Title: The Eye
Submitter: Darla
Summary: A new design for a "signature" type thing.
Description: A new design for a "signature" type thing.
Title: GabeMandyColored
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Yes, I know, they look a lot like Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. They're meant to.
This is Gabriel Rawchester and Amanda (Mandy) Bunton.
Description: Yes, I know, they look a lot like Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. They're meant to.
This is Gabriel Rawchester and Amanda (Mandy) Bunton.
Title: FerishaTrade
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Aha! Got this done faster than I thought. So fast, infact, I haven't even got a permanant look OR name for my character, the tall Valerian. XD
My character is becoming more and more like Edward Cullen; 'spose that's what I get for designing a character
Description: Aha! Got this done faster than I thought. So fast, infact, I haven't even got a permanant look OR name for my character, the tall Valerian. XD
My character is becoming more and more like Edward Cullen; 'spose that's what I get for designing a character while reading Twilight. That is such an awesome book! I really hope the movie doesn't butcher it. Anyway, I'll be giving the little Edward-clone a name and new hairstyle, hopefully soon.
This is my part of a trade with Ferisha, featuring her character Sara, having been charmed by the valerian's vampireic charms. And he doesn't look amused. XD
Title: Azzy Temp Sheet
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Character Sheet for DS Forum.
Description: Character Sheet for DS Forum.
Title: 'In Between' -Updated!!-
Submitter: Darla
Description: Finally got a background added! Yay!
Let me apologize to begin with,
Let me apologize for what I’m about to say,
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed,
But somehow I got caught up in between.
Let me apologize to begin with,
Let me apologize for what I’m about to say,
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed,
But somehow I got caught up in between.
Between my pride and my promise,
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way,
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come,
The only thing that’s worse than one is none.
Let me apologize to begin with,
Let me apologize for what I’m about to say,
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed,
But somehow I got caught up in between.
Between my pride and my promise,
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way,
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come,
The only thing that’s worse than one is none,
The only thing that’s worse than one is none.
And I cannot explain to you,
In anything I say or do or plan,
Fear is not afraid of you,
But guilt’s a language you can understand,
I cannot explain to you in anything I say or do,
But hope the actions speak the words they can.
For my pride and my promise,
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way,
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come,
The only thing that’s worse than one is none.
For my pride and my promise,
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way,
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come.
The only thing that’s worse than one is none.
Title: In Between Color
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Zack and Atzerodt; the two are a couple, though they are both males.
In the 'Rebelion' world, the lesser dominant male of same-sex couples wears a kimono rather than normal clothing, hence Atzerodt's outfit.The story behind this is simply Zack trying to
Description: Zack and Atzerodt; the two are a couple, though they are both males.
In the 'Rebelion' world, the lesser dominant male of same-sex couples wears a kimono rather than normal clothing, hence Atzerodt's outfit.The story behind this is simply Zack trying to regain Azzy's trust after hurting him many times, both emotionally and psysically (my spelling sucks, yes?).
Because Azzy was an outcast and Zack is a prince, Zack's father split the two apart. However, Azzy's been accepted back into the village, and Zack is trying to patch things up again. Atzerodt isn't a very forgiving creature, however...
Needs background; let me know if you want this removed, Simon. :)
Title: Valkan - Snarling Coloring
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Redesigned Val a little.
This is probably the closest I'll get to NIMH art anymore, as I have completely lost interest in NIMH. I'll probably post my new art on my website from now on, as I've yet to talk to Simon.
Website: www.alltherage.web.com
Description: Redesigned Val a little.
This is probably the closest I'll get to NIMH art anymore, as I have completely lost interest in NIMH. I'll probably post my new art on my website from now on, as I've yet to talk to Simon.
Website: www.alltherage.web.com
Title: Dragon Concept 1
Submitter: Darla
Summary: First part of a dragon comcept for a new RPG on Gaia; I love how it turned out.
Description: First part of a dragon comcept for a new RPG on Gaia; I love how it turned out.