Invent Your Most Evil Villain ala NIMH!
Okay, this may sound like a silly idea, but I love silly ideas.
I have a challenge to all you other board users out there:
Write up your idea, description, personality and/or background of the most evil or comical villain you could possibly conceive for a "good" sequel for our favorite movie "The Secret of NIMH". The more detail you can give the better. :twisted:
If you want I'll then try to draw up your ideas and see if Simon can post them under "Fan Art" in a section where everybody can show off their own idea for the perfect NIMH sequel villain.
Anybody like that idea?
Martin Siedow
03-09-2003 11:48:12
It´s an interesting idea. I have a villain in mind and will post his description.
Because I try to give the villain a unique name I have one question for you: Do you knew if there are SoN-Characters (In fanfiction, NIMH-Muck etc.) who have the name Richard, Eckhard or Madison?
I think in one of the sequel books the name "Richard" might have come up as it is a faily common name. Eckhard and Madisson on the other hand sound less common and might be "safe" to use.
03-09-2003 18:53:09
I think in one of the sequel books the name "Richard" might have come up as it is a faily common name. Eckhard and Madisson on the other hand sound less common and might be "safe" to use.
To the best of my knowledge, there was no major character named Richard in any sequel, movie or book. There might (which I doubt) have been a rat named that, but it would have been no more than a passing mention.
Martin Siedow
07-09-2003 06:34:41
All right, my evil character will have the name Eckhard for now. He will be of the "most evil" category. Since it will take some time to finish the description (It seems that next week I will be very busy), someone who uses himself a character with this name can notify me by email or this board if he wishes that I change the name of the villain.
08-09-2003 17:07:45
In fact I have a suggestion. How about a villian based upon the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Judging from his ability to steal an election and to deceive an entire country by making false claims and accusations for which young men and women are paying for with their lives, I'd say Mr. Bush would be a perfect villian. BTW, Cheney could be his sidekick. Both of these characters could be drawn as the rats they really are.
Peace 8)
Martin Siedow
06-10-2003 13:16:55
It seems that I had not only one but several very busy weeks but now I have the description for an SoN-Villain. While I wrote the description I had several ideas for a story about that villain. But because even that one-page-description had cost me a considerable amount of free time, I don´t think that I could finish an entire story on my own. So if someone likes to write a fanfic that includes Eckhard, I can give him the description of Eckhard and if he wants I share my ideas for story and background with him.
Here comes the description of Eckhard. If you hope that it could become a NIMH-Fanfic and like to keep the suspense read no further because the secrets of Eckhard are revealed in this text.
Eckhard is a rat with a uniformly grey pelt that has darkened over the time. He is only a little bit higher than Justin and has the same light body-build. His face is rather bland except for the watery-grey eyes. He radiates an aura of calmness and with his relatively small round glasses looks like an experienced middle-aged teacher. But when someone looked for a longer time at him he could feel a certain uneasiness because he could sense that Eckhard could be a very stern teacher. Eckhard has no great oratory skills but they are sufficient to inspire his underlings. Indoors he likes to wear rather bland clothes and was never caught wearing something fancy or gaudy. Outdoors he prefers garment that aids in camouflage and sometimes go out with only his pelt covering his skin.
As one of the twenty rats that escaped the NIMH-Labs Eckhard has a life before his intelligence reached the human level. In this first part of his life he had to compete with a lot of mice for food. So he developed into a veritable mouse-killer that even ate his victims when no better food was available. He didn´t remember that very clearly but the concept that mice are dire enemies was deeply engraved in his subconscious mind and influenced his behavior. But while Brutus, who had a similar past, eventually accepted that not all mice are enemies and stopped killing them (he could be still very rude with a mouse when he thought she should be persuaded not to visit a place for a second time), Eckhard secretly embraced the idea of mice as general enemy that should be eradicated, because then there would be fewer competition for the food. Of course he put also humans on the top of his enemies list and concerning non-intelligent rats he thought that killing them when they attack is pure self-defense and that if someone has the capacity to think about preemptive actions some preemptive self-defense is also in order.
When the rats planned their escape from NIMH, Eckhard was first against the idea to free the mice with them but Nicodemus has a longer talk with him and say that her should think it through. After some thinking Eckhard realized that they should indeed take the mice with them because otherwise the NIMH scientists could band together with the mice to track them down. From this point on he put some thought into a subject before he made his opinion known or took a action, if the situation allowed it.
Since Nicodemus seemed to be the most intelligent of them he followed his lead at first. But after he discovered that Nicodemus had become a friend of Jonathan and did not wanted to begin a great war against human and mice, Eckhard thought that the Rats of NIMH needed another leader. Of course he didn´t said that Nicodemus in the face because from his viewpoint, by allying with mice Nicodemus himself has become the enemy. Because Eckhard was able to conceal his emotions very well, no one, not even Nicodemus, had a clue about that.
In the rosebush Eckhard discovered that Nicodemus was magically scrying on them but that he himself could sense it. Eckhard was able to send false images to Nicodemus scrying device, using his own psionic powers. He looked for allies and found in Jenner a like-minded soul. They complemented each other good, Eckhard as capable and cold-blooded organizer and Jenner as hot-tempered charismatic leader and very good warrior. Thinking that Jenner would be the best leader for the Rats of NIMH, Eckhard became his right hand.
While Jenner worked as council-member in the political arena, Eckhard´s job was the acquisition of goods from the humans without their knowledge. He founded the Watchmen, whose main purpose was to keep the presence of intelligent rats at the rosebush a secret. The members were trained in fighting and subterfuge and had to see that the other rats don´t do anything that revealed their presence to the humans. Eckhard build up an inner circle in the watch that shared his viewpoint concerning mice. He was of course very cautious and demanded the killing of a mouse as proof of the rats allegiance to his cause. Eckhard had no qualms about killing those rats that tried to notify Nicodemus that he was a mouse-hater and deliberately ignored Nicodemus order that mice should generally not killed but only scared away. With Dragon around he had always a good excuse for dead rats or mice.
Because he is also in the management staff of the Rosebush-Community, Eckhard made another rat the Captain of the Watch. He choose as Captain a watchmen that had impressed him with the very skillfully elimination of Mrs. Brisby´s parents.
When Nicodemus came up with the plan to move the settlement under the rosebush completely to Thorn Valley, Jenner was absolutely against the idea while Eckhard thought that a complete evacuation in the case of an emergency was in order. Because Eckhard don´t want to be seen by Jenner as a traitor, he began a careful balance act: He examined the plan for Jenner and gave him ammunition for his agitation against the plan but also improved the plan so that an evacuation of the rosebush could be executed more effectively.
After some time he and Jenner had a solid core of followers, including one of the rat´s doctors and thought about the removal of Nicodemus, Justin, Mr. Ages and the Brisbys. Jonathan put himself regularly at risk, so his demise was first planned by Eckhard. Most of the time Jonathan's friend Justin accompanied him when he drugged Dragon, but sometimes his duties as Captain of the Guard prevented that and a watchman goes with Jonathan. At one such occasion Eckhard´s carefully devised plan came to fruition. They engineered the opening of the door by the older son of the Fitzgibbons so that Dragon and Jonathan began their race to the food-bowl at the same time. Dragon catches up with Jonathan and injures him severely so that he falls through the hole in the floor and broke his neck. Of course if he had made it, the watchman would had finished him of while Jonathan was distracted.
After Jonathan's death Mr. Ages drugged Dragon when it was needed. But he was very suspicious and insisted that he was always accompanied by Brutus (Brutus has been made a watchman because of his dislike for mice and his abilities, but proved to be too loyal to Nicodemus). So Eckhard simply hoped that Mr. Ages would break his neck without assistance from one of his watchmen. Of course Eckhard was prepared for the case that no mouse was left to drug Dragon. The doctor in his group has developed a sleeping pill that could be put into the food and one of his engineers has developed a special crossbow to deliver that pill. Eckhard plans to reveal these inventions some time after Mr. Ages death.
This is the end of the description and this post.
20-10-2003 04:15:24
well having another villian that would value strength more than brains would be obscure a villian with brains and plans and hides from his enemy's and also has others more less intellegent to do his dirty work such as a killer or an assasian who corupts others into doing his evil and also has to be extremly dark not all cyco well yea cyco but not showing it becouse if their was another villian such as jenner that would just be dull frankly a new villian would have the description in my opinion would be brains coruption and death not strength and stealth
Just as the subject line says... thanks to AO(Hell) I have no ends of trouble trying to connect to this forum again.
I will try to start doodling some of the villains as soon as my new job gives me some breathing room.
Awesome descriptions by the way. Oh, the only thing I won't do is "politically charged" stuff... I'd rather keep NIMH and politics separate.
Yo, yo, yo
Hi, I like the idea of a villian valuing strength, death, brains and stealth. However here is my suggestion:
If there is one thing I have learned from being decensertised by my older siblings at a young age is that if you realy want to get under the skin of a good villian horror films are a good place to look. FEAR is a fundomental thing wich they utalize.
Let me explain. If a villain understands fear then they could use it to their own ends either to intimidate their enemys or to attack them mentaly in order to force them into submission.
What do you thing?
Dante Yuroshima
03-05-2004 17:23:25
I have already crerated an evil character. I am in the process of drawing him. When he's done you should look under the stephan Art section.
His name is Dante and he is a average sized mouse. He has a long black cape that reaches beyond the floor. His weapons are twin sabres called cutlassers. The blade is curved and is held in one hand. Each blade is virtually weightless which makes it easy to weild. He has long brown hair that extends past his eyes. His eye color is black like his cape. He wears a black T shirt with Black baggy pants. His tail is long and thin.
Again, my apologies for being so late with this.
I have done a first design of "Eckhard" and asked Simon to post it in my section of the fan art gallery on Thorn Valley under Marcus Lindemann.
"Dante" will follow shortly.
Best Wishes!
14-08-2004 20:17:24
Here's Eckhard:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
From first glance I can see a certain element of arogance and supiriority (I just new I hav ent spelt that right)
All in all someone who thinks things through and I would think he would be very outspoken at times were he feels he needs to be so.
Great work, L8tr!
15-08-2004 21:06:21
Great pic, Thanks for sharing Mal.
Martin Siedow
17-08-2004 13:25:10
Very well done. Thank you for transferring my description into a very fitting picture. By showing him in his garb for a meeting of the management staff, you give the picture a good color variety. The font for his name is also an excellent choice.
Best wishes too
Martin Siedow
Hazy Dreamstar
23-08-2004 08:00:08
Okay here goes, his name is Axis, he is an evil powerthirsty rat. In MagicStorm, he is looking to capture the Brisby children and a girl mouse named Hazel, daughter to the creators of the Stone. He wears a cloak and has dark brown fur and black eyes. He always carries a sword with him.
Marcus already knows my idea of a villain and has already done some concepts for me (for which I am deeply greatful).
Lets just say Evil, Misguided and Ruthlous!
"Til death unintes us!"
Hi Dante!
I used your decsription and the image you have posted under the fan-art section to ink up a black and white of "Dante". Sorry for it being so late but this semester is really hard on me time-wise.
I am going to ask Simon to post it for me today.
If you have any wishes as to his tunic, fur, eye-colors, let me know and "color shall be done onto him"!
18-10-2004 18:38:52
15-11-2004 11:25:36
Fantastic work so far everyone. This is a great post. I love villains! They're far more interesting than your average goody-two-shoes hero. I can't resist posting something, though I'm afraid I'll have to be really cheeky and do my own design (sorry Mal). Here's my offering:
![]()[" alt=""/img]
An albino mouse, his fur pearly white, startling... almost iridescent. His simple clothes are black, stark contrast to his marvellous pelt. But most striking are his eyes. Deep, blood red... As to what he does that makes him so nasty... well, I'm going to be annoying and not let on quite yet (it would spoil my story). Hee hee hee. You may have thought Spiro was bad...
15-11-2004 20:24:33
Hmmm...Ill have to say spiro does "look" meaner,
Phsically he looks weak, as if I were a average mouse I could work him over pretty good..........No weapons..........No protective battle gear........those eyes!!
I would guess that he is loaded with tons of magic powers and he is insane to boot! (maybe from NIMH drugs).
Just a guess mind you. :?
looks great Procyon!
15-11-2004 20:29:54
Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Now get your story done so we know why to hate him! :D
14-02-2005 13:37:13
how about a villian who created the stone as a opposing image of himself and wishes to destroy it to obsorb its power.
I love the idea of a seemingly weak major villain.
Never trust first appearances and the potential for mischief in one that appears harmless (Winks!).
Speaking of Spyro, what colors does Spyro have? I was planning in doing a fan image of him at one point with Rapta cooing over him because she loooooves psycho mice!
15-02-2005 10:58:32
A fan image? Of Spiro? Really? Cool! I would love to see that. Another person's take on him would be a great, not to mention interesting. Wait a sec... [Lotor! Lotor, you good for nothing avatar! Dance to show how happy we are! Lotor! Oh... go and catch a fish!]
...Right-o. Colours for Spiro. Well in my story I describe... Wait. No I don't. Doh! No mention of colour. Ah well. I always thought he would be sandy coloured, slightly lighter than Mrs. Brisby, with his 'hair' being a few shades lighter still. Almost edging towards blonde. The fur on his belly, the insides of his ears, and around his eyes is a downy grey (similar again to Mrs. Brisby). His cape was once red, maybe, though it's so battered and stained that it appears more of a brown-grey. His scarf would in theory be attached to the cape, or at least made from the same material, and so be faded to the same colour. His tunic has suffered a similar fate, a dark green that has resulted from the fading of a more vibrant shade. The belt/strappy thing around his waist is brown (leather?) with little metal studs, though those are beginning to rust and dull (you get the impression Spiro doesnt really care for his belongings much. Aside from his blades that is). His bandages (those around his forearms) are a grubby grey, though not filthy. They are apparently changed on occasion.
There we go. Hope that covers it. Can't wait to see what you do. I can't ink at all, so it will be interesting to see Spiro in full colour.
Before I go, thanks to all for the comments on the little chap above, and keep up the astounding work, Mal, both on your fanfic and general fanart.
14-03-2005 14:51:21
Gah, I'm late again!
That villain doesn't even look like a villain. Heh, those are the most dangerous kind! He strikes me as someone evil, nasty, and diabolical, with a lot of others under his command..
22-04-2005 11:31:29
Hey MAL!
This villain is already on NIMH Muck, but I love this idea, so I'll put his description up anyway His name is Cluny, he is huge but very thin for his size. He has dark brown fur with a cream colored underbelly. His left eye is missing and he has a gash in his right leg. He wears a dirty t shirt that looks like it was once white in color. He also wears a purple tunic over his t shirt, the tunic has seen better days......
The one eye that isn't missing is conpletely red. If things go well, Cluny may have a new partner in crime on NIMH Muck named Vipertooth the Slayer. twisted
23-04-2005 19:44:08
The surge of new villians is cool. I should do something for Enkidu, the villian of good and bad alike.
Soa many villians so many possiblities! :twisted:
To Cluny on behalf of a charater on Nimhmuck:
"Shhhhhrrrrraaa yet anouther maamal to hunt!"
Hazy Dreamstar
25-04-2005 09:27:06
Hey I was wondering if someone could do a fan pic of my charecter, He's a bounty hunter Rat, by the way(Axis or Ajax, or what ever his name was, I wrote it up there somewhere, I'm so scatterbrained, shame on me)