What Nimh 1 and 2 characters would never say

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03-05-2011 08:35:49

Like the title says.


Martin: Bo-dum-dum-sum-I'm-gonna-pee-on-you-hero...


Timothy: wait, so my brother turned mad?

Jenny: No, he is sugar high. He has diabetes. Quick, where is insuline!
Ah! Here! ligrabs the injection and injects Martin, who falls dead due to lack of sugarli Oops

Timothy: You killed my brother, now I'll avenge him! libecomes a villain himselfli

^ And that's the danger insuline could cause...


03-05-2011 13:43:54

Heres what would happen if Mrs.Brisby met NIMH2 Timothy

Mrs.Brisby Alright you alien,where's my son.

Timothy But..I am your son, MGM just screwed me and Martin up.

liMrs.Brisby leaves to sue MGM for making NIMH2li


03-05-2011 14:05:37

Martin: You'll pay, bro...

Timothy: Pay for what?

Martin: Well, for ruining my awesome plans to take over the world!

Timothy: What, now you've turned into Brain?

Martin: Yes, and you are Pinky. But that's not all.

Timothy: ....no?

Martin: ligoes into fitli You stole my favourite toy, you poisoned my canary, you beat me in the race, you stole my rabbit plushy! liragesli


05-05-2011 14:43:01

Jenner: "Let's stop taking electricity and things from the farmer...working to get everything is fun!"