The Secret of NIMH Soundtrack/Other Favorite Movie Scores
Pennsylvania Jones
10-09-2011 21:26:09
Anyone here like Jerry Goldsmith's score for Secret of NIMH? (Geez, what kind of a question is that?)
I'm sort-of in a love/hate relationship with it. It's a good score, and I like it except for the fact that certain cues makes my gut churn. :oops:
I don't have the soundtrack yet, but I know I'd love it once I have it. (And maybe the TttR soundtrack, too. Just for the score, though.) My only pity is that it's not complete. 12 tracks on one disc doesn't usually constitute a complete score, and Albums labeled Original Soundtrack usually are only highlights. Turns out I was right. But oh, what highlights!
Below is what I assume the complete score for SoN would be, according to the film. Keep in mind that Jerry Goldsmith was constantly tinkering with the score, so there may be some alternate takes, too. Also, if you see anything missing or misnamed, please, tell me and I'll change it. As I continue to learn about the score, I'll update this list.
1 Prologue 2:03[=]1 Prologue 2:03 [Fused into "Main Title" on Album]
2 Main Title 1:18[=]2 Main Title 1:18 [Fused into "Prologue" on Album]
3 Something Very Important 1:17[=]3 Something Very Important 1:17 [Officially Unreleased]
4 Jeremy The Crow 0:33[=]4 Jeremy The Crow 0:33 [Officially Unreleased]
5 Dragon Encounter 2:12[=]5 Dragon Encounter 2:12 [Fused into "Athletic Type" on Album]
6 Athletic Type 0:37[=]6 Athletic Type 0:37 [Fused into "Allergic Reaction" on Album]
7 Flying Dreams Lullaby 2:32[=]7 Flying Dreams Lullaby 2:32 [Fused into "Stealing The Wire" on Album]
8 Stealing The Wire 0:51[=]8 Stealing The Wire 0:51 [Fused into "Flying Dreams Lullaby" on Album]
9 The Tractor 3:01[=]9 The Tractor 3:01
10 No Thanks 2:02[=]10 No Thanks 2:02 [Called "The Flight" on German Album; I prefer this name, as it actually has something to do with its scene]
11 Step Inside My House 4:42[=]11 Step Inside My House 4:42 [Called "The Great Owl" on German Album]
12 Jeremy In Disguise 2:45[=]12 Jeremy In Disguise 2:45 [Fused into "Escape From NIMH" on Album]
13 The Sentry Reel 2:41[=]13 The Sentry Reel 2:41 [Fused into "The Story Of NIMH" on Album]
14 Following Mr. Ages 3:34[=]14 Following Mr. Ages 3:34 [Officially Unreleased]
15 Jeremy Tied Up 1:32[=]15 Jeremy Tied Up 1:32 [Officially Unreleased]
16 Be Brief 0:38[=]16 Be Brief 0:38 [Officially Unreleased]
17 Nicodemus And The Story Of NIMH 4:01[=]17 Nicodemus And The Story Of NIMH 4:01 [Fused into "The Sentry Reel" on Album]
18 Escape From NIMH 2:22[=]18 Escape From NIMH 2:22 [Fused into "In Disguise" on Album]
19 Jenner's Schemes 0:58[=]19 Jenner's Schemes 0:58 [Officially Unreleased]
20 Under The Mill/The Plan 1:20[=]20 Under The Mill/The Plan 1:20 [Officially Unreleased]
21 Jeremy And The Sparkly 1:27[=]21 Jeremy And The Sparkly 1:27 [Officially Unreleased]
22 Drugging Dragon/Laundry 1:08[=]22 Drugging Dragon/Laundry 1:08 [Officially Unreleased]
23 Moving Day 7:58[=]23 Moving Day 7:58 [Called "The Final Battle" on German Album]
24 House Raising 4:35[=]24 House Raising 4:35 [Called "The Levitation" on German Album]
25 Finale 1:05[=]25 Finale 1:05 [Fused into "End Title" on Album]
26 Flying Dreams 3:24[=]26 Flying Dreams 3:24
27 End Title 1:35[=]27 End Title 1:35 [Fused into "Flying High" on Album]
Flying Dreams (Alternate) 3:24[=]Flying Dreams (Alternate) 3:24 [Only heard in Italian Dub]
Flying Dreams Lullaby (Instrumental) [Speculation Only]
Flying Dreams (Credits Instrumental) [Speculation Only]
The Secret of NIMH Rough Complete Score Playlist[=]The Secret of NIMH Rough Complete Score Playlist
As for some of my other favorite scores, I'm obsessed with Bruce Broughton's score for the Lost in Space Movie to the point where I actually made my own meticulous complete score reconstruction out of the two given albums (each with their own strengths) and the DVD 5.1 Audio Track, among other official sources.
I also like the scores for Star Wars (
Asteroid Field[=]Asteroid Field and
The Tide Turns[=]The Tide Turns ROCK!!!), Indiana Jones (Gotta love the
uncut Desert Chase[=]uncut Desert Chase), and Back to the Future (One of the few cases in Soundtrack History where the complete score is officially released). What are some of your favorite Non-SoN scores?
10-09-2011 23:03:03
I agree that the score done by the late Jerry Goldsmith is one of the best animation scores out there. One of the reasons why its such a good score is that Goldsmith went into this seriously, treating it the same way he would a live action film. Many times in the past the instrumental music in animated films (like Disney) really weren't taken that seriously apart from the singing bits. Technically the outstanding score to Fantasia conducted by Leopold Stokowski doesn't count.
NIMH was really the first dramatic score in animation and films after that focused on creating better scores.
An example would be Henry Mancini's score to The Great Mouse Detective
An interesting tidbit was that before Goldsmith signed onto the project, Bluth and Goldman used previous Goldsmith scores as a temp track for the first rough cut of the film. Goldsmith got on great with Bluth and Goldman and years later signed a concert program for the duo with the words, "I love you Mrs. Brisby" at the bottom.
Sadly this was the only collaboration Goldsmith would have with Bluth. Originally Bluth wanted Goldsmith to score An American Tale but Goldsmith was unavailable so James Horner did the score.
Ironically it was Goldsmith who was responsible for Bluth meeting Steven Spielberg. Goldsmith was doing the score for Poltergeist, a collaboration between Spielberg and Tobe Hopper, and he mentioned to Steven about a animated film he just scored.
Another interesting tidbit was that Paul Williams who sang Flying Dreams (the end credits version) went onto to voice the Penguin in Batman: The Animated Series. Bruce Timm, who wrote, produced and directed many episodes for the show, was an animator on NIMH.
10-09-2011 23:37:33
The NIMH soundtrack has kinda a bittersweet feel to it. It's kinda depressing and heartwarming at the same time. Kinda hard for me to describe. It's not something I would listen to by itself.
The best Jerry Goldsmith score award goes to The Omen:
11-09-2011 08:54:16
The Omen is an ok score. Honestly their is only two or three great pieces on it. The rest are really cheesy dated 70's pop song sounding crap. NIMH on the other hand is amazing. It's almost the opposite of The Omen, it hardly lets up. I would say it's way darker also, which is kinda ironic. "The Tractor" comes to mind, it's down right powerful. Then their is "The Sentry Reel \ The Story Of NIMH" at about 4:40 it goes into an almost Tim Burton'ish piece...breath taking. And "Step Inside My House" should have been on The Omen soundtrack, it's more foreboding and menacing than 90% of The Omen. Then "Allergic Reaction / Athletic Type" the grind of the bass makes the hair on my arms stand on end. So good. Anyway fan boy rant over.
11-09-2011 10:02:37
I was mostly referring to Ave Santani, that's what I linked to. I also think his Star Trek theme is better than NIMH. I dunno, I might be the only person on Earth who doesn't really care for NIMH's tunes.
11-09-2011 12:24:05
![]()[" alt=""/img]
I have the CD and as I enjoy hearing it I can pic out want going on in the movie in my pee brain head.
Thank you Jerry Goldsmith,
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Pennsylvania Jones
11-09-2011 13:49:42
The Omen is an ok score. Honestly their is only two or three great pieces on it. The rest are really cheesy dated 70's pop song sounding crap. NIMH on the other hand is amazing. It's almost the opposite of The Omen, it hardly lets up. I would say it's way darker also, which is kinda ironic. "The Tractor" comes to mind, it's down right powerful. Then their is "The Sentry Reel \ The Story Of NIMH" at about 4:40 it goes into an almost Tim Burton'ish piece...breath taking. And "Step Inside My House" should have been on The Omen soundtrack, it's more foreboding and menacing than 90% of The Omen. Then "Allergic Reaction / Athletic Type" the grind of the bass makes the hair on my arms stand on end. So good. Anyway fan boy rant over.
Where does "Step inside my house" go in the movie? Also, with Allergic Reaction/Athletic Type, it really ticked me off that the music was fused together. :x I hate it when the first note of one cue plays at the exact same time the last note of another cue plays. I don't mind it so much when it's the way it's heard in the film, but with two cues that are in separate places such as Allergic Reaction and Athletic Type, there ought to be at least a moment of silence in-between.
Oh, and I neglected to give an example of the Lost in Space and BTTF scores. :roll: Here's the dramatic climax piece in the Lost In Space Score:
Through The Planet[=]Through The Planet. And the same kind of cue for BTTF:
The Clocktower[=]The Clocktower.
EDIT: Never Mind. I've found Step Inside My House is from the Great Owl scene.
David Leemhuis
13-09-2011 11:23:36
The TSoN soundtrack has been a fave of mine all along, though like Pennsy I too find it annoying when pieces that were separate in the film are fused together on record. The opening sequence, with or without the visuals, is my favorite piece; still gives me chills.
Another favorite soundtrack is from the same year Trevor Jones' score for Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal", the first film score that made enough of a first impression on me that I wanted to buy the album right away.
Pennsylvania Jones
13-09-2011 14:05:27
The TSoN soundtrack has been a fave of mine all along, though like Pennsy I too find it annoying when pieces that were separate in the film are fused together on record. The opening sequence, with or without the visuals, is my favorite piece; still gives me chills.
Another favorite soundtrack is from the same year: Trevor Jones' score for Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal", the first film score that made enough of a first impression on me that I wanted to buy the album right away.
Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it annoying. :D If only SoN had an expanded score like Raiders of the Lost Ark. Raiders was first released on Vinyl, with the same problems that plague the SoN score (fused music, not in chronological order, etc.), but it got an expanded soundtrack release (discrete cues plus previously unreleased music in chronological order) in 1995. There was also a bootleg that contained the complete score. But Secret of NIMH, it only has the Vinyl record and the CD that was cloned from the record. No expanded score, or even a bootleg. Qué pena.
So, David, care to post an example of the Dark Crystal score, if it's on Youtube? If it is, post your favorite track!
13-09-2011 17:28:36
I myself have always enjoyed Jerry Goldsmith's fantastic score for TSON. It was shortly after seeing this film for the first time that I began my quest for a copy of the soundtrack. I'll have to admit that obtaining said piece was not easy at first, but through sheer perseverance I did at last obtain a copy of this most treasured score. I have since obtained copies of this soundtrack not only on vinyl, but on CD format as well. I've even downloaded the entire score from iTunes to play on my iPhone whenever I get the urge (which I'll admit is quite often). As for my favorite parts of the score; That would have to be "The Tractor" and "The Sentry Reel".
Peace :D
Pennsylvania Jones
13-09-2011 21:03:28
So, Maniac, are there any other scores you like? Can you post examples?
Also, it's apparent that you always type in large blue font. I guess that's your fingerprint? 8)
14-09-2011 13:38:42
Favorite movie scores... hmm... Well if I listed all of them it would be a very long post :D
So here are my top favorite ones
NIMH (of course) - Jerry Goldsmith
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Shirley Walker
Blade Runner - Vangelis
Band of Brothers - Michael Kamen
The Elephant Man - John Morris
Escape From New York - John Carpenter
Fantasia - various classical artists / conducted by leopold Stokowski
On Her Majesty's Secret Service -John Barry
Raiders of the Lost Ark - John Williams
Raise the Titanic - John Barry
Dune - Toto
Pennsylvania Jones
14-09-2011 13:43:29
Favorite movie scores... hmm... Well if I listed all of them it would be a very long post :D
So here are my top favorite ones
NIMH (of course) - Jerry Goldsmith
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Shirley Walker
Blade Runner - Vangelis
Band of Brothers - Michael Kamen
The Elephant Man - John Morris
Escape From New York - John Carpenter
Fantasia - various classical artists / conducted by leopold Stokowski
On Her Majesty's Secret Service -John Barry
Raiders of the Lost Ark - John Williams
Raise the Titanic - John Barry
Dune - Toto
Gotta love the Raiders score. :D
14-09-2011 13:46:38
Favorite movie scores... hmm... Well if I listed all of them it would be a very long post :D
So here are my top favorite ones
NIMH (of course) - Jerry Goldsmith
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Shirley Walker
Blade Runner - Vangelis
Band of Brothers - Michael Kamen
The Elephant Man - John Morris
Escape From New York - John Carpenter
Fantasia - various classical artists / conducted by leopold Stokowski
On Her Majesty's Secret Service -John Barry
Raiders of the Lost Ark - John Williams
Raise the Titanic - John Barry
Dune - Toto
Gotta love the Raiders score. :D
It was hard for to pick. Williams' three Indy scores are so good but if I had to pick one it would Raiders.
14-09-2011 14:20:42
So, Maniac, are there any other scores you like? Can you post examples?
Also, it's apparent that you always type in large blue font. I guess that's your fingerprint? 8)
NIMHmaniac being one of the older in age of the fandom has some med. problems, he has a hard seeing the text as we see it.
the Raiders score was cool.
14-09-2011 18:48:20
So, Maniac, are there any other scores you like? Can you post examples?
Also, it's apparent that you always type in large blue font. I guess that's your fingerprint? 8)
To Pennsylvania Jones,
Yes indeed there are other scores that I enjoy. I could never list them all because that would most likely take the rest of this century to complete (LOL). Here are some of the other scores in no particular order or rank.
E.T. The Extraterrestrial... What more needs to be said about this thoroughly uplifting piece?
James Bond 007 Goldfinger... I just love to hear Shirley Bassey's voice as she belts out the song at the opening credits. It's just incredible.
Poltergeist (Carol Anne's Theme)... Has a delicate but at the same time a forbodding quality to it that can give you a good case of the willies.
American Tail (Somewhere Out There)... I loved both versions of this song as used in the movie. The first duet with Fievel and his Sister Tanya and the end credit version with Linda Rondstat & James Ingram.
These are just four that readily came to mind. As I said before, there's plenty more where that came from. As to why I write in large blue font? As my good friend Whiskers explained, I do have a vision problem though it's not as bad as you would think. I've had laser surgery done which helps to improve things a great deal but I still like the large blue font just the same. It's easier to see plus it has become my trademark over the years.
Peace :D
Pennsylvania Jones
14-09-2011 21:35:25
So, Maniac, are there any other scores you like? Can you post examples?
Also, it's apparent that you always type in large blue font. I guess that's your fingerprint? 8)
To Pennsylvania Jones,
Yes indeed there are other scores that I enjoy. I could never list them all because that would most likely take the rest of this century to complete (LOL). Here are some of the other scores in no particular order or rank.
E.T. The Extraterrestrial... What more needs to be said about this thoroughly uplifting piece?
James Bond 007 Goldfinger... I just love to hear Shirley Bassey's voice as she belts out the song at the opening credits. It's just incredible.
Poltergeist (Carol Anne's Theme)... Has a delicate but at the same time a forbodding quality to it that can give you a good case of the willies.
American Tail (Somewhere Out There)... I loved both versions of this song as used in the movie. The first duet with Fievel and his Sister Tanya and the end credit version with Linda Rondstat & James Ingram.
These are just four that readily came to mind. As I said before, there's plenty more where that came from. As to why I write in large blue font? As my good friend Whiskers explained, I do have a vision problem though it's not as bad as you would think. I've had laser surgery done which helps to improve things a great deal but I still like the large blue font just the same. It's easier to see plus it has become my trademark over the years.
Peace :D
E.T. was definitely very bold and noticeable. Plus, gotta love that Yoda's Theme cameo. ;)
American Tail is also great. I've only ever heard the score for it on my VHS of the movie. But I do recognise the main theme, as well as Somewhere Out There.
Sadly, though, I've never seen James Bond or Poltergeist.
Always good to have a trademark! That's what gets you noticed! :D Can I try it for a second?
Dude! This is awesome!
15-09-2011 09:50:43
I really don't care for soundtracks for any movie. I know that the music sets the mood and without it, the movie loses its impact, but it's not something I would go out and buy on Itunes. There are a few exceptions,like Psycho, for instance.
Unless the soundtrack has music from other artists or bands, such as "Maximum Overdrive," which consists of all AC/DC, I really don't care for it.
Pennsylvania Jones
21-09-2011 10:19:32
Well, here's something interesting! It would appear that Secret of NIMH has more in common with The Empire Strikes Back than I thought. First, there's the "telekinesis to move something big out of a swamp" scene that is in each film. But there's something else, too. Listen to the first four notes in "Step Inside My House." That is apparently (the beginning of) the Owl's theme.
Now listen to this:
See the similarity? I am in no way trying to condemn Goldsmith for lack of originality. The similarities merely intrigue me.
21-09-2011 11:54:27
See the similarity?
No, I don't. The two pieces have completely different feels.
Pennsylvania Jones
21-09-2011 12:13:19
See the similarity?
No, I don't. The two pieces have completely different feels.
I meant in the sequence of notes. Compare the first four notes of "Step Inside My House" to the first four notes of Yoda' Theme (After the violin introduction, that is). To me, the first four notes of the Owl's Theme motif sounds like a minor version of the first four notes of the Yoda's Theme motif.
21-09-2011 18:29:36
I can kinda see what you mean. I'm no expert on music though. I'm sure I can listen to AC/DC's "You Shook me all Night Long" and find similarities to "Step Inside My House." So what do I know.....
30-11-2011 16:27:07
30-11-2011 18:24:22
30-11-2011 19:01:53
"It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty. It's all the same once you're dead."
Words to live by Eddie, words to live by.
30-11-2011 19:14:39
"It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty. It's all the same once you're dead."
Words to live by Eddie, words to live by.
.....and a corpse can't laugh!
30-11-2011 20:48:06
...just like that stupid dog...he had it coming too...
01-12-2011 09:37:07
I love this music from the "One Hour Photo" soundtrack:
...It's just so beautifully depressing and fits the tone of the film well.
01-12-2011 15:49:16
What's best in life?
01-12-2011 17:13:24
What's best in life?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven away before you, and to hear the lamentation of their least I think that's right....been awhile since I've seen the movie.....
I love Robert E. Howard, a pity that he died young.
....Though my favorite piece of music to come out of movie soundtrack is:
01-12-2011 18:16:08
We whistle this at work when ever an employee gets fired and comes to pick up their last check.
02-12-2011 09:11:38
02-12-2011 10:01:49
Rock out with your controller out.
02-12-2011 10:11:27
Pennsylvania Jones
02-12-2011 11:33:24
I'll just leave this right here[=]here.
I've just been Rickroll'd! :shock:
Bruce Broughton's Lost in Space theme is one of my all-time favorite themes to hum:
Here it is in a high-octane, fast-paced form:
And the most emotional piece from the same film:
As I've said before, I'm obsessed with this score. Way better than the actual movie, IMO. :D
One of the things I love most about movie scores is that they're not just one theme repeating itself monotonously, it constantly changes throughout the track to reflect what's going on in the film, especially with action cues. When the score shifts moods to reflect what's going on, you can see the movie in your head as you're listening to the music, as Whiskers stated earlier in this thread.
02-12-2011 12:39:26
Heh, I posted a video of my roommate and I singing Christmas songs in Spanish:
Pennsylvania Jones
02-12-2011 16:51:48
Heh, I posted a video of my roommate and I singing Christmas songs in Spanish:
02-12-2011 22:17:26
Heh, I posted a video of my roommate and I singing Christmas songs in Spanish:
Well played sir.
03-12-2011 01:05:47
Favorite movie scores, eh? Hm... In no particular order or completeness:
- Tron - Wendy Carlos is probably the reason I like the blend of electronic music and symphonic sound:
- Tron: Legacy - Daft Punk is a relatively new taste that I've acquired, largely due to this soundtrack:
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Jerry Goldsmith's score is one of the few awesome things about this movie:
- Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - James Horner is another of my favorite composers:
- American Beauty - Never seen the movie, but I heard parts of the soundtrack on a video that was produced for the Mars Exploration Rover. I can't seem to find the video tho.
- Dark Crystal - Epic:
- Most of John Williams stuff I like, but some of them sound the same after a while.
- The Lord of the Rings soundtrack is awesome -
- Finding Nemo - Actually, a lot of Thomas Newman soundtracks are good.
- Iron Giant - If you don't tear up while watching/listening to this, you're not human.
01-01-2012 18:46:16
Pennsylvania Jones
11-01-2012 09:06:13
How to Train Your Dragon:
Now THIS is what more movie scores ought to be like! Lively and magical!
26-01-2012 19:38:40
This is my favorite score from the "Silent Hill 2" OST:
Though "Forest" comes in at a close second; it's just so beautifully depressing:
In fact, anything by Akira Yamaoka is great, really.
Pennsylvania Jones
29-01-2012 18:43:45
Pennsylvania Jones
23-04-2012 10:10:54
This piece from How to Train Your Dragon was instrumental in writing the romance scenes in War of Thorn Valley:
23-04-2012 21:32:15
I'm currently playing "Nier," and while I wouldn't call the game good by any stretch of the imagination, I adore the soundtrack.
I don't know who composed the soundtrack offhand, but you could look it up. It's great slilit if you ask me.
01-05-2012 13:21:24
RIP Joel Goldsmith, son of Jerry Goldsmith