Not NIMH-related, but interesting

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01-11-2005 13:45:38

This is an article I just found on I learned something new today. :)[]

Sorry for my lack of posting recently. :?


02-11-2005 07:32:58

Weeeeeiiiiiiiiird... although not very surprising, I guess.

Cool beans.


02-11-2005 11:03:59

cooool yet still wierd and interesting. all my favorite topics. :lol: :lol: :lol:


02-11-2005 13:00:11

liLaughsli I'm drawn to these sort of offbeat topics on, and I almost always share them with someone.

I think it's an awesome discovery: we as humans are only beginning to scratch the surface of how and why other animals communicate. A lot of us think we're so intelligent, being able to speak and have emotions. But, I believe Mother Nature didn't limit this to our species.

Although I'm a very scientific-minded person(not a scientist, as I'm not smart enough :lol: )I do feel a very close bond with Nature, and have a deep respect for her. As you may be able to tell, I'm loosely New Age, though I follow no particular religion.


02-11-2005 17:58:42

As I've stated before, we humans tend to put ourselves on too high a pedestal. We forget that many many different and varied species were swimming the earth's oceans, flying through the air, running, leaping, walking across the land and climbing through the trees long before we set foot on the planet and chances are, they'll continue in some form or another, long after we've gone. We are but a blip on the radar screen of geological time so it should come as no suprise to us when we "discover" a previously unknown talent or ability in an otherwise familiar species that happens to share this planet with us. :)