Title: Jacob the Flying Mouse
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: Full view please.
Description: **** Full View Please. It looks better that way. ****
A present for Jacob. I've been meaning to draw his character for a while now, but had little confidence, yeh. :P
"Stealing balloons from humans is difficult but believe me it's worth it!"
Edit: Reuploaded with slightly altered brightness.
Edit 2: Reuploaded with original brightness, cause waking up this morning I realized I hated the modified version.
Title: Back 2 Da Rootz
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: Back 2 Da Rootz
Description: I went nuts with a mechanical pencil between classes. What more can I say? ;)
*And yes, LokiCatt is another alias of mine. I made it up to capture my fun side. :P
Title: Three years...
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: ...and I still can't draw the body for this picture.
Description: I tweaked and recolored this picture as a marker for the third year I've been doing art here. Wanted to see if my coloring/drawing skills have improved much. They have, but I still can't seem to get the body right. Maybe it was never meant to have one. *shrug*
This was my first conception of Tzolkin as a character, using the original line-art from the time, with new coloring. Compare with 'A Simple Portrait', which is the same lineart, poorly colored and blurred/resized to compensate.
Title: Greetings from Earth's End.
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: It's Hazel.
Description: This is Hazel, a personal character of mine I've been hiding from everyone. All parts of this image was done by tablet in a combination of Photoshop Elements, The GIMP, and PhotoExplosion. As always, full view is recommended due to the detail involved. Please let me know what you think. n.n
Title: Sarah's Magic Medicine
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: A Portait of Tenken's character Sarah.
Description: A request from Tenken. He asked for a portrait of Sarah with the fur textures I used in my last image... but I decided to go all out and make a nice little scene for it too. ;)
Gosh this took a while.. but it looks nice so, yay! Hope you like, Tenken.
Please view the full version as there's a lot of detail that can't be seen in standard view. n.n
Title: Tzolkin Portrait
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: Yay, I'm back! :P
Description: Yay, I'm back! :P This is my first NIMH art in a -long- time, and as you can see I'm trying some new techniques out.
Created with The GIMP and Photo Explosion. Not exactly sure how long it took, but I think I need caffiene, now. . .
EDIT: Reuploaded picture due to incorrect displaying on some monitors.
Title: Faithwalk Sketch
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: A fair try.
Description: Another try at traditional media. This is the second of two serious sketches so far in the past couple of days. I wanted to do one of the old NIMHmuck Tzolkin, but my original idea isn't what came out.
All I can say is, hands are murder to draw. I still don't have them the way I want them, but had to stop because I wore a hole in the paper with the eraser. x_x
I might color this sometime. It's tempting to, at least.
Title: FaithWalk
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: Faith can take many forms.
Description: Colored version of the Faithwalk Sketch. Done with colored pencils, graphite, and marker on bristol board, for the curious.
"Faith can take many forms."
Title: Tzol Contemplates his Look
Submitter: Tzolkin
Summary: The title says it all.
Description: Tzol contemplates his look outside a tattoo parlor. Based on the fact I've pondered making some mild changes to myself, and to him on a few occasions.
Well, that and I was doodling to try and experiment with different poses.
Title: Experimentation: Colored
Submitter: Tzolkin
Description: The colored version. I tried a new technique for coloring this time, so the result is a little grungier than my usual stuff. But it was kinda on purpose, so....
Title: Random Sketch #2
Submitter: Tzolkin
Description: Simple 10 minute sketch created on my tablet PC as a test of drawing a similar mouse character using a pressure sensitive tool (since I got paint.net working).
I aimed for nicer eyes and a slightly open mouth this time, and drawing this was actually fun, though I am gonna have to learn how to temporarily disable the touchscreen aspect because the window would minimize when I bumped the taskbar with my wrist.
This was of course, drawn roughly in a short amount of time. I did this on purpose to experiment with pressure control.