09-07-2005 22:30:31
I got off work one day and stoped at the VFW (for a few drinks) and was talking to a old Korean war vet and telling him a about animation and how it works and also told him about my cels in my collection and in time he made a statment.. do the cels as you speak of fit in the move, I said I guess ,..but I never checked it out, so.. I tried one to see. 8)
http://www.freewebs.com/desmouse/hapbrz3.JPG[" alt=""/img]
this is my cel. :) bought on E-bay
[img="]http://www.freewebs.com/desmouse/brzmed.JPG[" alt=""/img]
and from the movie . :)
So it does fit .Evenurl==http://=http:///url a non-NIMH fan makes a point to be checked up on :?
well It gives me a new out look on what would be a great thing to do with my cels on my site 8)
10-07-2005 04:53:56
Wow, that's really neat, to say the least! I'd love to own a cel from some animated film(Watership Down, probably), but man are those suckers expensive. I regularly see things like that on eBay and think, "If only I were a millionaire, I'd buy them all", XD! :D
17-07-2005 02:01:52
Well yes, they should be the same, a cel is what they put under the camera and captured for the movie, one cel at a time. So when you look at that screen capture, that's an actual photo taken of the cel in your hand.
When I buy a cel, at least when priced above $100, I'll spend plenty of time making sure it matches with a still in the movie. I'll actually go into photoshop and overlay the cel and film still, stretching them to match, flipping between them, looking at smallest details to make sure.
I do this because sometimes you can have a cel that's real close that ends up being a color model cel never used in the movie, so not worth as much. Sometimes you'll have a 2 cel setup that are real cels, but don't match perfectly in a film still because one of them could be from a couple frames ahead or behind of the other, though, that doesn't really hurt value.
Here's a large pic of my most current cel, with how much I paid for it I checked it against the movie dozens times before bidding high:
18-07-2005 01:02:27
Yes, very cool. That is an extremely cute pic of Mrs. Brisby. A rare gem of happiness :) Good find!
19-07-2005 07:37:49
Well yes, they should be the same, a cel is what they put under the camera and captured for the movie, one cel at a time. So when you look at that screen capture, that's an actual photo taken of the cel in your hand.
man "O" man if I was a millionaire, I heard that it took a 120,000 cels to make this movie.
Thats great to know TimothyB, I`ve heard that some cels were made just to sell to push the movie, (I maybe wrong on this ).
The cel you have is a classic and a beautiful scene in the movie, When I showed one of my cels with the movie still to my room mate he said "looks like you got a real part of the movie there"..liwarm fuzzy :) li
I have just got the time a week ago to frame my cels and I gave them a color background and was surprised on how they looked so I took a group pic of them :)
http://webzoom.freewebs.com/desmouse/group%20cels02.JPG[" alt=""/img]
19-07-2005 18:14:23
Wow, those turned out great with the colors. You probably should hang each character's cels togethor, so you get a better feel for them, different emotions and such.
Remember to keep them away from direct sun. You can get some kind of coating to block some rays. And usually acid free matts and paper help preserve or make archival
21-07-2005 17:29:17
Wow, those turned out great with the colors. You probably should hang each character's cels togethor, so you get a better feel for them, different emotions and such.
Remember to keep them away from direct sun. You can get some kind of coating to block some rays. And usually acid free matts and paper help preserve or make archival
Thanks TimothyB, I think the pic of Cynthia with the pink background came out the best. I used acid free papers tho I did`nt really know if the acid in the paper would hurt the cels in time, so I went acid free just to be safe.
The U/V coating I`ve never heard of, is it a protective flim or sheet that covers the picture or you put between the cel and glass?
I`ll be trying to move on to another character in my cels, when the money is there :) .
21-07-2005 20:25:28
All my cels that are framed I had done when I bought them so I always requested coated glass or plexi-glass. Not sure how the coating is done or if you can get something for non-coated glass. I'm guessing if it's something you can spread on the glass it would be on the inside part of the glass, so you can still clean and touch the outside.
22-07-2005 21:24:36
All my cels that are framed I had done when I bought them so I always requested coated glass or plexi-glass. Not sure how the coating is done or if you can get something for non-coated glass. I'm guessing if it's something you can spread on the glass it would be on the inside part of the glass, so you can still clean and touch the outside.
I`ll check out the Frame shops in town to see how how it is done and see what advice they got that I can use. I framed these in just your basic Wal-Mart frames, If need be I may up grade for the safety of the cels. :)
22-07-2005 23:16:34
On average it has cost me, for double matt with coated plexiglass, about $130 to frame my cels at professional cel dealers online. Sometimes $100 or free if you work out a deal.
26-07-2005 19:39:56
Was this worked out with the seller or was this done after you bought the Cel?
I have one (Cel not shown to the forum) that they framed and U/V protected . (done by the seller) then it came as a packed deal and it seems to have a plxiglass front.
If I could get a address to some on line dealers that could do this with some of my other Cels that would be great :)