Hey I forget how to show pictures in posts.. How do ya do it?
14-03-2013 14:40:04
Some image hosting sites like Photobucket and Tinypic have an option to copy the
code tags. These are used primarily for forums and other pages that use BBCode.
Say I want to post [url==http://s68.beta.photobucket.com/user/Nimhster/media/kermit.jpg.html?sort=6&o=4]this image[=http://s68.beta.photobucket.com/user/Nimhster/media/kermit.jpg.html?sort=6&o=4]this image[/url] of Kermit the Frog. On the right are the image links and you want to copy the one with the IMG Code.
You can then paste it into your post:
[code][img="]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/Nimhster/kermit.jpg[" alt=""/img][/code]
Your result should be this:
[img="]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/Nimhster/kermit.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Thanks bud..
Also I want to point out that the Email system isn't working ether.. I didn't get a email notifying me there was a new reply
Behold them ponies!
http://www.ponyderivative.com/images/single/twilight-sparkle/twilight-sparkle-bleh.jpg[" alt=""/img]
14-03-2013 19:57:06
Thanks bud..
Also I want to point out that the Email system isn't working ether.. I didn't get a email notifying me there was a new reply
Known issue. May fix at some point, but right now it's just broken.
Thanks bud..
Also I want to point out that the Email system isn't working ether.. I didn't get a email notifying me there was a new reply
Known issue. May fix at some point, but right now it's just broken.
How long had it been broken