Title: not-so Pallid bust
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: The not so Pallid bust of Mandy just above my chamber door.
Description: Yeah, that's Mandy.. XD Doesn't she look cheerful and spunky? :) Well she isn't! Surprise surprise! I just recently found my talent at drawing NIMH-related art, and considering my previous attempt (Just ask someone who saw.) This is a HUGE improvement! I got the ideas from several artists here on the Gallery and, I meant to learn from them and ended up incorporating a ton of it into this art. The shading of the hair for one..The shape of the nose was designed after examining different views of the rat nose here on the gallery.
The one basic thought that ran through my mind while making this was, "The pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door." Over and over and over again, taken out of context and rendered useless seeing as how Mandy's anything but Pallid. But I liked the thought, so I titled this work as a bit of a joke...Not much more to say on this (I rambled as it was.)
Title: Greeting Ember?
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: It's harder than it may look. :)
Description: This is a bad image considering I don't think I caught the moment as well as I could..It started out as Ember talking to a pillar and Mandy backing up to avoid the hand, but somehow I (with my absurd need for hugs) managed to squeeze a hug in there, or at least, Mandy rather looks like she WANTS to hug Ember 'hello' but can't as Ember's greeting a pillar that she thinks is Mandy. n.n; Thanks, Ember, you're so awesome for letting me do this, I thought that roleplay was really good for Mandy as a rodent to develop. :)
Title: Conceptual Mandy
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Very Basic idea of Mandy and what she looks like from both sides.
Description: Just some concept drawings of Mandy. n.n I think the shaded one was my very first attempt at rats of NIMH style, but I think it's better than the second one..Even shaded (Which my shading usually ruins things..)
:) Glad to be part of the Gallery now. n.n;; I've been watching this place for a long time, but never really had the guts to post my stuff up..O.o;; You can't see why in these pictures, but before.. *shudders* Let's just say it wasn't pleasant. :) Enjoy though, I'll be commenting and posting my own art from now on. XD I wish you luck! n.n
Title: Duck and Cover!
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Rather curious bust of Jet/Edgar. :)
Description: A nice (as nice as he gets) bust of Jet/Edgar. My new WIP character on the MUCK. Got tips? Ideas? Please share! I need all the help I can get as this is my first villain in a while, I could use the information.
Anyway. Here he is with a strangely coy smile on his face.. It's almost like "I know who I am..You know who I am...Just answer the question...Go on...Answer.. :)"
Btw, for those who want to know or don't know, Jet's the bad half, Edgar's the lesser of two evils. XD
Title: The Fave Awards
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: 1.) Favorite Mice
Description: A gift for my favorite Mice. :) They're so awesome, they give Chuck Norris seizures.. :D From right to left, you all know them, but I'll name them anyway! n.n Tzolkin, Tim/Simon, Zen, And Cadmus! :)
<3's to you guys! n.n My favorite mice.
Title: Mandy
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: For eThornValley and Zen!
Description: Mandy caught by surprise for an eThornValley photo.. XD Zen came up with the game last night and I was having fun, so I doodled this and ended up making it her User Photo! :D Lol I can just see her searching the web and coming across a page made for her by Jet...With this random picture..>.>
I had fun with it, even if it's not the best.. XD It says, "eThornValley: Even she can find love with us!"
Thanks for the fun Zen! :D
Title: The Zen says:
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Is that a Chicken?
Description: Well recently I've gotten into doodling mice in a less.....Bubbly style. This is my first real gift, and it's for Zen. And because my handwriting is full of fail, I'll tell you what it says, and then what it should have said. :B
"The cow says: moo!" "The chicken says: Cluck?" "The Zen Says: Rock on..." Lol what it should have said was "Chicken go cluck cluck, cow go mooo! Zenny go Rock on, how about you?" XD I love Kung Pow.. :) Anyway, it started out crap and then it ended good...before I colored his belleh... :( I should have chosen a different second color..He turned out hell-ow..I mean....>.> Yellow.. XD Hope you like it Zen! <3
Title: The Cadmousie!
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Not A Cadmouse! :o
Description: just a picture for Cadmus. :) Sorry, I don't think I forgot your eyebrows I think they just got covered when I colored and I didn't outline them..x.x I'll fix it eventually! <3
Title: Cadmouse
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: OMG!
Description: A Cadmousie named Cadmus. Hope you like it! ^^
Title: Mothwing WIP
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Stupid Vermin! >:O
Description: Mothwing WIP that will likely never get done..Just trying out a new wing-style idea.. :/ Working on it..v.v
Title: ZenChild
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: A Zen minus any form of zen
Description: Random mouse doodle that was pooped out as Baby Zen. :3 Just a surprise that I puked up..>.>
Title: Intruding on Mandy
Submitter: Mandy
Description: You just HAD to go get a drink..RIGHT when Mandy was taking a bath...Now you're missing your front incisors! Why did she have to kick you in the face? It was an accident! Why not the stomach? ANYTHING but the face...
Lol sorry, just having fun...This is a picture of Mandy caught mid-bath..>.> She doesn't look too happy 'bout it, but who would? :/ She probably told whoever caught her to stay on the other side of the tree.. "No peeking" yaknow? XD
Anyway, the wrath of Mandy is upon them. Enjoy the pic. :)
Title: Singing? Wha?
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Huh?!
Description: Mandy singing...Not finishing this ever 'cause it's TOTALLY out of character.. XD I was listening to disney soundtracks while drawing this so..>.> That's my excuse. XD
Enjoy. <3
Also, she never wears dresses, I don't know why the heck she's in a dress.. D:
Title: Zenbutt - Timbutt
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Yes.
Title: Maxbutt
Submitter: Mandy
Summary: Yes.
Title: Bunny and the Moon
Submitter: Mandy
Description: Just a rabbit and his moon guardian pixie friend..>.> Doesn't look like the pixie is having as much fun. XD
Title: The Blueness
Submitter: Mandy
Description: Just Blue out catching fireflies.. :3 I ended up leaving all the erase lines, but whatever. :D
Title: Favorite pair of meece
Submitter: Mandy
Description: Simon and Zen, Zen and Simon...>.> It's a bit old, but I liked how they turned out and finally realized I hadn't posted them here. :3 They're each about 2 inch high drawings and I love them to bits. <3