Title: NIMH Scratch Board
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: One of my favorite pieces.
Description: I made this in my 8th Grade art class near the end of the school year in 2008. Even though my artistic abilities have improved greatly since then, I still consider this to be one of my favorite submissions. (Updated Jan 2, 2017)
Title: Rick
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: To LordDirk
Description: Done as a gift for my friend LordDirk of his original character, Richard. I should remake this since my art skills have improved a lot since then! (Updated January 5, 2017)
Title: Thanks Marcus!
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: An old thank you picture for MAL.
Description: Marcus Alexander Lindemann's mouse character, Vincent. I drew this for him as a thank you gift after he finished a drawing I requested from him. The picture he made for him in question is here: http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/v/marcus/Max.jpg.html
Since my art skills have improved, I should draw up a better one for you, Marcus! (Updated Jan 2, 2017)
Title: Nimhster
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: My third character and now main character.
Description: This is my third fan character and his first (outdated) design. He is currently my main character and has been renamed to 'Adam' rather than the name associated with my online username. (Updated January 5, 2017)
Title: Finally Escaped
Submitter: Nimhster
Title: Someday I will Escape (color)
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: Same pic as previous but with added color.
Description: Same picture as the original upload, but with added color. (Updated January 5, 2017)
Title: Someday I will escape
Submitter: Nimhster
Summary: This was my first Secret of NIMH fan art submission.
Description: This was my first Secret of NIMH fan art submission that I had made shortly after discovering the film and joining Thorn Valley on April 10, 2006. Max, the name of the mouse featured in this picture, was created for a fan fiction that I never finished and probably never will. (Updated January 5, 2017)