Title: Rat By Mum
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This is a pic my mum drew for me over vacation. Reminds me of my first rat. Isn't she cute? ^.^
Description: This is a pic my mum drew for me over vacation. Reminds me of my first rat. Isn't she cute? ^.^
Title: Realistic Valkan
Submitter: Darla
Summary: I dunno what triggered this. XD
Description: I dunno what triggered this. XD
Title: 'Uum...'
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Heh, poor Pluggy. Got a little Darla-morph latched onto his tail. ;)
Need to fix Plugg's legs to make him look more anthro; I'll fix that in the next pic.
Description: Heh, poor Pluggy. Got a little Darla-morph latched onto his tail. ;)
Need to fix Plugg's legs to make him look more anthro; I'll fix that in the next pic.
Title: Heel, puppy..
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Heh, old Hellsing character, Liz. In her monster form, anyway.
She's part werewolf, part vampire. Here her master, Alucard, is taking her for a little walk.
Description: Heh, old Hellsing character, Liz. In her monster form, anyway.
She's part werewolf, part vampire. Here her master, Alucard, is taking her for a little walk.
Title: Alucard... and a towel. <3
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Yeah.... weird title. XDMUST finish this some time; it's too good not to. *Drools* Damn Alucard looks hot. Anyway, yeah... *Laughs at little Lizzy in ze background*
Description: Yeah.... weird title. XD
MUST finish this some time; it's too good not to. *Drools* Damn Alucard looks hot. Anyway, yeah... *Laughs at little Lizzy in ze background*
Title: ValkanLizHuman
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Weird pic, I know, but I was practicing stuff. Humans, pencil art, shading and blending. Took about an hour. So anyway, this is Valkan as a human and me. Yep, that's about close to what I really look like, hence the not-so-perfect figure. More realistic t
Description: Weird pic, I know, but I was practicing stuff. Humans, pencil art, shading and blending. Took about an hour. So anyway, this is Valkan as a human and me. Yep, that's about close to what I really look like, hence the not-so-perfect figure. More realistic that way. ;)
Title: ChernobogNudeStudy
Submitter: Darla
Summary: The color job needs work...
Anyway, this is a new character of mine, Chernobog. :)
Description: The color job needs work...
Anyway, this is a new character of mine, Chernobog. :)
Title: Long-legged Beasties
Submitter: Darla
Summary: From left to right: Varentain, Chaos, Azoo and (center) Chernobog. They're all pissy. XP
Damn, Chern looks weird as a NIMH rat... o.o;;
Description: From left to right: Varentain, Chaos, Azoo and (center) Chernobog. They're all pissy. XP
Damn, Chern looks weird as a NIMH rat... o.o;;
Title: Changes
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just doing some changes to my NIMH RPG. Darla's displeased that I'm plotting against her. Again. XD
Description: Just doing some changes to my NIMH RPG. Darla's displeased that I'm plotting against her. Again. XD
Title: Chern&FumikoKiss
Submitter: Darla
Summary: An old pic done when Lunar Moon was still going strong...
Description: An old pic done when Lunar Moon was still going strong...
Title: One rats fun...
Submitter: Darla
Summary: ".. Is another's hell."
Just a random sketch that I decided to ink. :)
Description: ".. Is another's hell."
Just a random sketch that I decided to ink. :)
Title: They say the way to a man's heart....
Submitter: Darla
Summary: .. Is through his stomach."
Part of a concept; I hope Marcus doesn't mind me drawing Rapta in that style. Heh. ^.^;;
Description: .. Is through his stomach."
Part of a concept; I hope Marcus doesn't mind me drawing Rapta in that style. Heh. ^.^;;
Title: Varen Redesign
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This still needs coloring... Which I never have time for. XP
Description: This still needs coloring... Which I never have time for. XP
Title: Enough NIMH
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Did this when I was still fruastrated and pissy. Heh. ^.^;;
Description: Did this when I was still fruastrated and pissy. Heh. ^.^;;
Title: Concept; Chaotic Confessions
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This is a concept which will probably never, NEVER happen. Which is very frustrating for me, 'cause I really wanted it to happen.
Basically, this is where Chaos/Kaze confesses that not only does he have a secret love that Chern is at war with, but that
Description: This is a concept which will probably never, NEVER happen. Which is very frustrating for me, 'cause I really wanted it to happen.
Basically, this is where Chaos/Kaze confesses that not only does he have a secret love that Chern is at war with, but that secret love is a guy... And THAT is why this will never happen. -.-
Oh, and the girl is Chaos's adopted sister, Kivani.
Title: Kaze
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This needs to be colored...
Anyway... Kaze/Chaos, full body this time.
Description: This needs to be colored...
Anyway... Kaze/Chaos, full body this time.
Title: MikHalloweenRequestLineArt
Submitter: Darla
Summary: FINALLY got this inked. Now to get it colored...
Description: FINALLY got this inked. Now to get it colored...
Title: Zack&Kadaj
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Decided to give Kaze/Chaos a thid name: Kadaj. As to what's happening... you'll see. Maybe.
Description: Decided to give Kaze/Chaos a thid name: Kadaj. As to what's happening... you'll see. Maybe.
Title: Zack and Zackareth
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Zack and his evil clone, Zackareth. Still under concept. :)
Description: Zack and his evil clone, Zackareth. Still under concept. :)
Title: bookpage
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just uploading this here 'cause Photobucket's being a pain.
Description: Just uploading this here 'cause Photobucket's being a pain.