What if???
Just noticed alot of tyhings posted lately and I thought that I sshould contribute a good old What if topic since I know i few of you just loooooooooooove these:
First off let me apologise to all those Timmothy fans out there.
Ok here goes: In NIMH if Timmothy were to die (sorry) of his illness how would you think the plot would develope for the other characters in the film?
I know it would just screw up the plot royaly but Im just interested.
I will post my feelings as soon as I hear (or read) what you guys have to say.
You already answered it for me, it would destroy the whole plot of the movie and would make it a very short film. Brisby would've never met the Rats and figure out what her husband did, just mope for timothy through the rest of it.
16-02-2005 08:03:07
This is a bit of a touchy subject for me (you want my favorite char to die off!) but I'll play along. Is nothing sacred? ;)
I'd suppose that a few qualifiers would be needed... When does Timothy die, first off? At the start of the movie? In that case, sure, Mrs. Brisby and her family would grieve, move to their summer home, and the Rats would now either be dead or permanent guests at NIMH. The story of her family would grow stranger as they continued with their NIMH-enhanced lives without knowing its cause; knowing that they're somehow different, but unable to explain how or why. Some (likely very few) rats may have escaped, but as Dr. Schultz would have found their electrified colony after a bit of digging (if they do, anyway), they would likely expand their search for altered Rats, fearing that they may mingle with the local population, making it dangerous for any rodent to live near the farm, including the Brisby's. Perhaps a rat or two (a friend of Jonathan, perhaps), would go to the Brisby's and tell them about Jonathan.
After Mrs. Brisby goes to see the Rats? (as in, she returns home that afternoon after meeting Nicodemus, only to find her son has died). In this case, she would have a much greater knowledge of who Jonathan is, and would be able to tell something of his legacy to their family. However, there wouldn't be much point in her going through with the plan to drug Dragon, again resulting in an early move by her family and the death and capture of the Rats (except for possibly a few fugitives that managed to escape). Again, this would probably lead to a similar end as the previous situation.
During the move? Going by the movie's representation of events, Timothy may have drowned as the level of mud rose in the cinderblock house. Perhaps Mrs. Brisby was unable to use the Stone to save them. In that case, all her children would be dead, however, the Rats, knowing their fate from the farmer's phonecall that Mrs. Brisby overheard, would still be able to make their escape. As the rats feel they owe their lives to this brave rodent, they make room for her within their colony, where she lives out her days alone, broken by the loss of her husband and family, and turning into a ghost of her former self.
For some reason, just Timothy dies during the move, and the rest of them are somehow rescued. Perhaps they have enough presence of mind to poke a hole in the dirt of the open side of the cinderblock, thus freeing her children, except for Timothy. Again, she would be broken up by the loss, though she would still have the rest of her children to care for. Being no stranger to such losses, she'd gather what courage she had and continue on with her life. Again, perhaps the Rats' hearts would soften at seeing her loss despite their efforts, and knowing all that she did for them, and ask her to come with them. In either case (staying or leaving), she lives out her days, caring for and supporting her children until they become adults. As her life runs out, she takes comfort in her children and grandchildren, though she can't help but wonder about what could have been.
After the move? That'd likely be about the same as the last scenario, except for the part about going to live with the Rats.
Anyway... That was fun. :)
16-02-2005 18:24:53
Good alterd story simon Inspite of your favorite character`s passing. :(
Sorry I have not posted in a while but a job is a job I was TDA to "White sands" and while I been gone looks like this place has been in a party mode with gobs of new chat (Why the this always happen when I go away for a bit ):LOL
well, lots of post to catch up on . lisighli I`ll try :?
17-02-2005 09:00:23
TDA hugh? I sent some time at Ft. Bliss.
I think the story would have been hard pressed to do anything if Timothy did die. The story is largely about him and what his mother does to save him.
There are the other children also but I think Timothy dieing would have been something monstrous for poor Mrs. Brisby to deal with.
17-02-2005 12:38:57
i am sorry but that is just one character that really is not going to die. but if he did it would have to be at the end and really really uh tick every one off. he is one of my favborite characters it is just to much of importance to kill at least to me.
:x :x :x
although simon did come up with a good alteration for the story.
22-02-2005 02:39:43
TDA hugh? I sent some time at Ft. Bliss.
Oops!! we civilans at Edwards A.F.B call it TDA Temp. duty assigment. To the Military it`s a TDY. When I was there I saw lots of army, we only in the A.F. had a small SQ. in the test FQ.. well hate to mess with the thread and I did not wish to, but what has happen is My doing so if want talk more PM me. :)
Martin Siedow
12-03-2005 13:25:49
Finally I had enough time to put my thoughts about this subject into an english text.
It could have gone in the way that Simon has depicted it, but there is also another chain of events possible:
We know that Nicodemus watched Mrs. Brisby from afar. He could have easily instructed Mr. Ages to bring her to the rosebush, so that Nicodemus could offer his help. But he liked to test her character and let her go the hard way. He may even have instructed Brutus to test her mettle (when he swung his halberd at her, he seems to deliberately miss her). Nicodemus wanted to know if Mrs. Brisby has the potential to use the stone.
If Timothy would have died, Nicodemus could have suggested that the stone can undo his death by turning back the time (like in the movie Groundhog Day, but only once). The stone could have already been used to save Jonathan or other members of the rosebush colony from certain death, but drained so much energy from Nicodemus that he aged prematurely, even when he was assisted by Brutus at later attempts. Having the necessary character strength, Mrs. Brisby would have traveled in the fourth dimension to the beginning of the day were Timothy went ill, carrying a message from Nicodemus to his past self. Unbeknown to her, Justin and Brutus would have assisted to reduce the drain on her.
The story would now go on as follows: After a talk with Nicodemus and Justin, Mrs. Brisby decides to cure Timothy with the amulet. Because the stone needs to recharge in Nicodemus chamber, Mrs. Brisby gives Timothy a medicine from Mr. Ages that is more effective because it is administered earlier and Mrs. Brisby can give more details about Timothy´s illness. Additionally Jeremy is cut loose earlier, so that he can keep a good distance from Dragon. While the Brisby Family take care of their sick child, a rat scavenger group gets the order to sabotage the tractor in addition to their normal task. They observe the Fitzgibbons more closely and hear the conversation between Mr. And Mrs. Fitzgibbon about the call from NIMH. It is agreed to put them under closer observation and so the second call from NIMH is overheard. During the night the Rosebush Colony is evacuated and the rats move their equipment to the waterfall at the old mill. In the morning Mrs. Brisby cures Timothy and Nicodemus invites the Brisby family to go with the rats to Thorn Valley, because he wants to instruct Mrs. Brisby further and traveling with a large group of rats is much safer for her family.
The life of the Brisbys and the rosebush colonists would now continue differently, with Nicodemus, Jenner and Sullivan still in the picture. But this is another story.
12-03-2005 23:46:32
Ah-ha-hawsome! And it follows the 'rules' of elementary 'magick' as well..
You have vision there.. Why not try to turn that into a fanfic? I think it'd work excellently. :wink:
Martin Siedow
14-03-2005 12:35:28
It´s a good idea to expand this post into a fanfiction. There are not many stories that alter the plot of "The Secret of NIMH". But the start of such a project may well be in the far future. Currently I have sometimes enough free hours to write a post like the one above, but I don´t have the time to put another long-term project into my to-do-list.
14-03-2005 14:00:23
Ah.. I see.. I have pretty much the same problem, but I'm working on it.
It has been my experience that the longer it takes to create something, the more magnificent it is when it finally is finished. I have been trying to live by this, but it does get difficult sometimes.
14-03-2005 14:02:11
i would like to apologize for not giving your alteration a chance yes it could very well happen. but you did omething that had not happened in a while you shocked me that would be an alteration worthy to happen.and perhaps one to consider in future fan fics. but as i said i am sorry i was prejudgemental forgive :lol: :lol: :lol:
31-05-2005 14:24:42
I think that I f Timothy dies, the movie itself would be gone. It depends on "when" he dies.
This is my logic... (Say Timothy dies before the Tractor scene)
If Timmy dies, Mrs. B would have no problem escaping from the tractor.
The she won't need The Great Owl. She won't meet the rats, and she woulldn't be given the amulet. First of all, if Timothy isn't there, what's the point of holding a hot amulet and moving the house?
On the other hand, Nicodemus would be killed, and if Mrs. B wasn't in that position, Jenner would have continued and the rats probably wouldn't have been to Thorn Valley.
Back up! No block, no killing Nicodemus.
See? (But remember that this is if Timothy was dead before the Tractor. If he died after the tractor, the events relating with the rats would be changed.)
"You can unlock any door if you only have the key."
I've thought of this, maybe Timothy is "the key" for unlocking the door.
David Leemhuis
13-12-2011 20:18:01
I think the subject of “What if Timothy had died” has been pretty well covered here; not much I can add to it. So…how about the other side of the coin, i.e.
What if Timothy had never gotten sick to begin with?
Obviously Mrs. B would never have sought the rats’ help, and Moving Day would likely have proceeded without incident. Those mysterious rats living beneath the rosebush would still be unknown to her, and of course they’d have had no way of knowing NIMH was coming, and they all likely would have gotten killed or captured, though some of them could have escaped thru the mill or other back exits. If there was a crew already in Thorn Valley, they might have been the only survivors.
Would his family ever have known of Jonathan’s connection to them? Only if one or more survivors had been inclined to approach her (certainly Justin would have, had he survived) and fill them in. Now, in my fan-fics Johnathan survived after being whisked away to another reality. If we factor that in, then Gwinthrayle may eventually have found a way to send him home, and he would have been reunited with his family but devastated by the loss of his friends. And then there’s the Stone it may have found its way into Mrs. B’s hands, though what she would have done with it is questionable. Possibly she could have figured it out well enough to use it to find out John’s true fate and gone on a mission to seek him out by herself, or with one or two of the surviving rats, instead of Gwinthrayle sending him home.
13-12-2011 20:49:15
I think the subject of “What if Timothy had died” has been pretty well covered here; not much I can add to it. So…how about the other side of the coin, i.e.:
What if Timothy had never gotten sick to begin with?
Obviously Mrs. B would never have sought the rats’ help, and Moving Day would likely have proceeded without incident. Those mysterious rats living beneath the rosebush would still be unknown to her, and of course they’d have had no way of knowing NIMH was coming, and they all likely would have gotten killed or captured, though some of them could have escaped thru the mill or other back exits. If there was a crew already in Thorn Valley, they might have been the only survivors.
Would his family ever have known of Jonathan’s connection to them? Only if one or more survivors had been inclined to approach her (certainly Justin would have, had he survived) and fill them in. Now, in my fan-fics Johnathan survived after being whisked away to another reality. If we factor that in, then Gwinthrayle may eventually have found a way to send him home, and he would have been reunited with his family but devastated by the loss of his friends. And then there’s the Stone: it may have found its way into Mrs. B’s hands, though what she would have done with it is questionable. Possibly she could have figured it out well enough to use it to find out John’s true fate and gone on a mission to seek him out by herself, or with one or two of the surviving rats, instead of Gwinthrayle sending him home.
What if Jenner was one of the surviving rats? Factor this into that scenario and your fan-fic.
Pennsylvania Jones
13-12-2011 20:57:12
On the original subject: If Timmy died, there'd be none of this:
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MV7TQ688L._SL500_AA300_.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Which would be a very, very, very good thing. ;)
13-12-2011 22:53:35
What it farmer Fitzgibbons didn't start plowing until two days later?
14-12-2011 16:10:50
What if Jenner had failed to kill Nicodemus, but Nicodemus knew Jenner was behind it?
14-12-2011 17:09:16
What if instead of going to Thorn Valley the rats moved to a trailer park in Canada?
14-12-2011 19:56:37
What if the rats moved to the Jersey Shore instead of Thorn Valley?
BTW, we totally need a Jersey Shore/Secret of NIMH crossover.
14-12-2011 20:12:21
What if: At the end of the film, after the credits roll, the camera zooms in on the limp body of Mrs. Brisby at the bottom of the threshing machine. Her neck at a strange, un-natural angle. A small trickle of blood from her mouth.
Pennsylvania Jones
14-12-2011 20:12:50
What if Jonathan never fell in love?
14-12-2011 20:18:15
What if Jonathan had a second secret family at the rosebush?
Pennsylvania Jones
14-12-2011 20:23:45
What if the Rats of NIMH brought Mrs. Brisby's family to Thorn Valley from the get-go?
What if Breta's name was Brenda?
What if people actually liked Timmy To The Rescue? Or Jar-Jar Binks, for that matter?
So many questions, so few answers!!! :shock:
14-12-2011 21:33:56
How about NIMH in Bizarro world?
22-01-2012 08:33:10
What if The Secret of NIMH never existed? Oh snap! I just went there....
22-01-2012 12:52:17
What if The Secret of NIMH never existed? Oh snap! I just went there....
No you fool! You've created a time paradox!
Pennsylvania Jones
22-01-2012 13:14:07
What if The Secret of NIMH never existed? Oh snap! I just went there....
No you fool! You've created a time paradox!
http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.8981917.8978/sticker,375x360.png[" alt=""/img][/quote]
What if, instead of learning through reading, the Rats of NIMH just watched TV every day in the Boniface Estate?
What if people actually started to answer questions in this thread?