Title: The Elders Council
Submitter: Tenken
Description: The Elders.
From left to right: Vaspian, Eloriana, Patricia, Katherin, Shaiming and Lucent.
Some things I want to clarify. I wasn't sure if Eloriana was or not an Elder, I think not, but since Vaspian is here well, she had to be too ;) but not with the traditional Elder's gray robes.
I couldn't find Lucent's player, so I had to create him from my imagination =D
For Katherin, Mal already designed her but I drew her before that, so this design is a slightly different and think that Marcus had made a more accurate design of her.
The capes? Well... I like to draw them! :P This is how I imagine they could look in a full Council meeting.
Patricia's shoes? I'll let her explain that point ;)
Patricia:"Shoes? SHOES?? I don't NEED shoes! I like to feel the ground under my feet so what. Have you tried to use them during a loooooong council meeting? I HATE those thingies! Mmmh... but I think that they could be a nice ammunition for when that annoying Katherin starts to piss me off ;)"
Title: Tiff & Kelsey
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Here they are. Kelsey and Tiffany, members of the home guard and a real threat for any poor Stagg who dare to cross their way. Even when they're sisters, they have totally opposite behavior, but there's one thing they share. They enjoy to fight! And while alone they are dangerous, together they are deadly!
Tiff, Kelsey, hope you like it! =D
Title: Tiffany =)
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Well, here she is. Sister of Kelsey, she seems to be a little more cheery than her sister, but not be fooled by the appearances, she's a guard too and in a second she can show you that she's NOT harmless. As cute as you can see her, she takes her duty seriously, and she don't take kindly when it comes to slay Staggs ;)
Though shy, and a bit stubborn, she always has a beautiful smile for you, and just like her sister, if you take the time to chat with her, you can find how lovely rat she is.
Hope you like it Tiff! =D
Title: The secret place
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Tenken thought that Amy needed something to cheer up, so he took her to a place, a very special place. He usually goes there when he needs to think, when the sorrow arise and the world seems against him, he sits there all night looking at the northern lights. It's something that always fills him with hope and faith that the next day will be better. That's what he wants to show to Amy, his secret place. A beloved treasure that now can share with the mouse he loves so much.
And it's my hope, my sincere wish, that all the people who had been passing through a harsh time could find this special place too, and rediscover the joy of being alive.
Have fun!!! =)
Title: Dreamer
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Always wandering, Tenken travels far and forth in search for his family. It's not an easy task for a little mouse, but he takes it with no complaints. Of course he has passed through hard times, but he has inherited his mother's will and determination for what he'll keep going, no matter the obstacles. But more than everything else, he's a dreamer, and his dreams are what give him hope to get up and keep going.
Don't give up buddy! =)
Title: Isis. Light & Shadow
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Isis.
Light and shadow together within a queen's body. A mistress of doom bonded to a destiny of glory, waiting for the right moment. The time for her rise.
Hehe, sounds like the trailer of a movie. "The rise of Isis" (TM) XD
Well yeah, there's no way that I could copy DB's design. I lack the skill and more important, the patience to try something so much detailed and complicated. So, I changed the original design a little with my favorite theme: opposites.
I tried something like the contrast of the light and shadow, and fire and water.
And this is the result of my crazy imagination on a stormy day (I was stuck on my home the entire day >_
Title: Patricia. The will of a mother
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Here she is. Mother of Tenken and Sarah, Elder and surely a mouse to be careful. Patricia Maple. As an elder, she boast a great power at the colony, even more when she moves her influences. Cold minded, she relies on psychological manipulation and intimidation to reach her goals. Among the elders, she's the younger, and physically she looks more like a guard than an elder. A hard life in the wild has strengthen her body giving her an even more imposing figure. She is wild, she is ambitious and intimidating, but even so, all on her soften when her daughter is near. Sarah has a great influence over her, and she's the only one in the colony who can soothe her mood. On her free time (less than few) from her council duties, she usually goes to the theater and plays the piano, a rather sad song.
Title: Sarah. The sweetness of a pure heart
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Did I say that I simply love this character?
All on her irradiates sweetness, and her smile can captivate Ranger himself (ok, maybe I exaggerated a little ;) Her tender and carefree behavior gleam like a beacon on the usually dull NIMHmice colony. Totally contrasting with her mother, in fact is hard to believe that she is Patricia's daughter.
But there's much more hidden on her, like her mother, she hides a heavy load deep into her heart. She managed the lost of her brothers and father in a different way than Patricia, she had to find on her heart enough strength to lift both her mother and herself from the abyss of depression, and keep fighting for survive.
But even when she is capable to cheer up almost everyone, the pain of seen her mother still suffering the lost of her husband and sons is like a needle piercing into her fragile heart.
And when she's alone, all the hidden sorrow chase her, and the tears are too hard to hold.
Title: Sunset
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Just a peaceful sunset under a tree n.n
Title: Patricia & Sarah
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Here they are, the characters I'll play at the NIMHmice colony.
To the left Patricia Maple, Elder and mother of Tenken. To the right Sarah Maple, her daughter and of course Tenken's sister.
When they got separate from Tenken during the fire on the forest where they lived, Patricia and Sarah had to live by their own. After weeks of wandering through the devastated forest and with no place to hide from the predators they had to look for a refuge in the city near the forest. Eventually they found the NIMHmice colony and were accepted, not without the protest of certain mice. From there on, Patricia developed a harsh behavior, she had to, to protect her daughter and herself from some mice who saw them as annoying foreigners. But Patricia went too far. She was one of the mice who escaped from NIMH, but she get lost from the others during the escape from the ventilation shaft, though survived, she lost the others's trail. She had to fight for survive in the woods, and find the love and protection of a feral mouse whose she got married to, Joseph Maple. The couple had three children: Gabriel, Sarah and Tenken.
The fire strike at night, when they were asleep. On the pandemonium of scared animals that the forest in flames were, the family got separated. Now Patricia, with her heart broken, hang on her last hope to give her daughter a home where she could grow safely. Strong determination had brought her to the highest levels on the colony, but at what cost.
Title: In the Darkness
Submitter: Tenken
Description: A journey deep into the darkness, two mice dare to challenge the lurking nightmares. The light of the the white wizard, and the courage of the brave warrior are about to be tested when their worst fears become true.
Don't give up! ;)
Title: Merry Christmas!!
Submitter: Tenken
Description: May all your wishes come true!!.
Best wishes for Christmas and for the new year to all the great people in Thorn Valley, from Martin Sebastian :)
Title: Kelsey!
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Villains behold! At the power of the elite colony guards, swinging her wavy (and huge) blade, here comes Kelsey!
Hehe, nice introduction huh?
Ok now let me clarify some points. According to Kelsey's description "On the inside of her cape to the right is a pocket where her wavy blade is..." Yeah, I know that Kelsey's player may be thinking on a normal sized sword, but I couldn't resist the temptation of giving her a really, I mean a REALLY big weapon that could make shudder Rapta herself.
Too heavy? Not under Kelsey's skillful paws. Also it was made with a special, Titanium like alloy that gives it hardness and lightweight. I think that maybe Richard has something to do with that (he is the non-official weapon engineer of the valley :D)
Title: Timmy & Cynthia
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Aren't they cute? Had passed some time since I drew Brisby characters, so I give it a try.
About Timothy's guitar I wasn't sure, I just remembered a pic somewhere where he was holding one but no quite sure about it. Oh well, it looks good anyway.
Title: Redah. The harsh of a cold heart.
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Here he is, one of the most deadly archers of the colony (if not the most).
I thought that he needed a little update, because I will change his behavior. When I first created him surely he wasn't a nice guy, but now I want a really cold heart rat, someone who can freeze your bones with just a stare. For that I keep his former appearance but added some details to give him a little more imposing figure like the hair style and the katana. He's supposed to be a colony guard, but the normal uniform doesn't seem to suit well on him, so I keep his long coat and the white shirt (hehe, and the fact that I really like this style). Ok, this is my first attempt creating a villain, and I'm not used to that yet (I'm more the cute type:) even so I like this design. And I have to say that I'm a little curious about how I manage to RP with a villain (as soon as I can get rid of the free-time-killer school.... vacations coming soon hopefully).
Funny note: Huh? How a guy like him become a colony guard? .....I don't know either!
I have to think on a way to explain that, maybe he is some kind of undercover psycho or something. After all, wasn't Jenner a council member?
Title: Ghostly Warrior
Submitter: Tenken
Description: My first Ranger attempt. Well, I failed to catch Ranger 's overwhelming muscles but I like it anyway. Surely he has a large wardrobe, LordDirk drawn him with many different attires so I wanted to try my personal favorite: SAMURAI SUIT!!! Hehe, looks good huh?
Funny note: I drew his after watching on of my favorite anime series "Rurouni Kenshin", then "Kill Bill 2" and ended playing "Samurai Shodown". And if you think that I was samurai brain washed... you're right.
Title: Siblings's love
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Wandering through the gallery I realized that there isn't any image of a smiling Tzolkin, so I give it a try and of course there's no Tzol without Ayanna ;)
Yeah, I know that Tzolkin may have reasons for not smile but you know that lil Tenken has many ways to pull a nice grin from anyone :D. Well... actually I know some guys that will never EVER smile (a.k.a Ranger, Brutus, Balak, Redah...) and I saw something that COULD be a grin on Rapta, but knowing her must be more like an evil smirk of something ;)
Funny note: Originally there was a little feral mouse (you know who;) hanging around, but don't know, he looked a bit out of place (as usual) with his extremely joyful nature. But anyway, I saved him for another pic cause I liked his funny pose :P
Title: A world waiting for you!
Submitter: Tenken
Description: I'm not good with words, so this is my little way to say: "Cheer up Patrick! There's a world waiting for you!" :)
I know that you have had rough times lately, but remember that you have a troop of rodents in Thorn Valley and the NIMHmuck who you can count anytime you need to.
Keep it up! :);):D
Funny note: This time the funny note is Tenken's messy haircut. Ow man, look at those! Looks like a nest over Ten's head! XD
Title: Fight of the Masters. Oren Vs Rapta
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Oren:"Your aprentis is well skilled with his double glaive, my Lady. You should be proud. I am ever so curious to know, do you care to spar?"
Rapta:"*Smirk*Heh, I love to, happens that I'm a little curious too... Lets show our boys how a real fight is"
Well, now is Ten and Spiro turn to take the popcorn and enjoy the spectacle.
Sorry Daniel if I missed with Oren's eyes color, I wasn't sure about that so I tried what came from my imagination.
Funny note: I couldn't do it! No matter how many times I tried, I can't draw a rat with pants and shoes. So I had to draw a pose where I could hide those and at the same time look cool. Oh well, practice makes mastery I guess (in my case a LOT of practice :P)
Title: Fight of the apprentices. Tenken Vs Spiro
Submitter: Tenken
Description: I remembered a great pic of Daniel Brown where Oren was teaching Spiro the art of killing. So, what about a little grudge between an Oren apprentice and a Rapta apprentice? What? That Ten bite more than he can chew? Well... At first it was just a Spiro pic, but suddenly Tenken pops up all like "Hey Martin! Let me in! C'mon! I'll show him! LET ME IN!!!" And then Spiro change to combat stance, and Ten draw his double-edge spear and... Well, the rest I leave you to your imagination!
Funny note: Yes I know, mice doesn't have fangs, but I wanted to stand out Tenken's raging feral side, and fangs were handy for the job ;)
Title: Ben & Tenken. Drawing a map of the stars
Submitter: admin
Title: Innocence corrupted
Submitter: admin
Title: Meet the evil
Submitter: admin
Title: Tenken, the hope of a child
Submitter: admin
Title: I'll be with you, always
Submitter: admin
Title: Sasha & Redah
Submitter: admin
Title: Princess Darla's orders
Submitter: admin
Title: Leo & Lou
Submitter: admin
Title: Knight of the paint
Submitter: admin
Title: The sorrow
Submitter: admin
Title: The Maple's
Submitter: admin
Title: Lucky Charm
Submitter: admin
Title: Tenken & Redah
Submitter: admin
Title: Tenken at night
Submitter: admin
Title: Mrs Brisby reading
Submitter: admin
Title: Tenken_Cynthia
Submitter: admin
Title: Tenken attack
Submitter: admin
Title: A link to the past. Patricia
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Patricia then, and Patricia now.
A lot has happened during those three years that separate them, enough to change her almost completely.
Now only a thin link unite her with her long forgotten past, with what she was, and what she loved so much. Yet she denies to remember, burying those feelings deep into her heart in order to be stronger, to protect her daughter no matter at what cost.
Title: A link to the past. Sarah
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Sarah & Sarah
Like her mother, she has changed a lot during those three years. Being a child, she used to depend on her parents in almost everything, and her timid nature made her to get scared of anything new or simply noisy.
But, the lost of her father and brother, and the limit situations she had to face with her mother in order to survive changed her mind, she had to, to help both her mother and herself from the dangers of the wildness... and the threats in the mice colony.
Yet, she did never forgot her innocence, and the way to ease Patricia's mood.
Title: A link to the past. Tenken
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Tenken & Tenken
The youngest from the Maple family was, surprisingly, who has changed the less.
Even after loosing almost everything including his family, he still hangs on on what some may call instinct to survive but, more accurately, on his never lost hope to see his family once again, no matter what (stubborn yes, inheritance from his mother).
Being a young teen he's still a child in mind, and faces the dangers of the wild life in his own way, fact that has carried some troubles to him where his strong determination and (mostly XD) his luck helped him to escape from death in more than one occasion.
And it's that young spirit, his innocence and optimism what guides him, what gives him the strength to stand up and keep going.
Title: Polly Parrot
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Parrot, Polly Parrot.
That's my name... or at least that's how I'm called around here though I realize King Polly would be a rather appropriate title for a bird of my kind but CROAW! who can blame those poor square-heads humans? They obviously couldn't see the royalty even if it hit them right on the beak! Or whatever that thing on their face is! CROAW!
Ah, looks like you're totally amused by my athletic and feathery handsome figure so, I'll do an exception and allow you an audience with my royal presence at my kingdom... usually called "pet shop" where my human subjects will treat you as my royal guest.
Who knows! Maybe I could command them to give you a royal cage CROAW! I mean room of your own!
-Polly Parrot-
Title: Sarah & Christopher valentines
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Sarah chuckles "Of course you did, don't be so humble ;)" she picks a slice of cheese and continues "You know, sometimes you have to let you free and simply do what your heart says, without restrictions just... just let it go. So tell me what do you want to do now? I mean right now on this right moment"
Christopher's blush doesn't seem to show any signs of abating, though he does smile at her... lovely eyes, glossy fur, just a beautiful mouse. He seems hesitant at that question. Does she really mean that? He can think of one thing that he wants to do, but has always been too shy about. His thoughts bounce around in his head... Finally, he gives her paw a squeeze, leans forward, and kisses Sarah on her muzzle lips. Not a deep kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. He pulls back, blushing profusely.
Sarah's eyes close when Chris's lips touch her's, and her ears turning red crimson, she certainly didn't expect that! She remains there looking at him eyes widen, her heart almost jumping out of her chest and a strange feeling in her stomach, a warm feeling she has never felt before, so she has no idea of how to react, or what to say. Yet, a beautiful smile comes out from her muzzle. "Chris... I- I mean you I-I... whoa that was... sudden" it's all what she manages to say.
(Excerpt of an RP log from NIMHmuck)
Wish you all happy Valentines with that someone especial that can makes you feel that warm and tickling feeling with just a kiss. ^.^
Title: Tenken & Speed
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Speed confussed is he thinking ~is he thinking she is a rat? maybe he is just crazy? no he does not seem crazy but can i trust him? maybe I should lower my hood. no he will laugh at me and be cruel but he seems nice if not a bit odd. ok I think I can trust him~ she reaches up and takes off her hood and asks him "do you think I am pretty?" she awaits his response expecting a no.
Tenken headtilts. Why she'd ask him that... was kind of strange. She was really pretty actually, such a beautiful mouse. He smiles at her and his ears redden a bit more. "Y-yes you are. I m-mean" his voice cuts a bit, he doesn't know why but he starts to get kind of nervous while facing her, they're so close of eachother that they almost touch their noses. "I-I mean I... well y-yes you are... You are pretty S-Speed I mean... um" he simply doesn't know what to say and just stays there, watching at her eyes, such beautiful eyes that he practically didn't notice the scar on her. He's just paralyzed looking at her.
Speed looks at him surprised and shocked she can not believe it. she says the only response she can think of "thank you" she touches her nose to his for a moment and continues "few have ever said that to me only the kindest of people. what about my scar?" she is starting to notice him she is still very much in a shell trying to keep herself from becoming attached but he has cracked the shell and she says "can you hold me?"
Tenken's ears turns red like a tomato and his tail curls around his footpaws when Speed touches his nose with hers "I-I... a... err... I... I mean, you I... hehe..." He can't say a thing XD Then the spider comes down from his head and clings on his whisker bouncing on it! "AAAAW HEY stop that!" he squeaks, but at least that made him come down to Earth again =P He sat rubbing his muzzle and glancing at Itchy. "Err... wha? what, ah that scar... Well that's bad but you're pretty anyway Speed I... well I have some scars too see?" he unwraps a bit one of the bandages that covers one of his forearms. "I got this burns long time ago and... well um..." he grabs one of the berries he had and offered to her "Wanna berry?" ^.^
(Excerpt from a NIMHmuck rp log)
Title: Sarah Halloween!
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Happy Halloween Thorn Valley! ^.^b
Title: Sarah's birthday
Submitter: Tenken
Description: What can I say?
When it comes to chocolate, Ten simply can't help himself =P
"Sorry, sis" ^.^;
Title: Zenith
Submitter: Tenken
Description: A little pic of a NIMHmuck character, Zenith the bat.
Adding also a couple of sketches I did when I was designing the character.
Hope you like it, Shelia ^.^b
Title: Sarah & Chris Dance with me
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Sarah's ears perk at the song, closing her eyes for a brief moment as the lullaby tenderly strokes her ears. Was a beautiful song, interpreted by the rats on a small stage settled in the lounge. The sound of the rainfall dripping on the leaves outside, the sound of the soothing lullaby inside the warm lounge of the colony and the mouse she loves just there taking her paw. What more she could ask for? She takes Christopher's wet cloak and puts it over a chair, then she kisses him slightly in the cheek and smiles. "Say... would you like to take this little lady mouse to dance, mister?"
Christopher smiles over to her, swallowing a little nervously as he looks around at all the rats. Still, it seems the kiss wins him over. "I--I'm not the greatest dancer, but... I would love to, my dear," he replies, blushing as he wraps another paw around her waist. He begins to dance slowly, all the while praying that he doesn't end up stepping on her toes.
Sarah places her paw gently on his shoulder and follows Christopher's lead. The musicians are playing a soothing waltz, as the rat couples dance along the sounds of the violins, consorted by the gentle sound of the raindrops on the leaves outside. Feeling his paws stroking her, feeling his fur between her fingers, Sarah mid-closes her eyes, was a perfect moment she'd wish to last forever. "Could you imagine this, Christopher? I mean, just a couple of months ago, would you ever imagine that we would be dancing a waltz in the middle of dozens of rats? Feels like... like a lucid dream, you and me without any concern but not to step on each other's toes." she says almost in a whisper to Christopher's ear.
Christopher despite his nervousness, he seems to settle into a rhythm, the slow waltz and the lovely mouse in his paws calming him. He chuckles quietly. "Not in a thousand years," he admits "Well, except for the stepping on toes part. I worry about that every time I do this," he replies quietly, glancing down at his feet. "It's... wonderful," he says after a moment, looking into her eyes.
(Excerpt from a NIMHmuck RP log)
Merry Christmas, Thorn Valley ^.^b
Title: Sarah new design
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Jus' a new look I thought for Sarah, keeping the basic colors and trying a different design.
Title: Sarah & Chris crossover
Submitter: Tenken
Description: A little rendition to my favorite online strip.
Guess what it is? ;)
Title: Sleep deficit
Submitter: Tenken
Description: YAY my first comic ^.^
Special thanks to Megan and Matthias for the idea ;)
Title: Sarah & Chris in the sewers
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Sarah giggles at the nuzzle and nuzzles back his cheek fur, letting her head rest on his arm. But then suddenly, the reality of their situation hits her. Her fur is still all wet and she starts to shiver because of the cold... she might get hypothermia soon. "D-do you remember w-when we met for t-the first time? I w-was so s-s-scared and... everything w-was so strange..." she says, curling a bit.
Christopher frowns, noticing Sarah's shivering. He wraps an arm around her to try to share his warmth. He wishes he had a blanket or something, but his backpack was washed away with the flood. He nods... "Yeah... I thought I'd swallow my tongue or something," he says, rubbing her arm with his other paw. He kisses the side of her muzzle; if it made her blush before, perhaps it'd help warm her up now. ;)
Sarah indeed blushes ;) "I-I remember t-that I w-was behind my m-mom, g-grabing on her d-dress... looking at all t-those mice I-I never seen b-before... I-I was so y-young and they w-where so scary t-to me but... among them t-there was a v-very kind m-mouse who w-waved at m-me... showing me a s-smile that... I still r-remember as one of t-the most beautiful things I've ever s-seen." she says, snuggling him a bit more.
Christopher smiles a little at the memory; it would've been... a long time ago. He blushes as well, remembering the timid mouse he waved to. He rests his head against hers, helping her snuggle closer. He winces a little as the move disturbs his rib a little, but it passes soon enough. "Funny... I remembered you as one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, too," he replies.
Sarah does blush like a tomato =^.^= and seems that's working, she's not shivering so much now. "R-really? I mean you're not s-saying that just because we're t-trapped up here with n-no one else listening ain't y-you?" she says smiling. She nuzzles him and closes her eyes. "And since t-then... you have always b-been with me. S-supporting me and I... I never..." she opens her eyes and looks at him to the eyes. "I never said... I never knew..." From a hole in the ceiling of the sewer, the full moon throws a sheaf of light over the snuggling mice, washing them with a peaceful shine.
Christopher grins, nosing her slightly. "No, I mean it. Well, once I got past the cooties, anyway," he teases, though he quiets quickly when she continues, looking into her eyes as well, their noses almost touching. He doesn't really notice the light, so much as the way it shines on her beautiful (if damp) coat of cream fur.
"...I never said... how m-much I..." Sarah stays there looking at him, the moonlight shinning in her bluish eyes. She has something to say, she knows what it is but the words simply don't come out so... so she lets her free nature to take the control. There is so much she wants to say, so many things but, there's also something she can do now to tell all what she has on her mind, all what she's feeling deep into her heart. So, she does. She gets a bit closer to him, barely touching his nose with her's, she bends a bit her muzzle and folds her ears, her heart beating like about to jump out of her chest, closing her eyes...
Christopher feels his heart begin to beat a little faster as she speaks, hanging on her every word. He smiles faintly as she trails off, leaning closer to her as she leans closer to him... closes his eyes... and kisses her. Gently, on her lips, and only for a moment, though he remains close, muzzles nearly touching as he lets his kiss speak for him. He brings his paw up to stroke her cheekfur, waiting to see her reaction, his own heartbeat quickened.
The time seemed to stop. For a moment, for that brief moment that could be just a second Sarah felt like if anything else matters, but that mouse kissing her in the lips. The epidemic, the rats the sewers... nothing matters if she has that mouse with her, at her side. That kiss, that stroke, all what she wanted to say to him for so much time finally released in one second of heaven. She opens her eyes, looking at the mouse she just kissed, and now she sees him different. Yes there was something different on the way she glances him, he wasn't a friend anymore, she knows without anyone telling her, that what she feels now is far beyond friendship and yet, learning on the way her mind has discovered something that her heart knew already since long ago. "Chris... Think the cockroaches would go better with a slice of cheese than the mud salad..." she says about to chuckle XD
(Excerpt from a NIMHmuck RP log)
Title: Meeting of cultures
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Inspired on a NIMHmuck rp, where the 'official' meeting between Patricia in her role of ambassador from the NIMHmice colony and Justin, the leader of the NIMHrats, finally took place at Thorn Valley.
Of course Patricia being the ambassador is not a coincidence, but that's another story ;)
Title: Aizen the bat
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Here he is, a picture of my new character in NIMHmuck: Aizen the bat.
He was very fun to draw about specially 'cause of his species, as he's part of a colony of Virginia long-eared bats (no wonder they're called like that ;)
But there's something different on this one. Since the day he was born, he grew a very unusual light brown-reddish fur, unlike most of his colony mates who have dark brown fur, and because of that he was always nicknamed as "the flying berry" (fact that he's not very happy with =P),
Aizen, over most things of his excentric personality, is very proud. Despite his short age (teenage-young adult) he has an air of being always right no matter what... or at least that's what he thinks =P He's convinced that someday he'll do something magnificent and heroic, something that will make him famous through the history, and will become the greatest leader of the bats... And in the meantime he's planning what'll be the first thing he'd do when he becomes the great leader bat. XD
He has a certain attraction for metallic objects by the way, more specifically for the sound they produce.
Title: Abat the squirl
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Zen, the poor mouse, didn't realize what was going on but he felt he might have just messed up entering the area. "You would drop me on my head, I... I don't even know what I did. I... was just passing through!" As he looks around, he spot the mouse, he was angered at the bats. When he saw him he had a thought, "OH NO! Your not going to drop this... this young one on his head are you!?! If thats the case, I would rather be droped on my head, I've been before and survi... survi..." He glance started to drift off, looking for the shiney object he was looking for, and found it was gone. Zen whined and kicked at the dirt, "Darn, I lost it. Oh, oh yea. Why would you drop someone on their head for?." He started to look around at the bats and noticed a farily redish one. "Did you know that you look like, you look like a bat? Thats kind of odd for a squirle to look like a bat."
Aizen nearly falls over when he's taken by a squirrel, turning at Zen with a glare "Maybe because I AM A BAT!" he growls.
Zen's head cocks, "Abat? Abat the squirrel. I like that name!" He chuckles, "You are the oddest squirrel I've ever seen, but it's nice to meet you Abat." Zen smiles inocently, not catching on to the fact that Aizen is /A/ bat and not Abat the squirrel. "Are all squirrels this mean? I know that bats and squirrels don't normaly hang out together, but still."
(Excerpt from a NIMHmuck rp)
After Zen's pose I remember been distractely sketching what would Aizen look like if he were a squirrel, and later on decided to ink and color it. So here he is, Abat the squirrel. I don't think Aizen's taking it kindly though :P
Title: Zen Fetcher
Submitter: Tenken
Description: My version of Zen Fetcher, the fuzziest fuzzy mice around ;P
Hope you like it, Jenn m^.^m
Title: The Brisby's
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Thought this gallery needed some more Brisby content :P
Title: DarkWing Bat
Submitter: Tenken
Description: A little rendition to one of my favorite characters of my childhood.
No wonder Aizen and him have pretty much the same "humble" personality ;P
Title: Northern lights
Submitter: Tenken
Description: This one started as a couple of aimless sketches, and later on decided to ink one of those.
So here they are, the batty gang as I like to call them, from left to right Jessie, Aizen, Aries and Zenith, amazed of a very unusual event happening in the sky that night.
Full view please! For some reason it looks weird in the thumbnail
Title: Aizen design
Submitter: Tenken
Description: Well a little update on Aizen, he's so much fun to draw to me ^^
Title: Aizen battysitter
Submitter: Tenken
Description: I was kinda bored at school so I doodled this, and I thought it looked funny so got it inked. Yay my second comic!
Aizen ain't a good battysitter it seems ;P
Title: Squeaking in the rain
Submitter: Tenken
Description: WOOHOOOO!! My first Bg :D
Was very fun to draw, had to do some research first of course and finally I decided to try some fast painting... which actually wasn't so fast cause I kept adding more details but bleh :P
So I painted this rain forest background where Aizen (in a story I got in mind) lives with his colony comrades, directly on PS with a tablet. ^.^b
Title: Falling in love
Submitter: Tenken
Description: EEEEEEEE so my second BG attempt :D I tried a lot of different techniques on it, lots of brushes and a salad of layers. And since I'll be using a lot of nocturnal BGs for a little project of mine I might aswell get the hang of em :P
Title: Kali reference
Submitter: Tenken
Description: This is one of the main characters from a graphic novel I'm working on, Queen Kali Ankaiseth.
I had to look for some birds of prey anatomy references first since I never tried a bird before cept for that Polly pic :P And I liked it, they're so much fun to draw although inking those feathers wasn't x.x
There's alot about Kali's personality that I'm still developing, but you can see already she's not an easy-going chick ;P The Queen of the Raptors Empire doesn't take things kindly, a swift slash of her sharp talons is usually her way to deal with both enemies as with her own subordinates, fact that makes the young Queen not quite popular even inside the Empire. However, her mere presence is strong enough to suffocate any revolutionary thought, for now.
Title: Patricia reference
Submitter: Tenken
Description: So just a kind of a reference sheet for Patricia. Changed her design a little bit.
Title: Aizen reference 2012
Submitter: Tenken
Summary: Updated reference of my batty character.
Description: Updated reference of my batty character.
Title: Patricia ref 2012
Submitter: Tenken
Summary: Updated Patricia's reference sheet.
Description: Updated Patricia's reference sheet.