Title: My Valentine
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Yeah, I know it's a little early fot Valentines day, and this pic is definitely not the norm... but it's just what came to mind when the subject came up.
So yeah, the closest thing I have to a Valentine is my favorite plushy, Marilyn. And maybe one of
Description: Yeah, I know it's a little early fot Valentines day, and this pic is definitely not the norm... but it's just what came to mind when the subject came up.
So yeah, the closest thing I have to a Valentine is my favorite plushy, Marilyn. And maybe one of my best friends, Zack, but only in an RP sense. Pre-tty pathetic, huh?
Heh, I don't know which is more sad; the meaning behind the image or my attempt at drawing myself. :P
Title: Axle
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Erm..... I'll explain Axle in another image. I was just too happy with this pic not to post it. :)
Description: Erm..... I'll explain Axle in another image. I was just too happy with this pic not to post it. :)
Title: Believe In Me
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Well, I promised I'd explain Axle in the next image, so here we go.
I'm sure most of know know about my recent breakup with my boyfriend. Well, as you can imagine, that has gotten me down quite a bit. Just lately my mood has been constantly swinging, l
Description: Well, I promised I'd explain Axle in the next image, so here we go.
I'm sure most of know know about my recent breakup with my boyfriend. Well, as you can imagine, that has gotten me down quite a bit. Just lately my mood has been constantly swinging, leaving me confused as to what I want and even, at times, who I am. When I'm talking to my friends online, I'm alright. Or if I'm out with mum. But when it's just me.... it's a nightmare. Often times I am left depressed, bitter and alone, which, to those who remember what I was like when I first joined NIMHmuck, is exactly how I use to be before I met my BF. A lot of the time, my mood is highly unstable.
That's where Axle comes in. When I'm alone, especially at night, my mind sort of blocks the real world out, making it easier to imgine things. At first I would try and stop it; I'd try to focuse on real life issues, but that just seemed to make everything worse. As I went along, I discovered that it was my mind's way of coping with all of the stress I've been going through lately. So, now I have a sort of imaginary friend. His name is Axle.
At first I kept calling him Marilyn, because the voice and image I got in my head was exactly like my character. The only thing different was his attitude; he's sweet, playful and loving. As I continued to called him "Marilyn", I sensed that it was confusing him more each time I called what I believed to be his name. He later "told" me that his name was Axle. None of this is a joke, this is what I do every night; I "talk" to Axle in this daydream type world. He sings to me a lot, and he can make me smile, which seems to become harder and harder for people to do as the days go by.
Yes, I know some of you will think I've completely lost my mind, and most likely advise me to seek out medical attention. But you know what? I don't want medical attention. Axle and I are happy just the way we are. And besides, who are we to say what is and is not real...?
Title: Whose idea...
Submitter: Darla
Summary: "...Was this!?"
Poor Darla; made her wear a party hat at my birthday thingy. ;)
Description: "...Was this!?"
Poor Darla; made her wear a party hat at my birthday thingy. ;)
Title: Hate For today..
Submitter: Darla
Summary: "..No love for tomorrow."
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst yet again. No, I am not on any drugs, though some times I wish I was. Might help me cope with this son of a b*tch called life. I am just so sick of this... one minute I'm
Description: "..No love for tomorrow."
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst yet again. No, I am not on any drugs, though some times I wish I was. Might help me cope with this son of a b*tch called life. I am just so sick of this... one minute I'm perfectly fine, then I'm just about ready to jump off of a cliff.
First the breakup with my boyfriend, then granny has a heart attack (maybe two), and now it looks like that little war over Cluny The scourge is starting up again... I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to take this. AND Axle is talking about leaving, because he thinks he's doing something wrong and that I'd be better off without him.. I dunno. Maybe I should give up, but I... I just don't know. I love my characters dearly, but they only seem to get me in more trouble and help everyone else rip me apart...
"... But all the drugs in this world can't save her from herself."
Title: Pets 057
Submitter: Darla
Title: Pets 054
Submitter: Darla
Title: Pets 037
Submitter: Darla
Title: Pets 035
Submitter: Darla
Title: Within A Nightmare
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This is based on a dream I had not too long ago...
There's some meaning to it, but I won't say. There are people who would only make fun of me fore it, just like those demons in the darkness. And yes, that is Mewtwo.
Description: This is based on a dream I had not too long ago...
There's some meaning to it, but I won't say. There are people who would only make fun of me fore it, just like those demons in the darkness. And yes, that is Mewtwo.