27-10-2011 20:32:06
So yeah, anyone here a musician? How has NIMH inspired your music or not.
Post up some music.
Here is a remix/re-imagining I did of The Tractor.
Let me know what you think.
28-10-2011 03:02:11
I used to play the guitar (classical) and mostly played Jimi Hendrix and Beatles songs. I tried my hand on a few AC/DC and Grateful Dead songs too. I quit once I entered college. I might start back up again....I might not. If I do start up again, I'm totally going electric or bass though.
Have you ever wrote/composed your own music? What instruments do you play?
Pretty good remix...the drums really add that kick.
28-10-2011 09:41:22
I grew up playing guitar. Played in a quite a few metal bands. Mostly into electronic music now i.e. dubstep, electric house, complextro, some hip hop.
There are a couple original pieces on my channel, as well as some other remixs. I'm also working on a grindcore album, but it's just for funzies.
28-10-2011 10:17:34
I have to admit, The Tractor is probably one of my least favorite tracks on the soundtrack, but you've made a pretty awesome remix. Of course, I really prefer the beginning of the original piece to the loud, relentless brassy part that goes over the rest of it, so you've definitely picked the right bit to build off of with the nervous anticipation it carries.
Pennsylvania Jones
28-10-2011 12:33:07
That's one funky remix, and a very nice editing job as well.
![]()[" alt=""/img] I thought it was going to be the whole cue, not just the opening, but that's no problem.
My dad's a piano player. He's teaching me piano, and I'm... [i]okay[/i] at it. Along with learning the official lessons, I taught myself how to play simple versions of the Star Wars Theme, the Raider's March, and the Lost in Space Movie Theme. (The two former in C Position, the latter in Middle C)
I'm definitely better at editing music than making music, though. The second video below is my attempt at reconstructing the score from the Spider Attack scene in the Lost in Space Movie; the first video from 4:48 to 9:09 is the truncated version that I started from:
It's definitely not perfect, though. This was done in Windows Movie Maker. Many edits give themselves away, but some of them seem to be fairly well-hidden. With Sony Vegas, I could probably hide all of the edits, save for the sound effects.
I've played with Anvil Studio in the making of music, but that was a long time ago. The only thing I made from it that's actually any good is a merging of the Lost in Space Season 3 Theme with the Lost in Space Movie Theme. You've probably gotten by now that I'm a huge fan of the LiS movie soundtrack. :lol: I'll probably upload it to Youtube once I get it converted to MP3 or WAV.
28-10-2011 14:43:23
I haven't been in contact with these guys for awhile (in fact a couple of years), but I used to be a supporter of this metal band: . They originated in the D.C. area and for a non-sponsored band, they sure put out some good slilit.
I love metal, especially good homemade metal.
28-10-2011 21:40:49
Here is one of the old metal bands I played bass in. Had a lot of fun, wish we would have stayed together.
29-10-2011 03:32:30
Here is one of the old metal bands I played bass in. Had a lot of fun, wish we would have stayed together.
I can never do a proper metal voice. That's why I congratulate those who are able to do grats to your lead singer.
...also was Brisby's "Oh please dear God no!" originally on the track "Greed?" Stupid question, but it could be true...
Some good slilit you and your band made.
29-10-2011 10:27:41
Yes, and Jenner's laugh (and Jim Jones). It was something I quickly put together that we used for an intro to our live shows. It's a little tacky now but was cool then. Glad you enjoyed it.
Pennsylvania Jones
04-11-2011 09:37:46
Well, here's the best thing to come out of my MIDI making enterprises:
12-11-2011 13:00:45
I've thought about it for awhile and I've concluded that "Painkiller" by Judas Priest is my favorite metal song. It always brings me in good spirits. Metallica's "One" comes in at a close second.
...Though my all time favorite song is Drill Queen's "Born Depressed" The lyrics are delightfully arrogant and beautiful.
...So how about you guys, what's your favorite song/music?
12-11-2011 22:01:38
So hard to pick a favorite. It's a toss up between these:
Or if I'm feeling particularly violent.
(pretty much their whole first album is my favorite song)
This also gets me stirred up.
Oh hell while I'm at it here is another.
13-11-2011 07:06:07
This really calms me down: does this:
.....ah....Deadly Premonition, what a wonderful game; horrible, yes, but oh so wonderful. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time.
Though if I need some of the good old ultra violence:
13-11-2011 13:53:54
This really calms me down:
Am I the only one who hears the Super Mario World theme in there?
13-11-2011 14:33:35
This really calms me down:
Am I the only one who hears the Super Mario World theme in there?
Nope....many people do as well:
Deadly Premonition is FILLED with these kind of references. One of the many reasons I love the game. Honestly, if you have an xbox 360, go get it. It's less than 20 bucks now and if you can tolerate the whole 'terribleness,' it's filled with memorable moments. Isn't that right, Zach? XD
Here's another one:
Sounds like (NSFW)
13-11-2011 22:46:29
I kinda feel like this today.
15-11-2011 11:02:49
I've been listening to Eno's/Byrne's album "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts."
It's amazing how you can turn something like an exorcism or a radio broadcast and turn it into music.
...Good stuff.
David Leemhuis
17-11-2011 21:04:44
Good stuff, indeed! It's a long-time favorite of mine as well. Favorite tracks Help Me Somebody, Regiment, Mea Culpa, America Is Waiting, Mountain of Needles.
I'm not a musician myself, BTW, but definitely the music geek, probably more than a TSoN geek.