "Turn around bright eyes" reminds me of "Watership Down", funny how music touches us in different ways.
Ooh, yeah, my thoughts exactly. "Bright Eyes" by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle, right? I loooooooooove that song. It inspired a poem once, a habit I need to get back into. But, yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I read that line. :)
23-11-2005 00:38:54
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
Hehe, that actually sounds kinda creepy. :) Do you suppose they have the music vid on Yahoo?
23-11-2005 10:28:15
well my personal favorite type of music is country i dont listen to much else.
23-11-2005 20:31:53
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
It`s a great song and I know it well, but I have not seen the video, but the line "Turn around bright eyes" reminds me of "Watership Down", funny how music touches us in different ways.
Ooh, yeah, my thoughts exactly. "Bright Eyes" by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle, right? I loooooooooove that song. It inspired a poem once, a habit I need to get back into. But, yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I read that line. :)
Yep, "Bright Eyes"( sung in the movie "Watership Down" ) by Art Garfunkle, one of his solos, It was sung in the part of the movie where they thought Hazel was dead, and they where drawn to find him anyways, because of Fiver`s dream, and they did find him, wounded by the farmers shot gun, Yay! he made it thru and lived . Any song with the words "Bright Eyes" and that of other great songs like "Total Eclipse of the Heart" with the line "Turn around Bright Eyes", tends to remind me of that :?
28-11-2005 00:08:44
I guess you'd call it a pop song. The music video is good too, there's a scene where the line "Turn around bright eyes" is sung, and a kid looks up with his eyes glowing like Nicodemus.
It`s a great song and I know it well, but I have not seen the video, but the line "Turn around bright eyes" reminds me of "Watership Down", funny how music touches us in different ways.
Ooh, yeah, my thoughts exactly. "Bright Eyes" by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle, right? I loooooooooove that song. It inspired a poem once, a habit I need to get back into. But, yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I read that line. :)
Yep, "Bright Eyes"( sung in the movie "Watership Down" ) by Art Garfunkle, one of his solos, It was sung in the part of the movie where they thought Hazel was dead, and they where drawn to find him anyways, because of Fiver`s dream, and they did find him, wounded by the farmers shot gun, Yay! he made it thru and lived . Any song with the words "Bright Eyes" and that of other great songs like "Total Eclipse of the Heart" with the line "Turn around Bright Eyes", tends to remind me of that :?
Would you like the MP3? I have two versions that used to be free from a Watership Down official site that I haven't been able to find in ages. If you'd like them, I'd be more than happy to send them to you.
30-11-2005 08:44:06
That sound`s great Tort, but I have no MP3 player and I know zero about MP3`s, I hear that you can play them on a computer, thats about all I know :?
04-12-2005 18:50:18
That sound`s great Tort, but I have no MP3 player and I know zero about MP3`s, I hear that you can play them on a computer, thats about all I know :?
Actually, you
can play them on a computer! :D Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, Quicktime and other such players play MP3 format clips and files. Also, MP3s are burned onto CDs, so if you have a CD writer you could write the MP3 to a CD, and if you have a CD player you could play them in your CD player. Cool, huh? I'll go ahead and send you the two versions I have. The one by Art Garfunkle/Paul Simon can be burned onto a CD, but the one with the woman singing cannot. I'm not exactly sure why, seeing as they're both MP3s, but that's the breaks., At least you can listen to it on your comp. :)
04-12-2005 20:33:59
Coolness, :D
got those types of players online, you got my adress, yeh send them over and I`ll check`em out :D
05-12-2005 01:06:04
Let me know what you think. They were just sent. :)
05-12-2005 07:20:46
Wouldn't mind getting a copy myself... I could host them on Thorn Valley for a bit, even. :)
05-12-2005 10:31:20
Wouldn't mind getting a copy myself... I could host them on Thorn Valley for a bit, even. :)
Actually, I'm glad you said that. My e-mail sending timed out on me last ni- er, this morning, so it didn't go through. Is there some way I can post it onto the site, or do I need to run down to the school and simply use their faster connection to send it via e-mail? I'm open, I just need suggestions. :)
05-12-2005 16:58:29
Wouldn't mind getting a copy myself... I could host them on Thorn Valley for a bit, even. :)
Actually, I'm glad you said that. My e-mail sending timed out on me last ni- er, this morning, so it didn't go through. Is there some way I can post it onto the site, or do I need to run down to the school and simply use their faster connection to send it via e-mail? I'm open, I just need suggestions. :)
Hmm. I don't have a way to allow direct uploads to my site at the moment, but if you'd like to use something like (there's a big long list of file hosting services here: ). Most of those will host a file for a few days before deleting it. Most of them are also a bit on the slow side, but if you'd like to upload it to one of these places, I'd be happy to download it and host it on Thorn Valley. Or you can try emailing me directly. Either way should work.
05-12-2005 22:03:15
Wouldn't mind getting a copy myself... I could host them on Thorn Valley for a bit, even. :)
Actually, I'm glad you said that. My e-mail sending timed out on me last ni- er, this morning, so it didn't go through. Is there some way I can post it onto the site, or do I need to run down to the school and simply use their faster connection to send it via e-mail? I'm open, I just need suggestions. :)
Hmm. I don't have a way to allow direct uploads to my site at the moment, but if you'd like to use something like (there's a big long list of file hosting services here: ). Most of those will host a file for a few days before deleting it. Most of them are also a bit on the slow side, but if you'd like to upload it to one of these places, I'd be happy to download it and host it on Thorn Valley. Or you can try emailing me directly. Either way should work.
I'll check those out and let you know tomorrow. Life's on the up-and-up right now, but I'm really... freaking... tired. Running on fumes here, so I'll ttyl.
06-12-2005 20:31:46
No biggie on getting it here fast (slow connections stink). Well anyways word got around in the mouse hole about this MP3 and I could not stop the party, :wink:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
Yeh, Well, I`m in the one in back, looking stoned, What the heck, we enjoyed other great sound tracks (Secret of NIMH and what not) 8), another Yukon & coke please.
It was such a bash, I think you, lee, Tenken, and simon were there, not sure, my head hurts :(
Awaiting great music from "Watership Down".
NOTE: all in fun. :D
06-12-2005 22:10:33
Well, Simon, I lost your e-mail address since I moved from Airmail to G-mail. I thought I carried it over to use as storage for the crits I did on your story, but I guess they're in limbo somewhere... so much for archiving. Anyway. Here are the URLs for both files. I took your advice, Simon, and I think it worked. Let me know! :)
Bright Eyes - Art Garfunkle:
Bright Eyes - As of yet unidentified woman:
Please, to all interested, remember that the recording by Art Garfunkle CAN be burned onto a CD, but the recording with the woman's voice, which is substantially smaller in file size, CAN NOT be burned onto a CD for as of yet unexaplainable reasons. Anyone who finds a way, please let me know. I've been trying for some time with no fruits to show for my labor. :wink: :roll: Lanywhoodle, enjoy!!
- Tort
06-12-2005 23:25:32
The Art Garfunkle link doesn't seem to work. The other one came through all right, though. I'll upload it soonish. :)
07-12-2005 10:34:21
No biggie on getting it here fast (slow connections stink). Well anyways word got around in the mouse hole about this MP3 and I could not stop the party, :wink:[" alt=""/img]
Yeh, Well, I`m in the one in back, looking stoned, What the heck, we enjoyed other great sound tracks (Secret of NIMH and what not) 8), another Yukon & coke please.
It was such a bash, I think you, lee, Tenken, and simon were there, not sure, my head hurts :(
Awaiting great music from "Watership Down".
NOTE: all in fun. :D[/quote]
all the mice look er stoned. did some one spike the punch
07-12-2005 13:03:10
The Art Garfunkle link doesn't seem to work. The other one came through all right, though. I'll upload it soonish. :)
To-footy... Well, I'll try again in a bit when I'm at the school. The faster connection might jive better. Who knows? I'll try the file-hosting site that you oringinally suggested and be back in a flash.
08-12-2005 18:27:52
Well, got art garfunkle to my WINAMP, and shows that It`s there but will not play, and the women singing it will not down load, this down loading music in this kind`a of file is new to me, I`m doing anything wrong? or something I know not of yet in this matter?,, Yeh the mice went home. :D
09-12-2005 19:26:13
Well, got art garfunkle to my WINAMP, and shows that It`s there but will not play, and the women singing it will not down load, this down loading music in this kind`a of file is new to me, I`m doing anything wrong? or something I know not of yet in this matter?,, Yeh the mice went home. :D
I'm gonna send them via e-mail again, and hopefully it won't time out on me again.
Simon, would you send me an e-mail at so I can have your addy for sending purposes? If you're still interested, that is...
11-12-2005 19:40:21
Well, got art garfunkle to my WINAMP, and shows that It`s there but will not play, and the women singing it will not down load, this down loading music in this kind`a of file is new to me, I`m doing anything wrong? or something I know not of yet in this matter?,, Yeh the mice went home. :D
I'm gonna send them via e-mail again, and hopefully it won't time out on me again.
Simon, would you send me an e-mail at so I can have your addy for sending purposes? If you're still interested, that is...
No E-mail yet, Thanks so much for trying, it seems sometimes that this internet stuff can be a pain in our back sides and I`ve had this happen to me also :x
18-12-2005 04:57:19
It affected me quite a bit and I didn't even know it. My own novel has a dormouse scientist who studies genetics. O.o Didn't realize it was NIMH that inspired him til I saw the movie for the first time in like, 10 years.
21-12-2005 09:51:18
Okay, I posted them again at a different file-hosting site. Try this and tell me if it works. They should both be on this one:
Art Garfunkle version:
Other version:
Good luck folks. :wink:
21-12-2005 20:31:29
HOTDOG, I got :) ,
The Art Garfunkle one loaded easy :shock:
The version with the lady singing took some screwing around, but it fanally took, do`nt ask how I did it because I don`t know, I was just clicking on things like a mad monkey :roll: .
Great work!! 8)
Oh yeh, the dancing mice stink, get out of my office, you are all fired!! :x
10-03-2006 13:20:49
Help! I can't stop watching the dancing's hypnotic!
It's funny how NIMH stays with you. I'm always seeing stuff that reminds me of it. I can't hear the name 'Justin' without thinking of guess who, and every time Bruce Jenner is mentioned on "Skating with the Stars", I crack up, due to the inevitable mental picture of Jenner attempting to figure skate. (I may have to make some photo manips at some point ;))
When I worked out in the countryside, on the drive in I would always pass an exist sign for 'Jennerstown'. I kid you not. Always wanted to stop in and visit, just for the hell of it.
I recently read "Secret of the Stone" by Procyon, where the wife of Jenner is named Christine. I immediately burst out laughing--that's also the name of my younger sister, who has a penchant for dating 'bad boy' types.
10-03-2006 20:26:20
They been dancing for 3 months now, time for my shotgun, ok boys party`s over. 8)
so much of this movie and book has changed me, since those times, I wonder what would life be to me with out this book and movie.
I have often found myself muttering the words "please dear God no" more than once a day. I would have to say nimh has had a profound effect on me
03-04-2006 19:49:39
I've never realised this until a member posted earlier on this forum.
I do also tend to say, "Excuse me, pardon me a lot". So now I know that I probably got it from Jermey. That bird always makes me laugh. I didn't even think that the SoN would influence me like that. :lol:
I have just recently brought the SoN on DVD (couple of months back) and I love watching it, it's one of the movies that I would actually watch the whole way through without skipping to the good parts (if you guys take my point).
I had read the SoN books but this time I prefere the movie itself (I think that it's better than the book, which is rare for me).
My favorite character on the SoN is either Mrs. Brisby or Justin.
Thank you for showing me on how to use the avatar, Whiskers57. I would have picked out a picture of Mrs. Brisby and Justin together (since they're my favorite couple) but the site didn't have one.
If anyone is looking for a good Justin/Mrs. Brisby fanfiction go to this website:
The story is called Darkest Days (DD) and I think it's fantastic, really(Justin/Mrs. Brisby relationship)! The manager says that he's planning on closing the site down in June (I think, so you might want to go over there and read it)! I'll warn you, the story DD is rated R (mostly for violence and sex) but it still is good. I don't think that it's sequel is great (rated R too) but you can still check it out at that site.
"We--we were just talking about you."
"Well that's refreshing Jenner, usually you're screaming about us."-Justin, Captain of the Guards
03-04-2006 20:25:44
I've never realised this until a member posted earlier on this forum.
I do also tend to say, "Excuse me, pardon me a lot". So now I know that I probably got it from Jermey. That bird always makes me laugh. I didn't even think that the SoN would influence me like that. :lol:
I have just recently brought the SoN on DVD (couple of months back) and I love watching it, it's one of the movies that I would actually watch the whole way through without skipping to the good parts (if you guys take my point).
I had read the SoN books but this time I prefere the movie itself (I think that it's better than the book, which is rare for me).
My favorite character on the SoN is either Mrs. Brisby or Justin.
Thank you for showing me on how to use the avatar, Whiskers57. I would have picked out a picture of Mrs. Brisby and Justin together (since they're my favorite couple) but the site didn't have one.
If anyone is looking for a good Justin/Mrs. Brisby fanfiction go to this website:
The story is called Darkest Days (DD) and I think it's fantastic, really(Justin/Mrs. Brisby relationship)! The manager says that he's planning on closing the site down in June (I think, so you might want to go over there and read it)! I'll warn you, the story DD is rated R (mostly for violence and sex) but it still is good. I don't think that it's sequel is great (rated R too) but you can still check it out at that site.
"We--we were just talking about you."
"Well that's refreshing Jenner, usually you're screaming about us."-Justin, Captain of the Guards
So glad you found the avatar pics :) Briz with the stone is cool.
"Darkest Days" By Bad Bird was one of my first reads in fan-fics behind Paul Gibbs and Daphne Lage, the Brisby and Justin love affair, I found out that some like it, some not.
04-04-2006 13:25:12
I guess as far as fan-fics are concerned it's pretty good. I keep seeing several common mistakes that tend toward being pet-peeves, but my standards for all literature are... really high to say the least. I'm a better critic than I am a reader, but I'm glad not everyone is shying away from the Justin-Elizabeth love tangle. I mean, I guess it's pretty common, but well written... yeah.
04-04-2006 13:40:54
As for Badbird's fanfic...yeah.
I liked it when I first read it, but when I reread it...meh. Certain things just bothered me about it. I'm really not a fan of the Mrs. Brisby/Justin pairing, so maybe that's why.
On a related note (totally OT, sorry), WHY WHY WHY must Jenner be continually portrayed as an evil rapist? I've read a couple of fanfics with this premise, and it really grates my cheese. Not because I think Jenner is a particularly great guy, just because I feel like it makes him a generic action movie bad guy--and only rarely are those characters interesting to me.
But...yeah. I guess, speaking of the influence of NIMH, that's probably why I get so annoyed when villains from other movies, particularly anime, are portrayed like that. Sometimes it's done believably--but most of the time, it isn't.
Think about it. The whole reason most of us love SoN (the movie) is because it's different. It's not your standard animated fare.
Who has gone ridiculously off topic, and apologizes profusely
16-06-2006 12:35:17
Wow, this topic really went along way, and to places I never expected! :lol: That's allright, It's cool.
I just think it's funny that Art Garfunkle wrote that song for that Watership Down movie in the first place. That's perhaps the most popular part of the movie. My question is, where was Paul Simon?
...I got that movie on dvd, I watched it with my friends one night, they had never heard of Watership Down before or anything, and they loved it. In fact, I had to let them borrow it for like a month and their parents watched it with them too and even came back to me telling me how much they liked that movie. Even I don't like it that much. It's allright, but not that great, the animation for one thing isn't all that top-notch. What is this, a Watership Down forum? I should shut up about this before I end up starting a whole new off-topic thread.
...Hey, you know, just one more thing to mention, in the movie "The Curse of the Were-Rabbit", that new Wallace and Gromit movie (Don't even get me started on how awesomely awesome they are, too much off-topic to talk about!!!!) ...anyway, in one part of the movie Wallace is tuning around on his car radio and that song is playing on one of the stations. Anyone seeing that movie catch that?
17-06-2006 15:43:18
Wow, this topic really went along way, and to places I never expected! :lol: That's allright, It's cool.
That means you made a good topic. :)
David Leemhuis
09-11-2010 12:10:22
This topic sure went all over the place. Just for the record, the song “Bright Eyes” was written by Mike Batt (lyrics) and Angela Morley, who composed the entire score for “Watership Down”. I don’t know about more recent availability, but the soundtrack album (which I still have on vinyl) didn’t stay in print too long after its initial release, like far too many soundtracks. Art Garfunkel also rerecorded the song for his album “Scissors Cut.”