Title: Welcome to my world...
Submitter: procyon
Description: Upon realising I havent done a Spiro picture in a while I thought Id try something different with the one-eyed, scarf-wearing mouse of the dead moon. Im not sure if its a total success
What do you guys think? Do you think its worth more experimentation?
Title: Camaraderie
Submitter: procyon
Description: "After all, we are one big happy family."
"Get your claws away from me!"
Title: The Leader of the Rats
Submitter: procyon
Description: Justin as in 'Secret of the Stone'. Maybe he should look a little more serious here considering his new post.
Title: The Captain of the Guard
Submitter: procyon
Description: The formidable Bracken, the new Captain of the Guard in 'The Secret of the Stone'. "For the Valley!"
Title: The Secret of the Stone (cover)
Submitter: procyon
Description: This is cover art for my fan fan-fiction, presented here without titling. By cover art I mean the picture that will greet you when you go to the contents page, so its not really cover art, but dont burst my bubble
Title: Spiro ('nuff said)
Submitter: procyon
Description: Spiros photos of his holiday in Transylvania. Hes visiting a close friend, Vlad. Only joking... I coloured in Spiros initial design for reference purposes. This is it. Ta daa!
Title: Mouse of the Dead Moon
Submitter: procyon
Description: My second try at colouring. This is fun!
Title: Old Designs
Submitter: procyon
Description: Found these and thought they might be fun to post. It's Spiro and... a friend that I did -way- back. Must be four, five years at least. He's come along since then.
Title: Are you afraid of the dark?
Submitter: procyon
Description: ... he isn't. Maybe this is another picture that only really works when coloured. Still... any chance to draw a maniac.
Title: The Bris Kids
Submitter: procyon
Description: This started out as a sketch of an older Martin (as he would be in my fanfic) though the others Brisby children wanted in on the picture so it quickly became a group shot.
Title: The Little Furry Nightmare on Legs
Submitter: procyon
Description: Idle hands make for weird sketches, especially when those sketches are of Spiro. Maybe this one goes a little too far
Title: Designs for The Seer
Submitter: procyon
Description: Some designs for the Toad Seer, a new character in my fanfic. She is so much fun to draw!
Title: Group Shot (from fanfic)
Submitter: admin
Description: The group photo of a bunch of new characters that are going to get involved in the story. Who, how, and why will have to wait. --Procyon
Title: Rats Group Shot (from fanfic)
Submitter: admin
Description: More new characters from the fanfiction. These are members of the Rats of NIMH. From left to right we have Duncan, Arthur, Anthony, Chester, Jocelyn, and Bracken.
Title: Timothy & the Seer
Submitter: admin
Description: Timothy and the Seer. The Great Owl isn't the only powerful being in the woods. Here the Seer gives Timothy a little test. -- Procyon
Title: The Chase
Submitter: admin
Description: Something with the old (Mrs. Brisby) and new characters (Spiro) interacting, though not in a terribly friendly fashion.
Title: Timothy and the Stone
Submitter: procyon
Description: As Timothy takes the amulet in his hands it begins to glow...
Title: Mrs. Brisby
Submitter: procyon
Description: This is how I want Mrs. Brisby to look in my fan-fiction. Hasn't changed much really.
Title: One big happy family...
Submitter: procyon
Description: Jenner and Jonathan? In one picture? It must mean a flashback!
Title: Spiro Sketch (fanfic)
Submitter: admin
Description: He's a bad guy in my story (wouldn't have guessed it would you?). This is me just trying to get how he looks straight in my head. --Procyon
Title: Therapy?
Submitter: procyon