17-09-2011 12:44:07
We have yet another Doomsday sayer.
Is anyone else tired of all this?
Pennsylvania Jones
17-09-2011 13:42:09
The Bible says "No man knows the day or the hour." So, if a man tells you that judgement day is coming, why should you believe him? You can also take into account that he could be lying to get attention, drunk, or just a looney.
http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/d/40215-2/494movehome.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Jeremy: Judgement Day is today! Judgement Day is TODAY!
[img="]http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/d/40217-2/495looney.jpg[" alt=""/img]
Martin: ... You're right. He's a looney.
17-09-2011 13:54:31
Last time I checked, Skynet wasn't ready yet. So we still have time, and if your're a Mormon, you have nothing to worry about. Only Mormons go to Heaven.
17-09-2011 14:25:03
The world will end once Marijuana becomes legal in the US. I'm calling it.
17-09-2011 14:28:29
The world will end once Marijuana becomes legal in the US. I'm calling it.
Evil indeed! the end is near! :lol:
David Leemhuis
21-12-2012 21:28:21
Maybe the YouTube videos DarthCraftus brought up aren't directly about the Mayan "Apocalypse," but I thought this was still a pretty appropriate time to bring this up again.
As of this writing, it's just past midnight on 12/22/12, and my oh my, we are all still here on this lovely screwed-up world.
David Letterman just made a good joke on the matter (paraphrasing) We can't even make an accurate five-day weather forecast nowadays!
(Hey, what if it was off by one day?) shock
Seriously, the Mayan calendar just predicted the end of a cycle of time; some goofball decided, either arbitrarily or outright misinterpretation, to append to it all that end-of-the-world crap. And you can bet your sweet astrologer he won't be the last. How about we worry about more immediate and relevant matters, such as semi-automatic weapons finding their way into the hands of unstable people?
21-12-2012 22:01:20
How about we worry about more immediate and relevant matters, such as semi-automatic weapons finding their way into the hands of unstable people?
You got it all wrong, you silly Grandpa Leemy! It's not the guns that are the problem, it's violent video games and movies! The NRA told us so. It's not guns that kill people, it's virtual people with guns that kill people. It's logic! We put the scapegoat on video games and movies so that we can protect our constitutional right to bear arms while at the same time attacking our first amendment rights. Get with the program!
But seriously, I made a thread on here earlier that I deleted for being too inappropriate, but in it I said: "I'm actually supportive of looking into and having a MODERATE amount of regulation in regards to anything that could cause violent behavior, including movies and video games. But these gun lobbyists don't want to play along, instead pushing the blame onto media. Pathetic."
I do think it's important to note that we as an American society tend to grow attached to our violent media, this includes our news outlets. There's a lot of tenseness and negativity in our violent media that can glorify violence to some degree.